THE DAIKY NPWS. M THE DAILY News THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Daily and Weekly Guaranteed Largest Circulation HEAD OFFICE Daily News Building, 3rd Ave, Prince Rupert, B.C. TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISiING—50 cents per inch. rates on application. = DAILY EDITION Telephone 98. Jontract ato Monday, June 21, 1915. MANITOBA LOOTING. bills. Altogether this former The looting of the Treasury inspector of the concrete work of Manitoba, now under investi- under investigation has been gation by a Royal Commission, was not a one-man job. It was a “plant.” The guardians of the vault were looking the other way when the steal- either ing was going on or they were taking an part in the crooked operations. How the loot was divided ddes not yet appear, but it is certain that the contractors who collected vast sums on fraudulent ‘‘ex- tras” were not permitted to keep all their ill-gotten gains. active Only a guilty knowledge of what had taken place could have inspired the frantic efforts made to prevent witnesses from appearing before the Public Accounts Committee of the Legislature. The story told by the architect of the Manitoba Parliament Buildings oath is one of the most repul- sive in Canadian political an- nals. To cover up their or- iginal crime the boodlers seem to have been prepared to au- thorize wholesale forgery and perjury. When it was shown that Inspector Salt could not doctor his records to conform to the figures of struction upon which payment had been made, Salt was induc- ed to leave the country, and the large sum of $21,000 was raised as hush money. The messen- ger conveying the first $10,000 of this total to Salt was an em- ployee of the Provincial Gov- under concrete con- ernment. He asserts that he was robbed in Omaha while on the way to pay it over to Salt. The latter, whose evidence should be suflicient lo send some of the offenders to the penitentiary, decided to “return to Winnipeg.”’ When this threat became known and was follow- ed up by a strategic movement from Denver to Minneapolis, a little over two weeks ago, Salt was once more advised to go west, and according to his own sworn testimony, when he reached Kansas City he received the sum of $9,800 in American FRED STORK’S paid $11,300 for remaining out of the reach of the Royal Gom- missioin, Why? answered That question must be the criminal courts of the Province of Mani- toba. What gigantic tions lie behind, that the sil ence of one man is regarded as worth $11,300? How many re- putations are involved besides those of the members of the Roblin Government? The con- in the in pecula- tractors do not appear sordid story of the attempt to buy off Inspector Salt. If the evidence given by Horwood and Salt is to be believed, the men who banded themselves togeth- er to defeat the ends of justice were all sworn servants of the The Attorney-General of the Province, whose oath of people. office made him in an especial sense the defender of the pub- lic Treasury, is alleged to have been a party to the raising of the money to pay for the sil- ence of a vital witness whose written records showed that Manitoba had been robbed of hundreds of thousands of dol- lars. The duty of the Norris Gov- ernment is clear. The small fry like Hook should be of immunity and induced to return to Canada and testify The the contractors and the mem- Horwood, Salt, and given promises in open court. real conspirators bers of the Roblin Government should be put upon trial on a charge of conspiring to de- of sums of money paid out for bo- “extras” on the Parliament The debauching of Manitoba has gone far, but not fraud the Province large gus Buildings. far enough to destroy the sense of justice in the publie mind. The against the could be left with safety in the hands of a jury composed en- tirely of Conservatives. The party of which Sir Rodmond Roblin has the leader has been humiliated and case looters so long been HARDWARE [ 710 SECOND Suiiderse’ Hardware Ship Chandlery Carpenters’ Tools Wire Cable Iron Pipe Stee! Blocke Pipe Fittinge Valves Hose Rope Pumps Stoves and Ranges Rubberoid Roofing Corrugated Iron “WE SELL NOTHING BUT THE BEST” FRED STORK’S Scoop W AVE Fishing Tackle Rifles and Shotguns Ammunition Paint —==- —r HARDWARE — a — — WEAR Leet SHOES for ev SPORT and_RECREATION Pe * apal T SOLD BY ALL SHOE DEALERS ec ——— REFEREE RAGGING = — — shamed beyond measure by the of the past fev de he revelations Its that of the corrupt are life influences weeks, members manding public purged evil the have made the political life of and leaders who Manitoba a by-word throughout the Dominion, Their deman¢ should be acceded to.—Toronto Globe. Lately, the spectators at foot- ball games have shown a ten to as to how the game should be dency instruct the referee conducted, and, at the Callies- Regiment on Friday night, this was particularly evi- dent. The referee, and not the crowd, is the judge of play. If incompe- game a referee displays tence, the league committee is quite capable of dealing with the matter. Loud-tongued abuse, on the part of the spec- tators, is uncalled for and most unsportsmanlike, and is an an- noyance to spectators and play- ers alike. If such conduct continues, it will be hard to get referees of any description. Refere ing is a thankless task at the best, as it is impossible to please every body, and it might be a good of the hurling epithets plan, when a_ section spectators is at a man who is doing his best, to hand the whistle to the loud- est voiced member of the gang, and ask him to conduct the re- mainder of the game. The ex- perience would undoubtedly do him a world of good, and alter his views considerably. Salvation Army. Public meetings, Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday at 8 p. m. Sundays at 7:30 p.m. Cc increases the teduatea the already in- flamed macuous membranes and is moreover to sad fo mo apt to carry Cod Liver Ol rteeth ene ver st coughing onl enad, oie to its to: properties, effects a it cure, he wonderful sa eettive Tinta ver is 1 permanent Inn bron- chial healer, s er, nenald everywhere, age large 4. L. MATHIEU CO. Prop. Sherbrooke, P.Q. Sees a os ty as Trying To Forget He Was | SHARP FROST AT BRANDON. Brandon, 10 if frost were registered last June Four de night : was recorded before midnight, but A light fall of snow also the snow melted as soon as it fell THE WEATHER. 5 a. m., June 214, 1945. Barometer pecutes ctseueeeeee Max. temp. .eereereevers 54.0 Min, COMP. severe ereeeee 46.0 Rais scccevetetereetres 1.20 F. W. Dowling, Observer. ~ @8TH E. G. O. R. Commanding, June 10, 1915: Parades. “A” and “B” Companies will parade as one company at the A” and “B” Companies will Exhibition Building on Monday, the 2ist inst., at 8 p.m. By order, ADAIR CARSS, Lieut. {38-39 | Orders by Major J. H. MoMullin, | Steamships Prince Rupert and Prince George For Vancouver Victoria and Seattle AT 10 A. M. ON TUESDAYS, THURSDAYS SATURDAYS Close Connections Made for San Francisco, San Diego, Ete SUMMER EXCURSIONS TO THE ExasT GOOD RETURNING TILL OCTOBER 944:. Traine Leave Prince Rupert at 10:30 A. M., on Mondays, days, carrying Electric Lighted Bleeping and Dining Winnipeg. Tourlet Sleeper every Monday. For Special Excursion Rates to All Eastern Points, allowing Libera 8 over Privileges, Apply to— top- G. T. P. TICKET OFFICE, THIRD AVENUE, PRINCE RUPERT, 8. 6 PHONE 260 AGENCY ALL ATLANTIC STEAMSHIP Lines Thuredays & Setup. Oars through to Acting Adjutant. | hone 554 P.0.Bor 4 MUSIC for Teacher of Violin and All APERHANGING Band Instruments AINTING A. PESCOTT OLISHING AND Lee a WALL TINTING High gerade nterwer ; corating @ Specialty FOR RENT Eee TWO HOUSES SIXTH & THOMPSON ST. STRICTLY MODERN CHEAP —APPLY— Pattullo & Radford 2nd Ave. Martin Swansor Second Avenue, near McBride DENTISTRY | BORO II TE rt htitt cm scent 35_PHONE-%5 ‘§ TAXI BEEP R EEE E NE EEE EERE REE i FOR A TAXI} ies ! 75-PHONE-75 j Sc RRERAAA AAA ATED LAND NOTICES Skeena Land District. Graham Island. TAKE NOTICE that I, of Prince Rupert, hotel man, a license troleum: to prospect for coal thence south 80 chains; chains; more or less. the northwest corner. GRANT THORBURN, 112-140 Samuel Horner, Queen Charlotte Islands Land District Grant Thorburn, intend wo apply to the Chief Commissioner of lands for the Province of British Columbia for and pe- Starting at a post planted two miles west of the northwest corner of Sec tion 6, Township 9; thence east 80 chains; thence west 80 thence north 80 chains to point of commencement; containing 640 acres, Dated the {6th day of March, 1915, at Agent. 3 Phome 174 Box #74 PRINCE RUPERT AUTO CO FOR PLUMBING AND MEATING fo © aetna SMITH & MALLET Largest stock of Pipe north o Va uver, rane Valves and fit wae tings, Pipes cut to order Third Ave. Head of Second Btres Prince Rupert B. C. UNDERTAKERS = FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND em- |S!" M. Manson, © E. Williams, BA, LJ BALMERS — SATISFACTION GUAR- Ww ANTEED—OPEN DAY AND NIGHT 117 2ND STREET—PHONE 41 BRUCE MORTON, Funeral Director WILLIAMS & MANSON Barristers, Solicitors, Ete. MONEY TO LOAN Box 1585 He'gerson Block Prince Rupert, E e o Canadian Office corner gna Street end 8rd Av STEAM LAUNDRY j PACIFIC cantact UMI (Successors two Paci! Transfer Co ee ere Genere! Oartege Skeena Land District. Queen Charlotte Islands Land District— Graham Island. TAKE NOTICE that I, of the north §0 chains; thence south 80 chains less. the southwest corner. 112-140 SAMURL HORNER. Be \ ee hy. to 4 The purity and fragrance of Baby’s Own Soap have made it a universal favorite, Its use is beneficial to any skin. Samuel Horner, of Vancouver, prospector, intend to apply to the Chief Commissioner of Lands for the Province of British Columbia for a l- cense to prospect for coal and petroleum: Starting at a post planted two miles west southwest corner of Section 7 Township 9; thence east 80 chains; thence thence west 80 chains; to point of com- mencement; containing 640 acres, more or Dated the ié6th day of March, 1915, at LADYSMITH COAL @3—Pnone—88 Latest and Approved Methods Only Skilled Operatore Employed Phone us and we will call for a trial bundle Vote Our Address: 5615 SIXTH AVENUE WEST z JAMES GILMORE Architect 2nd Avenue, near McBride St PHONE NO. 8 NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS Canadian Steam Laundry ———— CANADIAN PACIFI RAILWAY PRINCESS ALICE SOUTHBOUND SATURDAY, 6 PI SEEDS! SEEDS! RECEIVED OUR 1915 SEEDS PRINCESS MAQUINNA Rennie'’s Ferry's, Steele's, sunpay, 6P.! Brigg’s MoNAB, General Agent Garden and Field Seeds connec peerin arent and Twine Also Fertilizers ae ADVERTISE I" THE DAILY NEI Nerve Energy 4 We Take Orders for Nursery Stock Grain, and Feed at Vancouver Prices Chicken Feed a Specialty Mall orders promptiy attended to Alber SopeLinited, Montreal Pri Third Ruy Feed Co, Eyeglasses. Mi us Drawn for The TE teh fy BUT LG@ET BUWE WHEN © HOW OLD L KEEP GETTING AND STILL 4 BACH GEE -WHEY S@N APELLOW DONT BEGIN VO UVE ONT. HE GETS MARRILD 3 j ig wre oomed WITH ALL TH SWEET YOUNG- AKE A MONTH LiKE JUNE. IROS BEING- COPPED OUT OW WELL- I GOT MY WORK TOTAKE MY MIND OFF'N TH HAPPY S\ DE. OF OW SCOOP HORRY UP WITH THAT Copy WANT ‘TO SEND YOu TO WRITE. WPA BIG— WEDDING— A June Bride A constant dropping - away a stone. A ve eyestrain injures - “ti because it is const strain which first mani itself as a slight discolt should be remedied 4o' This we guarantee (0 lasses. Consultation elays are dangerous Look for Look OPTICIAN 223 Sixth St. Phone 81s