THE DAILY NEWS PRINCE RUPERT BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News Printing and Publishing Co., Third Avenue. OWES HER LIFETO. FRUT-A-TIES” ; [efor Ae . THE Lon = Saturdtiy, July 3, 1 SO ILY NEWS ae ee ore FRE Ree eee | MAIL SOHEDULE *) eeeeeeeneoenaeaes! For the East. June 3, 1910. ere ering HY oall for timber = this, the chief forest Mondays, Wednesdays and Sat.| urdays at 10¢30 a.m. = The public scheo!l promotior os source of vhe British Brapi pire, H. F, PULLEN, MANAGING Epiror. After Y db Sule with D is announced by Principat D. From the East. is ever increasing, and encour eare Suffering ye iMcD. Hunter and th teachers 8 ave, Tucsds , agee the larger developmen popsia, this Fruit Medicine Gave Reef i _ : une * Pin the sUnEayS, Tuesdays and Thurs pm gh yt ee - : SUBSCRIPTION RATES: I; HOOK artin, ; ‘ (ne days at 7 p.m, ; | offer financial service which City Delivery, by carrier or mail; per month ............ 75e. | |Mebius, Nave been pt 4 "y x _—— may be of @pprecinbie nasie’ By mail to all parts.of the British Empire and the Uniied States, | ite past few days gel ay Une For Vancouver and South. of the intereats of al rumor: We OEVOROG; DOP WORE GK. sys Tasso Skene eS eee te $6.00, 5! 0g Saag als at ier OF PPO~/PUeSdAYS 66... eee e eres 7 p.m. grein To all other countries, in advaffce, per year ............ $7.50. | ficienvy. Thursdays .. 11 yn amine exceed $174,008,000, ) i ” r SatumlayS .....00% 2 p.m : Geontractor Young went up the i ( = pele we sa) UNION BANK OF CANADA TELEPH E 98. jtiver this morning to start ihe Saturdays, {4 a.m i Transient Display Advertising $1.25 per inch each insertion. areas = aac ee ate der ge Pri Raneit Mranth A. T. Broderick. M . ' mdge, : Ok a Dig oO 0” > Transient advertising on front page ........ .. $2.00 per Snch. dindie ine “ose een From Vancouver and Scuth, rince Nurpe ran « 1. Drocerick, Manager Local Readers, per insertion, ...%......... ‘ 2hc, per line. least , has Sundays ....s2vvidecss 1@ p,m. 7 . f , « ‘The contractor does not anticipate Wednesdays 40:30 a.m Classified advertising, per insertion, ........... 2c. per word. ak TabhAn dificdities ashe is onigic. Share Legal Notices, each insertion, «...... +... 45c. per agate line. ‘Sitith ebilied anon al 50 cents Sundays 10.30 a.m we —~ Gontract Rates on Ap lication. bo ee ridays sae 4 pam. sii = a SSE SE All advertising should be in the Daily News’ Office on “day pre- - 8 ae ae Mondays, a.m, | ae ceding publication. All advertising received subject to approval. a Mayor Btork received a lette me ] i. R ] B k f C d = 917 Dorion St., Montreal, (this morning announcing the fact i in Anyox and Alice " i“ | e oya an Oo ana a : = [OUNGATE 2000 cieceeroees 1. ™m DAILY EDITION, aie Saturday, July 3, 1920. “T am writing to tell y®u that J owe jthat Se ere: wae OC Sheen WolnesGage so 6s. Scb<6 {i p.m begs to advise that it has for rental at moderate prices - - - — sooripranirapere pres » my life zo Frat-o-tives’ tor this romedy eg arrive from Berlin on Satur ; oo | SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES relieved me when I had abandoned (Oty, July ttth From Anyou and Alice Arm. || ey New Party 3 all hope ofever recovering my health. | wenien m.|t They are recommended for the protection frum fire or burs In Politics. . I euffersd tcwilly with Dyspepsia. I | Neil McInnes has been appoint- ‘ues FE .ccwcvccwweeses p.m.) lary of valuable business or private documents, Victor; : bed fire chief by the fire ard water hure@ays ........ a >. m.)} : With dl) the proper formalities a new -political party -has| ‘had ét foryears.and all the medicines penne eng eremaseenae | Bonds, jewelry, ete. been launched at Ottawa, which is pretty much the same old Br coms ge ra - # \For Port Simpson, Arrandale, Mill || | The Manager will be glad to furnish particulars ou applicati party under a Wew namé. The change of mame from Unionist tives’ being good for aij Stomach | The first moonlight excursion (Bay, Wales Istand ard Saas River. H | Prince Rupert Branen - A. W. Cameron, Mer. a } » *eAson ” in on Wed-is 8 i m. } J panies to National Liberal and Gonservative party has given one or two]. “‘Trowblesand Disorders of Digestion - a la aie Me pr m ae ore eee edebee ai f c i — ar ede wana * 1es¢ ri Y € SUM it ne r MVR wee see ereseee eee 5 p.t Sra SS —— men an opportunity to break away and go back to their former] 8° 1 tried them. ae ean ander by one of the girls’ classes situa vphtpeseen : —-—— affiliations. Hon. J. Wesley Rowell, as an example, says he can- em onan genoral health in the Presbyterian Sunday Schoo) From Pt. Simpson, ArrandateMiil (7 — . not support the new party. was restored. «+ [The proceeds will be devoied to Bay, Wales Isiand and Nads River. The general understanding of the new combination is that I ‘tha ik the great fruit medicine, (Porcine 8 window i the HOW! Presdays ,......scccevees b. ™m, it is to be Conservative. It is expected to include the Gonservatc> "Fruita tives’, for this wonderful vata SAUNAS «++ a00 ++ 20 oBa 7 group headed by Robert Rogers of ‘“Maniteba, which has been relict. wie Queen Charlotte Islands: taking exception to the Union Government and especially to Mile ANTOINETTS BOUCHER. The M ° | y /\¥or Massett, Port Clements and Rowell as a member of it. His ‘droppimg away gives an oppor- 50c..a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 25e. , mn Upper isiand polots: ores tunity for the others to return. F At all dealers or sesit postpaid by SAYS: Jur es Frult-e-tives Limited, Ottawa, Oat. jg= 4 —— QUALITY . Old Platform | HAT when Premier Borden! ‘fom Masset, Port Clements and aA) Under New Name. : a . ‘announced his resignati tive Upper Isiand points: ————_—_— There is nothing new about the platform adopted by the AGENCY FOR lssitieteh aitiee, Per Bees dctiy wood June 24 r Nationals. It has all the old planks and no mew ones. Most of [tetlow : “aT Chest D 4 > ¢ “ . . ate . dis “ i iiaaiee tnatiin ALL Kixnvs oF . . - -'|®or Sk'degate, Queen Tharlotte r a e the planks, as the despatch of tong intimates, are very varue Gevves goods, oiiskins, ge 2°) ee ee City and Lower Island points ° and-mean absolutely nothing. Everyone is\in faver-of adherence boots, overalls, mackinaws, Bigering why just at that tim June 79 OFFICE HOURS— to Great Britain but all do not shout about it. The League of gloves, waterproof clothing, : bie Horning 9 te 12, Afternoon. 130 te 5.38 Satertays 9 te 12 on'y Nations is an accomplished fact. Tariff revision has been a plank baggage, harness, shoes, | THAT the jazziest oning tOWN Prom Skidegate. Queen Oharlotte “ f Eneat 8 9 7 in every political platform for many years. Steps have already wooten janes, Sana, ane oh | for _— a day was the J car-) (City and Lower Island points— very ng trem 7. - 5 : 5 1LS. WHINGS. nival. June 26 ‘ been taken for the amalgamation of the Canadian National and . joes we pane ca Dental Nurse in attendance G. T. P. Raibways. The militia is ‘being reerganized, and the J. LF. MAGUIRE | THAT the second night had Phone 109 for a intent : For Skagway and the Yukon. ppot : movement for the organization of anwir service is already under 722 Second Ave., Prince Rupert POven SHOTS Pep to 1 than the first, Mondays, ‘44 ‘aan. 4. 5. 6. Hel Bik. C 3rd d 6tt way. As a matter of fact the National Liberal and Conservative |* - - | THAT the iren capnot be as From Skagway and Yukon. Rooms 4, ee ee ” seme _ , Party stands for NOTHING, 6 666085 666.066 668 0 |h0! 25 it Used to bey Decause thers Saturdays, a.m. Best Equipped Office in Northern B.C. Sad Death * PRINCE RUPERT TIDES mare nethime hike as mags strikes , na oe y ¢ 7. fas there were. stewart, Maple Bay and Swamp *\~ Local Boy. cee eaeva eee eevee Point. : , dul eae i ; Everyone was grieved to hear of the sad accident at Shaw- High, 2:43 i 4 ie | THAT what has happened to all For—Saturdays .8'p mm, i atlans Lake when Jack Dalziel was the victim of a drowning acei- J a 5p. th mn 18.4 ly the overalls we were expecting to From-—Stindays ...... 10 Dan dent. In these cold waters it is most unwise to take risks, fer] Low, 8252 a.m. 3.1 feet snattc tacetan mie eee ' GRAND. S. S. PRINCE RUPERT swimming is diflicult except in a few favored ‘spots such as the 20:54 p.m., 7.6 feet THAT under proportional rep- am) RUNK salt lakes. Here was a boy who was able to swim and yet who bss rg faa jresentation in Manitoba, Attorney S. S. PRINCE GEORGE “ 9. ) p . was unable to reach shore when an accident happened. It is to se, sho 6 ro as ose poeeres commana: ane Labor Land: 7 . de Yo Miley 7 10CL. jer Nixon were elected side by side be hoped that the tragi¢ event will prove a lesson to others to] pow. 9:24 a.m. 3.5 feet A i : ——- BALLANG ———-———- sow, 9:24 a.m., 3.5 feet. eta § itt) mend cima tine oe = be more careful. 21:39 p.m., 7.5° feet oe Sa ee ane es ee a <> S Midnight Sunday and Thursday for Swanson Bay, Ocoan _ Foghat Metts a vote, Nix on this P. R, stze, | Falls, Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle. Graduated Tax The time used is Pacific Stan-| oi on 4) ee NOTICE. Anyox Wednesday, 10 p.m. Stewart, Saturday 10 p.m. ere t chance f On Legacies. : ” dard, for the 120th Meridian west.| ,, ; : : ; is E rice ENEBY EN time in ae 8.8. PRINCE JOHN _ The Dunsmuir estate has been sworn in at $10,000;000. Of|1, ig counted from 0 to 24 hours,!” nee or ~ ee at aioe ® sabe bt Port Clements, Massett and Buckley Bay, dune 23rd. All mig om per oo gh ee the gg in inheritance tax. Iflfpom midnight to midnight. selt ae ae : we Points Southern Queen Ohariotte tsiands, June 26th. ve Government too ifty per cent of the amount, no one would The table given is for ,Port compening eve me » Sra be injured, for the estate is large enough for all the family to/s. ; ; > ,jiminutes late. It is car ‘ wit? — or j . ’ {Simpson but the time for Prince tin Pe R rt M ‘ aamens Passenger Monday, Wensegey and Geturday af 11/9 a m. for Aintthers mare sen aah SD SPAte. Rupert varies“only a few minutes|” * — ree end + Prince George, Edmonton snd Winnkes, imeking Giveet connections for The inheritance tax is one that could well be raised. On| jon some days and on others is ag levetion. Of 8 SMITH BLOCK. PHONE 576 pbtained OF AE DEPUTY minister, |team. The game was one of the |'*™ ALBERT B. ARMSTRONG, , | Department of oun and Pisheries/|Closest that has been played at ALLEN yal ( On h, : and Ice Ottawa, Ont: | yy “en Falconer, went ithe Meitride Street fieid this year, pawa 19 May, 1920 we LAND AOT. With our modern equipment and sanitary methods, we produce a wholesome In Cassiar Land ‘District, Recording Dis- Both teams were playing well Notice of Intention to Apply to L ane Land. nt runs were kept down to 3 eact, trict of Skeepa, and situnte % mile east-| The lineups as t Og@ erly from town of Alice arin. as follows: Take notice that H, KR, Fowler and A. F a ] iO Kergin, of Alice Arm, Bb. C., ocenpations| Drydocks B, mariner, and married woman, intends a4 | : 1" : apply Tor permission to lease the follow. | Crossley, ‘Tom Fre ing described foreshore lsnds:- Commencing at @ post planted On east; t bank of Kitsault River; thence on st 80 chains more or less chains; to Mlance River; thence north 20 chains | Our Goods are all made from High-class Material TRY THEM ence south #0 Arnold \ Jim, George Blyth, George Walsh, | Phillipson | Tattersall, At, BUTEDALE CANNERY WESTERN PACKERS, LIMITED Butedale, B.C. and hey fielded were Lundquist, W. Jack Kask, i ooo? When in Town, Come to the - SVEA POOL ROOM ser, CANCELLATION OF RESERVE NOTICE 18 HEREBY OCIVEN that the reserve existing over certain lands former ly held under Timber Licenses Nos, 16408) is ean 14 and Horace! y ] he La Casse more @F tees (00 sto point phd Tiny Tens P, Black, ©, Clapp, | oma ess on won 2 ‘ 717 Srd Ave Auten Dan ment, and containing 460 scres, more - Js Kelly, Sid Anderson, Mike Bude- ; 6 A wapen, ae Near Beer, Soft Drinks, Cigars and Cigarettes be very . eput inister © nds ho wemon ie be Wit Michell, J.) Martintuang depereeg* - wf OB, Petersen Proprietress Hi. A. Fowldr, agent. H. Hibbard and KR. Jacobsen, tet’ April’ 1920 604] a “oe