ss : » July 3, 1920, Saturday, #Ul} THE DAILY NEWS Page 4g ‘ Pn ai 1 ————— ——_———_— | a -— a os S : | s Notes port Briefs a reer, ogy | The departute of Davis g | Ask for aioe Sausage. iisins for southern litre will 7 leave a hole in the Callie forward I Have a ride on the Merty- Go- |line. Rumors are rife in reward jHound tonight, |Lo who may replace him | it es Sry the Northern interior Cox we teres that om” of the old j rs o pers : , OpMative Association for fresh.! see bo Rave not | i ie jvery much this year will r killed meats 7 | ’ jf ithe inside with Bonte ! We g b% o | * . . | 7 £88 Sore you 15 on Fire The Ketchikan baseball insurance in old strong companies sa thew fet tes } o . ; ay 4 J ats ’ i ) ‘ 1 OT ’ at : j = "en J. Lorne MacLaren, day night formed a vers 5 om 5 i 2 tf party With their players ind _ — KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS. Please |"OOUTs @hnouncing the fact that note that the installation of of ney aa off, a considera ’ fheers will ev k amen os followed in the streets a FAR FROM THE CITY'S WITHERING HEAT | yiy'" 0" 808 (ke Place atl cc snobiles disappeared & —and Eagle Brand awaits you oe as me governmoms wher! For three ply cottonwood lining rhe ¥ ; i, allel A chip of the éld block, this brown litthe stamp vigorous for buildings—can be put on by ‘ a 1 : ara ty 4 c : ’ , . : : txide left for the tirans and lusty, brimming with life. Eagle Brand peve him a oer ta, oe b. BH. Sho rae tean the Domi liay good start, just as it gave his father e good start 30 Yes ago. on . e é ‘|ball final played up to f Many poor little babies do not go ewny thre ugh the hot : Mr " 4d Williams i< now jn )/#0d When the a ‘ aree af ‘ apes . « Aa Wae tithe ow - spells. Mothers fe of strange mi ilk in a stran; e place may ‘ PS . oe derartment al ei ” itn i thee orthert nterior Uo-opers pearry enzies " carry hot weather troubles Bead your Luby Eagle Brend ae oo erivt pera and be safe. Seashore or coun- . ° ; Leo MecKinnén hi wi try or stay in- the-city, Eagle ds Hy Saini leaded with|successful at the races b always uniform. “The Milk that pplies and carrying @ number |minion Day, wo a i Brand is y fi Sing Ox Sugar” f passengers left for Northern wertiy remarks f ul way If neture’s ones is ir suff jent, . Queen Charlotte Island ports early |in which he ¢ part t! use Engle and pure, Wholesome esterday afternoon jous eve read hut rT end ennily digested. It is prepared Ges is p S wantines “4 a from rich cow's milk and has been E. ¥. Diy? manager of the! uch races as were } Ip the standard infant food for 63 years Prince Rupert Sawmill, left for|,,, nion Day to have Cue diate ats és a ¢ ie comteiien Ara! _ ‘ as a ve wane Thur enve nees for the y y groceries and drug +! ay Srlernoen vis maeing tle re? TT y ge - or . trip aboard the launch Seal Cove hide ae ; THE BORDEN COMPANY LIMITED Se eRe aring the tap MONTREAL A sheal of correspondence was\** U sit th i 5s zone thea dast might at the behind. © necting of the Board of Trade, ¥el@ tie ae S‘inong Use letters were some hay- p th aux i zx t Gu With the development ae f Coppe iter iron deposit : 1 ; n : - ee | tn : “> (YTOMOBILE HITS - ‘ ° { 7 : att . hiet ‘ : N TDLIN AT CRNCCING >: rane, . mM AT CROSSING} -—-MISS_GLEESON—— ' led with) th 4th fjand La i ‘ » . ; ! matt * al ' , ‘ ‘ showing a t ti line of “2 on - “hs a - Angus WcRae of Nanaimo Dead, } “ : C ts ‘ane = 00 ¢ ip us But Companions are . ummer Oats a rom § $25. upwa ds ae ede ha Recovering. ; Voile Dresses from $22.£0 upwards lack Crawford, who bas beet erin 1S White Cotton Gaberdine Skirts, $6 upwards Var .er for some time. w " } © P A; 7 : & — yh a ee ; recom la ; Middy Blouses from $2.50 upwards . sume his pos 1°. Prince |e wee ‘ \ ; aot ATE ere pert, while: Norman McLean, |* Ve - : ‘ i" : Mrs. Goldbloom's Old Stand _ conte stl eae tee hac ted aiiind- am the Man. {tt pegs Phone 558 Third Ave. as bern gw e Rup Me s , { 7; ert, will go to the Prince Albert . — ey : "1Q00¢ InCashPriges| or Prince John S i . . . ut and sae ¢ 08 and are re- =» Mis« Reguer, formerly of the Ve ert tics 2 the July 2 post office sta at Terrace, was ist match. in a Sessenkér south on the ‘ arene Office Phone 130 Wharf Phone 423 trrand Truak dowt Thursday ever +O ee Fea ee TaN Ty Ayers o e sat Rive = bee siiin » * ee ar: ee SES Cea iy tar wy St he damn alee iOike see tees diane eed Apply to & LePine & W ht Ltd are cagerly looking at the Eveready contest ae = . " oh fee days as the otten of tatenen oF Reem eo Sera 9 e tee ok wiadow) Walk damn, | hw . a George Cloth sident mi : ‘ Ree eee (Pecn, Moore & Co. Buupinc) z engine is ‘ rip dow Every contestant for a price needs contest blanks. H. J. Branthwen and Stanley H./ «, He « " ' “MW i ’ 4 TY t i Who hate tuem inhide ‘ches Gotitied intolmeden, |Clide,/uAlil recently fh chates of ae. ; Lumber, Insurance and General No obligation. Walk in the coke plant at Amyox, went out Fa Rivet w ; - by thi morning « train bound fur ival f 1 me h i ‘ i : Pee’ Brokers Our different etyics of Daylos are usually interesting the Eastern Slates OEE el Sy. pe ule , to everyone. Here's one of them—a strong search- eal ei Tee » > ar-)). boa ae ’ 2 Georgetown Saw Mill Co. Wharf PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. light type. We havn many er types Uf it would Sicmnndid Thursd . 3 ; - “— M : Mrs. ¢ ‘ miterest FOU to see Ler Walk in 7 ’ t —— AtOnR a ur xg — — Just look for this sign « identifies us as Daylo At the meeting of the Board of city the Grand 1 Gealers and walk right i frade held in the nooms last nich ‘ : i rete 2 HE VANDERHOOF HOTEL nadequacy of the life saving! ‘ Mat fr z iratus on beats plying in the ‘ 7 2-- inber and neighborhood, He \* " x a VANDERHOOF, B.C 1 2s oe ab x *: : ’ ° eed that the law in this respect “ea Larue? - fVERFADY PATTINSON LING & CO. ureed thet the tae Aa thie reapect nee The Hotel That Is A Home. QAYLD THIRD AVENUE. Senin ae i Mis Walla raat z : ial MACHI * SHOPS. ie for themselves but Che Mrs \“ i here 2750.00. $109.00 ca: oa $25.00 a month. Best equipped ; i i mbia ther members of the committee |pome today i Gira I , vi 3 room House, Sth Avenue W., near McKride, S7&O. oP, 4 favotrd a public men al build-/} cy, Shay : hy PME TA oi diliimonad Seal C Ww reg” Seek ictal wuld Ioteamer. she arcompaniod Dr.) gas REAL ESTATE GENERAL INSURANCE” ing > a resu their conference iiss : ale ‘ ficate of tmpro te. . . Cai Cove Marine ays, t ee ee eee. hers Vancouver w! : pronentens Most Liberal MARINE iNSURANCE on the Coast / md beer ortive Nanded 1t ent al 2 : A. Swanson, President peon, Gen. Manager sagas bao n ! “cf Phone Blue 69 Westholme Theatre Block P. 0. Box 66 Phone Red 391 whens Green 153 The Merry-Go-Round is run. : je wv _ cme ving igitst rh ie ithe ‘ Ts = ——_-————— —— Prin tuy Board of Trade at ; 7’ LAND ACT. ; Se epee a ee fon oF norce The Smeeton ; the hs tmst eventing ney 4 7 . I en ame ee ee es wars 3. ¥F. Steane af munud ; Wri VAN VI AND DISTRICT —DISTRI E. ORS WARNED James Lamb of Gassia mid J re f \ : Tea Rooms ) EL r ] Morgar J, R. Mowat Ltd. : 1 os p os wu Second Avenue M j M ‘ . : n lease 1 Wihg described for S. < i wean and daugh ands ] ut nheing ut pus rial tere 3s In order to vote on the forth coming Prohibition Plebiscite and in Provincial or ter Catharine aurived from the), A! Nction pa ememeteens, of 8, poet ieee oe Home Chane Mee : ; ia ie wer & s tt 2 ake 5 south we ast, ne “ Dominion General Elections oo Rte as and Trunk boat * Liu db ta west tenes Supper YOU MUST REGISTER Ratviak tn. Wareebe and a sides ot MAE AD . Nut coktuiaune 400"scres, ure ¢ ‘Try our Home Mule: Bread studying oronto a“ er ‘Is W fot ees 4 os 18 ; and Cakes mother Was summoned there a MINERAL ACT, Pars Ms Ue ’ All previous Lists of Voters have teen cancelled. The fact that your name was a hy hg ais wre " ee rT pate Jane 21st, 1920 ie : ’ ‘ ig t = tess my il CERTIPICATI WPROVEMENTS iN THE SUPHEMI CRT OF BRITISH = On the list last year does not count. Neither can you vote as a property owner make their home on Fourth Ave... Sa ka ie oe COLUMBIA without registering. West. ee No 1,” “Sunsel No 2.” “Maud McPhee" /IN" Tith MATTER -, THE ADMINISTIA: B phont Green 607 1017. Bro Avanue ' Naa Hive M mz I ’ f Cas anc : H,. H. Brewer, general superin- sir disu IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF Make Your Declaration Now iendent of the G. T. P., announces |, N&!, Weeated:—About 24, miles trom EDWARD NM. MAYES, DECEASED, IN Dalgarno & Watts ) before the Registrar or an Election Commissioner, Postmaster, Justice of the that A. 0, Carey is appoloted gu. |, TAXE NOTIGR Seat Lewis Sv, FPateeee.! sce sabres TIRE te nadie be ts —————— P ; 5 " Scials Go Offic perintendent with headquarters \ Mart f Sea Washing nour Fo MeB. Yous, made the @th day BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS eace, Magistrate, Constable, or before Oificia S atl any vernment ec. at Edson, Alberta, in place of R.'* US A. Free & 2 ua cats Me \ veenie 194s, Hey As ant inted ne Specialists In Licht ana vy Com- i ; Te ends, Sixt ays mts i istrator estate of are struction, Repairs end .Al large . eH = here ‘ : ge Records 5, derwase ' i p “s ay i Re j t ti Cl J | 15 next Re ister Toda ! M, rents _ — - ane —. Se oe ee ee era uy axainnt chee nae “ulgnent ail ae First Class Bisircase Work and ‘esigue o ente wivatle business. pure ; a 4 puir t urnish same, prope ‘ ry nisbing. 818 ra 10n oses u y ’ g y: Selective June 4 LP. Kin es hn abov \ " ko me, ans bet wre ‘the ay dak sta Estimates Cneerfully Given & a” ott ant : oUes os. ’ * A 1 hat action n- |) 1920, and all parties indebted to the estate —— ae By Order PROVINCIAL SECRETARY. patrick was appointed assistant dos , i a ’ mencnced te fore are, sei oe e pay the stows of vheir BRICK AND CONCRETE BUILOING superintendent atl Smithers 10) provements JOHN TH. MeMULLIN CONTRACTORS race of Mr. Carey. Dated this 2ud day of April. A.D. 1920 OMctal Admiatstrator piace ‘ . BEwis W We ATMORE, i Dated this 25th day of June, 18920. ae een ee ee or hangv ieee oie 21 Aare s at fe, # ; 4 ¥ x z o