I liesda | THE DAILY NEWS a INO ALUM cima to sito Steamships Prince Rupert and Prince Geors. | THE DAtLy NEws For Vancouver THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Daily and Weekly ENGLAND LIVE SHELLS 14.—Canada is Guaranteed Largest Circulation Ottawa, J oe an | . . to begin at once to ship Victoria and HEAD OFFICE ided shells to England Here Ss l Daily News Building, 3rd Ave, Prince Rupert, B.C. Telephone 98 thing but empty shrap eatt e — . nel has been sent but all the cor ne TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cents per inch. Contract I, ets for empty 18-pounde AT 10 A. M. ON TUESDAYS, THURSDAYS « SATURDAYs rates on application. sholle having been filled, loaded| Close Connections Made for San Francisco, San Diogo Eto : - giao = " ind fixed ammunition 18-pounde! SUMMER EXCURSIONS TO THE East — aenlosive shells are to be GOOD RETURNING TILL OCTOBER 344). DAILY EDITION ates Tuesday, June 15, 1915 eh exj ' : ; Trains Leave Prince Rupert at 10:30 A. M., on Mondays, Thursdays « om: ay —=— —= ————— =: =- == sent to feed the Allies’ guns In days, carrying Electric Lighted Sleeping and Dining Care thro, _ France and Belgium. Winnipeg. Tourist Sleeper every Monday. = . : . Special Excursion Rates to All East Points, ——ae THE ORISIS. destroy the credit of British Phe larger steed obelib, the 46. (6 O6 Quee meme one mv Pelee, eowing Livers up The Victoria Colonist ez-| Columbia. ind 60-pounders, are still to be G. T. P. TICKET OFFICE, THIRD AVENUE, PRINCE RUPERT, » ¢ ° 7 “ ' rl fact . PHONE 260 yresses regre at ‘ tlobe every editorial article re- shipped em] ese facts wert pr regret that “The Globe In every editorial a I pped pty ‘ AGENCY ALL ATLANTIC STEAMSHIP LINES has lent its columns to the ig- garding the economic and po- nae be i ied Saturday by H. A. Be LL A ra noble army of slanderers of litical crises in British Colum- arrears. A few days later, Mr. | , secretary to General Be = een British Columbia.’ The organ bia published in these columns, Ross, another member of the);)4 : of the MeBride government condemnation of the almost government, put these arrears ——__ ——— ——- hone 554 P.O. Boy charges that in reprinting and criminal folly of its rulers has at $9,000,000, As a matt ' ANCHORAGE, ALASKA, MUSIC for commenting upon the state-| been preceded by the statement} fact, in January, 1914, the NEW RAILROAD TOWN Teacher of Violin and All APERHANGING ments contained in a pamph- that the Pacific province is a rears totalled $13,000,00( : ovina Band Instruments AINTING let issued by the Ministerial region of wonderful naturel ae by official siggy tH Seward, June 15 Phat ox baal Te. es | OLISHING AND Union of the lower mainland of wealth, which ought to sustain they have materially increased/than a thousand tents and othe Phone Green 827 | WALL TINTING British Columbia arraigning a population of millions by the in the inferval. The govern-|.orts of dwellings have be a er A ete enniai the land and colonization pol- operation of its mines, its fish- ment whieh permits the ac -jerected at Anchorage, the new] - ecia icy of the government, The eries and by farming and lum- mulation of such huge arrears] pajjroad city, and that the pop — M Globe “prints statements con- bering. No half-million people of purchase installments is a3-|jation of the place wis about D E N TISTRY . artin Swansoi _ seco i i¢, lt MeRr cerning the province of British in the world’s history ever had suredly not likely to be very|o 200, is the statement of Capt athena om Columbia and its actual posi- a greater heritage from which keen about collecting — J. W. Porter, who has just ret CROWN AND BRIDGE WORK RRA EER ERROR REED tion, which, if believed by the to produce wealth than the from its friends the specula-joq aft son time spent ve A SPECIALTY public generally, would destroy residents of British Columbia, tors. The result is that the ex-|there making observations of t! DRS. GILROY & BROWN the credit of the province and The opportunity of production ploiters can hold land indefii-| weather, ice and other condit ‘| cannere 3 PHONE--35 every business enterprise with- has been largely denied and a nitely for an advance by paying | for the Engineering Commiss — “aaa Avene $I in its borders, would cause in- great part of the accessible in many cases no more than|phe gangs are working Ww | vestors and settlers to shun it, land closed to the actual set- the initial fifty cents an acre. the way to Eagle River, some six- | —————————————————- } ] AX] and in other ways to damage tler by the villainous system The McBride government! teen or eichteen miles Re ee eeeeeer re that might be irreparable.” that has enabled a few men to has now taken power to post- lester ep meremnncennanaaeenee t ’ TAXI | The Globe has no desire to secure individual holdings pone the payment of any mon-| PROSPECTING NEW AREA it FOR A a destroy the credit of British which would be regarded in Eu- ey due or accruing to the NORTH OF SEWARD|/ + ~ o : : . . ae ONTH OF SEWARD x ALF HALLIGAN Jolumbia or of any other prov-| rope as principalities. Crown, so that the speculators a & ince of the Dominion. The en- The Colonist’s reply to the may have their chance. The Seward, June 15.—Several met | 75 PHONE 15 | eiedetedebednimlaiataiatabababelabalatalalalel emies of British Columbia are assertion of the clergymen that issue is plain. If the specula-jare now prospecting the country] % Pt Pe ae not to be found in The Globe “about 90 per cent of the avail- tors get their chance British|for Placer around Juneau Cre + | - ie ; ° — i : ‘ Col bis il i . : * Phone 174 Box 274 office or in the ranks of the able agricultural land of Brit- Olumbia —=—Wi continue tojand expect that something good % PRINCE RUPERT AUTO CO — a og cee “le y ho av t s 10 i ane ] rer ts se “one oniwil ve fo ‘ ere according’ ti 4 . clergymen who have dared. to ish Columbia has been alienat- inger in its pre unt conditi vill be found there, ling nethbthhktittthtirhhaknde SMITH & MALLET? come out in the open and at- ed” is that it is not true or| Of suspended animation. If the|T. R. Meredith, who has just Largest stock of Pipe north o tack the looting of the public anything like true, but the speculator is given short shrift}in. Lodge has located placer « tings, Pipes oa... domain, but among the ex- statement would be an absurd and the people who desire tola creek called Pass Creek, which Third OPay, Hane _-— Sires ploiters who—aided by legisla- one in any event, “for it pre- use the land are given their|runs into Juneau Creek. Bell and] - tion that could not have suited supposes that ‘speculators’ will chance there is no future to|Gombard have located good : B. C. UNDERTAKERS . : FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND em- —§/‘'e* M. Manson, B.A their purpose better had they buy land and continue to pay which British Columbia mayling ground in the Resurrectior BALMERS — SATISFACTION GUAR- W. E. Williams, B.A, | themselves drafted it—have indefinitely a tax of 4 per cent not aspire. The speculator|water shed just over the divid ANTEED—OPEN DAY AND NIGHT WILLIAMS & MANSON “k ‘ ' : ieee ” ne 117 2ND STREET—PHONE 41 locked up from settlement mil- upon its value. A speculator in has driven off both capital and cece tneethiananeapemnenininree BRUCE MORTON, Funeral Director i Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. lions of acres of the best land land buys it only to sell at an labor and left the land unused.| AUSTRIAN GOVERNMENT aa fad MONEY TO LOAN of British Columbia. The ani- advance, and how could he pos- What does British Columbia COMMANDEERS GRAIN CROP wry eee Box 1585 mus of The Colonist against sibly sell it at an advance and owe to him?—Toronto Globe. : " ‘sepamnmmdeenens _— Moses Cotsworth and the cler- at the same time hold it? The epee Nn gieapacdacnardins > ca | tr 2nd trad A ‘ ¥ or > ‘ » ' n ” oO je Street and re we zymen whom it characterizes} Globe, swallowing the allega-|PROHIBITION INCREASES an government has commandeer- Canadian |oftice corner #n as “a certain Ministerial Asso- tions of Mr. Moses Cotsworth, TEA-DRINKING IN RUSSIA) d the entire grain crop of the PACIFIC CARTAGE LIMIT ciation” may be explained by proves too much for its own ‘ Sountey, aeeording to Vienna dis- STEAM LAUNDRY | (Suecessors to Pacit ausfer the fact that the pamphlet case,” Well-informed members of the|patches received here. - Genera! Cartage . ag “¢ * sav ¢ » fig > i= = gives facts coupling up many That raises the very kernel } trade say that the figures for Latest and Approved Methode LADYSMITH COAL . ° the fear show ¢ asto shi y ™ of the most influential men in of the question. The clergy- ae ur - . = - aunagty Coughing scatters germs Only anaes qaane Employed 03—Phone—03 British Columbia with whole- men who have set their seal of} ~ ee a a. Cantey " al ; ag ; ais throughout the world. Prohibi- —Sto it > | Phone us and we will call sale exploitation, which has approval on Mr. Cotsworth’s tiem largely.to ace : ‘ p | for a trial bundle | JAMES GILMORE prevented rather than stimu- charges point out that, as re-| ee Sener Ser ee. Coughing increases the ¢ lated development. That may ported in The Colonist on Jan end, when © great country like quate <2 the alveady te- Note Our Address: | PORES OR SOMy he cis paehthti. “Min”. wale flamed mucuous membranes 515 SIXTH AVENUE WEST 3 _—— be a legitimate reason for an uary 26, 1915, Sir Richard Me- se Bony prone le sale of and is moreover apt to carry | iim ; ‘ strong drink ¢ » people . disease to others, | enn | attack on the authors of the Bride said there was between t po — me _ people turn Mathieu's Syrup of Tar and | PHONE NO. 8 2nd Avenue, near M le Str pamphlet, but it is scarcely a $14,00,000 and $15,000,000 due o tea, it means an immense Cod saves OS pomnatiy die NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS $s. hes ae ’ . irain on the res "ces O » iin coughing, and soon, th i —_— sufficient excuse for the charge to the British Columbia gov- ce a tcc es “a the - te fe toate soopertion, ellests - — that The Globe is attempting to or » r Ve chasere i 8 nee comes e world’s . & permanent cure. ° . is attempting to] ernment by land purchasers in |u-r*, “nance comes the world’s he wonderful ‘popularity Canadian Steam Laundry {| CANADIAN PACIFIC : of Mathieu's Syrup of Tar RAILWAY the cost of tea has risen 10 or 12 and Cod Liver Oil is specially ee , due to its great value as a - n meals ees cents a pound. § permanent lung and bron- PRINCESS SOPHIA FRED STORK’S HARDWARE a i icceemay everywhere, 35c large bottles. stn } SEEDS! SEEDS! SATURDAY NOON earners eines MATHIEU CO., Prop. | oa. ' RECEIVED OUR 1915 SEEDS PRINCESS MAQUINNA 710 SECOND AVE Fer headaches we Mathiew's Nervine WE HANDLE. ND ¢ ew ond pate ehh aften’ eccompang Rennie’s Ferry’s, Steele’ ew Carpenters’ Tools Builders’ Hardware Ship Chandlery © ‘eke, “ie Sw ofa poner —_—" . es oe SUNDAY 8 P.™ errs rigg's Wire Cable Stee! Blocks Fishing Tackle Garden and Field Seed 4. @ MONAB, Genere! Agent Iron Pipe Pipe Fittings Rifles and Shotguns a eS en . Corner Fourth Street and Third A¥ Pumps Hose Paint WE PAY F We Take Orders for Nursery a e Stoves and Ranges Rubberoid Roofing Corrugated iron HIGHEST REE Stook ADVERTISE IN Hay, Grain, and Feed at 3) “WE SELL NOTHING BUT THE , OUDE hare BEST’ mw gh Vancouver Prices THE DAILY NEW -_ Chicken Feed a Specialty . s ’ Mall orders promptly attended to | FRED STORK ARDWARE Prince Rupert Feed Co. Nerve Energy 40 908 Third Ave. Phone 6S 3 Eyeglasses. Somebody Came Pretty Near Getting Licked nrc Ge Nae ete ~~By “Hop.” 7 SALW THREW 7 OW \ts ELL WHATS DIFFERANT = vt ) | = * & UST SERS ate’ iT! ETICK AROUND AN TRY 7) O° swavacione. Asight . BEAK TO Lick A HAIL STORM "| eyestrain injures the he lt if ) \<'e because it is constant. Tt i . | Strain which first manife ts f | itself as a slight discomfo , go ‘ should be remedied al 0 1° | This we guarantee todo a. | glasses. Consultation free es } a or, elays are dangerous. . 2 | © Look for Loop oo or (OTIS WN - NN RAL - MP ey wack | OPTICIAN | 223 Sixth St. Phone Black