Ps “a Ort. / fIymni « All kinds and sizes male 1 40 Years’ Experience) Agent _ — Sa T E. c. H. eda & Son N ) T § The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT TAXI TAX! Phone 75 WE NEVER SLEEP Prince Rupert Auto M. H. LARGE J. F. Maguire SS 722 Second Ave. Northern and Central British Columbia’s rete Tet Cenanp Rive..< Feae Semen voL, XI, NO, 105 PRINCE RUPERT, BG, MONDAY, JULY 5, 1980.2 __mmte seve tes Cox a d McAdoo Take Lead in Turn NEW ORDER HAS ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY MEMBERS IN PRINCE RUPERT Frisco Nominations — EXCURSIONIST TO KETCHIKAN Now Deadlocked PASSED AWAY William McAdoo was lending on the Thirtieth . oroner's Jury Finds Y 3 Ballot with occasional booms for cab Died from Overdose of Narcotics Cox; Hisses when Hearst 5 | 4 d Mea ‘ was propose . oo uM ' ' SAN FRANCISCO) j . L\i i MeA 1’ ; ‘ ‘i Ml ' ’ ’ ' ' ' rf ’ . i j t i “4 FRANCIS i ‘ xih ‘ : ' “« ‘ $79; Uo atti : y er i¢ ia . ’ : ' . at de ne ai the fub shen ’ it i : p : on whe meet nh haimonton, are in . . ' eacy oper jie comaor nine d wrens the deor to welory SAN FRANCIS(1) J } ih an ual hand ee CANNERY HANDS ON Cox has 400 Palmer t with 1 SKEENA TO ORGANIZE | Fl S | RT | Met on Saturday But Adjourned LE7i) apa da Until Later Date. HALIBUT TODAY = BOTH GAMES 2.8m Sea Products, Cold Storage, Booth Players and Fans Returned Home and Pacific Bought on Lady Mine This Yosterday Afternoon ‘ july 1 Whi t on a) . SEAPLANE FALLS Mi FLOAT COMPLETED INTO ST. LAWRENCE ! i mm rve " é h Club j Irnp re 7 ts at the Boat u Bitheush Starting from G@rest : . Cost About $900. Height, All Occupants Have ; ' , Survived , . MONT \l j ! ; i j . i ver ? i 7 ; s ita ‘ . © a t lin’ pote io , VETERAN DROWNED : the diotd St : tly he beache« ‘ ! 10 for whi bers, G ue CALGARY, J ] « for coher \ ‘ MeHae be ter a Wa vel : \”as King and Winge arrived in port i the work while rT it Sa e ¢ itt erase ; ‘ i { ears FRASER iS CHOSEN VANCOUVER, July 3—Dre we hei Fraser of Nana o ha ‘ “leeted to represent the : Man Fisheri \ oclation Onolulu conere for Filion into Pacitie shy Steet teases ereee * . , 20 OWNERS ATTENTION * . " Owners if doy int ain «© i beotfully .potified thal * ® ‘iim nol allowed im * ee Loneblery ex pt * es ' leash, and any de . ° en running at large in 9 (Copyriaht by Farrington, London.) ° mabey. will... be sa : King Albert and Lord reach, leader of the British armies of tbe teense Seeeeaneeee seriy day's of the Wer, meet aguln whep rulued city is Donored Ce vy ella _ ‘THREE LABOR, CHIEFS OF FRANCE. Fro. Pe e oul nt of France nas decided to attu.« the tadica!l element by lecal proceedings for at- The governm Paps © paralyze the life of the mation. The photograph shows. from left to right, M. Panl Joulii, — Ki belonging to the perty that was to have made France 1 Soviet gorernment; M. Lapierre and ¢ Marcel SERVICES ter “ the son ot the Paris labor chief, who caused much alarm throughout entire France when be was accused of Laureat, who are alse lea@ers of the General Federation of Labor of France. - NOT BLAMED FOR ACCT eport of Seinntry Finds he Navi~ _ Knights of Columbus Have <= ENT Enthusiastic Initiations ae Contrary to Air Goard rs ° . *. s Regulations Price Rupert Council is established with YES, ey | 5—-Ma Martin O'Reilly as Gravd Knight--- | Great Banquet last night P . WN Many Cannon Among Spoils and fecring ly musil i it uece Heavy Casualties on h . cere eer a oe ya y Bot vas J. D. O'Donnell, — the Felicitations. ; thie rere es | e th t st dist Mr LI layhy . y . a ; : ' ‘ : uM (YDonnell alse had the ge I) iue referred to the sheaf of P * . , , vr’ , ning up of the branch | telezrams that had been recerved eS ind and nothing but praise was by the P e Rupert Couneil cor- Hol wt for the manner in which s#ratulating 1 its establish- exhit ze wi . ndueted the important duties \ 1“ «these were tines- hie 6 List of OMsore, Continued on Page 5. The first oflics a Aad es ter ~~. SEES AUTOS FOR follows dirand Knight ‘Reilly: Dep ty Gpand ae ' NELSON DISTRICT IS Fred Hennipe. Chancellor, FE, A HAVING BUSH FIRES |". ‘cower. ‘Ml recording Secretary, J. J, Mul doo Financial Secretary, F. W Arctic Trapper has not been Out Logging Camp and Million Feet \oersecl; Lecturer, J. D. MeAuley Since 1887 Before Street Cars Logs is Destroyed—Standing (Adyocate, M, P, MeCaifery; Trus were Running Timber Saved tees Yrs Roberts, Phomas Prottier and M. J. MeNeill; Wa VANCOUVER, July 3.—W. D, NELSON, duly © o-—3 Rigsiden. Mike Burke: fieide. Guard, |Clark, of Eagle River, an Arotic and Wilke logging Camp with @ 4) J. Gillis: Outside Guard, Jack trapper, has arrived here. He niillion feet of logs, owned by the | Keefe, Chaplain, Father McGrath, | Was last here in 188% and for the oN Irvine ! Manh Lumber At the head of the bana ret finst time sees street cars, autos . las been destroyed by bush table last night was BE. A» Deno and skyserapers, He — Know fire. Standing timber and horses |hue, BA,, LL. Be the newly sled the war Was over until May, ba : re saved chancellor, and an old member of e saw his first movies In a | the order, The spread was dainty son recently, aud was served VANCOUVER PILOTS aaa odes | FALL INTO ENGLISH vs vatintie Uvusen soe in min ALBANIANS TAKE a, BAY--ARE NOT HURT (7"ti"", cereus tee rene mek | and attending to a serving Was feature in BERNE, July 5.—Aviona is en-| VANCOUVER, July 5 From first to last 1b Was tipely in Albanian hands after an its success and en- Captains aes lloy and bixe ive unhurt after a thorough delight During the ey gagement in whieh the Maltians souphane ise dived into banquet, Gray's Orchestra Played Host 485, killed and wounded. inglish Bay Stalling of the en-/ splendid instrumental tmumbers, | sll tereipilinniione ation Wa esponsible for the pre Mrs. PF, W. Moerseh headed the Mr. and Mrs, Kilmartin of ler. banquet inittes and Was laPwe- race are yisiters im the city iHon. R. L. competition shampionst ip. to19, Chamiptonsh ty ILL HEALTH IS CAUSE OF RETIREMENT ‘Hon. R. L. Belin. Told Caucus He Was Entitled to Honor- able Discharge After Long Service. July 5. Borden have that a year’s rest is the onty hope Physieaus of advised (iiawa, lof recovery of his health. In hts caucus announcement he men- tioned the fact and also urgell that the National Hailways should never be used as a politival fout- ball. Sir Robert said he entered pub- lic tif in 1896 and was for ten years opposition leadér and nine years premier, four of which was éyriig the war. On that aceount he felt he entitled to an able discharge. was on iheaermcmomnni ON RIVER BANK —— Seromontes to Victims vw! Drowning at Revelstcke Largely Attended. REVELSTOKE, July dreds attended the me ' —bhiune $ ’ vice Leld ow Sunday afternoon at the bank of the Columbia River at the scene of the recent quad- The throwing of into the rushing of the apa the vot- ruple drowning. loral emblems feature river Was a cere- nony The mayor erans band was in attendance. The victims were Walter Neison, Bella Laughton, Muriel Armstrong and Marjorie Cleland. NEWFOUNDLAND FOREST FIRES Fishing Village Wiped Out and Gapital City Threatened. ST. JOHNS, Nfld. July 5 \ tial rin has quenetesr s whieh have threaten- rest tire ed this city during the pas day or so Seven houses and a fox fari we destroyed and the tish. “ if New ¢