THE DAILY NEWS CONFEDERATE VETERANS PLEDGE WILSON LOYALTY Richmond. Va June o Tr eands of Confederate veterans the pening of their twenty-! nion here on Tuesday che the hope expressed by their lead merica may Fur They reiterated their loyalty to t | Union, to the President rs that peace in be disturbed by war in shouted pledges of supr ' in any crisis a to wt guide bowed assent prayers t! the Repu! be i destinies might blessed with pending to deal ternational affairs Frequent references to the POPPE OO* OO pean war were made at the . — For sixty years Dr. Price’s Cream wiation ef teh Gaited Sous Baking Powder has been the standby Confederate Veterans, who che: ed a pledge of support t President in upholding the t «s honor. Tributes were ex- pressed to Jefferson Davis, R } Le Stonewall Jackson a | ther Confederate leaders, a ng) them Gen. E. J. B. Stuart, whos widow appeared on the platf land received a vat The Southern posts wer ‘ ed to Richmond by G = —s = {Stuart and Judge D. G. Ty! wi ‘ spok behalf of Virginia vet-| erans Judge Tyler. a son of a 1d yier “ : ” LOCAL NEWS ITEMS 7 | y President Tyler, mpared th Confederacy to Belgium : t of the rbv ireless CLASSIFIED ADS 8. Eliot, of the Dighy wireless tr or the dream of universs . Ff Var the a “| peace shall be realized,” he said . > t will due to the acceptance . 6 «6 : M wi by the nations of the principles! sexelger reat Proeger ay . er “| for which the Confederate soldie 2 t ed the imday . | — py ee ed, the cause for which Wash- > b "anture . at Fourth Street. Finder please return sout the Vent zt threw off his allegwiance t to Stee 834 Second Ave. 133-35 . oe. M Great Britain and that for which i Calgary City Market handies} ‘ WANTED See or ant Belg is being immo- caret eailpaitiinagpenicia jee = tish Columbia fruits on a 10 a a aveu. WANTED—Ccampetent _surse for twoiper cent mmission basis. ' hildren. Apply Box 112, News tt. | a.‘ a i “SU 5 i SS secant WANTED—Servant girl for housework | yo. G ©. Emmerson has re-|GREAT MILITARY SHOW Apply Box 110, Daily News wu ; 2 7 ws a cable stauiog “st Me. AT WESTHOLME THEATRE FOR SALE . has been slightly ; ! POR SALE 2 & hn; 27 half ™ i The Westholme manage ' 2 alf canor with ; five * ees | a . t we hea £ . wi The ant —" f the City | alii es i0Tf lon : - s ar * sving P bone . , “jrow night a program of excep- B 134-35 | Healtt epartment rar wer ¢ | z alth Depa , a al quality. The magnificent| FOR SALE—White Leghorn Rooster. Ap llie me i Avenu this}, ea sntitled " i ply S827 Summit Ave tf. rt : i) i e-reeél ieature entitied int ne - ag a Hind ies} To siti FOR SALE—Combined restaurant and ; British irmy was shown by rooming house; 14 sleeping rooms. Ap acu. yyal command before their Ma- ly McCaffery, Gibbons & Doyle. wf. > * * ; te ee . i jesties the King and Queer! rhis FOR SALE—Furniture of four rooms com- The Prince Rupert and Prince nt mi a . . plete. Cost $1,000.00 What offers? : aint of 0:00 . s the only film taken by the au- ieorge W arrive < 3K m . T Apply Box 106, Daily News tf. | aes : thority of the Army Council. The . I‘ n Monday, Thursday and Satur-j| . , aii, ali. ie om 1c. id ar ill leg » for e South on 24 : —_ ay, ORE Wl leave fur the atl jrecruit entering the servic 1esday, Thursday and Satur- TALKING MACHINES, VIOLINS “sD aLh| "| fay, Thureday ¢ bringing him out after months of Pe } Musical Instru- | 24Y at 10 a. m. ‘ hard training as one of the finest | s @ ments repaired. f soldiers. It also shows Tommy | Miss *Intos of Seattle, « : Bows rehaired. The | Mi MeIntosh, - part 4) Atkins play hours. The me- Prince Rupert Mu- | “Pec! ist in Scalp Treatment, hanism of the different guns is i esave anicuring. Shampoo- sic Store, 345 ara) Ma sage, Manicuring, Sham ‘ry explicitly shown, from the jing ¢ c ressing is in the . Ave. @,jine ond Bairdre . ; “| quick-firing Maxims to the heavy city ‘or ypointments, ione . eo ee ————— } ity. For appointment ee t guns which fire a shell weighing ead ¥ > i A 94. ¢ (100 pounds. The picture will o-.2. 6 : APERHANGING i lgive the public a splendid idea of KALSOMINING PAINTING F. G. ROBERTS 14 Dyer Apts. P. ©. Box 642 A. E. WRIGHT Provincial and Dominion Land Surveyor Surveying and Engineering P. O. Box 10 Phone 85 Fourth Street FOR RENT Summer Cottages At Terrace Five-Room Cottage, with heater, Majestic range, wa- ter connections, bath, gar- den and ltawn—-$20.00 per month. . Same house furnished $25.00 per month. New i-Room Cottage, cab- inet kitchen, water inside, blinds and sereens furnished —$15.00 per month. l'wo-Room .Houses .fur- nished— $10.00 per month. All have sidewalks. GEO. LITTLE, Terrace. : | | | SKIMMED MILK Sc per quart.) BUTTERMILK tfc per quart, two) quarts for 15 c. Delivered to any} part of the city—Prince Rupert | Dairy—Phone Green 252 tf.} CANNED GOODS. Pp McBride is reported to have been looking for new mar- ts in E pe for goods canned British Columbia He must have a feeling in his bones about what is likely to happen at the ection.—B. C. Federa- ring 2 ing © ist HORSES AT $3.00. ; rees are selling for $1.50 to Hi } per head in Australia, owing to 2 di ight hiere is a@ giorious ance for Ottawa horse experts to realize a handsome profit. NOTICE TO MARINERS. This Affects Notice to Mariners, No. 17, of 1915. Mariners are hereby notified that the lights on the following buoys have been changed from eculling red to oeculting white: Sand Heads ‘Roberts Bank White Rocks Browning En- trance Vancouver Roek Millbank sound Hodson Reef | F. T. SAUNDERS, | Sub Agent the difference between the army n times of peace and the army in time of war. There is also depict- ed some splendid scout work; also the effective work done by the aeroplane. There are 250,000 men and 10,000 cavalrymen tak- ng part in this five-reel picture presenting to the public a com- plete story of mobilization and Mudi- showing service under war cor tions. This picture should pack The Westholme, as it will on shown today and tomorrow. under the direction Knowles, p! y arranged program addition to “The British will be comedy ly be The if ay. a orchestra, Ving ent C will specia In Army very shown a entitled “The Girl at the Lunch Counter.’ picture, laughable We often manuscript that the obituary suspect of the writer does not tally with that of the recording angel. LL SSS IN THE MATTER OF AN APPLICATION for the isene of a fresh Certificate of Title for Lot Siz (6), Block Four (4) and Low Seven (7) end Bight (8), Block Vwelve (12), Section One (1), City of Prince Rupert, Map 023 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that it is my imtention to issue after the expiration of one month from the first publication hereof a Fresh Certificate of Title for the above mentioned lots in the name of Wil iam T. Booth, whieh Certificate of Title is vumbered 6821-1, and was issued on May Oth, 1014 H. F. MACLEOD, District Registrar La “4 '2 B.C. ivilin “2 has the LIGHT NATURAL COLOR TASTE of rRicwr and s superior old-fash- condensed for the table and coot- ne 'T HAS NATURAL FLAVOR The recent Government report gave B. C. Milk most favorable mention ard eRESH CREAM, much to we tored mit THE eer BEST QUALITY DOMESTIC LUMP COAL $9.50 per Ton — Cash on Delivery Back If Not Sa factory UNION TRANSFER CO 333 2nd Ave. Phone 36 wer Money ee ee ” FOR TAX! Phone 99 | Stand - Hote! Rupert POLLO OL EO ER OOLE OL LEL EL OOOLE! — -——— | LAND NOTICES * Skeena Land Distri 4 ar - ‘ ar 4 I : ; a Island TAKE NOTICE that I 4 Thort F t, hot a i i . to wt n r | | . B | a lice to prospect for al and pe-| 1 > 4 A | Ss wes we >. | ‘ Tow er . | ains ' 1 = : ‘ Dated tt : ’ £ we RAN RN 112-14 San ana | Skeena str Jueen ariot Land Graham Island TAKE NOTICE that I, Samuel! } f Vancouver, prospect tend Pr the hief mm é f Lands the Pr [ Brit a for a ense t 5 a I eum Starting at af pla 1 two miles wes f the s we oe ? Township 9; ther 1 ~ ains rth § hains : > r > a mencement ntaining 640 a less Dated the 16th day of March, 1915, at be thwest corner 112-14 SAMUEL HORNE! WATER NOTICE. Use and Storage. TAKE NOTICE that The Port Essington | Water Company, Ltd, whose address is| 547 Granville 8¢., Vaticouver, B. C., will apply for a license to take and use one and | one-half cubic feet per second and to store | 400 acre-feet of water out of Canningham Lake The storage-dam will be located at/| ibe outlet of Cunningham Lake The ca-| pacity of the reservoir to be created is| about 400 acre feet and it will flood 2.23 acres The water will be diverted fr the stream at a point about 5 chains below the said outlet and will be used for Water works purpose upon the land described as part of Lot 45, Range 5, Coast District being the townsite of Port Essington. A copy of this notice and an application pur suamnt thereto and to the “Water Act, 1944,"" will be fled in the office of the Water Recorder at Prince Rupert. Objec tions to the application or te the petition | mentioned below may be filed with the! said Water Recorder or with the Comp troller of Water Rights, Parliament Bulld- | ings, Victoria, B. C., within thirty days after the first appearance of this notice in | & local newspaper The territory within which the company desires to exercise its powers is described as the townsite of | Port Essington. A petition to amend the the Certificate granted to the company in respect of its former right so as tw in elude the right applied for herein will b« heard in the office of the Board of Inves- Ugation at a4 date to be fixed by the ( omp troller. The date of the First Publication of this Notice is March 23, 1045 “PORT ESSINGTON WATER CO., LTD.,” Applicant Salvation Army. —_-—- | Public meetings Muesday Thureday and Saturday at 8 p. m Sundays at 7:30 p.m WE PAY FREE: tl a ALAND TRAPEES PRICES eae ED isis JOHN HALLAM “!"£2. Toronto | id NS | Kegistvy Office, Prince Rupert, B. C., May 4th, 1045, 105-444-417-4023 - Neti [SHOE POLISHE GREAT > 2} 4, eI ti. aay pe : Rete ad id 5 —— a Sunlight Soap Dainty Garments—Fine Linen— These are surely worth your best care and the use of noth- ing but the soap that cannot hurt the finest fabric— Here’s the Sunlight way: First, soap the garment; then roll it up to soak. After a while, rinse well and the dirt practically drops out. No wearisome scrubbing, no hurtful rubbing—the gentle strength of Sunlight does the work almost without effort and en- tirely without injury. f Try one cake-— you'll find it’s kind to the At all grocers hands, too. 15; ) Whether For Yourself orasa Gift to your Friend PERRIN’S. GLOVES The well known Perrin trademark as shown in cuts should be on every glove || you get, as this assures you perfection of || Style, Fit and Finish. | Best dealers the world over sell the genuine PERRIN'S GLOVES. Gtr-19 a ———— Flower Fragrance Pure vegetable oils are the | Natural flowerextra:' Absolute Purity e Baby's Own Soap te which int. base of Baby's Own soap. It promotes skin health and prevents skin troubles, BABY’S OWN SOAP IS WELL WORTH RUNNING FOR. In the interest of your skin, send for some now. Sold every . os ALBERT BOAPS, LIMITED, Mens, MONTREAL : to clinging fragrance makes its use so pics —_———_— eS Don’t merely smother your coud! . nl | Wy T Mathieu's Syrup of Tar and Cod Liver \ CURE i promy arrests coughing, but thanks t “ | strengthening properties it helps the syste?’ oy the cold and thus effeets a permanent cure. It is this quality which it the largest sale of any cough and cold remedy in Canaca 25¢. large boitles, everywhere J. L. MATHIEU CO, Prop, SHERBROOKE, F.C. i leche cure, Wi) WF you entd \e tveriah Maihicu's Nervine Powter U0 © mdortyl pees of ow f wel the fever and Bie Powders,