eeturday, July 9, 1920, ene NOT TO BE | “SKIPPED” tant tidnk of phesing il neatter f pr ur am taken, the ER j a purctsr ' na are wa ? erta ha : of tt Hammond is th ta bhirke What tt ‘ ’ : mf giad nd full t pt f q ° Vancouver, B.C. Gurneys commenced mak- ing stoves in 143. Still in the same line of business 1920. Hundreds in use in Prince Kupert. anit ON SALE AT Fred Stork’s Hardware RROCOND AVENUP Phone Black 114 Acreage at Terrace Get your Acre Lat or Ten AcreTract at Terrace for a summer home before prices mivance. Good lots adijoin- ing the Townsite at reason- able prices Plenty fruit and lots of fishing Town Lets $75 to $200 Write to Kenney Bros. & Co. Real Tetate and Ineurance Terrace - - B.C. PRINCE RUPERT Central Labor Gouncil, O.B. U. Abe ae Geka if Affiliated Unite and Dates « MEETINGS Building Trades Unit, First wd Thind Mondays, & p.m Central Labor Council BB Pvery Tuesday eB p.r 2 Women's Auxiliary, Fire 1 Third Wednesdays, Sarin! and Fourth Weduee days, Business Meetings. second Fishermen, Every Thursday, & p.m Metal Trades, First and Third ridaya Fishpackers, First Saturday TOM LEE CO. 840 Second Avenue, West. — VEGETABLES Wholesale and Retail General Gontractors and Labon Exchange. Prince Rupert, B. ©, Phone 547 -—~ P, O, Box 72% ~~ Hand Your Baggage Checks to JOE BROWN Motor Transfer and Passenger Service Stand, Empress Hotel Phones 264, Black 334 Quick Deliveries PPro roe eee ape eee — Phone 655 827 2nd Avenue Cc. V. EVITT Auctioneer Auditor and Accountant } EE NY a | BIG GAME OF SOUTH AFRICA... Elephants were Airaid, but Some! ‘POLICE SUSPECT Baby Unearthed by Dog at Vancouver. GRUESOME CRIME arm of Five~Weeks-Old THE DAILY NEWS ° Animals were sot, as Aero- | ° plane Paosed VANCOUVER, Juls Phe po ; Hise are investigati ny «tery Diere Wem vervw few ineect aur’ diy hi ‘ the rcept white ants, on the dry de leevered arw of a tt eke old eet arenas on Which we had for the | baby on Thirteenth Ave Ih part ade ended ud wb wie ae nearthed bh “ } (1 Mitehe im a lecture toithe nea vb ii and he ‘ + h 4 | on Society, telling of infanticide is advan I! ur oO . h I Liroplane Hight through |was sharply severed at the ehogl NAVY ( LJ ; 74 \/ 1 hie trip was made | der i { , % a ing tl driest season of the ' ; ir, OO nany of the aermmdromesr : “4 hit nites eee we POLICE BOAT WENT d ni ' hte Con lee and the ; a Oe eee Cearen, ee TO PORT SIMPSON | : Vere protected by x : , se ‘ | i ” . e f thick grease. He and LOerere atterme the ; i : re ta atid vincial police boat Myfawnwy left! h Pp | wy Melee aio eke wath wi |r Port impaom carrying n lhe Highest Quality - ' ‘ nd t t Vise ‘ pt when they camped g t ty *@ Hat quit had caused They have to look i I ths ery tthe trouble in the|® ™ ma hs Objection E. s s 1 ough the suffered |*"* om <0 oe tt f 1 _thay aera} wen fever tot ; ver Attained in a in any o ‘ > ! settlement« He | as received i ieeeneee. Srereen . e e ° I iquarters here t la V, C. tft ' lr tlen by tzetae Hy on : _bilden by taelae: Ry. O04 eater the pence fom Poonee hi irginia Cigarette w the sinfuiness of ( taove it Ag t MeMu bite A atill more annoying |! " : nable to a J. B. Me » tar tabanid yy) | Lennan was appointed to investi was arge tabank ay ara ‘ ; ‘biobotadats fs gale the alfais No wonder Player’s are the most popular ‘s Scared Elephants ° . © lie: Tenctd te anak ane FOUNDRY SITE oO cigarette in the Old .Country—as they ; ‘ } bees from th h a wer eee reed 2° are here! i ; ’ Pe z ; Company Wents Waterfront, but ‘ } ‘ eca 1@ had ager 4 : i aan i There is None Avaliable Except “ ay i x ‘ é eta : : Held by Government. Among discriminating smokers it is % ; . > > | kK ale ones Shel ais “ universally agreed that Player’s are 3 deat ‘ ‘ %, From | Tra : Qo unequalled for their smoothness and h i . ‘ st ’ ; ij | | [] delightful aro: Ie y ind cK ! Q d . | mye 18c. per package i t py t by fire. IT ! f 6 € alls on we At c f sle and y Fs ) » © ‘ ul 4 «land They)? , ent. te d by the noise of i «or fl ot SISTER OF SHERIFF 3 | \ Mount Lado, a DIES IN MICHIGAN | me the tror as. paseed. it Mrs, Ira Dellabaugh, an old as [| > oe ' highly respected wesident of this . ! phanis being 1U'M | ceetion «of ‘Ranilae.eounty. sines 7 * Retwonn th ‘ ' * 4870 passed away at her home iv ; ‘ 1 Lake Vict a Nvanza this villawe or Tuesday afternoon ¢ . y ; r : ; r " f ‘ i pt a Were seen ata k after @n illness which 4d : 2 Y » Fie ; “et ait a | - wn br has eontindd her her bed for . ee Fin ; , , a ~ teen te i ; very me tusks. the past two wehrs, says the Dick- ' ; ee A > , : ig ¥; Cther Animals. ville. Mict rdex , ‘ } Ye : ie. , —-= s i Re oe a jane Shirley was bi at 5 eer i , th low ith's Falls, Ont, August 15 : ! s we , e uy cared A aaa viel ire i at we f : al : Ree Seve h —< . ‘ ’ potamub a? : ' : = , ( fi he kes. © ‘ am ies oily 2 . i hb Asmwoteh ee r a rage . “OFF TO LONDON : K re } i a J : ca SL NI eee ah ong a Mega tory ——V Slo Oe I them opening jporrest; M James Strings i a nostr Phe | this place, and Mrs. Alina Camy . ; ¢ tice of U , f MeGregor. She is also j : Bulla ind immense herds z i by f brothers and one e ° 5 p passed repeatedly) . They are William Shirley # : ‘ f Kha “ ag ah ‘ ry r as and Isaac Shirley. ' , : a . sale n Eatt Africa. All these!s he Onis Reosiak ant . ered as soon a8 the} yy) gp a P ; K nant Can.| 48m Sayers. In the preliminary LAND AUT, a near, appa ent Ada ind Mrs Mary Swi eney trial bet being commuttied ny 2 pene - ry , sinioian | : nYe a8 *' Magistrate McMordie, Morris said /Netiwee of Intention to Apply to Purchase = ’ - ‘ i sik iver anadag . « F. ’ the e had never befere seon the | ee Eagily Approached. j ~— --—_—__-_—_ -------—. hat h ha , > 1 oast L ad District, Recordiag Dis-} ‘ “ ‘ fo Dr. Chahners Mitchell, in con-| ring which was produced in court. | icf of Sueena, Range 3. 301 Pemberton Block Fifth Street... : FOUR MONTHS FOR Phe police in searé¢hing him found! Tate abtice that 1, David GC Mawhinney, aon sand thas neropianes fe : ar Pris Rupert, B.¢., oceupation co VICTORIA STEWART aht be of eat service t sine STEALING A RING the ring inside his hat. The con-|intena ¢ avply for ne to purchase : 5 Sti inn ' victed man will do his sentenc mee ee eon ee c Rt amis ’ t pardons ant) Se.” cia in the toval celts pam} Sees sf LOTS FOR SALE ON ALL PARTS OF THE a ary (@iocale ea j = % a —— ) chams norther\y from location posi of ony | vat st naen Ro far as the In the Gounty Oourt yesterday -— —— Lot sro, the woat porinerty pert a ee STEWART TOWNSITE , said sland thence f westerly snr oneen eaturalist or sportsman was con-|afternoen before Judge Young, Tt is Just as cheap to get your Sauaheriy dlrestion “habewtenr i Meena Listings of Business Lots Wanted ' : nad, ome 4 two aeroplanes|dack Morris was sentenced tof rinting done well and done at a ait ie é Pea Pree om Jiachitnics: (nila liilinerteatnonnst ——> —— +, wa f | take them and their equip-|four nthys in ja : $100 fine rome as it is to send it away. Try icres, mote or ge HEIGERSON,. LTD - - LOCAL AGENTS + ent to suitable camps from|for (he theft of a ring from Mary|Uhe News Print Shop. abril 24, 1990. a . . * \ h came might be tracked or - — ——-— ———_-——_- — ——$_— —_—— =—— — | i rved on foot, In the various i &é focced Jamtlings that the machine] a had made, sometimes in | laces | bs nt where poobably no white man had - tl ever been before, he wild were often quite easy proach, not yet having le be shy of man fhe Taylor Mining Co, pro- poses the erection of a he Alice Arm Mine office at Alice Arm, Dr. son, the resident doctor company, expects work menee at an early date erection of the building, be a well equipped and institution, Miss Shanahan, who lartived bere from Montreal, is to take a position in the local gen- eral hospital, Misa Sha le teaiwed nurse, having graduated ihe eastern hospitals. Tye has also been engaged in pitals of Washington, D B. 0. Undertakere, Phone 41. near the Dolly Varden and plans are already in the animals to ap-| arned to} Dib You HEAR PATSN yapital at AN Steven for the to com- on the It will modern recently nahan is She the hos. G, OOGHT Oo seen . coe KE OWES iosowu 8 OHH “- # ee He WP. tes "ft we : Gene By ee —_ att . rs rr - “ | } f i. a — iN FAC JOST TAKE / “ee a ae dE ADMIT A WALE WTR : ig iT AASEL' Me AND FLL Z i SHOW YOO “THAT , t Se HE DoeSHT eb ie 4 | é * i,