THE DAILY NEWS | f mr RAUPERT, B,. G., MONDAY, JUNE 44, 1945. a = ————————_aaaEEE inher FIVE CENTS AUSTRIANS ABANDON ATTACK ON LEMBERG Sa rs —— NAVAL ARSENAL AT POLA DESTROYED— MANITOBA ARCHITECT ADMITS GRAFT (REEK snk PEOPLE FAVOR SUPPORTING THE ALLIES ai to The Daily News.) {4 M. Venizoles, (Spec Greek premier being in favor trong support at i \ t e has not been | his sovere =] igang ied i ministry can] ae a? 9 ... that the suggestion m ght be} Mr. Peters . rae has he oon, threw tabuneols from 8] .neduled match, The score was: Albert Rooms ; present, * taken as a military weakness } know that nothin y | wi ndow of the Grand Hotel, fall-|... Westminster, 13; Vancouver 2nd Aven ‘ J. Rh. BEATTY, * An felt thal the newest I falle Tack, th ug 1 Jar able ‘i ic onto rocks sixty feet below. Athletic Association, 10. Twen- dies oy the ns cnesten te cat Sec.-Treas. * =a eome from a neutral ti ie | on - eS e aia ee hen picked up ne eg hae ty minutes of overtime was play- eee eeeeeee ® preferably from the United Stat ing \ ase ane | wseshoe nail sticking In 18} a to play off the tie, Tommy Gif- CENTRALLY LOCATED ee wT lesias Addams regards the qué - him, es it cepare Bh neck and a piece of rope around ford, an old-time favorite player STRICTLY MODERN } - epaatest|more fighting, for a nsiderable | his neck . : aul RENTS REASONABLE ition of Belgium a the grea es oe ea ’ with the Salmonbellies, is train- ; einai an : W E STH H 0 LM E ldificulty to be settled, |' me, at least. Dr. Cade was called and he ing the local team now, in succes- Weeks ’ : ih TD po | PORTUGUESE ELECTIONS. eS. te ae re sion to Alex. Turnbull, UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT § OPERA HOUSE 3\"THE PAWNS OF mans” AT So at ans a Daa = ceanacidhalegialaaaa PRINCE RUPERT'S POPU- | THE WeneTHOLES THEATRE | (Bpeclal to The Daily News) : a — = vel aoe qe LOCAL OFFICERS PASS LAR PLAYHOUSE | ae it ee June 11-—The Geneem ine wr oS ae i Oar ae MILITARY EXAMINATIONS TONIGHT AND TomoRROW 3) | Westholme tonight an 0 Telections beld on Sunday Assure 8 1ataE ee ee eee eent inh er Pioneer Laundry morrow presents 4 eat three-| ciopity for the Democrats ovel lshowed lack of judgment in his W. 8. Marshall, R. I. Van der Special Three Reel Broadway Jreel drama entitled ‘The Pawns | 5), volutionists |! hoiee of a rope, the piece used yl, H. H. D, Hemmel and J, W. Third Avenue East Feature lof Mars rhe act ind sebuing eee | Pe extremely fragile. Nichols, who have been taking a Phone 118 “THE PAWNS OF MARS” lof this picture a f the ver) Lgenenennnnne® im military course at Work Point We Use the Most Modern lwo Reel Comedy | highest class LONDON CAFE JACK JUDGE RO! BARNES Barracks, have all passed their Laundry Machinery Built. ‘Beaury " Unaponnen” **RBeauty ; aad ed oa - at And Grill UNDER “ae tod take and new " quali- Come In Any Tuesday or reels Of laupglil' : fied to take commissions, Wednesday and See How Keels of Laughter — is just as interest as |} Serves Nothing a Oe Coz Barber Sho a ae We Do it Paves eannyes li was last week | Hart Bik. Third Ave. | Y BATHS p Quality, colietpetten and eqen- Absolute Satisfaction ts — ee Use New W BOXES FOR LADIES |g Tune ave, ane fe Penee Guaranteed Prices 10 and 150 Bafety Fire! ort | 22 | Phone 116, 6atf. 2 foe eoe lington Goal, Phone 116 \ wer