Saturday, Jy; inne { THE DAILY NEWS 104 ‘ _ : = teen — = . | , as j : weobaon, Ture By 68TH E. a. Indioesti 1 Bili See seinen, Ase Seat ons, Cuter { LOCAL NEWS ITEMS ip ‘ Betty Kirkpat Aimer Thomp Ce er 1 Pri-| eroes Orders by Major J. 4 Momuiy S oted f I N tne mm Co Ullin | mm For S to High | Primer: Francis \. Brooksbank returned on the anding, June 26 1915 those foes of comfort and well-being, there is one Roll of Honor. | meena’ Dewhurst, Aliesl@enrye this Gueniedl . family remedy universally regarded as the best ' anew: Mariam heads *, sali are 1. Appoint corrective of deranged conditions of the organs of Se aii I Wels Gladys Gammon, a sage ) digestion. Present suffering is relieved promptly, Sidney ne . George Mussalem wo American halibut schoon Aiietant vi ; i ted rit an une y:] ' jute ee ‘he ae and worse sickness preven by timely use of z ty and Punetuali Hilditeh, Harry Brecken-Jors eame in last night, ' Arthur Kerr ° | > incl et eave, 1 f “— | ime , earades BEECHAWM’S ILLS 7 Oe ee | Roll of Honor. Mr. and Mes. J. R, Brady and Parad aon B | s . panies will parad . j j | sortme Marv Knott. family left for Victoria on the Let this wonderful remedy tone your stomach, stimulate SEAL COVE | Depoertment: Mary Kno ain iiaieaes pany at the Asse . your liver and kidneys, regulate your bowels and DIV. VIL MISS JENNIEOMOORE.| Punctuality and Regularity i MA ies ot 0 you will feel improved throughout your entire system. sinsen tah . Burritt, Alex Mitchell, eee ead , Soe: oe we ee SS why, for oe ea : cae Proficieney: Bertha Kaufman, Captain Garland and W. R., hI BR common and minor ailments of life, Beec 8 Pills Reader «Lelia .Andereon. h I 1 Spicer left on the Prince George VAN DER By! { ; wr ~ ois etn Fort nt Are the Right First Aid | 00° 230. me era stent Senior tst Reader: arguerite | priv. XI L. E. RING. ities homas B g St. Het 1 hire, England. | rattersall, George | ' —< Corporation of the City of Prince Prepared o . 4 bl se ' are era sou e™ I «Ss st P rto2 : ry sere * one o ; Sold oweryuhore i Canede aed'U. i Anse Se bones, 06 — = ss ' al Be A tla ist Primer ) amt J. R. Stirratt, of Se attle, n of Rupert Hills Leslie rattersa Swe | ‘ Wadeai Mussallem, Julia the Drydock contractors, went Hedstrum, Edna Walters | 1 Mary Noble, Elvin}eoyth this morning. TAKE NOTICE that RESULTS OF CITY PUBLIC Promoted from 2nd Primer t son, Cecil Dillman, John Me- * ee of the Corporat “ g ” SCHOOLS EXAMINATIONS (21 head are Crate, W Kay. Henry Jackson, Mary Alli J. A. Dietrich, superintendent : ee % § es arrow mprovement i The Daily News ———e Crossley, 'May Davies, Darrov e, W e Bury, Edward Peck, for the B. CG. Equipment Co., left on Clande 8 CLASSIFIED ADS Continued From Page One : Casey. in ; . - eee ye ae — ye aa BORDEN STREET SCHOOL =| Vailahalla’s picnic on Sunday } apt orre ore Grant. rg otions ror < ‘ na TALKING MACHINES, VIOLINS AND ALE | Upert Morrow, Dorien Grar ee ee DIV. XI—MISS TALLANDER, |June 27th to Digby Istand. Boat leaves government wharf at 10 Musites! imstru-|(iordon Kerr, Norman MeMilian,|) Reader: Basil Merryfield, Rache Stand - Hotel Rupert ments repaired. ileen Stephens, Esmeralda Prud-|Dickson, Frank MeNicol, Jack Promoted to ist Header: } ing Kit and aa aeetis bat «ai DIV. VII-—MISS MACLEOD ia nae ee oe ‘ ‘ eo ere Deportment: Martha Anderson. oe —_ j Promoted to 2nd Reade! at} Be one ‘of ‘the crowd at’ thé MUSIC. | c DIV. IX.—MISS NICKERSON | Daal “ie . , a. m,. prompt Excursion ticket Bows rehaired. The homme, Patsy Peyton. McColl. Leo Doiron. Sundae Cal-| Thelma Smith, Grace Bay, Albert A iii sation \Enaell Coff | | .s 0c “im Oo cn, olee Prince Rupert Mu- | Promoted to 2nd Reader, June:|derone. Helen Wark, Henry Roers. Bernag, Doris Shockley, Meinhart ; » free : —----—---- —— . » served “ce. sic Store, 845 8rd Sidney Andersor Lizzie Currie, | Charlie Kelly, Constantine Mich Blaauw, Libero Basso-Bert, Edith ae : A Ave. tf. | Alfred Slocomb, Chester Clapp, ailoff, Elwood Bard, Alice Brown, Leek Barbara Peyton, Agnes names in order of merit). Roth } FOR RENT ae : : jReilly Vierick, Peter Black, Ethel |Isabel Stuart, Bartel Hedstrom, | (ratton, Dido Girvich, Rosie Ros ; . Gordon, Marjorie Roberts, Ena oe | Jackson, John Bowden |Morgan O'Brien. ing, Andrew Neilson, Floyd Smith], oe A . . _— | Krikevsky, Eddie Olapp, Esther | ’romoter ) S eade at | ) tion unior , Promoted to 21 *rimer: Ran- . Summe Palace Of Sweets Fromevee " a onder “ Promotions fron Junior ‘ , : ; ~~ t = McKinnon, James Koss, Garnet r Cottages At Terrace —_ ce Early avid Tite. | Se ——" T “ reel ase]. | dolpl uldner Ld we Co Pe, on . : = Raster; Ali Early, David Tite,|Senior 2nd: Eleanor Peek, Va Iph Muld agar mons McPherson, Tom Cobb, Freda |}Mary Komadina, Hileen Patmore,|eos Postolu, Alice Manson, Mar-|Neira Blaauw, Dimery Johnston al Five-Room Cottag with The Cholcest Stocks of . : : , n “ ' j t good Stephens. Mike enoski.|garet Palmer arotins ba wt ive Suzanne Savage, Helen Thorburn nate Maijest Ang va ORANGES, APPLES, BANANAS mapeee Stephen me noski,igaret Palmer, Dorothy Parting-|"uszam re ; . Passed on trial: Bartlett Bow- heater , oa And Other Fruits in Season Douglas Frizzell, Reid White,|ton, Pearl Rodal. Filef Anderson,|Margaret Kergin, John Martin doo, ‘Ditiaternit Week Candies ter connections, ba e | Helge ssen ac} Me Mullen, | ie Fi oP "endel ur Mike Komodino, Arsold Ehling , . ; - } and lawn— $20.00 per Fresh Stock of lelg I n, Jack MeMullen,|Louie Fisher, Wendell Murphy,|M ' K a : - Albert Kwings, Edna Haslett, An. den = ss , ’ be atherine Harve ilda Sichzo- onis ssanic llie Lamb- Promotec o A Class: Bruno : , nth. CERT, LOWE'S AD Coe | Kath rine Harvey, Hilda hs Antonia Bussanich, Willie Lam! : drew Krausman, Katherine Mu _— ens MADE CHOCOLATES jski, Ezra Lando, John Chenoski,jie, Gordon Johnson, Adolphe Basso-Bert, Margaret Hallberg, aoe feseied Gisteen Saal Same house f she ICE CREAM SODA FOUNTAIN |Francis, Robert Douglas, Chenny James Siehzkoski, Spero Girvich,| \, Chris. West $25.00 per month. ’ ’ arr, Chris. Westen. SPECIAL FRUIT SUNDAES | Round-up” Shoe Sale, June 25th. | Jan Tai. Lyle Blue. Frank MeKin.|Clara Valpez, Mabel Leask, May New 4-Room Cottag il a" | Special reduction on all white - beatae ussanic ‘Imer|Thompson, Jenny Ehling, Alvin Honor Roll. inet kitchen, wat insid H. KILLAS Pro non, Peter Bu inich, I r I : : ‘lar . MeM ; Be > ee , oh se canvassand buckskin shoes and | eit Senn Ginter Sack Mal eatin. Jeportment: Clarence MeMil- blinds and screens furnist ar ock, 3r ve. an . . . Ji u , yumps, prices to suit everybody lty. Promoted to B Class: Francis lan. —$15.00 per month. uit, . . ) . , ’ ' _ sieht ieee ee co CK THE SHOF MAN. | Roll of Honor. McMullen, Evelyn Burg, Kathlene| ?™™ suality and Reguineny Two-Room .Houses a | Giles; Majory Giles, Pierre Sau-| 08 Budinich, Tom Cobb, Freda nished—$10.00 per month. |} Punetuality and Regularity. . ’ ' Sees. Mathes abdiiienes A. &. WRIGHT BC MILK iConstantine Michailoff. wae pretstens rs baeey ‘Hinkley ee } Mevortment: Leona Dasker Left in A Class: Harold Morton, y: vasa me ee Provincial and Dominion |} is sweet and wholesome as when | I it: eOnt é hein Roberge. Laura Frizzell. |S¢@ior 3rd Reader; Roth.Gercon, GEO. LITTLE, Terrace. Land Surveyor FRESH FROM THE COW, nothing Frank McNicholl, John McLeod jillian oberge, Laura rizzell, — taken out but water—and nothing added it has the NATURAL FLAVOR. Proficiency: Basil Merryfieid |Maria Colussi, Kenneth MeKin- Junior 3rd Reader. non, Celia Bernag. _ ee . ‘ DIV. X.—MISS I. JENNS. | Left in B Class: Milton Gillis, HORSES POR SALE. “A Little Saving Is Surveying and Engineering P. 0. Box 10 Phone 85 Vegetables, especially pees, string beans, sparagus, cauliflower, onions é om n ” Fourth Street and creamed dishes of all kinds in Promoted from Low 1st Reader| Muriel Lindsay, Arthur Nelson, The City of Prince Rupert, B. C A Hand I hin OPPPPL EOL IPDS cluding cream gravies are more de , ' F y g jto High 1st Reader: Bertha Kauf-|and Hester Black, will return and] wij) offer for sale, by auction, at man, Alex Mitchell, Mary Knott,|be in € Class Prince Rupert, B. C., on Thursday, Mi: ee hm s licious and less expensive when I MADE WITH B. C. MILK : Martin .Anderson, Reta = Scherk, Honor Roll. the 8th day of July, 1915, at 2:30 chance to become Pioneer Laundry Arthur Douglas, Paul Syrotuck, Punetuality and Regularity:|p. m.: independent by not oxsineniemuvianpiienneatiines seeitelite |Rueben Scherk, Stephen Winton piorine Blaauw. One bay team, geldings, about having the ready moncy 0 Third Avenue East liech, Bjarne Johnston, Donald! Deportment: Edgar Conture. 13,000 pounds. Good ~ general] take advantage of a really big Phone 118 |Cole, Dorothy Adams, | Proficiency, ist Primer: Ran-jutility team. Age 14 years. opportunity. We Use the Most Modern Promoted from 2nd Primer to|dolph Muldner. One bay gelding, about 1,350 “Fortune knocks once a Laundry Machinery Built. a Reader: Kenneth Ford, Sam | 2nd Primer: Thelma Smith. pounds. Good work horse, single} every man’s door’”’. Greether Come In Any Tuesday or Pure Joy, Nellie Strachan, Flora Bur-| ; : ; or double. Age 9 years. with a Savings Account, and Wednesday and See How jritt, Thomas Ewings, Svea Byman DIV. XIIL.—G, R. MURRAY. One»roan gelding, about 1,400 be ready for what she brings. We Do It /Paul Johnston, Riehmond Morti Promoted from Senior | 3rd pounds. Good work horse, single One Dollar opens an account Absolute Satisfaction Is a ree, Reader to Junior 4th Reader: 5, double, caged? years. in the Savings Department. @usenniees : ak “ROUND-UP” SHOE SALE Names in order of merit) Harry ERNEST A. WOODS. THE BANK OF APERHANGING Hinkley, Karlemonde la Trace, 143-154 City Clerk nee KALSOMINING Men's black and tan oxfords, in}George Roberts, Oscar Del, Ame- meEUREENSS British North America PAINTING lace and button, “Invietus,, and|lia Gurvich, Zelda Morrow SKIMMED MILK 5c per quart, 78 YEARS IN BUSINESS. THE IMPERIAL Walk-Over” lines al) sizes in- Passed on trial: Harry Cake, |BUTTERMILK 10c per quart, two| CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $7,884,000, ‘e F. G. ROBERTS cluded. Rugular price $5.50 and|Tom Smith. quarts for 15 ¢. Delivered to any PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH WATER HEATER COIL Over Apts. P. © Ges os $6.00—Special $4.45 Promoted from Junior % J}part of the city—Prince Rupert ; ; r FOR RANGES AND STOVES PECK THE SHOK MAN.’ Reader to Senior 3rd Reader: Dairy—Phone Green 252 tf. P. MARGETTS, Manager. (Patented 1915) = = —— — — LS ele) > POLISHE EVERY SHOE Is made to meet the demand for Hot Water instantly and without additional fuel being used. BLACK WARNING! WHITE Purchasers of any in- fringing Stove Coll lay Tv A N themselves open to prose- cution equally with the parties manufacturing or making same. ‘ All Dealers \ 10c. Now is your chance to get the best in Hot Water Heating Appii- ances— Coll Connected $20.00 Coil minus Connections $15.00 Your Money Gack if i Dont Suit. As | own and contr! the above, hoe one can pul same in Shall vig orously prosecule any infringements HARRY HANSON Phone 489 P. O. Box 395