Socialist balance of-power im this province and as a result James 22:6 p.m. 7.4 feet. Hawthornthwaite was able t) dictate the policy of the Govern- Tuesday, July 6. ‘ ment toa very large extent, and since that time Mr. Hawthornth- High, a “3 oe ae aha 1 waite has been a capitalist. ea ae ae P _ ie ee i] The tehdency of the day is toward group representation, 22:50 p.m., 7.3 feet. i even without the aid of proportional representation. Just Ghat Wednesday, July 7. ? will be the final system, however, no-one knows. We are expert- High, 1:59, £7.2 feet. menting in democratic methods. Alk the methods look well on vs Ga $ be cae i paper, but often unexpected results follow. Tri Rivssia they are , 23:42 p. = ae et i experimenting with a labor bureaucracy confrolled largely ty Thursday, July 8. Jews. It is'a wonderful reaction considering that Rissia was the country where Jews were once persecuted more than anywhere else. In this country we are trying to work out a parliamertary democracy. It often-fails miserably, yet there is.aslarger measure of justice under it: than uvidér any other form Of government of which we know. If we can improve on it, doubtless we shall do so a step at a time. Old Clothes League is Latest Fad. _ The latest fad is an “old clothes league.” This organization is séuding out a cireular urging that production be increased and that thrift be practiced and encouraged. With that ena in°view the members pledge themselves to avoid all useless expenditures, to save their money and deposit tt in banks, to wear their clothes, including hats, as long as possible and to give the best possible service to employers with a view to increased production, ‘le head office of the organization is at Toronto, Lloyd George at Church Conference. At a non-conformist church conference in Wales George, speaking in Welsh, made use of these words: “It is not so much to promote any special reforms as to create an atmosphere in which not only is reform impossible, bul in which a perpetuation of evil is impossible. It is not so mach the actual proposals that matter. What matters most iz the spirit in which you approach the problems, examine the evils. Yace ‘the difficulties, frame the remedies and afterwards work thea: {lt is the fostering of that spirit that is the supreme. duly..of the Christian Churches.” ’ There was today, Mr. Lloyd George continued, great’ con- fusion and conflict of purposes, paralysing goodwill in every Jand. “When I left,” he said, ‘we were discussing in Parliament Bol- shevism, the latest fashion among the rulers of darkness in this world. The German elections show a distracted people split up into hopeless contending factions without any clear purpose, with no ascendant voice or note.. So far we Have avoided that catas- trophe in this country, but it is spreading throughout the werld, a ES ~ Lloyd and the Churches can alone save the peopke from the disasters of will and which will ensue if this anarchy aim continnes to spreack”’ DENTISTRY of the Highest Grade and Lowest Cost Dr. JOS. MAGUIRE Yempen or Tue B.C. Dewrar Co:.Lec: * Office Hours:- Peeetontons 9 to 12 and 1 to 6 DENTIST... by Appointment 7 & & SMITH BLOCK. posal 576 High, 5:54 a.m, 46.3 feet. 18:24 p.m., 18.2 feet. 1:50 a.m. 6.1 feet. Friday, July 9. High, 6:58 a.m., 15.6 feet. 19:19, 8.4 fet. 0:42 a.m., 7.4 feet. 12%:41 a.m., 6.9 feet. Saturday, July 10. 8:13 a.m., 15.3 feet, 20:20 p.m., 18.8 feet, £:53, €.7, feet. 3:39 p.m., 7.6 feet. The time used is Pacific Stan- dard, for the 120th Meridian west. Low, Low, High, Law, from midnight to midnight. The table given is for Port Simpson but the time for Prince Rupert varies only a few minutes on some days and on others is the same. The range of the tide tnay be computed as 5 per cent greater at Prince Rupert than at Port Simpson Doth at springs and neaps. herefore the rise in the Prines Rupert harbor is slightly! greater than Port Simpson. ‘Phe heiglit is in feet and tenths) yo! feet above the average jevel of lower low. water. _ Advertine in the 6 Daiiy ? News. DEPARTMENT OF MARINE AND FISHEHIES, OTTAWA, ONT. Jone, 1920. *SRALER Prous oats Wilt be received at) this office onl 12 oo noon, on the ot day of August, 1920, for furnishing, the Materials and labor of all kinds! hecessary for the construction, equipment and delivery of a proposer Steel Twin) Serew lce-breaker of the following lead- ing dimer.sions: De BU Es op cepigeny so kes 275 feet Breadth oh # Eres 0-0 ods 57 feet Depth Mid. doaceaverdn 2 feet Lraft Mean .. -19 feet 8 inches Br | dei gvcchagdacdsccesedabs 8,000 to be delivered at the Agency of 1 Department of Marine and Fisheries, Quebee of Halifax for a fixed sum. The Department reserves the right accept or reject any one er all of the bids reeelved, Porths of proposals, plan® and specifica- tions showing what ia Fe wired can be had er fen by r, pein Department of os, Outs = iether information desired may be obtained by -— ord E DEPUTY MINISTER, Keperiieant of Marine and Fisheries, Ottawa, Ont, LAND ACT. Notice of Intention to Apply to bease Land. In Cassiar Land “District, Recording Dis- trict of Skeena, and si uate ae mile e@ast- fom town of & K. “vowler and A.¥. lice Arm, B, C,, occupations married woman, in to fe ly for rmission to lease the follow. Me described foreshore lands ;- fom: ata lantet on east beak of kitagul en t nce south wae ms more or les to Tiithnwe Bn River: thence north 20 a9 more Or less to Lot LO; thence west chains more or lew# to of commence men nt, and containing {60 acres, more or of It is counted from 0 to 24 hours,! to| of discovery of an attempt to | Ten Years Ago in Prince Rupert # July 5, 1910 The School Board met with |Wilham Mansen M.P.P., and urged that the government laction in regard to heating f ifiie new school. Among a m ther of other requests sent ithat for the erection of a larg Itlag pole, The scholars in the iprimary classes’on the west side of Fulton Street will still attend jthe old school on Second Avenue. A welcome will he given the Rev, Chas. and Mrs, Sing by the jpeople of the Methodist Church jtonight. i * * * The Fraternal Order of Mactes held their first annuwab ball in the McIntyre Hail last evening. ‘Kauf- jman's orchestra furnished the jmusie, . * . Brandon's players are sti con- tinuing to attract large erowds to the Keypress Theatre. The pro duction last night was Phe Am eriean Girl,” ie J. FE, Merrytfield has returned from Kitselas where he has been for the past month looking after jhis business interests, j ADVOCATES WHIPPING | | TO PREVENT CRI | DETROIT, July oi Restoration | of the whipping post and thuimb- are endorsed by Wm. A, Pinkerton, world-famons detec- live, as a tneans of diminishing crime, He told the screws | International Police i! thiefs Association that the whip- [ping post had been retained in |Delaware and had done wonders in cleaning up the state. “I know criminals fear the pain of it, and pain is lesson better than shame,” he said. “There is such thing as reforming iwith soft soap.” Mr. Pinkerton the strictest tion pietures, a a man recommended censorship of and expressed ino. | izine acts | illustrations of criminal jshould be prohibited by Federal! law. “No-one is a bigger bug about} the movies than 1," he said, “but we make a’mistake by making the bandit the fitm heroic, Boys who see it say ‘That's casy, we can do it,’ and they Mo. Movies are a great educational medium, but they also Gan be a harmful one.” TO STEAL SILK Twelve avvcsted In Attempt on Steamer NEW YORK, July 3-—Twelve') a nO | the! be opinion that crime films or maga- ni i ’ > ; Fs . * alr mmm oo THE DAIL. Y NEWS Monday, July 5, 1920 tt I _—___— ——— : —_ ~ ———-—_——- = jen eam ea Seon Gee ses «| fo \ U $. GROWERS MAIL SCHEDULE Deve oping THE DAILY NEWS | THE TORTURES eee a HAL ROMEOULE | y PRINCE RURERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA | STORING WOOL es tha tall Canada’s Wealth Published Every "Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News (\F RHEUMATISM Moadays, Wednesdays and Sat-| . Printing and Publishing Co., Third Avenue. urdays at 10:30 a.m. Of Natural Re H. F. PULLEN, MANacineG Eprror. eee in We ot would Spell Ruin. From the East. | . q + batt aa = - Happ Stopped When He tient eppaoaae | Sundays, Tuesdays and Thurs-| DINING, lumbering, farming, stock-rais . SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Began Ta Take “Fruit-a-tives” | WASHINGTON, July 5.—Woot }4ays at p.m, ing, fisheries—the fundamental indus City Delivery, by carrier or mail, per month ,........... 75c. Son @r., Hote, P.Q feroWefs. have decided to hold --—— tries on which all of Ciotatis‘a Gite nallintion ss By mail to all parts of the British Empire’ and the United States, nee ah T eaieead with ‘Rhew. {their stocks for better prices, and For Vancouver and. South. of business are built—have seceived the Ey all Binet qountied aN eaos: per jaa ETT 2” $7.50, | ation, bag freed to stay tm bed [0 WOO! will Ive sold at prosent THMMaAyE cesses cess eT Bal Sine To all other countries, in advance, per year ...........4. 1-00<1 toe fee mnodtis.. 1 tried alikindsef (PTICeS, acéording io announce- ecm. ee ts oom - for more than a century se ~ ; Sc Slane medicine without relief and thoaght | !!ent made tonight by the 4Agneri- 3 a Ji lae a’ i 4 1920 our de- iat, TELEPHONE 98. I would never be able to walk again, = Can Farm Bureau Federation, = pase ao 41 2 7: ” "| é swe is as it was “" One day while lyingin bed, /reed (Telegrams to the Federation x i ; | in 1817, to be Transient Display ‘Advertising $1.25 per inch deo insertion. aboud “Fruit.a-tives” ue great fruit | stated that the Wool Growers’ As- . | helpful in every Transient advertising Ou front, page .......... $2.00 per inch. medicine; and it seemed just what IT | sociations in Maryland, Missouri,). From Vancouver and South. possible way in Local Readers, per msertion, wPeeee teens 2b, per line.| yeeded, so T decited to try it. |Arkansas, Kentucky and Indiana eee rer ies Pe the development Classified adverti8ing, per insertion, ........... 2c. per word. The firsi box helped me, and 1 |have gone on record as determin- z ednesdaye reyes aan 4 = of every lund of Legal Notices, each, insertion, ......-.-.. 15c. per agate Hine.| took the tablets regularly untilevery (ed to hold the spring wool clip races Oe SY a ce E ns o2 Canadian busine: Contract Rates on. At pNeation. trace of the Rhenmatism left me.” (unless prices are nearer mormal, EIAYS ceecereees ys ‘| oe All advertising yee be in the Daily News Office on day pre- * LORENZO LEDUC, iThe Federation authorized this} Mondays, a.m, re i ceding Sa All advertising reeeived subject to approval. 0b. a box, 6 for $2.50, trialsise 258. | se loans on ware- | “DUPSHAYS «e. ee eens sees DM, lumbermen, farmers, In Winnipeg the eleetion of members for the legislature was Canvas goods, oilskins, fyoune receipts, in accordanc: stock raisers, fishers eonducted under the proportional representation plan. It pro- boots, overalls, mackinaws, d ont For Port Simpson, Arrandale, Mill ‘ : PPO} I : iwith a plan recently worked out merchants, clerks, vides for second, third and fourth choiee and é@ven more ‘and pi heey waterproof oo with the Federal Reserve Roard, Say, Wales Island and Naas River. workers of every kind, “makes if possible to elect representatives who will more nearty bagsage, ns sages aaa ‘The normal clip of wool in|SUNdays 4...-. -++eee. UM to whom we are ren : woolen underwear and socks. §],, : “ne <5 bn iG about reidaysS 26 esis ceecsecss ) p.m ; represent the people than by any other method yet workd om. TENTS. SAILS, AWNINGS j this eg ry Se a 0 8500 ee dering an mtmate, un : 5 ’ . 300,000,000 pounds but on ac ' . It is a little cumbersome, but it seems to be effective. oe m ) one l : wo From Pt. Simpson, Arrandale, Mill, derstanding, persona! ¥ count of the severe winter and serviee through ae Proportional representation is:one of the planks of the ° ° : sit” 'Vieene! $2 chip ia Bay, Wales tstand and Naas River. z f 722 Second Ave., Prince Rupert ony eure, sO8G Sa nae ee Jay i Branches im every pa Liberal platform in this province and doubtless some day will probably ten per cent. light this|PMC@8dAYS 1.6... e eee neens p.m. the : : ‘ oo SOIGRT El 6 6 it0.0 ce ages noon ot mun, be adopted. The obection to it is that it makes for group repre- : jyear, Wool producers an not ey ) ese Dom: . sentation, every group, af people in the country being able tola e#@eeeeeeeeeaeeeea aad cee on areal but a: | Queen Cinarlotte Islands: f * Whatever your banking needs, consult our secure a spokesman, The result is usually that there are twol* ®RINCE RUPERT TIDES * aa the present pri e would For Massett, Port Clements and) @—= yo! ry nearest Branch Manager and thus be in touch large parties, with smaller parties that hold the balance of power,|**®*### #2 2 # ### BOR neal td ied ie ees. ie Upper island poiots: pS) 2 with our entire Or ganigagon, which 1s work and by means of manipulations of that balance the country often Hig? “ao” a i t |total losses would run well above June 23 ing.for the upburlding of Canada. , an, Jif a.m. : et, s i ‘ity rule ste; ; ajority >. 1 ate a‘l ired liion dollars ee on Dired « “ d betwoen Mentroal Terentia, get: minority rule, inste id of m jority rul . uf! 16:15 p.m. 18.2 feet. . hundr = ii ‘ siaiiiicidn Waee Caieacs sil fn on ste matactend feteeee Meizanl It will be remembered that at one time there was a smvl!l! Pow. 9:52 a.m.. 3.9 feet. Upper Inland polite: . j e ‘ BANK OF MONTREAL Estabinhed ower 100 years Heap Orncs: MONTREAL "or Skidegate, Charlotte City and-Lower Island points: Queen ASSETS in excess ¥ $ecaco0,a00 TOTAL = From Skidegate, Queen Charlotte City and Lower island points— (f june 26 . For Skayway and the Yukon. E N I I S j R Mondays if a.m From Skagway and Yukon. ~ ~ ) dave mn. etintcihinal "* of ** stewart, Maple Bay and Swamp Point. ' } QUALIT Y For—Saturdays ...... 9 p.m. From-——Sundaya ...... 10 pun eee Dr. Bayne OFFICE HOURS— Morning, 9 to 12, afternoon, 1.30 te 5.30, Soterdays, 9 to 12 only, Every Eveniig (rom 7.38 te ¢ Dental Nurse in attendance THC HI VEN that in at Phone 109 for appointment Ure aby persoi Rooms 4, 5, 6, Heigerson Blk., Cor. 3rd _ 6th ale f i“ hase at B. coe at au Best Equipped Office in Northern a Ke ‘ ~ ha eaiseet . s 7 ' 4 air ‘ sid wai ; apt rau o af re ’ bef the tat Gay f m 1970, on Which date the priy bla & & proportionate al lOun “ ea ind any erson t ar gt" ivsctt ance a deem fel RETO §.8. PRINCE RUPERT ee at wil) thereaft pe le Wu ' aT takin ar miage « euch let ‘ i wilh be sub wat "a the ‘ful- ai iC S. S. PRINCE GEORGE biment fu erms « the sale and the Prov is Of the “Lend Act's governin Jos i ie purchase tues ey S eeneecii : ASL a ' which « tal att ~o m if drawn w Cueetnaengy SAILING — Oy tes pent order teoues | Midoight Sunday and Thursday for Swanson Say, Ocean Dep hatha et Paes Falls, Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle. jPepa: ciment of Lands , ae Anyox Wednesday, 10 p. m. Stewart, Saturday 10 p.m. tome 1. ¢ in May Sth,’ 1990 8.8. PRINCE JOHN LANI : ane Port Ciements, Massett and Buckley Bay, June 23rd, All AND AOT, 26th Points Southern Queen Charlotte Islands, June . NOTICE OF INTENTION TO PP 0 ‘mashes TF TRAIN EERVIOR we Passenger Morday, Wdneedey «and Saterday af 11:90 & m for Smithers, ' oo the Cas ior and ae ta ihe tle Prince George, Edmonton end Winner, meking direct connections for fi 07 " ai) pinks sani and soulD, se aise jets. thes 4 i Allee 4 le ne "mo and antag tment are — for permissge tor ease’ the fol tr ape Agency All Ocean Steamship Lines Fr « a smeneiia at a point in the egsterly vor information sad rmarvatieas apoly bed jboundlary Of Lot 1074A, Casstar, 376.4 feet City Tieket Office, G@6 Third Avenue, Phone 260. horiberly from the South-East corner of pore jot; thence at right angles to satd | uLdar easter! 175 feet more or less! 2 the bv sterly bourary of the Kiteauit{ r — Indian 1 rve thenee southerly along! sald we boundary and the projéesion | thereof 02 et mere or less to the inter section thereof with the rojction south joaste rly of the southerly voundary of Lot ek CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY 'min. | West along projectio Oo of said| last | ee firth | corner ae K. men boundary ine to the of sald lot 2644; Past 501.9 feet to corner of said lot 36449; thence 375.1 feet} | nor the rly slong the easterly b« oundary of! aid Lot 1074A tw the point of commence mem; and containing ten acres, more or loss ALBERT B. ARMSTRONG, ALLEN FALCONER, by Allen Falconer, Agent. 1920, southerly | thence north 26) the north east} Parl tt ya aie Pair’? B.C. Coast Steamship Services for Ketchikan, Juneau, Skagway, Aleska, from Prince Rupert: June 14, 21, 98; Joly 6, 1%, 10 and 26 For Vancouver Victoria and Geattie from Prince Rupert dune 19, 26; July 9, 16, 17, 24 and Bf, 8. 8. PRINCESS Dated 12 May, SEATMOE from Prince Rupert f oom TR Herdy Gay, Alert Bay, ‘or Swanson Bay, Beaver Cove, Powell River, Senstuver ‘Every Saturday, @ p.m For rates, revervations afd seilings, apply to W, 6, OROHARD, General Agent. Prince Rupert, B.C. CANCELLATION OF RESERVE NOVICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN what the reserve existing over certain lands former ly held under Timber Licenses Nos. 16408 Cor 3rd Avenue and 4th Street people were arnested on the deck the steamer Belgie following steal | t Psa Kt, Fowler, agent, $60,000 worth of silk, | ant 16404, Kitsumkalum Valley, ts can- celled Oo. KR. NADEN, Deputy Minister of Lands, Lands Department, Victoria, B.C Rist April, HK fs Advertise in “The Daily News’