_ THE DAILY NEWS RI TISH AVIATORS EXPLODE GERMANDEPOI ENERAL PAUSE ON BOTH F RONTS— BELIEVED GERMANS WILL MAKE FOR PARIS {TISH_ AVIATORS EXPLODE a RESULTS OF CITY PUBLIC A GERMAN AMMUNITION DEPOT SCHOOLS EXAMINATIONS LISTS OF STUDENTS FROM TH i +ROOPS—HEAVY GUNS FOR POLAND —TWwo Jip Se tinge ee ae eee ee oneeells COD tate nan CESSFULLY PASSED THE EXAMINATION FOR PRO- anne 0.4. y WHER MOTION—THE SUMMER VACATION BE- GINS TODAY (Spec al ty The Daily Nevwe.) Gierman aet ty ‘ ‘ : : Che result of the examinations |MéeKinnon, Jack Dean, George j e 26 British avia the publie sehools was made|Mitehéll, Willie Rogers, Willie » *Fy ai eae OMeers Suicide. FIRST VIEWS OF CANADIANS AT LANGE MARCK FIGHT Briga =e Punctuality and Regularity: Eva dications of a heavy) rokyo, June 26 Major Na- “ ; be announced later. Cavalier, Helga Halvarson, Rosie -amea as the er-( era lercer, commardiug the Ontario Brigade, and his aie . gagement soon a ”)lkagima and Captai Hasimoto, os ri picture was t “ie tl t batt! aes The result in the various rooms | Adams. ata his ( ire as ake ay iz 1é grea a e, astiice ire massing troops. lJapanese officers with the Rus- | . to M tat 1 7 ; , ' ; of the schools were as follows: DIV.’ MI UTTABEL fre ] 22nd te ay 1s he picture was taken at advance ¢ TV.V.—MISS SUTT. RE. General Pause. lston army at Lembers nritted : ete ' formes in : headquarters of the Canadians on the 25th. From left tto right-— | DIV. 1.—D. Meb. HUNTER. From Senior 2nd to Junior 3rd. “use at- ari kari whe he mali n cap . . . . 1 pause on both bat [hia : ' ‘P- |) Ma r. kh. Powers, Signalling officer; Captain Frank B. Ware,| Entrance Results announced] (promoted at Christmas). Helen t is werti ’ ti feil athe ! suffer dis } It is uncertain wheth jital fell, rat tha , ; | Lieut. Basil Wedd. The oflicers are seen to be heavily armed jlater, also award of Honor Rolls.| Wallace, Helen Fotos, Grace Man- inys next move will be|honor by being made prisoners of | | , ’ ad ¢ ed he building in the al as ‘lle ‘ ces ? oe ‘ ; s ‘ i . s.e : Ver: Warsaw, Paris or Calais.|war - The building in the rear. was pummelied to: plee? ii youn ¥, MAUDONALA.I°e SO* Fone Zee, Sees naan a 6 by Ge | boxes” an hour or so ofter the ow was taken. | ‘ Shockley, and Pete Tremayne, | From Junior 4 to Senior 4. equal; Nettie Hogberg, Margaret n | Ellis Bard, Sidney Bazett-Jones *HANICS FOR OLD ‘BOARD OF TRADE INQUIRY VANCOUVER LADIES ~ | VANCOUVER POLICE : , . Lindsay, Rhona Saunders, Willie |Muriel Bowen, Vienna Calderoue, )UNTRY TO APPLY TO | REGARDING MAIL SERVICE yo) POLITICAL MEETING HAVE SALARIES CUT «ve: curtn,sonatan Dovissn eee Aan Kala Fe CITY CLERK AT ONCE The Board of Trade 1 | ie asa Mgr on el, eet ee lyn) MacDonald, Lorna Tite, Annie —s (Special to The Dal'y News) (Special to The o The Daily News.) |Ge orgina Hunter, Dooley Kasana- , | . . cebli , “ey Swee ; ne he following tclegra from thts aS ee ae Vancouver, June 26. The |vieh, Gordon Kirkpatrick, Roder- Ke Bie, Aubrey weet, Howard received many en-| 7 ee : , ro] : ‘slick MacRae, CGaroline Mitchell Frizzell. f Postmaster-General today in re ones tie \ bi . political Board of Police Commissioners | 1 Mackhae, saroine Mitehell, FP Ss ‘ 2nd to Junior 3rd ur l os ons 0 s ‘ een . —~ ¢ " e . Pa ) ‘ « 3 garding position ri ponse to their enquiry regard ld ‘ has made a cut in the salary|Muriel Patmore, Louise Rowell, FI oo ene we as 1 Del Spotise 0 QUuir) ate neet g fw ‘ was held unde! : | ; i ; a ve] nilli ‘ * » sla 1 the old COMET, | ee ' seale which will effect a saving|Ralph Smith, Murray Stephens, gene oe oo =e ‘ : ing ¢ arrangement o 1O darth |, , . ymen’s ° -_ . } mm lal sata, ir , s Manson, ML P.P., took the /'"8 @ re-a row c ' lieasi s of the Women’s Lib- "| + ¢58 900 a year. The Chief has|George Tite, Mabel Vierick, Aval- ad soy oe ee aoe me 0 ae e ft eres poe 41Z221e ss uver 4 with Acting-Premier |**'vice 7 ‘ os eral Association last night. No heen reduced from $375 to $300fton Wallace. aa? ey vores Leek, Rmily ane ri schedule, | | . . Sy x. ser. and received the follow. | ind trai . i ten were admitted unless escort: |per month, Constables will now| Recommended: — Charles Cnr- g° - Seton talk ts Gentes tae | Ottawa, June 25, 19 i : ie ‘om nd to Senior 2nd: t im in reply: awa - ed by ladies fhe meeting was! start at $72.50 and rise to $95./rie, Clarice Griffiths, Jack Hum- k is ais Pe : i th ewart, President Board o' : - ’ . ‘elix Ba ‘re ergin, Doro Victoria, June 25, 1915 = ee © eh addressed by Ralph Smith, Pat/The average cut is fifteen per|ble, Isabel Kellie, Hans Knott. . a : Me mee rade, Prinee Rupert, B. C., . Macdonald, Harold Walley, Edith Enrollment, twenty-nine (29). : Crawford, Gwen Bowden, Alfie Roll of Honor. ; . wire re mail service via G, T. P Shockley, Phil Dowling. | Deportment: Violet Ethelyn fifteenth. Barnes to Prinee Kupel t and que stion of SOUTH VANCOUVER eportinen ole Rolls of Honor. Windham, British Labout limproving mail serviee by oie am STIRRING FOOTBALL | TAX SALE ARRANGED | gv oni; Rentalenen: ance Regularity and Punctuality :— 5 called today. Wish | rs between Vancouver and Prince AT RECREATION PARK | renera roficiency: Are i matte tadt. Pend Marain. Deveiie es } Maneo > p | nneily, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. DeB. jcent. ' o, M.P.P., Acknowledging receipt of youl ; i irris. a sraerear eae acmmeeruneare:e aimee Rupert, B. C., many men you think Rupert, these mattters are now (Special to The Dally News. oe lity and Regularity’ Fotos, John Fotos. ire to go from Prince}) ing enquired inte. In the semi-final for the ¢ ity; South Vancouver, June 26. ae — vi SS a et Deportment: Dorothy Macdon- rt. Kindly wire number, 80 | r. GC. CASGRAIN rootball Cup, the Callies defeated has been arranged to hold a tax} ‘'e"ne cis a og ae ald. can deeide whether it; Postmaster-c : : tt ee 3 | sale n July 29. Reeve Gold, who ‘Ellis Raymond; equal. Proficiency: Helen Wallace, le to go there or not. | " nee ‘is to 2. The game was pro. |opposed the tax sale was absent.) py, [11—MISS E. M. EASON. |Florence Williamson, Fred Ker nining themeswes to| MAJESTIC THEATRE Huet , more excitement than rhe Reeve has threatened to dis-| Intermediate. gin. riveters, drillers, | at charge the collector in order to Promoted from Senior 2rd -_ i footbal though DIV. VI.—MISS ELSIE TAYLOR s. boilermakers, sheet-| cs ait ta heatre presents jprevent the sale taking place. i Res der to Junior 4th Reader: Alf. | The Ma , : t : 9 ec i Nae | on Promoted from Second Reader era, coppersmiths,!, yery fine six-reel program to lefence ont aE i Erickson, Muriel Burroughs, Dor- tot Bend S , } derstandine . ; , : ; o Junior 3rd eader: Signe ths and moulders. If only | ni ht and Monday, opening with noth iA full a BASEBALL EXCURSION ott Tremayne, Edith Kelsey, Bricheen. Luce Pillebucs, Wit . ota sides wee eu oT ‘rickson, cy sbury, are available they can |.ppe ower < aitl two 1 : , one rda Johnson, Eva Essen, Hilda ye es ome Flow Podesias count of the game will appeal - Phe Prineess Royal has bee n | “8 ” ; : : _.|Montgomery, Patsy Mazzei, Bertie ingements for them tO/peejs, This is followed by a sen ; |Halverson, Gladys Vierick, David Monday's issue epecially fitted for the exc ursion | be 3 : _ | Dewhurst, Olga Rank, Jean Cur- here rather than take} cational novelty entitled “Car- ee ! : iCavalier, Wilfred Murphy, Ber-| . i ate ais, finale f going up north ‘ é omedy to Ketchikan on July 2nd. The | nice Palmer, Nellie Macdonald, rie, Mary Cross, Minsie ank, . y Ades jtoons in the Kitchen; & ‘ ? SUBMARINES NETTED party will have an opportunity to . ms . ¥ “ Baily Marie Michallof, Frank Morrison, V. J. BOWSER. | arama called “A Night in Ken- arty i i : Greita McLeod, Moya aily, cee j ; sit Granby on the return trip Ps “te i titties ial > chanies wishing to of-|tueky; he Mysterious Lodge! , iia, sekieiiialli Mall \ i ) oe '| Gladys Kemp, Dorothy Tovey, Continued on Page Four.) services are requested tola drama, and a great comedy | ted to have been time being allowed to visi | Pita Toomire, Nellie Hill, Melvin ‘ ’ i ‘ a, at unofficially reporter 0 i ca 148.449 lc es ce ; Cee their names at the Gity Hall |: rhe Strength of Sampsot » of Tas smelters. "Stephens, Ruth Rix, Frank Barns- , sit) ‘ strens destroyed in the rirth o ay, es ee é tee eee, Alb R Hately, This ineludes all —————— Seotland, having been trapped in About July 2ist a party of a jley, Anson Jones, Grace Carrol, ert ooms } . big league clubs|~ aoe ou * ; George Osborne. Who have already made ap- Agents of the big leagu u ire netting prepared for the hundred young ladies will visit} o “ I : ied: Mabel Adams 2nd Avenue=——= ! * ri . i wweludec ‘ ecrei . commended: Me 3 Adi 8, any form whatever, jare strictly excluded from hecrea me such visitors Ex ik Bane aie ates nose thie ecomm Close to the Westholme Theatre 4 lete list is required atition Park on Monday night when Constance MeMullin, Sydney tHun- aceemmatinaa mania : Ss ) «ee 0 i 2 S, | . . Panama Exposition : ; : 1 ' sho thei ter, Jean Bayley, Gunnard An- CENTRALLY LOCATED the dark horses how XCURSION oe aie | pact KETONIKAN EXOU Brol * lines in women’s. shoe derson, Willie Dunean, Donald STRICTLY MODERN a pomdgos re ; REASONABLE naman : ave a foe neise MeKinnon, Dorothy Stephens. RENTS — | Ry the way tickets are selling,lof which there are a few pale: Weekly or Monthly by Arrangement ; : Miss McGregor left this morn the excursion to Ketchikan onfonly, Values to $5.00 for 4.95. ' Rolls of Honor. ales If pq ing on a visit to her father, the muly @nd ie going to be @ huge PECK THE SHOR MAN, Alf, Eriekson, Jean Bailey,Moya UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Rev. P. MeGregor, of Wolfville, ee your tickets eae st Bailey, Hilda Halvarson, George ~TONI eS success Secure yi ma. frase Care GHT AND MONDAY MIGHT— a Me early as there is only a limited Follow the erowd to Self’s Osborne, Grace Carroll, | Reels — PROGRAM— 6 Reels : e ar \\ Inumber Berth, including meals Cafe. There is a reason... Prsoen DIV.1V.._MISS JEAN MeGREGOR Opening Announcement ‘ wns P O2U, “Round-up” Shoe Sale. Apply ©.) Majestic Theatre. 10 for the round trip, Promoted from Junior 3rd to