THE eee NEWS — -_—__ — | Church Not; } PURE BLOOD is SAWMILL CET AWAY i¢ >) | IF | otices | SECRET OF HEALTH “WITH BEAVER TEAM) #7. S, WALLACE CO., LIMITED | ct tt ee ee ee —-+ 1 F a . ee 2 | ime ereat majority of human ailments | Piret Mathetist Church, — [Piverahed DOH aise thie carte [WIA Balt Game by Close Score re) Sunday Sehood et 10. a.m Samer cae Seehrds btaihe doures of 10 tee. | 4 4 't ip at 44. Junior jit Cundition Of the blood Is the tudirect * Bathi ng Caps Water Wings [School at 2:30. Evening service lignin all ture, Actua, heenehiis and; E@st nights baseball game be- || jat 7:30, Subject, “What is Your Gatarrbh, Indigestion and stomach trouble, Lween the Beavers and the Saw. Life?” Preacher, Rev 1. H. Nut ee aisora s, Kidney and Bladder) int tear proved ; ; : u | jae ‘ : . : - 4 - complaints, czema, iles, et te ond iu ee ' rove a win 0 sie Ear Stopples Itall. eo of the Blood 12 a the utm st hnport latter by the seore of 10 a vs ‘| : : ed i | Sd siditenes | There is nothing Hke bert i estore Tnbeoest was running hich among!! » ae the blood to condition. in te ealtt Our stock of these has just arrived. Come in and First Progbyterian Church. fhe (Blood to condition, in Wonder Health 'ihe large number of fans present! | ——— ——— tyme inspect them. | Mprhing strvige at 11 o'e0ck eee eee en eee mation, vine 2S the score was a tie at the end || ree ‘ : the , : pony Subjec t, Action Justifying Re- tr rmula of a great Seoteh bert t, whieh of the eiehth No runs were made} . . . RMES IMITED jsulis.” Sunday School at 12:30. i real and permaner eit from ny either side’ in the ninth meet Some very smart styles in a a 7 or ote * ra to to seat ra nt Te vs i conith but the lumber jacks copped LADIES’ BATHIN T ae Mans esponsibility, cinal yx roof terb t is not the winning play in the eleventh » ‘ /Preacher Rev. Dr, H. BR. Grant fo nt ta rai cw ‘iol Weanine oO owhen after Abbott was put uf 7 f ) 5 we term is a hert piten ‘ ‘ ! : he ~oneer Druggists iF . ‘ eo Dk aiite Dt aint alk i ss si * Hagsted came to bat and made a have just reached Th ‘A j Ph 3 82 d 200 } First Baptist Church safe, as tt may be given | » new. /LWo-bagget He then stole third : . 8 ae Ae eee Se ones 82 an P.O. Box 1680 f, : : ee ? . |born babe without dat " Ss in color combinations such as rose oa rreen ; THE REXALI STORE MOmming service at 41 o'clock. ithe testimony of ¢ : ‘land was knocked home on a green, navy —s ~" — Preacher, Captain Marsden. Sun iieelt As veneer & wa , bY single and orange, saxe and blue, black and white, ete, , day School at 12:15. Evening ser many who ha tried drug per The Beavers played a very con lhe prices range from JOIN THE SWIMMING CLUB! Jf vice at 7:90. Preacher me p. i Sihade! Siialoot | Reet cintent and. telly. aime bull | KS y Linzey. i i ne a 1g . be . ; emed to be unable to get wind! | —_— j Drug rt en Is tive Sawtitll stean uotel thee . fy | CANCE HONEYMOON for a IOnIN'S. om ey piled in six rund : beyond all price \ he J) i half doe Abbott { quan Hoad to Mealt i oe ce Among the arrivals on. the ccm sud eave i i hb ve t iN lls was having a gipal ' . i ru t } i 8 ote MEN of 7 D | Venture last evening were Mr. ’ time changing pitehers, bul one Boys’ and Gir’ , ‘B thi g S it 4 ne O AY and Mrs. Hubert Ro Evans, who paAVTING ‘ is a new piteher stepped a in ul s a their t ote tor saad, ‘wale were married in Vancouver last LIFE IN t ROVINCE tl Hox the ys ih gray ONS DEES that a neat, prosporeus appesfé )Puésday evening, They are hay TOR Ci rat Cypress u ' The whole L 25 ance is a passport to success, Jing a unique honeymoon trip and EXISTED FORVY-FI VE nateh i i fi aD devatration an i. 0 The Right Jewes; will continue from here by canoe R ny y prc ag i l ha itl i : 5 : j ! ‘ mall veepl for a few quietly designed is ee of up the Skeena River Mr. Byvans PELL IN hd ; 60 i hi th tenins = statled good taste and adds dis inetion. is cannected with the Dominion 3 round fieht . minor dif ees ‘ B hi S, tity audiccetsctatats iPiaheces at Voneomcr and Mes, , WASHINGTON, Ju 3.70 ey wi Men’s Bathing Suits men needs, a good wertch, : ; st of i Life ‘ n linke <4 Lhboved ark. S Bvaus as formerly, Miss. Ann . mvs 5 Tea ' te ps in batting onde L. 590 searf pu seal ring’ and «ther ‘Wintet,* of Teranto. ' , , fe P : ' 0 ‘ ia follow Sawroill Ie conveniences? Pe ae vv ie ; ‘thhart \ ; ’ ' ress ee ea > wwe -- R Ca : - eee eee er ee ee ee eee oli of thi i batit ee i Depisse, Abbott) | oe ee | j Me lida \e : W . ameron | TOC LETE 10 CLASSIFY * vie t a , R bb DB: hi C Wig Sosy hes Brd Ave ee ee ee ee wil a Ve in Woods i u er at Ing aps P iYoung woman wishes house ot vious ded j aan : - Fean, Halen fore i chamber work by day. Phone rl find \ 1 . s th, Morri " { ade Green 549. P.O. box 797 9 Pas i ‘ she "ae nee om . | tO10 ' Canad , , oT Re MIALRAL AUT. Oh cache bes , ¢' eee ' ia Be ' 9 0 bk a é Certificate of improvements. p Bea “i a * “sa 5 ’ ° 7 Bee ROP dee as |pucion i PRELIMINARY SURVEY 14] rica and ¢ aaa Unt Sis te oe meen: urd and Fulton Phone 9 Desirablo Furnished House TIMBER SALE X 2534, Winere Wweated:—Sixteru nites up the (hy \ ' ; ive war tee ' y a mK 2 4 - 3 Mooms Bnd bath in Sec- piste’ tenders be ive hin “item ve iver, 1 Ue Dolly Vard Work Being Laid Out for Con g District est et 1 thar oer ol a ‘ ' ston ugh M . ¥ —_ tion 6, for quick sale. Wier 7th day of July Ly2 t i the pu came Nuss E iit 3 oe men # watt hres tractor on New Dock. f ifcence X32 it chile) swanson wr Miner's ue ivae hi nel ft — tee ine Dinka 000 lin, feet of Cedar | runes l Wateud sists days ran the date oes . ' 4 l ne prel / ‘ eee 5 ‘ cred, to apply to the Mining Neer eres § : c : “ wed fo emoval | ry Certificate o provements t { i ’ $2, 350 cash *; ' ie iid 1 lar : LE ent hai Pabe “ cf Mn t wi ores r Pt py ee ! / sie sact neue ease rare ; ee" | FOR THIS WEEK ON Plan and blu print f Prince Rupert, B.C. re ee centage fy we et lanenec wafer tes : , fee Sr an ?¢ slue wii oO j , clion 85, Mbst be commenced before ' Fe BUCO SSM Ia ls sina Penh ethast ALL OOo tthe issue of sue ertineave o ve S 4 Grand Tr ! f slits’ GAnadeha eehibition {a TIMBER SALE X 2438. oe ory “) f h Certineat f inmyeu ea sy “ i p j : nes A e Sealed tenders will be eiver }) DATEO this of 1920, OCean does Loda - Catal eo ° our window. er Ot teak eo NS Fved hx. they : OHA HUOH MeMULLIN, losis ’ ' b: i gehts and placing hubs RB R d Pan a ee rh aia a Islan 7 ror I e€auction — (a8, to ent 6.014080 WATER NOTICE. before Une advent of uh en earth, 1t Le base line. along the me g on tia mk isi sn Deer and Beas USE AND STUHAGE and no traee of hom f an trace McCaffery, Gibbons |i: icre5 ot seer ier se, rt mee amy en 0 the tome v-totnh. 0m iba one nomenite : Three (3 years will be llowed | poate Ming, Sineing and Power Phe tind sat { tt vy that r dof Ue present -wRart will I sae Gib: eit e allowed for |Caupany, Limived, whose address is Birks . f v © SCOr, rete , nid afd tite ston & Do le Ltd Further particulars of the Chief Forester joules Vesenirets B. & will apply for in the Proterozoic A ly one rf then and all the hubs will be y 3 ” 4 tne gd ave . or District. Forester, Prineé|per day atid ns dior vai! ware Fay of celled Amebe, et sted on the *'7*" ted atong the bed to ta 5 C a eit 00 the. Branch of Hidd the points where the various : Agents Creek, ‘whieh flows woeulneriy., ona retains arth. Instead of only unicell ' vill 7 ; . I Pas lit j into Observatory Inlet about at Anyox lar inimal th we asinal “eee wo tines Wi ; wh AVE sone? the ‘siorage dam is located on Lot 2224. *Wilnining and awiing wal a ee or Sen ee er. ee ya Pe, Mee, Pee ——_ ’ |The wane Of the reservoir is ebout 3% forms of animals already domi the southern end of the new eret , We don’t want to ii ee ae ant tion, and then the piles can be Now’s Your Chance [stream a a pene ae es {ee about 800 p ee Walcott tk drivet the water from the ex- 4 rom e Rout ound s use re areoy Cs ti t 7 t ; i K 7 |for mining ouirpese lead the aidan des c ribedt ‘ il leded lines for or tergatte COP IC a DOCKET ee rsa sty Ge HEE Gnmalted ubout 27,610,000. ye | fh, 1677, 2219, 222), 2222, 2223 23 ulfed abo 640.000 en eS 0a We've the finest collection of! gers, 9226, 2287, 282%, gee, Sass | ‘aie ” j bp t . y ; BUS SERVICE T0 HOT Reliable goods only at “this agd thai” in Jeweiry that This notice was posted on the grou: 0 { j 5 ! U M , SHOE STORE you ever saw jon the 1st day of June, 19206 “4 . |” . ” ¢ . A cop f this tice yplic } ne real ‘ Alberta Screened You know what we mean— leureenet the re 10 Sod Pink coche Anne f ‘SS W SPRINGS AT LAKELSE cARTHUR os ¥ . stnall articles of various kind ese il al yk in the office of the ef fat oth i THIRD AVENUE il art | 0 i aus ds, ter corde nee ro 7" GUARANTEED LUMP Ws think of these Objections to the et ort may be} aleozoic-peri “d Vis to Lak ol Spoings | te J For Kitchen Stove. Searf | 300 | ee nied ba the said Water Recorder 7 th wimewnhielenie d an ; mot vibe fros = ~ —, . art sie 0 &75 : | the omptroile ) ate its, Partia ' - Sacked ..... $15.00 per ton Kar, rings, 50¢ to $100.00 tere ens coer ae Ma ae DISCUSS STRIKE 2 Pe APIS a. eae he . $7.75 per ‘2 ton Srooches. T5c to $25 00 , this notiee in a et ror of the li yinan, Park Garage, Ter Keane $13.50 per ton Noe : a ’ ont . GRANBY CONSOLIDATED MINING SMELT ul wil has a ew Ford ear and Only a Limited Supply - ; ie to ’ pt ING AND POWER COMP any. i ! sMITE . Committee Appointed to Urec that ,..,, for ti busi Reams ( / d C B ( ) sOCKCLS, 31, to. B30. By F. E - : ” a m W Phone Your Order Now Culf links, 50e to £20.00 | Tee date of the frst Seblication of” this Banerpek ‘Se Graven ible ral uf ar an as oat ners , «V.0U. lnofice is June &, Watch fobs, $1.00 to $20.00 ~ aaah The questi ws hie . rt Mc flery | Silver and gold goods’ of all men’s strike was ment ed at th PUBLIC NOTICE. The Canadian kinds. ; tir ti LTD. | e Board of Vrads mewn *Sh ght W ul Undersigned bave se e Phones 564 and 116 and a nape e sisting OF tay er the Yokohama Cafe a e Messrs Nickerse Mil and ‘ er Aa , frou Magoichi Fukuyama and ree , +h , sa ey bed Es * ‘Tanmiaji Nagamateu. All accounts anyttiiy ile aon { i Jeweler | have been favored with in- view 1 Seth t of 4) ' “owing up to this date will have A structions from H. MeCall, (jut A Pe . lected from the formes has cy down local car owners gasoline Kag., to sell by Auction the Vi s. We will not be respon bill lower than one gallon Pretrrererenrarr ay remainder of his ee ed that the ciple for any accounts after this Ht mipany should to ser . opt those authorised bs per 8 hour day. mento unload the boats if the ' , All Aboard for th Household Effects |)". /) 1'la' she heute tt ives 1a ’ oa or the Pa Pee eee Signed) DANG HO } including Bureau, Dressing to wor lhe b n ower ; Why y $3. 50 te Nm gemene ie i he atl RR ACT? RTS cant you save } to } sian Rugs, Victrola, and 12 they did not think the company deacodricsarenet Fen bole 6! Boyan 5. 00 k | Salt Lakes gett gee |i Lemme ag gapbarr moTion ee ae so! leather case, and = other men te i plac of the . household goods strikers ; ; ’ , nap oun ea Bale will be held at Mr. a oer. raee ees : — Ak b Th & C L d. gsi hlilee i aM 8 ? ail, Ltd, intends to apply to the t ' AL IS IN THE LEAD McCall's Tesidence, SPEDIAL wOTIGn spate tte ye Bo 8 By: erberg, omson 0., Viren it comes ‘to quality, Pacific Place 1 ee p Bate srag Paris wa Sole Agents ) at hi ail |-dlweve fod at 2.30 sharp on Special meeting of the B. P. O. panies to approve the change of gents ere the right kind for every t make Lodge ne. $6 wih be held te . ball ry ree ra purpose, } S tu d y J ly3 the Killas Hall on Monday even- wauroae . Ad., to that of F. } No metter what you need ie verremerine stand | a Pe) u ing, July 5, at $:30 p.m, Mem ee ae o ve yon coal for-—cooking, heating, open all day with - Vv. EviTT lbers ate urgently requested to at. |°UD-seetion 4, section 38 Com F I O powel we hiave Auctioneer tend, as a matter of importance panies Act. FOOD DRA S S LD we, . ; th I di ' l 7 r Dated at Prince Kupert, B,O. Do you wish to provide FOOD for relatives*ar friends COAL THAT IS RELIABLE Fresh Fruits ree ne ake a yA aa Ciscuseed. |inis 42th day of dund A. D. 1980 in Poland, Austeia, Huf@ary, Crecho- Slovakia or Germany! Consumer f f i rf ‘ 3. ¢ ASH HUNT & SHAUBSALL, LTD, If so, this bank will sell you for the Oanadian equivalent 5 pal 0 one SH, 2 Rouse 2, Ree a of 810 or 850 New York funds Food Drafts drawn on an " Ltd. Ice Cream DEN IS R 4 exalted Ruler MINEMAL ACT American Kelief Administration Warehouse in any one of | | y ae Baewis ai a AL iT. ) J. Lorne MacLaren, Manager . } ’ Peer eee eos vers ¥,) j these countries. The domtie willbe iequedeapes. Of hans Homme 1h Smith Block §=—Phope 7 andies Don’t neglect your Teeth 3)» * CERTIFICATE OF IMPDOVEMENTS charges and are payable in food, i One denayed of miesing | tooth Notice to Advertisers * NOTICE Full particulars may be oblained from any of our Batters eee . . jowers your 4! efficiency * “Wolf” Miners! Claim, branches, Siete T obaccos | C u | > 2 ti t "4 taas iver Wine pivieinn mele ie a ’ r . jasua advertisemer rit 7 | Schooner Lady Mine’ etc fi DR. ‘BAYNE for (abhdiion vam ns * we located Near the head of Alice The Royal Bank of Canada . Office Hours--Morning, 9 to 12; Pall Take notice that 1, 2.5 : . Capital paid up and Reserves Tolgl Assets ovet will accept freight for Port Simp. a # | Afternoon, 1.30 to 6.80; Satur: outs hy in the Daily 9) gieesn Ce rincate No sebae f \atend | €55,000,000 85 tna 000,000 son, Naas Kiver, Alice Arm, Anyox dey, 9 to 2 only, Evenin News office befare 10 a.m. *® a a +e Be Cate hereof, ry apply Z ; ‘ {Oo “ wm hecorder , ter t Pr oO en Shope = By cer. eennin’ Rupert Table Sunny Co, | C0. | Be es and +i Changes in advertisements wp vemnents for the "purpose oF cbiaisies ' , ‘ . 0 Cre Ors of the above claim from Government Wharf, Prince py should be on hand before #) Aid furiier take wotiee thas seton, un: | ° Rupert, B.C. PHONE 4 DENTAL NURSE IN ATTENDANCE * 5S p.m. on previous day. # | ler section £5, must be commenced before S b b f I h ; pe S 211, 212. PHONE 109.¥OR APPOINTMENTS) 3 a| cane” OSes upscripe or e al y ews -.* Dated this 3rd day of April, 1920 i ‘ See eeeeeeneeeee 1 Bok d |, The Leading Daily of Northern British Columbia Saturday, July 3, 1920