Sabine Larry AWNINGS T All kinde and sizer mace by c. H. Jones & Son (40 Yours Experience) Agent 5 J. F. Maguire 722 Second Ave. oe ee PRINCE RUPERT . Northern and Central British Columbia’s Newspaper wily Netws Tax Thin WE NEVER SLEEP Prince Rupert Auto M. H. LARGE 707 Second Ave. - Prince Kupert j PRICK FIVE CENTS Cox Leads Democratic Convention PLATFORM OF RE-VAMPED POLITICAL PARTY AT OTTAWA HAS NOTHING NEW Choosing Candidate for the Democrats Delegates in Compromise Confere ce This Morning; Platform is ao Interesting One Piatform WINNIPEG HAS. FLOATS NEEDED FOUR LIBERAL ~ FOR FISHERMEN LEGISLATORS Present Accommodation is Wot Sufficient, Says Captain Freeman Two Labor men make the Grade and Two Conservatives CROWD WENT NORTH Lady Mine Took About 100 Por- ve Day at Ketchitan, EXPLORATION PARTY LEAVES FOR STEWART Messrs MoChesnie and Kirkup will Explore the Saimon Rivor Miners! Area dM M TONIGHT EMPRESS [iii seta aio THe ATi i Robert Kirkul May Allison . ‘Tremayne wae av’ e \ | i boul ft “Fair and Warner” “ yore ne 'wW lath Epinads of ‘ ; ] may ane “The Tiger’ & Trail’”’ ‘\ ‘ the tt lay? Kinogram ? but be whe { } 54 WILL SUPPLY | ELECTRICITY POP ALICE ARM \Tayior Mining Co. Will Install Power Piant at Clearvrater Lake Near Alice Arm. Plans are being made for the installation of ai hydip-electric plant at Clearwater Lake, about 20 miles up the- Kilsauit River from Aliee Arm. te supply the Delly Varden and Wolf mines and the Alice Arm district with power and light. The water power of Whitewater Creek which flows into Clear- water Lake, will be harnessed and the storage dam will be built at the foot of Clearwater Lak Phe plant will be installed by the Tay- lor Mining Co., the operators of the Dolly Varden and Wolf mines. (ASK PRIVILEGE 7. FOR GAS BOATS : Board of Trade “Would Have | Regulations Similar to ; | That gas bosts under 65 feet jin length ecamying passengers j Should not De required to earry tr lec y tl i P. R. It re- (lifeboats aboard but should be allowed to tow them behind the vessel, and that the services of ENIGHIS ARRIVE TO ESTABLISH COUNCIL GRRE SUED cine seniecy @ eee tame holic Order in City. CARNIVAL WAS Second Day Was Even More joyabie Than t LIST OF WINNERS OF THE RAFFLES neW Boverninen Possible Premiers. certificate of qualification for Platform Adopted by New a canine een ee vessels, waa the opinion of Political Party at Ottawa e Hoard of ‘frade as expressed eling held last ght. solutica Was passed by the National Liberal and Conservative Party stands for board asking that a change should nothing in particular, announcement Sree a oe . ote . being very vacue. formity with those of the United States Nat i} Libs 4. Coneema The matter came up ftoliowing the reading of a report of the I mist ( ‘ae st, is free from Capt Freeman brought the I = . tkeuy es up for discussion and g ’ g ged that actton be taken. There en vihere e to Great Britain: was considerable discussion dur- : vy whit it was shown that if a League of , By Agrees 10 8 ,essel was chartened by a #! ip th se m of Canadian|of péople, no @Caphain was re- s } d, but when earrying pas- pre ~engers in the ordinary course of - ant ss a tified nus vo i hare and a ib care level mart ' EXAMINER FAILS TO ene ae ee eae REACH THIS CITY) iwicrneate bavebait eowue will ; play a nine frei the Knights of Toronto Conservatery of Music ; viccye i ve ” aie rh : —- Advises Students to Continue Studies : ana ee Hill grownds at four , his 2 abi to - . i resery Pr. \ Olver, ee ween eaee eee ene ex for | leronto Con-\# poa Cumem: ATTENTION * st f N Was ible * Xa e, pul 5s #* Chwwers of dogs are a@eain * ww m f the exami-'# respectfully .notified that * wa i { w that «* us i net allowed * ys A wts was re-'# Fairview Cemetery xcept y ti = suf il * " u each and any doe * ao Jon Academy to this # found running at lerge in * ef? i agpothe from Dr. A. S.\@ the eemetery wil be shot. * Voet of tl lroron ) Consrrvalory « oe 9 £6 O# £8 EH SH OE expressing regret and suggesting that students titre their » studies in the next guade and be examined i it ext veal here we a large number of pupils fram the eonvent and others prepared by Miss Way, who were expecting to take the exa natliot Miss Way is leaving for a visit io Eneiand, but will be baek in Sunshine Comedy the iddle of September to take FOK NEWS up the next course as advised by Prices - - + - + She and Me Dr. Vogt a a IE INI ee