THE DAILY NEWS THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Daily and Weekly Guaranteed Largest Circulation HEAD OFFICE Daily News Building, 3rd Ave, Prince Rupert, B.C, Telephone 98. TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cents per inch, Contract rates on application. = DAILY EDITION TRADE REVIEW. That trade in Canada has passed the period of greatest depression and already exhib- its signs of a sound revival in many lines, appears to be the opinion of the majority of rep- resentative business men throughout the Dominion who have contributed their views to a survey of conditions which has just been completed by the Canadian Northern Railway. Less than 10 per cent of those responding confess to a gloomy outlook; more than 90 per cent, num- bering more than two thou- sand, report themselves as op- timistie as far as the immedi- ate future is concerned. Prac- tically all are agreed that trade conditions will rapidly return to normal after the restoration of peace. A large number are convinced that if the harvest of 1915 is up to expectation, do- mestic business will be satis- factory in all the provinces. comprehensive In the survey, all classes of enterprise as defined by the last Dominion Census are re- ported upon. The provinces have furnished the latest formation regarding the 1915 production of the agricultural, mining, fishing and lumbering industries. Country towns and villages as well as the large commercial and industrial cen- tres have been covered, and of- ficials of the Canadian North- ern Railway aré inclined to ac- cept the views reported as frank statements of present trade and its future prospects. The reports indicate that business in the Dominion, as a whole, is from 15 to 20 per cent below the normal of one year ago. Exactly two-thirds of the informants report of vol- ume of trade as good, or better, than it was last autumn, while 12.03 per cent state they can- not compare present business and last autumn business be- cause trade is always brisker with them at one season than during the other. Apparently trade in the Maritime prov- in- aggre Monday, June 14, 1915. So inces is affected least. In the Prairie provinces it is not near- ly as brisk as it was last year, but optimism is reviving under the influence of excellent crop prospects. Business in Quebec is slow, but apparently improv- ing and in Ontario it is gradu- ally returning to normal condi- tion. Broadly considered, the reports show that business in the towns and villages located in well-settled, fertile agricul- tural districts is practically normal. Dealers in all lines re- port that collections in such centres are generally normal, and that activities have not been curtailed to any extent. The chief falling off has been in the large industrial centres. When reductions in staff were made by manufacturers and by business houses last autumn, retailers were forced to curtail credits to customers thrown out of work and in turn whole- salers were obliged to scruti- nize carefully all credits ex- tended to retailers. The peo- ple generally continued to pur- chase necessary lines of food- stuffs and essentials in other branches of trade as well, but dealers discovered that goods not falling within that classi- fication were in danger of be- coming dead-stock upon their shelves; however, as Canadians arrived at a better understand- ing of actual conditions, a cer- tain amount of confidence re- turned, and retail sales were gradually extended to take in the usual lines of goods. The distribution of orders for war materials also exerted a favor- able influence where it brought about a renewal of employment in several of the industries in the large cities, and trade cred- its relaxed to a proportionate extent. Collections, despite the altered conditions, appear to have continued fairly good in the large centres, and seem to be steadily improving. The reports go on to show the strong position in which farmers have been placed, and indicate a keener perception of FRED STORK’S HARDWARE 710 SECOND Builders’ Hardware Ship Chandlery Carpenters’ Tools Wire Cable tron Pipe Stee! Blocks Pipe Fittings Valves Hose Rope Pumps Stoves and Ranges Rubberoid Roofing Corrugated Iron “WE SELL NOTHING BUT THE BEST” AVE Fishing Tackle Rifles and Shotguns Ammunktion Paint —e a ~ HON. POLITICAL ———— SIR RODMOND SPILLED THE BEANS AT A BA BOB ROGERS ROSE WITH REAL ESTATE BOOM AND LEFT ROBLIN TO EXPERIENCE THE DAILY NEWS BOB ROGERS AND HIS FATHER, ROBLIN Dp TIME — HON. THE FALL. —_——.ee | Ottawa.—The wise boys are |take a philosophical view of Man guessing that there must have |itoba politics. His gee rtieietd been warm language between Sir Rodmond Roblin and Hon, Robert Rogers when they met on neutra! ground in Toronto a few days ago. Sir Rodmond has been the Hon orable Bob’s benefactor from the beginning of his political life and naturally the Honorable Bob doesn't see why he couldn't have gone on being a benefactor b) hanging on a little longer in Man- itoba. Once a benefactor, always a benefactor—that is Bob's motto, and he believes that benefactors should live up to it even at some slight disadvantage to themselves. At all events, it was a particularly bad time for Sir Rodmond to spill the beans. Sir Rodmond had been good advice from the Honorable Bob and others for months past, but none of his advisers expect- ed him to do what he did. Their advice to Sir Rodmond was that he should resign and let his col- leagues form a new cabinet with a new premier, and thus avoid handing the government over to the Liberals. Sir Rodmond’s col- leagues thought very well of that plan, and the Honorable Bob, hot foot from Ottawa, pressed it on him from time to time, but Sir Rodmond figured that it would make him the goat and raised ob- jections. Finally, he became real peeved, and said, “Just for that you'll all get off.” He resigned, as it were, in a body, taking his colleagues with him. It was the neatest thing in the way of a double cross himself under since Samson sacrificed to destroy the Philistines. Ever since this signal act of revenge, Sir Rodmond has been able t the importance of the position which Agriculture occupies in the business life of Canada. Prospects of a good yield on a largely increased acreage are bright throughont the Do- minion. The greatest reduction in volume has been in the build- ing trade, but it is expected that a good crop will partially revive it, and the looked-for movement of to Canada, after the war is over, the building immigrants should restore trade to its wonted state of ac- tivity. ie \ i rand enenr the B Taking A with Liberal newspaper reporters | are full of human kindness to-| ward Premier Norris, whom he | wishes long life and prosperous statesmanship. In fact, it almost| ippears as if he would rathe! have Premier Norris on the than his own friends, who might | malign him if they remained in} office and he didn't. Absence, as | the poet aptly puts it, makes the} hammers stronger. Everything Sir Rodmond said since he resigned sounds | has | | like a benediction to public life,| but it would not surprise anybody if he swung into the bigger game | at Ottawa, instead of enjoying the | comfortable sunset to which he is entitled. His being a Manitoba discard would be no real argu- ment against him, because the present administration at Ottawa has a lenient feeling toward dis- ecards. It wasn't so long ago, for example, that Sir Richard Me- Bride was being broached for a cabinet position at Ottawa, and doubtless Sir Richard would have landed it if it hadn't been for his adventures with Attorney General Bowser and the two submarines. Richard's work with the two Sir submarines was careless, if it wasn't coarse, and spoiled his chances. Finesse is what the sit- uation demands—finesse that will defy the best efforts of the Public Accounts Committee. Anybody, as short on finesse as Sir Richard McBride, could never get along at Ottawa. Sir Rodmond Roblin, on the contrary, has shown great deft- ness in getting out of his trou- bles. He has not only got him- self out but he has left his friends holding the bag and has displayed qualities which prove that he has nothing to learn even from the Honorable Robert Rogers. In- deed, there are those who say that the Honorable Bob learned his trade from Sir Rodmond, and that the master can still teach the pupil a trick or two, Be that as it may, the Honorable Bob hasn't the same reputation as a Frank- enstein with Sir Rodmond, as he has with other people who don't him well. If he is a Continued on Pcge Three = Coughing scatters germs Stop it know sO Close Connections Made for Sa Steamships Prince Rupert and Prince George For Vancouver Victoria and Seattle AT 10 A. M. ON TUESDAYS, THURSDAYS SATURDAYS Monday | ‘ Nn Francisco, San Diogo Eto SUMMER EXCURSIONS TO THE EAST GOOD RETURNING TILL OCTOBER 31 «:. Traine Leave Prince Rupert at 10:30 A. days, carrying Electric Lighted Sieeping and Dining Cars Tourist Sleeper every Monday. Winnipeg. M., on Mondays, Thursdays @ Satur. through to For Special Excursion Rates to Ali Eastern Points, allowing Libera Btop- over Privileges, Apply to— G. T. P. TICKET OFFICE, THIRD AVENUE, PRINCE RUPERT, Bo PHONE AGENCY ALL ATLANTIC MUSIC Teacher of Violin and All Band Instruments A. PESCOTT 462 Eighth Ave. East Phone Green 327 DENTISTRY | A SPECIALTY DRS. GILROY & BROWN DENTISTS Office: Smith Block, Third Avenue $| Phone 454 | OU UU a FOR A TAXI : 15-PHONE-75 REE AREER RAR ARERR B. C. UNDERTAKERS FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EM- BALVERS — SATISFACTION GUAR- ANTEED—OPEN DAY AND NIGHT 117 2ND STREET—PHONE 41 BRUCE MORTON, Funeral Director we ee Canadian STEAM. LAUNDRY Latest and Approved Methods Only Skilled Operators Employed - «6$Phone us and we will call for a trial bundle Vote Our Address: 515 SIXTH AVENUE WEST Canadian Steam Laundry 260 STEAMSHIP LINES job | es hone 554 P.0.B APERHANGING AINTING OLISHING AND WALL TINTING High grade r Martin Swans Second Avenue, near McBi REE 35~PHONE-3 TAXI ALF HALLIGAN REPRE RARER ED Phone 174 Box | FOR PLUMBING 4ND NEATIN go SMITH & MALLE’ Largest stock of Pipe north Varftouver, Crane Valves and tings, Pipes cut to order Third Ave. Heed of Second & Prince Rupert ~ Alex M. Manson, B.A WwW. E. W WILLIAMS & MANSON Barristers, Solicitors, Et MONEY TO LOAN Box 1585 ams, B.A Helgerson Block Pri Ruper “ Office corner @nd Street and tra PACIFIC CARTAGE Lit (Successors to Paci Genera! Cartege LADYSMITH COAL 03—Phone #3 JAMES GILMORE Architect 2nd Avenue, near McBride CANADIAN PACIE RAILWAY Coughing increases the irritation of the already in- Somed mucnous membranes and is moreover apt to carry disease to others. . Mathieu's Syrup of Tar and Cod Liver Oil promptly sto coughing, and soon, thanks to its tonic properties, effects a quemanest cure, e wonderful popularity of Mathieu’s Syrup of Tar and Cod Liver Oilis specially due bed reat wpe a a permanent lung a Tron- Coe pastes, . everywhere, 35c¢ large bottles. — 4. L. MATHIEU CO. Prop. a —— Stock Flyer SEEDS! SEEDS! RECEIVED OUR 1915 SEEDS WE WANDLE. Rennie’s Ferry's, Steele's, Brigg's Garden and Field Seeds Also Fertilizers We Take Orders for Nursery Stock Grain, and Feed at Vancouver Prices Chicken Feed a Specialty Mali orders promptiy attended to Prince Rupert Feed Co. 908 Third Ave. Phone 68 Hay, Drawn for The Daily News, ~By “Hop.” IVE HAD MY EYE ON A CERTAIN WAR STOCK: EVER_ TO DAY I SEE ITS FEELING- A BIT BULUSH' THEN CAME. DOWN AGAIN PREVTY Fast” TOWARD OF COURSE \TS A QUESTION OF MARGINS — PRINCESS SOPHIA SOUTHBOUND SATURDAY NC PRINCESS MAQUINNA SOUTHBOUND SUNDAY 8 P. 4. @. MONAB, Genera! Ager Corner Fourth Street and Third meme ADVERTISE !N THE DAILY NE Nerve Energy ‘ Eyeglasses. A constant dropping W° away a stone. A slight eyestrain injures the he because it is constant. strain which first manif itself as a slight disco" should be remedied at This we guarantee to U« lasses. Consultation ! elays are dangerous: Look for Loo OPTICIAN 223 Sixth St. Phone BI