Pag tn Preset toes ERS eK Mita) ORs CAR QUESTION AGAIN TO FORE Attention Drawn to Inadequacy of Supply of Even Thirty New Ones. At the meeting of the Board of ‘Trade last night it was decided to again write to the Minister of Railways drawing attention to the fact that the general manager of the G. T. P. had stated om eath that 100 additional pefrigerator cars were required to properly care for the fish business at this THE DAILY NBWws ~~ ee _ nee — anbtene ey eee | I { gate OF: Coo) , Pare «A \ | These are Good Places to Make Your Purchases when You go out to buy ! in beeen 7 ‘se es es eh ee ee ee ee Pe eee EE He a te NR se fe SH HE wR os deh t - — = DRUGGISTS | HARDWARE __ | PAINTERS AND DECORATERS M M Ste h W. J, MoCUTCHEON HOWE @ MONULTY —— 2nd Ave Stoves, | BELL & CROSSETT Phone 477. ° e p ens Second Avenue and Sixth Street ishipehandiery, paints and Fishermen's sup: | — . The largest drvue hi . im Northern B,C, (plies, ; BAKERS Notary Public Conveyanser - ey j os weetree PAINTERS AND DECORATORS | PAINTS AND OILS Hiei Teens hae oes i FRED SCADDEN | THE A. W. EDGE 00. —— end Ave 2 FOR SALE SMALL DAMAGES IN Sixty pod. Rraser Phone, reco 8] "™ ae IAPORTED GROCERIES | Wuis, Oils, Glass end Wallpaper ‘ s A beautiful five-roomed VANDERHOOF VS. RIMES SHEET METAL WORKS | a | haeats Maat anne Modern Ask the people who pott Aarne re peony | FURNITURE | : ment had authorize: 18 orderin < Sverything in Sheet Metals i - . have their work done of 30 aly, and urging that the |Plalntiff Sued for $16,009 and was nheves | PRANK BROOKU ss LAUNDRIES here — particular per- {full requirements of the pom ing Granted $31.32; Piaintiff SSEOeG | SYSDES See. eae Thing. .S¥g Phonan. Orecn 44? | CANADIAN STEAM LAUNDRY this respect be met. Pays Costs , ' ae = [Pbone 8, for Cleaning and Pressing Dey sons too—and let them A letter was also ordered sent ’ ; CAFES z ve } FISH MERCHANTS, RETAIL _ tell youwhywe do their to Cow Peck Snennene him we The editor of the Vanderboof! THE BOSTON GRILL ; GROCERIES on Fifth Avenue, West, with his efforts on behalf of this place /OQnronicie, formerly the Herald,|rpira ave. phone 47. A good place to eat nateharye al oes » , waler view, at ay work, And then—try ind expressing the appreciation pas to pay the aum of $34.32 tc|—_— : ~ Third Ave. Phones 480 & 481. P.O, box 483 ar oe RUPERT onsen ’ view, at 4 ery low » Board, © , lan- ELITE CAFE iia - aTgeT ae oe price and easy termes our excelle of, the I the founder of the Lown of Van-|} THE ; at Dry Te ee eee lerhoof, damages s : ; i | #te weks-old- chickens, prize| AGRES ‘ / Henna Pack to eb ‘Ss Proposal that bit ‘Would be Built} Boys 5 and under—Car! Smith,) “'e"-% . ay ’ ay no : 8 a o-seoenem, 6 bh Fe poe _ baie o eee en == Cow BAY + to Accommodate -Industries Jack MeRae, bert Cameron and) aan Ph woe o ae ies : we eee eS mE STS nent,” aledtrieel vibrater , treat ; ood ; j rahine gramophone, 2 i J ents nee powd. Doors Window’: ene pmot “epee, ie, es ae lower that. BA MISCELLANEOUS 7 a ae wear an oors, : it Girls’ 7 asd. nbder—Gathrine AN gan ast, 4 CANCELLATION OF RESERVE. : , ete, D. D. Fir and Spruce, A resolution suggesting to the|Mussailem, Julia Walters, Mabe! FOR BALE-—-25240 h. p. beditm FREE—IHustrated catalogue Ma-| NOTICE 18 HEMI IVEN \hat the @ Opposite Government Buildings Cedar Boat Lumber city the desirability of construct- Ivarson. Duty Sterling Engine, Bosch rine Gasoline and Oil Engines: corre om . pete ; ten clsifine 210 4th St. Phone 493 ; Oak, 296: eae wane ee feel mors 7 and-uater—Jack Gaw- ignition, 4 oyL, 4 cycle, in per-| Propellors; twenty-ix manu its pelates ti i 2 berwene | ¢ aa anne Glassand Marine Paint {/*°"uc ‘© accommodate the Seal khorne, Walter Johnson, Ed! (ut condilion, $1,500.00,—M.| factumrs' prices; also used the rants , TT Phone 383 lGove Mar: ‘ine Ways and such other ignjth. | wstephens tf engines. Mention this publi-|22; inte" t ,; ‘1 - Quiéke D livery by own Truck indus tries as may be. started in| Boys 8 and under-—Jack Gaw-| —- re eh eation. Canadian Boat and kn.) !"r" : : ; : . ‘ . yrs ese ithat neighbor: ood, was passed bY Ithorne, Stanley Direetor, Willie | FOR SALI jy hh. p. steam ma gine Exchange, Toronto Af Des Of bands g noccnrayoreooreoee ep oerenoooe nag | \the Board of Trade at its meeting | white, rine engine, without boiler; alas |-— age ont esaat % J Serene OP SRO p eae Prater a8) DICnt, Ginks 9 and under—Margaret 20-gallon gasoline tank Apply LosT i h May, 193 H | P e R ‘| There was some ouster a Muse, Evelyn Vickers, Doris Steen & Lonewill, Fifth st 55 Sans fin fe aoa fad - — oe I has bren we Ba i. = ¥ ithat everyone was kicking aboutig,); | creer As jn Kuper arine whar : t Bu ote rmce rupert ee ee as als nted out optinns FOR SALI Kkdison Diamond Dise Friday, camera in leather cage Martin = — jjtaxes, but it was also poin 7 Boys 11 and under—Leo Me- >) ; ea oe ee ’ “4 f f > roe . , y rs : . ronograph wit a ecords i —- » » , is EUROPEAN PLAN Hl that the ' oa te ~ lmining man and athlete and serv- [av GEORGES GAGNON ed three and a half years overseag any 0. Box 1666 Phone 71 lwith. the Imperial Forces. ; Sat LAND ACT, "PACIFIC CARTAGE, LID. PHONE 93 bps eliable Service at reasotwble Rates, TAKE NOTICE that we, Alice Arm Mining ee We have Warehouse facilities. ind Developmept Co. Lid., head office at Anyox, B. C., occupation iniaing and de §. E Parker, Manager velopment, intend t6 apply for permission to lease the following deseribed foreshore: Commencing at a@ post planted et the intersection of the high water wInark of Alice Arm with the North Bdy. of L. 3510, being the Cariboo Mineral Claim, thence south 57 deg. 11 min, EB. 90 feet fo the southeast corner of Lot 36438; thenee south Si deg. 31 min, B. 440 feet to the West Notice of Intention to Apply to Loase Lond, In Cassiar Land Distriet, Recording bis- trict of Skeena, and situate at Alice Arin, j Bdy (produced) of the Indian reserve; ar ‘. ihenee south 1,000 feet more or teas: % sie ia the iow water wark of Ajice Art; thence Ye x us following said low water mark 800 feet io the South Bdy. of Lot $510, roqucel, J thence north 69 deg. 22 min. 4 t OANDELLATION OF RESERVE. w tbe high water mark; thence hor rl NOTICE 1S : ; A and following the high water mar { pasar pxibling one. Lot ‘bes Mies io [feet more or less 40 the paint of com: * District, Be cancelled, , meneement and containing 26 scres more r eas eat MADEN ALICE ARM MINING AND DEVELOPMEN'T Deputy Minister of Lands CO., LTD. per Fred Nash, B.C.L.9., {ands ae hee, Dated Juhe 1st, 1920, Agent 23rd June, 1920. 60d NOTICE IN THE MATTER of an application for issue of a fresh Certifieate of Tile to faree (3), Block Fifteen (15), Town) St@wart (Map 818A). achory proof . -Inon. St. Louis Kooms. io4 MIXE D F ARMING The ©. P, RK. | pa ment. witt siniahind : Pena Shas anne ri f this ( « f foil wun Boys 18 and under—Aubrey| FOR SALE—Tents of all sizea—| bas suill some choice lands bali ate her wit « vat ‘all as STEEN & LONGWILL live susles. saat ~ vicabintgentaueimmmeen 100) O6CO latkdis oF Tow i unpaid ts «ov ne “are ew Sweet, John Fotos, Leo McKin-| Furnished complete, us Day Phone 5 well-settled districts in Weat-iany be faueh as Sweet, Clarence Selig, Leo, Me-| WM. Crosby, Third ave, tr uontedaa’ hasten | @f the joss’ of the rufleate of | ; itle? having been pro duced, wutice ts| 4 rely given that ‘it is my tatention to} ue after the expiration of one month! CANCELLATION RESERVE. pom: te first py lication Hereof, a fresh on oF iv ritfirate of lile to the above men NOTICE 18 HRAEBY GIY joned lands, in the name of Victor A, G. reserve existing over Lot Does, "% : tlot which ‘Certificate is dated 24th | Coase District, is cancelle, detoher, 19410, and is numbered 269-1 G. BR. MADEN, . Land Registry OMce vr iaiee Hopert, B.C. | leputy Minister of Lands. Bow day of mares, ivy Lands Department, n V MacLEOD, Vietoria, B,C, f Disirict he gistrar of Titles, 24rd June, 1920. 60a " ‘ * 2 4. * Kinnon, M sidtdeeetint -——| ern Canade for sale at 1oW| the tum inwer ' Otficials—Starter, Chief Vick-| HOUSES FOR ‘SALE prices; fwpnty. wears 40, PAY: IES Mitrincisl hove heen nald’ failine when Agent for McClary Furncace ers. Judges, Misa Mills, W. J.| ——— ~~~ | irrigated lands in Bunny South | the agreements for rate wil be eancetled Santtar ee Cash and Joe Howe. At the tape, | FINE, fg wy reside od ern Alberta, with loan of 82,000 | Kio" r Chapt - 120 ay ha fs cone | Fremting Engineers Canon Rix, Charlie Blythe and| .®°¢4on. Moderate terms, Mel) in improvements to assist new |t%!! x ade a George Tite. ; gerson, Real state, Insurance settlers. Act now— thay are} Det ty Minister of Lands Pince Rega. re oo | ’ “ ) . . repartment and a Notary Public, going fast. For free bookiets |? Weta a SROSGCESHRHRASER THES M1) STEWART LOTS and full information write H. April tat, 1090 iat ce ere ® IN THE LETTER BOX #/ 0A SALI —Lot 2, Block 10, Map| G- Loughran, Canadian Pacific FORESHORE LEASE SASHES SR TT HE ERS OH 905, Stewart Townsile. Price, arene vo | Take notice that we, THE TAYLON BN § LLETT $1,000, This lot adjoins bugi ad |GINEEMING COMPANY, LIMITED, (Mines “ow # SQUIER ness section on Sixth Street. if haventadaias ‘ |alite Aton, i e ming owners, ipiénd’ to] p ; , Apply Daily News ofllice, tf you have an alvertisement in| [apply for permission tO lease the following To the Editor,—Your concise} _° Ppay y i this paper today several thau- aoactipe @ tend bee Ne See PLUMBING AND HEATING but admirable leader of ae iig, FOR RENT sands of people will read it. They Pr ed ee yuaning. sone 8 ies ENGIKEERS (Wednesday's) issue is oppor-! ay en will read it again tomorrow if if}thence porth 84 deg. 31 min Weal @ dis Estimates furnished. tune on the eve of Dominion Day, |FOK tu NT Furnished house-lig still on view, Advertise often liane at “as 43-4, ‘chence tot Re ‘the oee It is a day not only to be re-| keeping suite, Apply 410 Bixth and make the ad. snappy and you caaveerty, & ndary of tot 8448-4. ot ta! Address, 3rd Avenue, head membered, bul remembered oo) Avenue Kast. Phone Blue 247, are bound to get results. wint of "Commencement, “and containing! of Becond Street. i: ¥ ‘ " ee Pt ee aid) i” wo artes, more lean pride by svery Canadian ee De FURNISHED FLAT TO RENT . THE TAYLON BNGINEDMING CO. LTD. |} Phone 174 — P.O. Box 274 You have also reflected the high. Apply St. Louis Rooms. Phones #* 9 ee ee se eeeaeane aeone: (eines Denertment) | est ideals of citizenship in your) Rte 1 94, a 56 @| DATED at Alice Arm, ne. unis twenty | ————— + ey paragraphs “Government Kellec ts | " ‘ cz * Tu SUBSCRIBERS g|cigbin day of May. 1990 , a People” and “Canada’s future lies por meNT-( lonttoriable fitalaM, * sachdeatluite * NOTICE Plants, Flowers, a with the People.” ed bedrooms, 304 Sixth Avenue Subscribers to The News cnet a i With regard to your statement Weat 59 are asked to pay the de- # ~ IN rie MATTER of ap application tar Cabbage, Cauliflower ‘ 1 ; aihonaumneinen aieeetaeaeuatmaal ? . * issue of a . cor rate oO e : in first par, that Newfoundland TO hi NT__Small hs an of, taeel # livery boys each month @|Lat es. Block’? of Lot 360, Range 5, Coast Many Varieties i . i op : a] Sina use oO "ae (Map 072 still remains a crown colony, I fupaiiedi: Anolé Mee when they call, except o)O Nirlen te heres given. that satisfactory! CITY MARKRE respectfully point out that New) rooms, furnished. Apply Be where payment has bean @)proof of ine lows of ihe certificate of ttle 4 4“ . hover! the yove lands } hee ! emt foundiand was made a separate | Sumit Ave nue. 4s madé for the year iu ed. @ ccvesing the a newt having been fur- toa le th yo t Wal 4 6 FOR RENT —Kitehen and three} vane, The boys When Oe ee eect a thes ewhtine A, G. GRAY, ° efforts in the Grea ak, and is; ; ‘ aie sallecti afield] re. @ieate of tlle to the above lands, in th rooms, furnished, Phone Hed collecting carry re oe M rrie i f now the Dominion of Rewionns-| 259. : 58\#. ceipts which should al. # hertneate ie dated 144h October Vou aul Teacher of Piano land, Yours truly, ——--- : ways be preserved, OF re re a) aunnirs Studio 187 Second Avenue son A+ | . » { iatrie Newiatr 0 es . "a var ia | OF Bi : Mie r ly fur histed ‘ i? a Dated pio Bes ae of a Ore oe rn PHONE Blue 421 or 444 Prince Rupert Hopel. | roomed tal. Phone Blue 129, lee ae Oe OSHA MO OS BO] aid Hevisiry Oi, Prince Rupert, B.C.| ben NS it hl > »