THE DAILY NEws THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Daily and Weekly Guaranteed Largest Circulation HEAD OFFICE Daily News Building, 3rd Ave, Prince Rupert, TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cents per inch. rates on ee ae R Gore Saturday, June 25, 1915 B.C. Telephone 98 Contract DAILY EDITION has resulted in the LAND GRABBING politically, The infamy of the MeBride- development of some very sur- Bowser government is spread prising, and correspondingly ing. A recent issue of the disappointing statistics. It ap- Christian Science Monitor,” of pears from the report of the Boston, Mass., devotes the provincial surveyol general chief part of its editorial col- that there are only 28,920,00( umns to an article on “British acres of surveyed land in the Columbia Land Grabbing,” in province, of which 5,189,522 which it reproduces some of acres are not under provincia the figures quoted in The jurisdiction. The Provincial Crisis. The article says: Year Book states that only a ‘Revelations concerning the twenty-fifth of the area, or 114,- manner in which speculaters 000,000 acres, is agricultural have seized, and have been per- land. The Dominion census mitted to seize, public lands puts the area of possible farm in British Columbia are as- lands in the province at 22,- tounding the people of that 618,000 acres. In answer to province and of the whole vo- enquiries as to the extent of minion. With the recent com agricultural land still available ing of industrial and trade de- for pre-emption and settle- pression, and the consequent ment near railways or wagon throwing out of employment of roads, twenty out of twenty-} great numbers of workers in nine assessors replied that the the larger towns and cities, a supply of such land is ex- movement towards the soil was hausted. urged upon the idle and quick- What has become of the tre-| ly responded to. It was the mendous acreage of agricul-| common presumption that tural land that was really British Columbia had _ public available for settlers and pre- land enough for as many dis- emptors a few years ago? Mil- tributions as might be neces- lions of acres are in the hands sary to meet present neces- of a few men, although there sity. Only recently it had been is a law positively forbidding reported officially that ‘ ‘the the sale of more than 640 arces total amount of land surveyed of crown land to any one per- and ready for the pre-emptor, son until the first purchase has and the pre-emptor alone, been cultivated. and improved nounted to 91,128,567 acres, to the extent of $3 per acre. one third of the total area of But it seems that in 1907 an the province. The report amendment was passed per- added, as if to give emphasis mitting land to be staked by to the province's wonderfui re- agents, whereupon the “grab- source in this particular, “in bers” flooded the provinee the whole of Canada there are with representatives who took only 36,000,000 aeres under up the best land in sight. The cultivation, while in British method they are said to have Columbia alone we have 94, employed is as scandalous as 128,567 acres surveyed and the wrong they have done. ready for the settler.” It was Through some of the lowest further stated that 4,500,000 forms of corruption the people acres of land, free to the set- of British Columbia have, tem- tler, could be had within three porarily at least, been deprived miles of railways. of their inheritance. There is Investigation carried on by at present a popular demand the Ministerial Union of the for restitution, and one that is Lower Mainland of British Co- not likely to be quieted or sil- lumbia, a nou-pariizan body enced until it is fully mad ey 7 ganqnenaeanannensspanenenenogupssmmpmeiaers FSS ERIN mcm Na oe me FRED STORK’S a HARDWARE ——————————==aa— 710 SECOND AVE Suiiders’ Hardware Ship Chandlery Carpenters’ Tools Wire Cable Stee! Blocks Fishing Tackie fron Pipe Pipe Fittings Rifles and Shotguns Rope Valves Ammunition Pumps Hose Paint Stoves and Ranges Rubberoid Roofing Corrugated tron “WE SELL NOTHING SUT THE BEST” _ FRED STORK’S HARDWARE ——————————————_— wi MORE CERTAIN I aM. THAT (F L DONT RUSTLE Me UP A JUNE PRIDE THIS JUNE, [TH MORE I WHINK OF yl \ 7 SOUNG FELLER. CAN YOO TELL Me WHERE L. Icin BUY A MARRIED | NEXT JUNE Be LICENSE -MyYRT oS NTs A s a GONNA GET OLD-NO . NSPLICED! GIRL. Witt 4 oe : «f Sig _ Have © 2 = ds THE Me PROYAL 4 i YEAS | rhe following is from an Ot- | | D | va official report bad atelier In the recent severe fighting DAILY NEWS HEROISM OF DOCTORS AND STRETCHE R BEARERS MAKES PERFECT BREA PRELIMINARY ESTIMATE OF SEASON'S GRAIN CROP st examples of f the fine were given by the doctors stretcher bearers, who con- | | | | Steamships Prince Rupert and Prince George For Vancouver Victoria and Seattle AT 10 A. M. ON TUESDAYS, THURSDAYS & SATURDAYS Close Connections Made for San Francisco, San Dion. Etc SUMMER” EXOURSIONS To THE Easy Ottawa, June 25 \ press bul-|.) intly exposed themselves to this GOOD RETURNING TILL OCTOBER 315:. letin recently issued by the Cer isting bombardment. Dress Traine Leave Prince Rupert at 10:30 A. M., on Mondays, Thursdays « Satur. ; iilicee is ‘ » aha ned | days, carrying Electric Lighted Siseping and Dining Gare in. wen ¢ sus and Statistics office i stations had to be abond ned | Winnipes. Tourist 68 every Monday. e jspecial interest as giving the pre edly in many instances, and | For Special Excursion Rates to All Eastern Points, allowing Lipers) Stop. | over Privileges, Apply to— liminary estimate of the area) ilion surgeons like Lieuten G. T. P. TICKET OFFICE, THIRD AVENUE, PRINCE RUPERT. 5 ¢ PHONE 260 ls to gra rops in Gana Goddard, of the King’s Own, | AGENCY ALL ATLANTIC STEAMSHIP Lines t present season and the! back repeatedly into the ______ ss ! | = these ps M: } < 7 ging out a wounded — sf as re] 1 DY ¢ Spo t each time. Two of the sad hone 554 0.Box § I ports re 1 show that] ying out Lieutenant Goddard MUSIC ) \ ' the Maritime "provinces "were killed by shrapnel before the |} — Fegoher of Violin and Ail — ” ind rainy wea « May d | ey was finished. —— Instruments AINTING ived fa W k, and at th it was impossible to collect the 452 Eighth Ave. Gast . AND f the itha gs 1 dea f seed lw ded from the field during th» Phone Green ALL TINTING ne had still I pleted. In]daylight As soon as night fell = High ¢ rer ¢ a ae i ‘ ws iaicittaainainds i sate a : Chniad nd Onta! i wil stretcher bearers and as many Juever ind ‘ i i I ‘ +} ,.} additional workers as could be Martin Swanson ‘ f « g ‘ e ae ' 5 4 llected went out under the di- DE NTISTR Y | Second Avenue, near McBridy ri v Wa weatnel i ; In tl ct f the surgeons and grop- Sea — - April, reta growth n thes ; dieenty tend anne CROWN AND BRIDGE WORK RRA ERED REED pro . st pas- i he marsh land, pickin A SPECIALTY tures, but did little damage to/“P ™en who laid there all day|} pag, qimoy @ BROWN rain crops. In the Northw g with shells exploding on ev- DENTISTS 95 : ‘ y side It was impossible to Office: Smith Block, Third Avenue rovinces - was At ” , ; ‘ v¥ lights—even the flare of an Phone 456 somewnat by id a > ht } pocket lamp. The stretch- a! T A XI nights, yut, th ( - iditions continue to be favorab! nearers had to craw! laborous EEEEENN EERE EERE EERE EERE D i] t M wba jj iy th igh the darkness and when nh some parts “ua Dé ( a / i -s ey found a man who was still FOR A TAXI |}Saskatchewan the i f rain we being felt In Alberta and ilive it was necessary to make a ALF HALLIGAN was Je : eit. AAIVMOT Le « Wi British Columbia the conditi siow and painful journey across ritish Co F , ondition | he plain stepping over bodies REAR EERE ED jof the grain crops was generally , lf vorabl ind iding craters, until they eohatennieteammnetiionstaes a avorabie, . ice reached the motor ambulances ‘ 7 = - a waiting on the nearest ros F PLUMBING AND HEATING HIGH TEA PRICES waitir he nearest road. PRINCE RUPERT AUTO CO oR me 8 LAND NOTICES ekktthhthkteheth thik SMITH & MALLETT ‘6 Largest stock of Pipe of ne Deen Se sie ee VarfPouver, Crane Valves and Fit ¢ late o -ipenls a. Skeena Land District. = —_—— tings, Pipes cut to order pany s ‘atest monthiy cireuler | Queen Charlotte Islands Laud District Third Ave., me — sued from Ceylon and just to Graham Island. Prince pert mand states: “A feature of tie! : =< » FF 8S ® eee es arket 1 » record prices pai TAKB NOTICE that I, Grant Thorburn, Alex M. Manson, B.A market was the record pric paid Prince Rupert, hotel man, intend to TE ciemeens ; for flavory teas. The oldest mem-|apply to the Chief Commissioner of lands 1 , f the tea trad nu Ceyl for the Province of British Columbia for WILLIAMS & MANSON bers o p tes — = en 4 license to prospect for coal and pe i E ©. could not remember such high|treleum: Starting at a post planted two Barristers, Solicitors, Et 's being realized befor price talles west of the northwest corner of Sec HOMIE STUDY SCHOO an, QUEEN’S KINGSTON, ONTARIO ARTS EDUCATION MEDICI SCHOOL OF MINING Arts Courses on!) SUMMER JULY and AUGUST UNIVERSITY MINING CHEMICAL MECHANICAL CIVIL ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING GEO, Y. CHOWN, Registrar MONEY TO LOAN tion 6, Township 9; thence east 80 chains; Box 158 thence south 80 ¢hains; thence west 80 Helgerson Block Pri 8 chains; thence north 80 chains to potnt os £ commencement; containing 640 acres, |$ amelie: aS ha 2 more or less. Can dia Office corner @nd Street and Sra Aveo Dated the 16th day of March, 1015, at a n the northwest corner. GRANT THORBURN. 119- 140 Samuel Horner, Agent. Skeena Land District. Queen Charlotte Islands Land District— Graham Island. TAKE NOTICE that 1, f Vancouver, prospector, intend to apply to the Chief Commissioner of Lands for the Province of British Columbia for a H- cense to prospect for coal and petroleum: Starting at @ post planted two miles weet of the southwest corner of Section 7 Mownship 9; thence east 80 chains; thence north 80 chains; thence west 80 chains; Samuel Horner, NE thence south 80 chains to point of com- mencement; less. containing 640 acres, more or —Stop it Coughing increases the irritation of the already in- flamed mucnous membranes and is moreover apt to carry disease to others, Mathieu’s Syrup of Tar and Cod Liver Oil pe y sto’ -— coughing, and soon, than to its tonie properties, effects a econ. oy cure, e wonderful larit of Mathieu’ s$ ra Tar and Cod Liver Oil is specially due to its great value as a poemapens | ang and bron- = ‘everywhere, lar, 35¢ large J. L. MATHIEU CO, Prop., Sherbrooke, P.Q. -| Coughing scatters germs Dated the 16th day of March, southwest corner. 1015, at the PACIFIC CARTAGE LIMITE (successors to Pacifi« Genera! Cartage LADYSMITH COAL 03 Prone 83 Tra STEAM LAUNDRY Gates cee Geprenes Weeds Only Skilled Cperatore Employed —— Phone us and we will call for a trial bundle Vote Our Addrees: JAMES GILMORE 616 GIXTM AVENUE WEST Architect PHONE NO. 8 2nd Avenue, near McBride Stre¢ NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS ea a al CANADIAN PACIFIC Cossdion Steam Laundry | 112-140 _ BORNER. SAMUBL RAILWAY PRINCESS ALICE The purity end Baby’s Own Sone hove ade it a universal fa‘or'te. lis use is beneficial to any skip aang Albert Soaps Lined, Montreal, SOUTHBOUND SATURDAY, 6P.™ SEEDS! SEEDS! { RECEIVED OUR 1915 SEEDS PRINCESS MAQUINNA ws SAROAE. i SOUTHBOUND Rennie’s Ferry's, Steele's, SUNDAY, 6 P.M Brigg's 4. @ MONAB, Genere! Agen’ Corner Fourth Street and Third Ave — Garden and Field Seeds Also Fertilizers We Take Orders for Nursery Stock Grain, and Feed at Vancouver Prices Chicken Feed a Speciality Mall orders promptly attended to Prince Rupert Feed Co. 808 Third Ave. ADVERTISE IN THE DAILY NEWS Nerve Energy and Eyeglasses. Hs Drawn for The Daily News. —bBy “Hop.” Gia: A BIT = A “WE ET: AIT eHOH 2) = Ps > \ M JUST INETY SIX TUH DAY - BEEN PLAYIN ROUND LONG ENOUGH - GONNA SETTLE DOWN AN PeHave! A constant droppin — away a stone. Se aith eyestrain injures tie © - ad because it is constant. strain which first 0! no itself as a slight Go<°" yo should be remedies : | at oe This we guarantee (0 lasses. Consulta! elays are dangerous. Look for Loop OPTICIAN a © wis mere. Sie eats Mp — 223 Sixth St.