he DAILY awe Page @ qw—X—X—X— - - —— ———__ —--—---- — De np Sa ——— | HYPNOTISM FOR H CE RAD + : T | Ladner H . i . ' > These are Good Places to Make Your Purchases when You go out to buy Canadian a ne it Curious Case in England of Doo~'| ' y | tor Suing Patient"Yor Hyp 9 |2 =e in ones eamerteerteangrtanetsenl * Dis tinction = i a } — . notic Treatment - ad s iv bis ; ORUGGISTS sats HAROWARE PAINTERS AND DECORATERS ie Evidenee of the use of hypnotic | W. J. MCCUTCHEON HOWE & MCNULTY god Ave Stoves. BELL & CROSSETT — Phones 47% righ a ‘i Taek ae 2 m me J —_— supgestion as a cure for nei Vertin | Seound Avenue and Sixty Street |shipehandiery, patnts and Fishermen's sup. | a a : m inada \ disordéfs was given in an action | Th Mranst dene house in Nortiorn B.C. (pies BAKERS . ee en ee een Ll H SMOKING which a doctor brought before | ! — one Sends des ; TOBACCO: imr. sittice A. 'T. Lawrence. The| PAINTERS AND DECORATORS PAINTS AND OILS sand Walesa’ Plo ca . plaintif? was Dr. John Francis| in saci Cera ; i conainiil a so ue ' he alia Wh f Woods, F.R.G.S., of Harley Street, | extn i ake ore . phone ‘Gheon “ent THE A W. EDGE OO. and Ave, | auy fine herds of cattle are i hoddei: We and he sued Mra raser | Pawts, Olls, Glass and Wallpaper iAPORTED GROCERIES ~ _— + Jalitta Ladhorough, of Onslow! ——- ALBERTA MEAT MARKET early all of this i : ’ z c : se ss : | SHEET METAL works Fifth Street Wiennes 268 i ght to our factory ana ae Square, S.W., for £75,.12s. fees ~ FURNITURE i ; i for medical attendance. Dr. Everything in Sheet Metals —_——_—_-— ih ies you as Paecifle Mii, Wooda’said that he treated Mrs, | wich ROWE’'S : ai PRAN® eFOCHU pire LAUNDAIES i nein Milk i# gow the on) Ladborough for neurasthenia | econ venue yone 4“ Third Ave Rome Green (48 casinminas Seth Chtieatine milk oe. up Weat of Ontari and for a mish on her face et : Plone 8, for Cleaning and Pressing Dept ian a? Cenumbia fuct was due to her nervous condition. eek CAFES ees ea FISH MEQORANTS, RETAIL vi, at oe. eayne ad The defendant pleaded that be-| ve BOSTON entLL " - GROCERIES Saaz ifore the attendances for which! Tiird Ave. Phone 457. A good place to eat) Third Ave fame a2 ry ys! - ~ a 4 the plaintiff? claimed payment the| E ae oa wor ; vorrei al neg ree Guna ny p if a hypnotic treatment had proved to| yes GLrre care c ac ic Milk Co, " he useless, and that the plaintitt| “oC! Se _Bixeest meet for ve money} CLEARING AND PRESSING RENTALS ci - re —n offered to give further treatment FUR TOKYO DYE WORKS...» cc - oon Svate a Tate. 8.0 ; free of charge URNITURE AND GENERAL bh - Pressing and ary . we. want eed FACTORY AY LADNER, & c , ; MERCHANDISE ee ae Sve Fite 600) aes Phe plaintiff, in the witness-| - . . box, said that he had had 28 years|wirmp @RATTON for Third ond 7) TAILORS LADIES AND GENTS AERATED WATERS =a . erpenience, By his treatment, ic hone Green 399, for second hand furni- | -— . _ BEAVER j which was known as psycho-ther- |e “. Ty. tee Oppasite Post Oitice 70% Pres me Bo er apy, lie iad cured patients of bad| Atm Cleaning end Pressing i é a temper, stage fright, delusions, | CHINA, CROCKERY a NOTIONS — e e : ; sr ieee cepaedidihcay * F ORE Defeated Patterson of Australia.|jo.< of meinory, writer’s cramp, | sian. PAINTING EED ST 3s Duncan Golf Cha Bi, THE DENNY ALLEN CO — -—__- -__—_— Notary Public Conveyance: mp. sea-sickness, deafness, klepto-| gas avenne. op Post OMce deena anes Gis ee Serer, aa OO itienl tON, . " ‘ mania and the epiam habit. The! ee ee oy Hee: gry an is ~ ; ye a ye a uly ltreatment produced the first stage} “ we oe iuadeiphia Won) aft hypnetism—the stage of leth-|™ coe ae re S the British tennis singles cham- argy ' The process anaes n ar f : a FOR ALE j } s sfeati Yatters y i ie e Eotane on ‘ea aie Of ried out even in the case of un- { Sa ‘ A beautiful. Bye-roomed Th eal . ns "ys PE jwilling — patients. Lieutenant- " al ews Ss S Modera ‘ Seo adies’ doubles champions, |Gojonel Frank Romer, R.A.M. © t ; i are our eatisfied Mile. Lenglen and Miss Ryan of} 7 2 t * se : ; 4° vt é Dr. Arthur Latham, Dr. H. R. |) 2 CENTS PEI: WORD IN ADVANCE. No Advertisement Taken for Less than S0c f f ornig » Tf » a6 . > i customers , i “ ee a eit ; esdames |Spittaand Dr. Septimus aah re ( 4 + % De re t aa gee (ER) jland gave ev ide nce of the eflicacy WANTED FOR NENT —Newly f ted cae ouse . ish? af es esterday. . , Ne completed and f jof the plaintiffs treatment. Dr. - . fi i Ask the people who f fa aahe ores me ai the British | Latham said that he had sent} WANTED—Some one to furnish ‘ae eae oe oo ’ MIRERAL AG | ; £0 c ons ) » : . ome » & d p Form 7 have their work done n Pees 1ip. jpatie nts to the plaintiff for treat- ne with ecard pictures of things hai tna Veneatioah taal ya a on Fifth Avenue, Weet, with } bh BEACONSFIELD July 3 , {ment by psycho-therapy, and h f interest Graham Isiand specially -eultable f * — Certificate of improvements. view st a very low 5 ere — particular per- PCr et. “LD, July 3.—C.)naqg known of many cases in and Pri Rupert Walter rie ame for canees . ey R. Grier of Montreal won the : ’ “sae and other social events. For Site price and easy terns sons too—and Iet them Canadian amatet if ct which the patients had been cured Ulay us lowa ey Lonms, apply to Jim Killas g jsttuate ‘ i oi valine oe ae cham~ though other doctors had failed WAN rED ‘ tite a ne a. OF ht ae eee enna i tell youwhywe do their vs The defence was that the piain-|- ” Poe FURNISHED FLAT TO REN ‘ : roomed trowel house on out i rar i. M. h rp work, And th . itiff. agneed to treat the patient Apply St. Louis Rooms.. Phona ms W Pat ens en—try x 4 skirts ie city. Apply P. Oy : ' ti j K free of charge upon his being! |. o99 wity hed 94 56 ” : a Rea Estate Jaserence Financial Agesi our excellent Dry } Sport Briefs paid for previous attendances: ox 299, ‘ ese. 55 wil niacin. Miner ‘ coor Cleaning ° Iihat. the treatment did no good;| WANTEI)—tiood leather suit case ; yee heawre SBEDIAN Ag . ; ’ % . , ee rey ed bedrooms i , . ? ' gaod Pressing : ae ee land that ‘as the plaintiff had a-j| seeond hand. State price. Ap- 1 bedrooms, 304 Sixth Avenue jot tm 4 Service. | dn Friday evening im the base- leroed “to meet™ the defendant in| D. ( r Weat ae e al 2 Sh P l . t » . t : ° ere : ply P » OX vad 26 tabi aS SRS CRD engE ‘ . comes ons wo olla ee ies the niatter of fees he was not en-| — . 2 RE FOR RENT Kitchen and three the is ampoo ar or 2 . 'Y |\tithed to the full amount claimed. |W AN rl D—Washer engineer. Ap- rooms, furnished. Phone hed "ae GO TO THE r d ip itched the whole eleven innings}, ly Cat cba Laundry. tf ’ ; sone me ATE ley of May AD NORTON SHAMPOO PARLOR 1a ian fou the latter and gave excellent The defeggent, called Dr. Leonard| ce . - 258. 58 t! A to get a faci St d | senile . sean dhtotel'the @hol cutters who hadvattended her for| SITUATIONS WANTED ee ee es ee ee ‘ rox ie dainte the Sedtaames: © _ \ eamLaun: ry . o : _ 7 p< 16 WHO 10 years, He said that he did not | ——-— __. |FOR BRENT-—Niecely furnished 3 \ . lenna Pack to chan : the grey Phone 2 isnie. There were few hits in spite link that the plaintiff's treat-[Young wWonan wishes house or roomed tat _Phoue Blue 129 Ayky F ; hair to any shade alp treat ; * of the large score as a number Of! ment did any good, The defend chunsbor Sock by dap Pheue; “em 5 ea ) ment, ciecirical vibrator wWreat ae jive runners careered around recanee Tis are ' ‘Oak, Saaie Intermediate League Select Team! ioding bine, ghelving 004! Gstener. Send teu os — u La nan Shee hanes 89 ; ‘ e. noeber. Send or Catalogue, |'4° Departs Glass and,Marine Paint ; ici and oe by counters Apply Linzey's Gn 0 now ready: ALTA GARDEN Victoria ee ° Martin & Bush Phone 383 Pomorrow night the Red Sox | cery, corner Fulton and Sixth ACKES—-Importers, 519 Wineh ; Quick Delivery by own Truck and the Colts will meet in a) Tin: ’ om o “ : 1 F : $1.40 .per r day and up. ania hae for the onlookers; The rooting |" oS SALK=-3'4 o a = LA 5 “ ee hell: Damte- lancome’ hotties WeEBY sonaet ae = ¢ Day Phone 5 od i oe ee of the girls pitted against the rine engine, without boiler; also) day nig ul, bad ye blak usobrelia | Fowaeie | sutaivisions under agreement eee CAFE The Beavers were very eager to|luskier voiees of the men was a| tt galle . aren eee) with initiald C.0.8. om handle. le sen sade or Townsite tots remaining 8 : 7 5 . one Si. 65) }unpal i a requirpa make ; A o (arte. e keep Harry Astoria out of the box thing to be admired. Harry A&-| pica » Send ds a E Finde 15 retnpe. to 8 News ofiee. . [ra nent Within sig moses "eon te ws? Sheet Metal Works : } for the Sawmill on Friday even-|toria and Belanger of the Saw-|FOR SALI MeCaskey register . FARMS FOR LE * Tdue, together’ witl tween a : canes : if 5 j due owe r owe teres merent . c mene mrnrers iy = ven when Harry is given| Mill team were the battery for the) for 300 accounts, in good con-| aa jamy, he ct S substantial praportinn of Agent for MeClary Purncaes " leave to play in the intermediate visitors. | dition Linzey'’s Grocery. p.o.|MIXED FARMING—The C, P. i. | the full Paue ws ? og with Sanitary and i Piano Tuning league, stipulations have to be| The Rupert. team was as tol-| box 133, Prince Rupert. tr; has still some ehoice lands in Herpenes Beis: Save beah park, tailina waren Heating a A A and All Kinde © Kinde of f Re mair aid Gown in regard to which part iows: Hii, Hechon, bazzett-Jones, | : a ° i Dis | well-settied districts in Weat- a (servemesit for sabe will ine senile a 5th Street and Fraser | Street . if the fle » shall cove Henning, G, Mitchell, Butters, |FOR SALI dison Diamond Mise | G 2 a aioe’ tee, even” Gintntan’ of Prinee Rupert B.© 4 i GEORGES G GAGNON ( he ame ne . a ee ee Te alt le ataass f aes bh Sat Tk azhee | oF ae ony sale at low jact et Chapter 1% Nev tat * For Outside«Orders address er oe Abbo jas given his 7 : | 480 Apoly George eta prices; twenty years to pay: G. BR NADEN P.O. Box 1666 Phone 71 ee as Harry had len nee T —_—_—— — Nupert Po Boosh, ' ‘ss oe ee hen. bree J South eee, of tenty Minister of Lands ee ere ar wrererS on his job receiving behind the SIR OM WINS i) eee ei ern serta, Ww oan of $2,000 Victoria, Be bat. a WOR SALE—_Slightly ain player| (ff improvements to assist new | ee 10h, 1999 SMITH & MALLETT PACIFIC CARTAGE, LTD. SECOND RACE. piano. Apply ab Savoy Hotel settlers, Act vow they are FORESHORE LEASE | hetween 10° and’ 9 9; m. tf going fast. For free booklets ~ tein Relat, aah odie and Mill information write H.|aINFeUNG COMPANY, TIMIFRD, cMine na nblianes Abi upation mining and de-| 24rd June, 1990 660 : gerson, Neal Mstate, Insurance, |# s anny Rie ee ” h nt. iniekaet ppty for pertul i , Ir b i . ' ' eae, i ' DATED at Alice Arm, B.C, this twenty-| Malate the TMliPes Anaabited Toreahoret | you have an alvertisement in| Notary p ° elwhth day of May, 1990 inicononenic in mh punt 2" anted at. the this paper today several theu-|- wtary Padi. TO SUBSCRIBERS oe ay Plants, Flowers, Roses, oF ! ite Mark ‘ —_—_—— ° Ailca Sree) the Korth Bus of 5 sands of people will read it. They STEWART LOTS 4 Subscribers to'The News * i Cabbage, Cauliflower aril al Clee. thence | i ; ; : — ~ ’ a erm ee te a0 “tout $0. the ee nee aero ton |FOR SALE—Lot 2, Block 10, Map|, 90 asked to yy the doe Blairs ota tresn ‘sertineate of til tor Many Varieties 5 i a aa Re f sh fet “the vent | let deen tigre ene a 905, Stewart Townsite, Price, ® livery boys each mouth # bot 23, Blok 7, OF Lot 460, hanes 6 Coast CITY MARKET f » ; j stri¢ { > OF A thence South 000 te t ane, reserves | are bound to get aon 8 ee 61,000. This lot adjoins buai- when they call, except # - NOTH ' yy wiven that satisfactory : ¢ low water twark of Alice Arin nee ‘ é ; ; : oof 0 ¢ lows of the certificate oi = —_———— aes following said re wate eae Are fi et| Fs ness section on Sixth Street. where payment has been * Bere i eave ie vaphag ied A ve | Gey : & the South Bdy. of Kot 4540, produced, CANCELLATION OF RESERVE. : Apply Daily News oflice tf made for the year im ad- ®)nished, it ls my intention to issue, after the Ps thence north 59 dew 22 min. W. 400 tr] pion 4. $. Munro arrived from)? tiene od cotinine Th expiration of one month from the date of 5 ft the high water mark; thence northerly) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that thei Stewar . E: Vamn®, ° boys when * the first publieation hereof, a fresh certin oe following Me sigh swat i" mk 1,260 reserve existing over Lot 4064, Caselar 7 wart last evening, but con- FOR RENT collecting carry official re- #)rate of lille to the ve lands, Im the! . . ? r lose “i " wint o co i District, tc ¢« p . ‘er . teh 0 ’ ‘ menemyent and containing yy acres faore es one A. NADEN, 4 wy yp to Vane ouver by the V j | ep Y * ceipts which *hould al. * fartine es init a nath one Sask maa Teacher of Piano ALICE AWM MINING AND. DEVELOPMENT | Lands Me carta” pene of Caen, riba pat 7 ee t , ypriaoreagy Pr yrs © ame be preserved, or Wk BURKITT Studio 187 Second Avenue €0.. LTD. per Bred Nash, B.C.L.B,, | Victoria, «. SEER PERE exmenm ecping sulle, Apply 4 IxXtiig " Acting District Heetstear of ‘Titles + Dated Jine tst, i920 Agent 23rd June, 1990, nue Mas , , a Dated this 26th day © oe 4198 PHONE Blue 421 or 444 da June, coa| Advertise in the Daily News. Avenue Kast, Phone Blue 217.'g ee ee ee ee ee ee ee we) mel, Prince nupert, B.C b _ PUOME Rive BS @ 666 I