j 14, 191 v , ew 7” a rnilY REMEDY an MAUL YEARS sed “Froit-a-tives” With The a record | ‘COPPER AND Leap New York, June 14 rv lake « pper li at { per pound it the . ‘Tl . 1907, when fry ' | ik ; . Best of Results. Ee | | ROM RAGRANT ——— _ (sold at 25 3-4 cent AKOMA SECURE > Oe ie an fe IN THE SAFETY 6 1 OF THE SEALED cents, its best ; : i reports, in ab i ; ea i RE || the Boston | as dunt qu ed at 7 cents p “ ; ACKAG Phe adva ots AGE [sults chief EE demand tries n il ‘ land and i HON. BOB ROGERS AND HIS oo . POLITICAL FATHER, ROBLIN ————— TEA IN THE TRE GEORGE MCKAY Esa. NCHES. Continue t iy wT , itinued From Page Two. Krrren, O June 17th, 1913, ‘ : ‘tba my ny the { jp eeensten. (hea Sir Lodnond |} ._—_crereccsmcemecas ‘ for many years ain ted ind : ‘ | — t medicine I have |@Veras the}, — er tried t.a-t do me the trench | a ; D' " valet TWO HOUSES at good—t never gripe end their is th called that, whe the able | o te t ” 4 ‘have them for Indigestion | taj) ' Bob th iprocity ¢ ! SIXTH & THO ‘Cot h the bestresults, | ' 1014 i lade responsibl : MPSON ST. 1) mmend them to | *&alce ! th a X gone similarly afflicted, jeiving qualitic ' sic misadl g | n Winni- ST These trot shaveleftmecomplete- | peg to e Rockies, Sir Rodmond and Igive “‘Fruit-a-tives” fulleredit |@xperience of tea for many of the| es rail this. A nicer pill @ man | .5,) 4), eae t Hous and had to be made a| Ae NR irs, wo not take ' : ’ ght as n oltset 3 oe GEORGE McKAY. | doubtedls pread th to Bob's get-| CHEAP the enorme lemand for ‘‘Fruit-a- lf imn to th } ft t} | . b at Ottawa, og’ jg stea reasing,duetothe | ; 7 “| The fe g which actuates both| —APPLY— t that t nderful fruit medicine jin cl, everything points to alg r t relief in all cases of | ¢reat|y cine , aia _— / and the Honorable | istipation, Sour ee ae Bob that ingratitude is sharper | P ttull & Radf d a J iatism, Chronic, [tea all over the world las t ’ ee a 0 cr ‘ Neuralgia, and all |. pent's tooth and conse-| ese and } ler Troubles, pply t to cope +} tls seit Geeaby els aa ie 2nd Ave. ic a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 25c, jit the high | \ bta g e 4) ‘ ce | ibyalidealersor sent on receiptof |, — er ‘ I f her Sir todmond oe ¢ by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa, | " . lnatural embers that he| WATER NOTICE. os ™ - | B the right-hand man of] Storage. Tr im THE MATTER OF AN apptication |!“ e right-hand man of] 4,45 m..¥ JS The Port Essington A wr the issue of @ fresh Certificate of | |i i stale government and] Water Company, Ltd., whose address is Title for s i ; . : LD tt TGH FREE. oe po bal ix a ae I * | hat } » with the real estate 547 Granville 8%, Vancouver, B. C., will . A straight? euperene Twelve (12 Section Ot 4). ¢ lwh } @ Rod nd pei neil apply for 4 license to take and use one and fr trom on Nahed Bes , , City of) a} I PCInaihea ome-half cuble feet per seeond and to store * We on giving ower iio an. Map 023 ly und fall with it Bob | 400 aere-feet of water out of Conningham beorle all Oras | the 1S HEREBY GIVEN that it ts The storage-dam will be located at world -2@ 8@ huge my intention to issue after the expiration; W4&S a very ‘y man to be @|eme , . base 1 ‘ owtiet of Cunningham Lake. The ca- fe your ehanee to f one month from the first publication | pacity of the reservoir to be c obtal w. “~ b f : il estate gov 3 reated is ae nes hereof a Fresh Certificate of Title for the , , about 400 acre-feet and it will flood 2.93 couts for_one om above mentioned lots in the name of Wu-j; ment whe rea tate was D in- | acres The water will be div rom t Ladies’ . | | ; erted f ne liam T. Booth, which Certificate of Title ts He shared in the era of ex_ |e Steam at a point about 5 chains below = numbered 5821-1, and was issued on May | | the said outlet and will be used for Water- Sh he hes — 20th, 1014 oe 5 , helped to keep it expand-| works purpose upon the land deseribed as (these are H. F. MACLEOD, ‘ fact, by his personal and part of Lot 45, Range 5, Coast District, Sevgeteed fe years, District Registrar. | |being the townsite of Port Essington, A — o Ut te Land Registry om Prince Rupert, B. C ' ai intue er, Went On SO@P- | eopy of this notice and an application pur- 15 ef tow them the teentialgwerch § | May 4th, 1940 105-144-417-193 o afte the town lots had|S@@a* thereto and to the “Water Act, | Sink Gis o es 100 goed to be tree, bat ted ; ‘ : 1914,” will be fled in the office of the emared—WiLLIAMS & LLOYD, Whoteale ft | j fale yehind sol) soared SKY-| Weter Recorder at Prince Rupert. Objec- on inet ormwaille Road, London, Mf | le vs if the clouds | #008 to the application or to the petition —_ mentioned below may be filed with the i ; ; MINERAL A . | nas gw | Is KOIDE | said Water Recorder or with the Comp- oT ) .g it { to his old| Weller of Water Rights, Parltament Buiid- Certificate of Improvements. | ings, Victoria, B. G., within thirty days NOTICE. | lage, after the frst appearance of this mottee in Homestake No. 1, and Sun- S Rodn ; om hers ,|] |% local newspaper. The terrftory within iat ims, situate in the Skeena | which the company desires to exercise its ing Division of Cassiar District. j ° tha ind il y puts it ‘'| | powers is deseribed as the townsite of a cated: On = ne Buy Your Plumbing Re ene Bi aiRtea Oe s ent Port Essington. A petition to amend the May between Bonanse . | the Certificate granted to the company in Supplies en zeeee k and Bob's ‘ erits QS | respect of its former right 8) as to tn- | NOTICE that I, George KR. Naden, | , Bie : seul roan | @lude the right applied for herein will be foresighted, forehanded lan, | iner’s Ufcate No. 50353R, sct- Us and Save oney ' | beard in the office of the Board of Inves- Agent for Thomas McHostie, Free iW knew what was going to hap- | tigation at a date to be fixed by the Comp- ertificate No. 80348B, and James | ext and was generally on the |toller, The date of the First Publication ch, Free Miner's Certificate No. | : |of this Notice is Mareh 98, 1045. 5, itend, sixty @ays from the) spot when a shower of blessing |«pont ES6INGTON WATER CO., LTD.,” wt © wow © Ge iene Be was scheduled to burst in Winnle (0 "ee fe s Certificate of mprove- | for the purpose of obtaining 4 , bes or any other town lot centres Grant of the above claims. . f activity Sir Rodmond, know- urthe ake notice that action, un-| 100 feet; : Hon must be commenced before — Dipe. bo15 per 100 nz how the game was played, we of aturally feels that one real estate such Certificate of er | this {5th day of March, A. D.| GEO. R. NADEN. EE TO DELINQUENT — OWNER. way have IENRY JOHNSON, or to persons to whem you red your tnterésta, Take Notice | the undersigned Co-Owner 4 fe “Gold King Na 1” and fs Mineral Claima, situated @3 the , : Snes Arm about three-quar- from the beach, in the Skee- District, Province ¢ bia, have done the required ‘ork on the above mentioned ow - x Colur for year (914, amounting to a ord to hold the same tinder *4 of the Mineral Act, and if 90 days of the publicat of this you fall or refuse to coptribute beth f such expenditure, to- with tte costs of this advertise Our erest in the sald miveral : me the property of the pig ler Bection 4 of the Min- } Mnendment Aet of 4900, T. H, COVERT, | ‘ Co-Owner. | at Prince Rupert, B. G, January HE UNION STEAMSHIP CO., OF B.C., LIMITED SS. VENTURE SOUTHBOUND TUESDAYS AT 9 P. M. failings for GRANBY, SIMPSON AND NAAS SUNDAYS AT MIDNIGHT For Further Particulars Apply to HONE 568 JOHN BARNSLEY, Agent, SECOND AGENCY ATLANTIC STEAMSHIPS AVE. aan —— v LUMBER SHINGLE, MOULDINGS, SASH, DOORS PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER CO. A. 4. BURROUGHS, Manager " AV® and Mmomride 81. PRINCE Se PHONE Branch Yerd @ ee « eevee | "Pe ooe. a ae AT RECORD Prices rN THE DAIbY NAW8S, TO YOUR TEA - TABLE TT Empress Jams Are strictly a B. C. Product. Right from the delicious, fresh picked, sun ripened fruits of the Fraser Valley and Vancouver Island, to te purest of Cane Sugar. Every step tn the producing and manufaoc- turing of the delicious Jam contributes to the prosperity of B. ©. It will satisfy the most exacting. : SOLD BY ALL GROCERS In 1-Ib. Glass Jars and 4-ib. Tins THE EMPRESS MANUFACTURING CO., LTD. Vancouver, B. 0. Empress J ams . — OA A AA A r a Ramsay’s Empire Cream Sodas woewnene in 2-tb. Tine Have attained their enviable reputation by their euperior quality and uniformity. The most discriminating house- wife insiste upon “Ramsays Empire” when buying Seda Biscuits. They are made in B. C. and your grocer gets hie supply frequently and quickly, insuring freshness, which means crisp nese. Prove it by buying a tin with your next order. Manufactured by RAMSAY BROS. & CO., LTD. Vancouver, B. OC. Minis- perat makes as good a ter of Public Works as another What he fails to take into account s the Honorable Bob's personal charn He has made a great hit vith the back benchers, not as an rat for he talks like a scram- bled ewe, but as a hale fellow and NS _—? AS - =a 1 splendid promiser. He nevel ; YD i The purity and fragrance of & ‘7 oon Baby’s Own Soap have made it Fi e\ 1 Grit one, empty away. I a universal favorite. Its use is A nd words never die, Bob is go- beneficial to any skin. ws FF ing to hay 1 long life. Sir Rod mond could never fill that part of thre Db He is too irritable. Meanwhile, the Honorable Bob FIRE ALARM SYSTEM oks wistfully at the Canadian Tid : High Commissionership in Lon- queue ae. % don, As a wicked partner Dis} ¥ gy gp sen st. and ra ave. ability is impugned, as Ministe! Box 13—6th St. and Srd Ave. Box 148th St. and 8rd Ave. f Elections he is a distinet fail- Gen Cidunetien of tc Ont-ent ure, as upholder of tottering gov- Srd Aves. | iens of Box 14-— ist Ave., between 8th and ramente “he saewe oo 9th Sts. (Knox Hotel.) strain—-if it wasn't for leaving Box 17—ist Ave. and 7th St. (Cen Major General Sam Hughes a free tral Hovel.) GIRCUIT NO. &. Box 22-8rd Ave. and (Post OMice.) Box 23-—Srd Ave. Box 24st Ave, field he might be tempted to move tra St. on, and McBride St. and McBride St. es Box 26-—2n0 Ave. and #nd hy . and 6th St. SUBSCRIBE FOR oon so—tet ave CIRCUIT NO. 8. THE DAILY NEWS [6 os 210i ave. and ruitoo si Box 82—-Borden and Taylor Sts. fl Box 84—7th Ave. and Fulton 8t. Box 36-—0th Ave. and Comox Ave, Box 378th Ave. and Dodge Pl. Box 386th Ave. and Thompson 81, CIRCUIT NO. 4 Box 41. 4th Ave. and Emmerson PL Box 42. -5th Ave. and McBride St. Box 43-—-6fb Ave. aud Green 54, Box 44+.6t) Ave and Basil St. Bou 45-~7th Ave. and Eberts. Box 141.-7th Ave, and Young 81. RRR EDR ARR REE Write Today ~~ Address . Read . ‘THE DAILY NEWS’ Circulation Guaranteed the Largest in Northern : British Columbia :: THERE IS Best Advertising A REASON Prince Rupert’s Leading Paper! . Read . ‘THE DAILY NEWS’