rine 24, 1945. ick 2 REPULSED ‘tion Relieved Just lo uf puit-a-tives” —_— Empress Jams Are strictly a B. ©. Product. Right from the delicious, fresh picked, sun ripened fruits of the Fraser Valley and Vancouver Island, to ve purest of Cane Sugar. Every step In the producing and manufac- turing of the delicious Jam contributes to the prosperity of B. ©. It will satisfy the most exacting. SOLD BY ALL GROCERS In 1-Ib. Glass Jars and 4-Ib. Tins ue Cond Time By is THE EMPRESS MANUFAOTURING ©O., LT? Vancouver, B. ©. be MA, F. J. CAVEEN t, East, Toronto., I was a victim of | (yerra wo t tig n and Gas In The 4. It yards attacked my edie snd 1 had pains all over the E 0 1 | hardly move around, mpress j ams al f medicines but none any good, At last, iviee of a friend, I ——a 1h. dey ‘Fruit-a-tives’. T bought 4 box last June, and now I am . — fter vy only three boxes. nae 29ane > — Fruit-a-tives’ to anyone Indigestion, no matter FRED J. CAVEEN. Indigestion often leads to Attack itarvh of the Stomach astant distress of mind and body. are bothered with any Stomach e, and ecially if Constipation u, take ‘Fruit-a-tives’. a bor, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 25¢. \ r sent postpaid by a-tives I mited, Ottawa. Ramsay’s Empire Cream Sodas In 2-b. Tins MINERAL ACT. Certificate of Improvemente. NOTICE. ight, Homestake No. 1, and Sun- pers! Claims, situate im the Skeens Ing Division of Cassiar District. rm located: On the North Shore of Bay between Bonanze and Falls Have attained their enviable reputation by their euperior quality and uniformity. The most discriminating houese- wife insists upon “Ramsays Empire” when buying Soda Biscults. They are made in B. Cc. and your grocer gete hie supply frequently and quickly, Insuring freshness, which means crispness. : Prove It by buying a tin with your next order. Manufactured by | NOTICE that 1, George KR, Neden, Mer’s Certificate No, $0353R, act- agent for Thomas McKostie, Free | fertificate No, 80348B, and James ih, Free Miner’s Certificate No B, tntend, stxty days from the ert, t apply to the Mining Re- / for a Certificate of Improve- | for the purpose of obtaining 4) THE TWO CROSSES. [hie fron! f dk rhe Victoria Cross for valor.—Cartoon by J. Frise. } Grant of the above claims, oi aa ot RAMSAY BROS & CO LTD y Ye, e °9 e ‘further take notice that ection, un- WAS AT ST. JULIEN, FROST AT SASKATOON. Vancouver, 8. C. tion 37, must be commenced before moe of such Certificate of Improve- aden tiie FRISE . md this 18th day Of March, A. D. NOT LANGEMARCK Saskatoon, June 19.—TBere PIII IAI IIA IAAI ISISISIAISIISN GEO. R. NADEN. , : 1° “ alike vere several degrees Of frost | exemmmeepeee — ——— —— ' , ie0-|ocain last night, which touched NOE TO DELINQUENT CO- I Sa ghes, Minister of M sans oti hae der garden plants, n PZ oman . wes ngs i | plan 1 ay 0 HANAY JOHNS: or we r- }up to noon shows no injury to the @ perems wo a. hh out Rate veste Ly 1 the way to N bie field crop Four wteresta, Take Notice ca woot 4 y be 1" Ay = ira Falis a d London camps i = Read \ ) | e e Minera! Cistras, situated at the IN THE MATTER OF AN APPLICATION of Hastings A ree- ) of a mile frotn the beae . ae a for the isswe of a fresh Certificate of Teumiin amy! | atk rtel Title for Lot Six (6, Block Four (4) ave done . @ work ob the above mentioned before bottling for the % git Year 1944) amounting %| GUARANTEED BY THE 2 of the Mineral Att, apd if| GOVERNMENT of CANADA ‘ and Lots Seven (7) and Eight (8), Block 9 Fine said the genera Ve] pwelve (12), Section One (1), City of | | é the 1° KOO we want almost Prince Rupert, Map 923: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that it ts > a. 2 _ ee =n corrects liane lalla, a ; wv We have over|my intention to issue after the expiration a on fu expenaifure, to- 7 a 4 3} mr] 43 apr f one month from the first publication t seme tiercee 7. shane rio eit- 038 Ls oe} Vr {20,000 m vanized and under |bereof a Fresh Certificate of Title for the Mm wil become the prop - WV tting ubove mentioned lots in the name of wi- re Ra vnder set tv oF the ua e are getting |ijam 7. Booth, which Certificate - “7 : ——_————eS ndment Act of £900. . ix numbered 5824-1, and was issued on M . T. H. COVERT, Everything | oom, 1944. Circulation Guaranteed —— ee OTE coing well. We H. F. MACLEOD, he La in North a District Registrar. the argest ern malatic® bos men UD= yang Registry OMee, Prince Rupert, B. C., ss British Columbia 3 May 4th, 1015. 105-1414-117-128 Sas ee ree ee “ OLD WATCH FREE. cy data lce | ARERR aa aR FIRE ALARM SYSTEM x x a x . CMROUIT NO. 1. x _ x x x _———————— SSS Largest Circula- $ THERE } Three quarters tion means the § [§ ¢ of the local Ad- Best Advertising A vertising is done » Medium :: § REASON inthe DailyNews pe => ——————— Box 125th St. and Sra Ave. Box 13-—6th St. and 8rd Ave. Box 14—-8th St. and Srd Ave. Box 16—Junction of ist, god sod Sra Aves. Box 16—-1st Ave., between sth and Qth Sts. (Knox Hotel.) Bow 17-——1st Ave. and 7th St. (Cen tral Hovel.) The Dye that colors ANY KIND® | of Cloth Pergectly, with the emal rhat was where the ; — ove ‘ ns fled. Our men were at te. No Chance of Mistakes. Clean and Set ek yout Dre ndrdson Co. Limited, Mootres! | St \ n nd that is the name this action CIROUIT NO. 2. Box 22—8rd Ave. end tra St. (vost Offiee.) f the French infantry atso. He Box 28—Srd Ave. ena McBride st. Box 24-—ist Ave. and McBride 8t. Box 26--20d Ave. antl gud St Box 26—2nd Ave, and 6th St. (NON STEAMSHIP C0, OF B.C, LIMITED 0:5 so. pe se son rhe wenera « loud in his praise - | ai] 83. RE — CIROUIT NO. 8. . ° nancetecnctetecnceeaen . SOUTHBOUND TUESDAYS aTOP.™ RTT. eon 81—bth Ave. and rotoo as. ii § AT f Box 82—Borden and Taylor Sts. ngs for GRANBY, SIMPSON AND NAAS SUNDAY NERY NE POWDERS con 34- 1. Ave. and Fulton St. MIDNIGHT ; . Box 356-—0th Ave, and Comox Ave. For Further Particulars Apply © Box 87—sih Ave. and Dodge Pb PHONE 568 JOHN BARNSLEY, Agent, SECOND AVE. Box 88-—Sth Ave. and Thompson St, CIROUIT NO. 4. a AGENCY ATLANTIC STEAMSHIPS >... aia Prince Rupert’s Leading Paper! _——... Box 4*—4th Ave, and Emmerson as Box 425th Ave, gud McBride 8t. Box 43-—4gb Ave. and Green 5t. Box 44-.6th Ave end Basil St. Boa 46-—7th Ave. and Eperts. Box 141-7 Ave. and Young St. == . Read . =| THE DAILY NEWS’ ro JOHN HALLAM, LimizeD |) | Why Endure Headaches? —One trial will convince you that a sure and safe remedy for any headache is at your service io MATHIEU’S Nervine Powders 18 ine box, 25e. Sold everywhere. If your dealer does not sellthemwe box on receipt of price, 25c- JL. MATHIEU CO. Preps. SHERBROOKE, Fe 6-5-O SHINGLEF, MOULDINGS, SASH, DOORS PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER C0. t A 4. BURROUGHS, Maneger oo “sea & PRINCE RUPERT, 6.0 : s Branch vara # Bmithere ~ aoe eee? |