THE DAILY NEWS eS t— vi, NO. rER B. G., 144. PRINCE RUPERT, — =< MONDAY, JUNE 24, 1915. C VOLCANIC ERUPTION IN JAPAN WERALL F ACTORY AT WALKERVILLE WRECKED BY BY BOMB—-FRENCH ADVANCE Ss | NTARIO OVERALL FACTORY RUS SiIa PAR BY BOMB ‘ LUBACZOW "ABODY'S FACTORY AT WALKERVILLE SHATTERED BY BOMB JAROSLAU * a _SUPPOSED WORK OF DETROIT GERMANS—DYNAMITE PRZEMYSL J mR, EMBERG PLACED NEAR ARMORY FAILS TO EXPLODE. wtrt. CIs 4 YY weenie NOPO! . Q ‘“ ag LOLMIOW & (Special to The Dally Mewe) | Twenty-sev tig , uvae al SAMBO . - Sena \\ Ont June 214. The jin te and a time fuse et at 15 ping at Se STRIS “4 no WAN vy of Peabody & Com- | . were biso olaced hear th "afin We, \, \ Zz ent o ; a , : en eP) \W ville, Ont., was par ar ry wh Ov ept, but Uszork 4 DOLINA QSTANISLAD 4, i by a bomb early to — oe ne er il ~ ‘ i ie fu bu I PASS ‘a :NADWORRAS OLOMEA had just complet-| president Pp * KEY ity ATYN’=*> Prov 5 thet t1 aes " DEL ruth t for 116,000 British the opinion that the bomb was aa Battie Line "ite < OEERNOVITE ms. The damage || laced by Germar ympathizers Before victory. “at ited as under $10,000, | from Detroit —=- Battle Line aweek osfo.) + % | - | I, MWA MANSLAUGHTER LIONEL CRIPPEN IS WHERE MA.CKENSEN’S AR... MET DEFEAT—The © erman n ving berg from the west was defeated and driven CASE HEARD TODAY REPORTED KILLED | back foul iles toward Przemysl. On the oneister near Zrnova, | th Slavs also tirew back Linsingen’s army. Village of Raeczewko Assize Court this morn Corporal John C, ¢ of the ind others cap ed in successful Russian offensive. a! : f Rex vs MceMeekin| 30th Battalion, in a letter to his Fe alia s heard he charge was one} brother Va : slaugl the indictment of | deseribing hting s a SENTENCE IS FISH EXPORTER iS St having been thrown out|place on Empire Day, that “Poor| COMMUTED TO LIFE TERM HERE FROM NEW YORK iv Grand Jury. little Crippen was killed the ctmatninesions ded guilty, through | day athe tally w } : sty Tae a Wows.) ) Frank Woodward, of the firm of Adair Carss. Mr.jas we found him next ¢ id, | Wanta, June 21 The death|Frank Woodward & Son, New Carss explained to the court that)}some distar fron h } sr Leo M. Frank,) york, one of the largest firms of| the man Dunnigan met his death | shet Re we re = y Ph “i fish expe nce " America, is = ¢ inken horse-play,| Lionel Cripy wa f > " . , . the city. The oom has been in the accused having no intention P ‘ Rupert's st pcy we hae ie Z i oe a : aan a ” ' e crime of which |; s wi ft for Victoria a dealin 7 2 oe 0 1e oldest on the con pag rae ae =o discussed, the evice eB | ns Mined is here studying M { Telkwa was call-/ Batta ' Criy Mr. al j P| the cause of the tes at , ul shing conditions on the coast, ieath. a | that death re-land. from the day vas the girls I ind is much impressed with the wlled { pound fracture | veal’ tnee sperately an a iy u | ad - f ex- tlook. He believes there is great if the ge from con- ido his sha the Emy strog : : fe u ; | pportunity for development here. act i « pile when the gle.. : eee tea. the ground. | Of a hay g y disy ” Ee ENEMY SURRENDERS IN Mr gory reserved . de hoats of { | fees Gregory reserva on, coy ase sts KAISER SUPERINTENDS | GERMAN EAST AFRICA nes ie rien ! ss. I GALICIAN OPERATIONS (Special to The Dally News.) ns CO | nent for the city's welfare he to ee | Paris, June 24.—A German -. ' a — cna Tae active part, | ‘ wh ; err ree at Monso, in German East Dher old berth at the govern- heart into whatever he t ” : - i on ; frica has hoisted the watte flag, Mat wharf and ready for the sea. | "and : ” ae pa jand capitulated to ° Sanga col y's Modan enhheni | -— — : al n after 72 hours fighting. The RBunday picnics. Phone Red| PRINCE GEORGE ARRIVALS. e ng " = io _, (prisoners include white troops, of- wi 424-4m | —_——— ” : en ee - ers, quick-firers and munitions, . - ‘| The f ere amongst ! e ——__—___—— uty First—Use New Wel- oss — gers on the! a. conse. exammavion. | “Temey™ GASSER. Mtn Coal. Phone 116. 671. th s: 5.5. & Sate | eee _— siniaia arthy, A. W V. W. Smith en Northwestern League. M. Shady, M M aaa * ' ch Sch Vancouver-Victoria, postponed WEST HO LM Morris Doug Sutherland, Di is . twenty pupils account oF 0M rl eae A. G. K 4 , oe deal a M | spokane, M Pacomn, 0. So .ew Miss M. Rougi: 1M , ¢ “ Va Aberdeen, 3; Seattle, 4. eR A BE Bee 2 woproreon, Ed. D / _ alin 8 POPULAR PLAYHOUSE Seot Gariand, W. F. DP me : ' ite Nationai. TONIGHT AND TOMORROW al = Mt &. Gooner, | , - ia New York, 0; Pittsburg, 4 HEEL BROADWAY STAR FEATURE W. J. Carlaw, F .A. D ; h pene 4; Cinetnnati, t weer OF THE LiQNTMOUSE” Bic) Malleit, A. Thomas, Mrs. 5 FOR RENT. Broan Se Comey 4 . ; : rful pletures eho . we @. Ber ate 2 Boston, 4; St. Louis, 6. PATHE ae miss this one, MK _ cat in et | a . 2 Sts ; ae — 8. York, Ghi ut, a » nm Bifth Ave.) American. “ oe Kitchener's j ber, Miss J. Garis Mrs. C. B./$1 i o MeCa Cleveland, 4; New York, 5. MOUNTED POLICE | Barrister, W! Brook, A. M _ al i5| Cleveland, 5; New York, 4. PARADE CG, B, Stephen, Mr, and rMs. D. M | Detroit, 0; Washington, 7. wince au naan | Harley, James Hardie, Chas. a : ; ‘7 | Chicago, 8: Philadelphia, 2. Mlough trom stan jdie, Mrs. Burbank, Mise Ber. from the Masonic Grand Lod | St. Louis, 5; Boston, 5; game a m Start to finish lton, Miss Judd, Miss > huyh . thie 3 loalled to allow St. Louis to cateh te Wesnenery and 180 Miss McLean, A. W. Graham, A. ©.)"" ltrain, “aly a pestese, Flanders, G, Crawford, M | SKIMMED MILK Se |" quart | Money.” Ross and children ‘BUTTERMILK |\) uart, two] _ Const. OOM; R;O ODES — quarts for 15 Delivered iny| Venice, 6-7; Salt Lake, 9-2. soccoooooooont VERDICT OF CORONER'S JURY ‘ \, set of the ity Pr 0 | . , ! van Oe — Alb IN GILBERT DUNTON CAS ian ‘hone Gree | an Francs . 8 ’ ‘rt Rooms i} -—— er ae eas S==2nd Avenue- With regard to the dea rere E a Mite 10 the Westhot bert Dunton, who died ! LONDON CAF jack JUDGE on S me Teen juries sustained in a fa d Grill UNDER NEW ™ rma y LOCATED building of the oil ta An THE STRICTLY MODERN coroner's jury on a Serves Nothing but — C OzY Barber Shop Matty 0 — REASONABLE brought in a verdict of deal Hart Bik Third Ave. BA THS on — ¥ DY Arrangement sulting from ne _— ‘ | neane FOR LADIES THIRD AVE. ALDER BLK. MANAGEMENT §|tion of scaffolding, Tor ¥" ; une ™ ceased was not responsibi aaa VESSELS REPORT THAT HUGE JAPAN EXPERIENCES (Special to The Dally News.) Tokyo, 21.—A marine voleanie eruption occurred 19, June terrifying lin the Sea of Japan on June |150 miles south of Yokohama. i of accompanied by dense smoke, Vessels report that a pillar fire jturned day into night. Huge rocks and quantities of lava rained down on the sea, making it red and boil- GASOLINE BOAT ON BABINE LAKE John McAvoy, a land owner in the Babine district, was in Hazel |ton for a week and left the first of ‘this week for his ranch where he will put in the summer. He re- ports that a gasoline launch will | be put on the lake this summer | for passengers and freight. A wagon road has been cut from Babine lake to Burns lake on the railway, and supplies will be haul- ed across the twelve-mile stretch and then put on the boat. Be- sides Cronin’s property and the assessment work to be done on other prospects, it is understood that the Silver will be developed to some extent He stated that Silver been bonded Island property this season. Island had for a hundred thousand to a Spokane syndicate who will recently dollars put a number of men to work at once.—Omenica Herald. SPLENDID SHOW AT WESTHOLME THEATRE ram will An especially fine prog be shown at the Westholme tonight and tomorrow. “The Lady of the Lighthouse,” a three-reel Broadway feature, is one of the most powerful pictures’ ever sereened. The story starts with a little boy rendered blind through the explosion of firecrackers on the Fourth of The depicted are splendid, The Light- a New York institution for the a wonderful opportunity of July. scenes house, the public blind is shown, giving seeing how the blind are instruct- ed, The Pathe Scouts on construction works; St Gaxette shows Boy David's Day; a newly formed regi- ment of Welsh Guards; Kitchen- the Russian er’s new army, army in the trenches, and before Prz- emysl, and a Cossack dance. “Curing a Husband," is a real *“Buneo Bill's good picture, while Visit" is a comedy of exceptional merit, and a laugh from start to finish, The management has in- vited the Boy Seouts to see this show. FOR SALE. Maple Leaf Cafe; $500, Fully See McCaffery, Gibbons & Doyle. 142-45 Follow the crowd to S8elf's Cafe. here is a reason., Next Majestic Theatre, 1O2tf. equipped for restaurant business “TERRIFIC MARINE VOLCANIC DISTURBANCES NEAR YOKOHAMA | PILLAR OF FIRE AN DSMOKE TURNED DAY INTO NIGHT—RAIN OF LAVA AND ROCKS ; SEVERE EARTHQUAKE. —_—- - > ing. The vessels were struck by a huge tidal wave. Japan felt the strongest earth- quake shock experienced in many but is known, have been far as few casualties. years, there 80 Quality, satisfaction and econ- omy. New Wellington Coal. Phone 146. 63tf. FRENCH CAPTURE GERMAN POSITIONS AND ADVANCE (Special to The Dally Rewe) London, June 241.—On the west front, French troops north of the Arras, and advanced two thirds of a mile. On the heights of Meuse and at Reillem, after brisk fighting, we captured the enemy’s positions taking 200 prisoners. have captured earthworks in Lorraine, MATCH FOR THE CANADIAN LIGHTWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP (Special to The Dally News.) Vancouver, June 24. — The mateh between Johnny O'Leary and Charles Burns, for the light- weight championship of Canada, has been changed from June 26th to June the 28th, so that it will not clash with the Vancouver Baseball sports, to be held on the evening of June 26. SILVER CUP NOW ON SHIPPING LIST. On Thursday morning last, the first pack train with ore from the Nine Mile mountain arrived in Hazelton, coming over the moun- tain by the old trail. This is at least one month earlier than pre- years that a pack train could be brought over that route. The ore came from the Silver Cup, vious which is being operated under a the Clothier have a full car down a ship- lease by brothers. They will this week and will make ment to the Trail smelter.— nica Herald. -Ome- oe ” Miss McIntosh Specialist In Shampooing, Mairdrese- ing, Scalp Treatment, Faciai Massage, Packs, and Hair Bleaching and Dyeing. For Appointments, Phone Biue 292 Third Ave., Over MoCaffery, Gib- bons & Doyle eo Pioneer Laundry Third Avenue East Phone 118 We Use the Most Modern Laundry Machinery Built, Come In Any Tuesday or Wednesday and See How We Do it Absolute Satisfaction le Guaranteed