Monday, July 5, 1929, FAR FROM THE CITY'S WITHERING HEAT —and Eagle Brand awaits you A chip of the old block, this brown little « amp — vigorous and lusty, brimming with life. Eagle Brand gave him e good start, just as it gave his father a good start 30 years ego. Many poor little babies do not f° ewey through elun fue spells. Mothers fear strange milk in a strange place may carry hot weather troubles. Feed your baby Eagle Brand and be sofe. Seashore or coun- try or stay in-the-city, Eagle Brand is always uniform. If nature's own food is insufficient, usm Engle Brand pure, why lex the and easily digested. It is prepared from rich ogw's milk end hes been the standerd infant food for 63 years Economical tee, Ai all groceries and drug sores THE BORDEN COMPANY LIMITED MONTREAL “The Milk that Saves the Sugar” Gat oe B / re Pe ee ‘AGLE BRAND EVERFADY contest! 10000 Cosh Prizes! Walk In : 1058 Wey es tent merely t im the crowds that are eagerly looking at the Eveready contest picterc in our wind Every contestant for a prize needs contest blanks. We have then wide—also detailed information. No obiigatics Wal Our different styles of Daylos are usually interesting to cveryon siere s od ' : 4 sirong search light ty; We ve ft er types if it would imterest you t et Wald Just k fos gn jenuhes us as Dayic GAYTT ; dealers an wa rig se ups BU! EVERFADy PATTINSON LING & CO. THIRD AVENUE DAY). EB . RAPE OT NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS NEW MARINE WAYS Phone 453 Shawatlans Passage Baguainen for bwilding . . i» to 100 feet WOODWORKING, BLACI HING AND MACHINE SHOPS ihoat « thos j Seal Cove Marine Ways, Ltd. A. Swanson, ‘President W. BE. 1 i Gen. Manager Phone Red 391 Phone Green 153 ee eee, -MISS GLEESON in showing a Summer Coats at from $25.00 upwards Voile Dresses from $22.50 upwards White Cotton Gaberdine Skirts, $6 upwards Middy Blouses from $2.50 upwards Mra. Goldbloom'’s Old Stand Phone 558 Third Ave, he tas been for the last tont':) se day las, he found things very favor town crer NOTICE TO FISHERMEN BIG SUPPLY OF FRESH BAIT and Ice At BUTEDALE CANNERY WESTERN PACKERS, LIMITED Butedale, B.C. event, No from adults, THE DAILY NEWS ~ eal ) LITTLE BOY DIED AT } | Ask for Atkins’ Sausage. tr Andy Muller Patient for two Years se, ee | Following Accident at u range Que é of Queen Quality Terrace. igioves at Demers. 56 | ea Sm Considerable gloow spread Mrs. F, MeB, Young sailed for the | ‘ Pree gite eater té Vieloria by the Prince George jast!. oe —.s evening following the death of | f Z i : Muller who has been a pat Mrs. W. T. Kerein wil it re- | the titution f ‘ive Lomorrow nor again uti) The boy came f ny October, tithe of the accident ‘ . . «wallowed a quantity Dr, S$, Traynor of Terrace ar-|times the voungests rived from the interior on theland became a famil vin) last night. al t the halls of . . . In iy of hia j Mrs. } A. Wakefield wil! net opes were held receive tomorrow, Tuesday, nor ie hit ab ta main this season, t s bad wi ‘ bad i i ee ae 4 " J. A. thutherford of Usk was a ie ’ ti | | passenger from up the line on * i} ‘ } isl ninghts train . . * . . "3 ’ : il MeCall formerly general we Bd ' : , ” uperintendent of the G.T.P., left fast night for the south CAMERON RESIGNS ee anmsiepainesoesets J. D, Westenhbaver was a pass Db. §& Cam n has te neer for the south on the Grand resignation as secret Trunk boat last evening iecal brane! fu a. W ? 9 ° hv ath ‘ : ‘ ont ¢ «. &. Dittner, of Surf Inlet, wa- derat recent arrival in the cily andian Wednes«d sill be here for a few days. eron left for ' i . . . ‘ \. J. Rainboth of Exeter was a: " rival from up river on lat Dr. H.R. Grant m4 j ening’ s train from the east. y the ¢ ‘ . . » . . I Rh. Grant Lawrence arrived “ _ ? Swanson Bay by the Prince! Methodist & day &S ‘ ge on Saturday mourning. ingual 1 | I . . . . . . We can save you 15% on Fire Mr as insurance in old strong Companies ||. Phone 7—J. Lerne MacLaren ‘ Ltd tft . . . . i Va ‘ i i) hard was \ 4 ! t! south by t | ‘I ‘ Saturday aft i . . . . For three ply cottonwood linine buildings can be put on byi py iy imateurs sec 1 Hi Shockles aie ele? on: ol Cow Bay tf oki W. F. HRoberge iefi for Ve - the bomt tast meht sad f et nz will visit , a < n Seattle, Penticton and Revelstoke Mr«. B arrived . . . . . Mixx Madeleine Neilson of the , ye Hank of Mentreal «laff sailed for oD ' ee, ,aneouver by the (L.A. ste atecer ike 'B ; ¥ . Saturday and will visit i the sh e ade eae » an 4 ithern comst cities for a wonth . ‘ . Local News Notes HOSPITAL YESTERDAY An Important Announcement to the people of Prince Rupert graphs is the We have long reAlized the necessity of a good phono- graph, which would play ALL records CORRECTLY. We knew that, when such a phonograph could be de- signed and produced to play properly any record, that it would immediately be the people’s choice. ‘Final Phonograph’’ has at last been produced and is being made in Canada. NO LONGER need your selection of records be limited. The pleasure of hearing ALL ARTISTS may now be yours, through the possession of this ultimate phonograph made by the famous Brunswick-Balke-Collender Co., of 79 years experience in the wood-craftmanship We take pleasure in announcing to the people of Prince Rupert that we have secured the representation of this ‘All Phonographs in One’’ and in- te everyone to call and hear the true, natural tone which this musical instrument possesses. COME AND ENJOY AN EVENING WITH US AT OUR STORE---SAY--- McRae Bros., Limited = : ——— Among the many features that combine to raise the Brunswick above all other phono- ‘ULTONA”’ reproducer which, by the mere turn of a hand is adapted to any make of record. and the Ab-L-WOOD SOUND CHAMFER---built like a violin. TONIGHT! » RAILWAY OFFICIAL’S FAMILY ARE BURNED Terrible Fate of Mrs. James’ Bonner and Chiidren at Jasper Judge Young sailed for At y the Prineess Mary today wher will hold a silting of the ( He will return on the ; j 5 and will ther hold a“ ees srmithers momencina . . . \ z thon leaving f the the tirand | nz Was Miss LD. Johns Lite reinkg stall at the Get spital here She will vis vith her parents in West Var ve for a month. : . lhe to sts on the Alice Sat lay allernoon evinced a great the progress of the Democrati nominations at San bhrancis« nany of them calling the News office to get informa hot off the wires Walter Stewart of the provin- i government offices left on iis thorning s train for the east nu ip te SBeolland Hie wettl be eatty tiissed by the Callies miball team as he played right if for this organiation ee Lead in | fhe Pirineess Beatrice and the iad ia E init 2 Princess Alice were both at the ‘ government wharf Saturday af mention a ternoon, the former arriving from NOTICE! south while the Allee was from the north crowded with IN THE MATTER of an application f ithe ‘ [ ‘ Alaska tourists All accotmmoda ot Thre I ! tion on the tourist vessel was sold | & Stewart (Map stsa f the at oul and no first class bookings! Title having bereb \ tha were made from here, ieee att : : soe : ° « from t fir | : hereof Captain H, A, Le Royer arrived | Gertiteate: of 7 ' above tioned lands it ine f ; back from the North on the! @itet, whieh cs hte is thetober vt 4 ' * numbered 2 , . ~* s . Princess Alice on Saturday where Land Registry Om i © Rupe of March iv? nH. Ff MacLBon, establishing route stations for re Mistriet Heatstrar of Tithes the transcontinental air thigh. MINERAL ACT. \coompanied by Captain Doug este 2 able in the north and the whole stage is now set for the great ° N ricr Kitsol N i hits ! . . . nd Sportsinan Mineral Claims nm the Naas River Mining Division of Cas Church of England Suuday |siar district Wher loca lod Al t 24 miles School pienty will be, held on [psy er aye cers, on Kitzault’ River Wednesday nent, July 7th, to TAKE NoOriCh that Lewis Wo Pau . . Free Miner's Licence N 1018 C, as 4 Dighy Isfand. Boats leave Hazel-~ | or Witiam Martin, of Seattle, Was : , t US A, Free Miner's Certineate ton dock at 10°30 a.m. and from |'S4,5 6 \aikngs, sixty days from. the Swatson's boathouse at 2 p.m. hereof, 1 apply to the Mining Reeorder ra rtificate of Improvements, for \dults bring baskete, AL Ghureh s rx al e claims of England children provided fore ae take. not eine ‘ibal No charge on boats, Voluntary ler section 8 must be commenced ” issuance of such Certificate vontributions will be aceepted [provements Dated this 2nd da r April LEWis W 5a TIMBER SALE X 2535. i by the mon Of MINERAL ACT, CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS a. 2 Suns N 7 Mand MePhee eormission to lease of bmining a Crown Grant , south boundary of Lot pri, AD PATMORE Mrs. "ar in- Pac- and her i whom * which d two rday baby im provements. Liu, ung Divisiot or kit Varden Patmore Miner's Wright and Certin s from |) Mining tenis biaiaing 4 Crown Urant that action, un 1 before of Improve 8 1920. | LEWIS W._ PATMORE, LAND AUT, Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease Land. ecording Dis at Alice Arm Morrison, of intends the fol planted a\ the the nce 2% feet w the east 220 north 605 feet Indian anc follow 1079 2850 commencement, and agent Georgetown Saw Mill Co. Wharf Office Phone 130 Wharf Phone 423 LePine & Wright, Lid. (Peck, Moore & Co. BuiLpinG) Lumber, Insurance and General Brokers PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. THE VANDERHOOF HOTEL VANDERHOOF, B.C. The Hotel That Is A Home. Centrally located. Convenient to depot. Good service European Plan. Garage and Livery in connection. UnpberR New MANAGEMENT JAS. F. McCORMACK - - - Manager THEO COLLART, Notary Public FOR SALE-Lot and House, with two large rooms, only REAL ESTATE Phone Blue 69 Westholme Theatre Block P.0. lox 66 cVER L AND DISTRICT DISTRICT OF COAST Tea ms makers, intends to apply for per mmenctng at a post planted at corner of Lot 16, False Inlet, Rivers - ; thence cast 40 chains, thence south Break fast, Dinner aud chains. thence west to shore, thence Supper mencement, and containing 160 acres, more ; ‘ . PACIFIG MILLS, LIMPTED and Cakes By Mark Smaby, Agent ¥ June tsi, 1920 Te SS 5 | SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH) =~ r bia ee CULUMBIA IN THE MATTER or THE ADMINISTRA- | Phon® Green GOF 1017 Sra Avenue and | f MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF EDWARD M. HAYNES, DECEASED, IN-) TESTATE, ; ener NOTICE that in order of His MeB. Young, made the 9th day BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS f November, (915, [ Was appointed Ad- | Specialists in Light and Heavy Con- ministrator to the estate of Edward M . Repairs and rations deceased, and all parties having strecton, Alte . claims against the said estate are hereby First Class Staircase Work sad required to furnish same, properly vertiied, | to me, on or before the 25th day of July, | Estimates Cheerfully Given 1920, and all parties indebted to the estate —— . required to pay the amount of their CONORETE GUILOING indebtedness to me forthwith, ; BRICK AND S Dated this 25tb day of June, 1920. $750.00. $400.00 cash, balance $25.00 a month. 3 room House, sth Avenue W., near Mcbride. 3750.00. GENERAL INSURANCE Most Liberal MARINE iNSURANCE on the Coast LAND ACT, FORM OF NOTICE. The Smeeton 7 NOTICE that Pacifie Nilis, Limited, Falls, B.C, oceupation pulp and 309 Sonu Avenye! to lease the fullowiug described r 4 the Home Cooked*Meale along shore to point of com Try our Home Made Bread ree h JOHN H. MeMULLIN, OmMetal Admiutstrator, ni Pop hes Stee Recs