THE DAILY NEWS — DECISIVE ENGAGEMENT ON RUSSIAN FRONT ——==_—— yINOFj RUSSIAN SUCCESSES — TURKS’ DARING ATTEM ———— ARING TURKISH ATTEMPT TO REGAIN LOST TRENCHES yRKS LED BY GERMAN OFFICERS MAKE A DESPERATE aAT- TEMPT—ALL OFFICERS AND MAJORITY OF MEN KILLED—REMAINDER TAKEN PRISONERS —STEAMERS SUNK. ———= rs PT TO REGAIN TRENCHES —————7 DECISIVE ENGAGEMENT ON THE ENTIRE RUSSIAN FRONT ‘MANY MINOR SUCCESSES—SHORTENED LINE HOLDS FIRM— NEW FRONT EXTENDS FOR 682 MILES—BRITISH OFFENSIVE CONTINUES TO ADVANCE. | (Special to The Dally News.) iby our machi gut rhe ri | = ; 17 A daring at-/1 (Special to The Dally Newe.) The French also claim advances i ada rf al- na der were taken 1 sonere . = . ie ol at j London, June 17.—Reports of and further captures of parts of urkish troops, ore Steamers Sunk. many minor successes by the the G labyrinth of fortifi licers oO recap- | ondotr 7 » Bs . ne German tabyrin 0 ortifi- - ase AN tia London, June 17.—The British Russians stimulate the belief that . ches in the Dar-| steamer Stratstairn has been tor. | WHERE GERMANS BURNED BRITISH WOUNDED—\ church at |{he shortened Russian line is now|°@tons: iin the killing of |} pedoed and sur in the English Db ieu, Belgium, which German soldiers filled with straw and nolding firm. d the majority of | Channe Klever f her crew et fire after placing their own dead and the British wound- A decisive engagement is in Judge Gregory deferred judg- | | , ‘ | were inded Che captain and| ed on the straw. ‘progress along the entire Russian|™ment in the case against Frank ches were cap-|several « the crew d front, extending for 682 miles in|MecAllister, who is charged with Dublin Fusiliers, |when one of the boats capeized “THE CAUSELESS WAR” ‘VICTORIA BASEBALL oe Poland, Galicia and Bukowina, | stealing fishing gear. Aceused . DEE Getbiishn: ane kbs noun ceretce|. et Ce BRYAN TEAM © DUBANDED) ou: See os ats Meee eke ec vered who were! tons als has bee { pedoed | joffensive continues to advance. |liquor. in enfilading fire rhe crew was saved. (Special to The Dally News.) (Special to The Dally News.) i AQUI INDIANS SEEK | HAD RESPIRATORS esced teckiheielt of adore ike cnn ne ee VANCOUVER TEACHERS im has been dis ‘ inst | WIMULATE THE KAISER FOUR YEARS AGO|t#"¥ of State Bryan's “The Cause- ‘handed and its franchise returned| PROMOTED ON FIELD SALARIES REDUCED aoe ee less Wat Claims that military |to the Northwestern League. he ae (Seal to The Dally News) Lond June 17 The Morn. [Preparedness provokes instead of | players refused to accept a cut in| Earning his promotion by (Special to The Dally Newe) Washing june 64-~—A.. force | ine Post eaid yesterday morning: [Prevents wat Phe article says | wages, following ten straight de-|‘valor in the field,” E. H. Henry, Vancouver, June 17.—The ets and marines A letter, received in Loanhead, |*#at it w iid have been difficult | feats, la member of the 72d Seaforth School Board, at a meeting last Howard, has been | Midlothian. by friends of a cor. | keep the United States out of| crenata ub cmepeaieinianta ‘serving in the 16th Battalion at}@ight, ordered a 10 per cent cut expedition to the| poral ving in the Canadian|*™e war if they had been pre- JHMER SECRETARY ‘the front, has received a commis-|i" all teachers’ salaries, to be ef- ‘} i “ { i ' ’ - . Anatihs | sativa r s oo ? m Guaymas, on|contingent, states that his « pared | TO BRYAN IS DEAD sion as lieutenant. He left here| fective July 1. This makes a sav- ial cl Ocalan, nee ententeinenaretiiien am, | — —— as a private, received his cor-|iM€ of $28,000 for the remainder panei Mieiinnind eam rae Ra tied A eee ROBERT W. SERVICE Albequerque, N. M., June 17,—|poral’s stripes at Valcartier, be-|°f the year. , ; : erie r iS AT THE FRONT jiarvey B. Ferguson, 67, former|came a platoon sergeant when the Mexicans and Ger- | s of pois * gas marked eee ean GERMAN SUBMARINE | ; ; Fa : os ; lated gressma from New Mexico,}Canadian division went to France, v s iten to annihilate 1914, and also respirators dated | ons eas ie ee # CHEATED OF ITS PREY : 1911 Ottawa, June 17 ort 1a8|}who recently resigned as private and after the battle of Ypres was rhe d veey would seem to |" °°" Fecetv' d here that R. W. Ser-| secretary to William J. Bryan,|recommended for commissioned Londen. June 6%-~tee Gadied : ’ the ikon poet and novelist, | died ¢ s me here last T *s_}rank. . , “s ie NCH, KAISER, UNCLE SAM. indicate that the plan of using es ' |died at bis h here last Thus rank schooner Marie, which has arriv- He ad ede i author of Songs of a Sour-|day of apoplexy. Mr. Ferguson Lieutenant Henry is the son of ed at Leith, Scotland, reports that | —-— poise is gas » BO meV ” Idongh.” is “doing his b at the | serve s delegate ongress 8 "Ss i p the- ile i men 17 Resiteladill the German ofaiy. ae bas lough, loing his bit” a rved a lelegate in Congre Mr. and Mrs, R. G. Henry of Che last Thursday, while on the pas- ae ' ts the K ; ' sia front. Service left London about |from New Mexico in the Fifty-|mainus. He was formerly a sage from Christiansund she was \ ek depicts ” i ber generally inderstood to Dé : s 4 ity the end of May as a chauffeur in| fifth Congress and was the first draughtsman in the employ of the held up by a German submarine xe anxiously an¢ he case . ; ‘ ’ . 7 + the Anglo-American Ambulance |c¢ongressman from New Mexoco|B. CG, Electric Railway at Vancou- forty miles off the Isle of May I e Sam, who is : pe ’ _ rh , lod f ex. |COrPs, an organization under the} following admission of the state}ver. When the 72d was formed Scotland The crew of the - very weary. le he irs re rae ease ) eX- q : spices 0 e Re ross, and|jin 4 » was » of the firs c . Everything can| tensive use by the Germans of gas |°° : ie Gees ne} in 1994, he was one of the first to enroll.|..nooner was ordered to their t 4) members of this corps | ll ie >. ere rg ive s i . | can put the whole|was north of Ypres on April 23, | % : He volunteered for active service} at, and the Germans boarded , : i at are many Harvard me! Several PRINCE GEORGE ARRIVES. as soon as war was declared. He the Marie with the intention of ‘ tshell, if you'll only | whe the renen es were oniilionns aa | . as a large acquai e three years, or | drive back two or three miles|"— 088. 208. ee , ; - "i a ra arene here and setting fire to her, according to : , , and own half a dozen cars, but all rhe following were amongst his friends will be glad to hear of the story, but on the appearance . { the war.” jafter a cloud of gas was watted f iy ne »'the first-class passengers on thepP +k pr i r roy . ie one Siletiien teaen thee | ire content to drive one for the; Pig : _— |.’ [his quick promotion.—The Prov-|4¢ two British patrol boats the ” inte eu CRCRSS Ol ae : Si ce has!|G. T. P. S.S. Prince George this e ‘ \. Brock, dean of the| man front iuse of humanity rvice ha : - ut ae . : mce, men returned to the submarine, ’ . Powe SE NPE Ss heen a resident of Paris since | morning: 4s . Stills, : ° ais : ’ which disappeared. A atrol ed science in the| — atin atthe mann adeeeinemen Whyte, Mr. Bacon, Miss Gibber- JERRY BONNEAU ARRIVED od ps aoe as oh ; ; aft al or yoat towed the Marie to Leith. y, came in from | FAMOUS TRAVELER WILL ite De eee aes Sin, Caan |. tii te ae IN TOWN LAST NIGHT ght, and left for! VISIT PRINCE RUP FOOTBALL. | Hamilton, Ss. M. King and wife, Safet First—U N Wel the Prinee George _—e ee tae, cael Sie OP 0). Space, Beek Jerry Bonneau, one of Prince] _ Salety First—Use New el- pare wen . =| Frank M. Carpenter, the famous rhe following team will repre-|-p yy, poyer, Mrs. Plummer, EB, H,} Rupert's most popular old-timers, lington Coal. Phone 116. 67tf. traveler and b unt descriptive |. tne Merck ints in their game) Murphy, G. D. Gord, R. EB, Gole-|¢ame in on the train last night. EST H 0 LM writer, will shortly spend two) i) the sons of England tomor-| pan and wife, J.J. Bowman, A. F.| Mr. Bonneau owns a lot of 2 . | weeks in Prince Rupert, on his jrow night Ali players are cheat” Ino, Angus Beaton, Father | Property in town, including the d pS If bd ) ; as jway to Alaska | que sted to be on hand at 7 p. M.:|pawis J. A. Russell. Lieut. W. 8.| Bayview Hotel, which was burned re R A H O U S E Mr. Carpenter was formerly tn H. Smart, goal; W H. Doodson Marshall. \. Douglas. Vv! Dal- down lately. NNOUNCEMENT. aan rears POPU- jspector of consulates |! the Uni and James Currie, backs; R Ar-| mage, J. F. Pooler, Mr. and Mrs. ea alas GTQ INE tainting Fair Play is My Motto scaneaed 8 YHOUSE lted States government thur, F, Cameron and J Knowles, | Rowden, Geo, Raeseta, Miss Ful- THE WEATHER. mixup in Vancouver, either by TONIGHT | : ; : CS ais ' ; we Thome. Ae i ae G. B. Hood, Mrs. D. B the Film Exchange or Express | ihn eee Ole, ee ee eee 5 a. m., June 47, 1945. Companies, “The Black Box” has MARY PICKFORD Len Bell, G, T. P. engines Brighton, J. A. Hunter and L. Ives,| pose. Geo. Rose, J. E. Knobel, F. i aitaciiiee 30.024 not arrived in Prince Rupert and f } OPOMOIOR oc cccdeceseeee 30.02 ag ae . , Special Paramount turned from an extended vis vo forwards; reserves, J. Simpson] py peunder, T. Hill, Lieut. Nichols, . : we will not be able to show itt entitled last night’s train and 140-41 ee: Ce ee 52.0 today. We are substituting a “CIND ” the Kast on last NIBNES bie land D, Allen eU~% Mrs, J. Talbot and R. B, Switzer. : first-class program, fully worth nl was heartily weleomed by his old é pear et OR 50.0 the price of admission, GAZETTE ; — ee ee F, W. Dowling, Observer. commento ‘t . ender e conven eagl superintendent olf 4 ring Scenes Prom the Panama §|fTiends. He attended the conven-| , il, Beazley, su " PICNIC PARTIES. fs asain eum, cuianenniies Canal tion of locomotive engineers Mithe Union Steamship Company, Sate Rubbinwn wabinutid “tech In Two Parts | JO i o The : “ MER © Cleveland, Ohio left for Vancouver on the Prince Launch Rose Belle Il, is back . : . “ahene pans” ‘oun COME DY— evelaha, , night from the Seandinavian con- A Jungle Zoo Wild Animal Drama NY'S SWELL a~FFAIR” _— George to her old berth at the govern-|. ey ty “A FORTUNE HUNTER” me a Bunny as a Chemist! : d Ice Cream aii eateecall nema denial vention at Escanaba, Mich. Comedy Dreme Prices: 10, 15 Strawberries an oe 4 most enjoyable dance Was ment whart and read) ror iil i a aii “THE BOUQUET” —Friday one an = At the Presbyterian Chuceh hal leiven last night in St, Andrew's son's business. Moderate rates Follow the crowd to Self'’s A Corking Comedy urday-— Saturde Bive : i Raa — en hia » Re : The Fan wrll® Chaplin in Fourth Avenue, next Saturday,jy ne the Hazelton ball |for Sunday picnics. Phone Red/ggge, ‘Phore is a reason.. Next Admission 10 and 166 © Face or , j ital . ae ; ; =~ ) the Barroom Floor” Inne 19th, 3:30 to 6 p.m i1-42 REPPSe8 400, 124-1m., Majestic Theatre, 102tf. °e8 10 and 1Be ea 7 a SKIMMED MILK 5e per quart. 3 et a POOOPPOOOOOOOOIOR rn) coroner's jury brought IN) Quality, satisfaction and ecOn-| gYTTERMILK 10¢ per quart, two] General Superintendent Mehan Pi een a verdict of accidental death 1D) omy, New Wellington Coal.|quarts for 15 ¢. Delivered to any|returned last night from a trip \ the case of Abram Mikell, WhO |)phone 116, 631f. | part of the city—-Prince Rupertjover the Pacifie division and | lber ling down the}. ‘ "| Datry—Phone Green 252 tf. | branches. Third Avenue East met his death by fa . . - Phone 118 =< 2ndA elevator shaft at the cold storage a . ae lant | ON CAFE Judge Gregory and a jury are We Use the Most Modern to the lant, LO JACK JUDGE RO! BARNES . asa tl ai : Westholime Theatre ea A d Grill UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT today heal ing evidence in the Laundry Machinery Bultt. MNTPALLY Locaven rwo ladies from Comex Avenue - THE ease of Rez va, debe Bap, Come In Any Puesday or STRICTLY MODERN were charged at the Police ' ‘| Serves Nothing but the Best CG B he Sh ae anal a - Wednesday and See How | , . ree c ’ PW a! RENTS REASONABLE this morning with runnit d 2 Mart Bik. Third Ave. OZzY arber op Rev. Mr. Frank, the new Meth We Do It Mekly op Monthly by Arrangement ' One 0 BATHS odist minister of Smithers, left Absolute Satisfaction ts NDER order! awe ne BOXES FOR LADIES THIRD AVE. ALDER @iK. $i for the Interior town this morn. bee NEW MANAGEMENT $25, the othe ; wooo ing, accompanied by Mrs, Frank, 3 “eer crcooccoooccooooooooed |iiined for three days |“