<9 ew ee - THE DAILY NEWS THE DAILY NEws PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News Printing and Publishing Co., Third Avenue. NERVES ALL “ONE TO PIECE —_-—— Cee CT eR ROR ewe Oo CHANGE IN | MAIL SCHEDULE * pene se ee ROAD RULES "rt ondays, Wednesdays and Sat- jurdays at 10:30 a.m, ae N P \After July 15, All Drivers in ts aoe H. F. PULLEN, MANAGING EpITorR. “Frutt-a-tives” Conquered | Prince Rupert Must Keep |. From the East, to the Right. rie undays, Puesdays and Thurs- SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Nervous Prostration ae days at 7 p.m, City Delivery, by carrier or mail, per month ...... ere Tbe. |. ‘On: andlatian.-Thoraday,- Jeigs aa By mail to ail parts of the British Empire and the United States, B. R. No.4, Gitseer Pains, Man. Mh, all. car. drivers and: others}. For Vaneouver and South. IE MEU ATICR, HUE YOUR Us ys ce 4s oxo 8 0 ee bebe Ce bree ..+» $6.00, “In the year 1910, I had Nervews (navigating various conveyances TUCSdAYS 2... see eee e ees 7 p.m, To ali other couniriés, in advance, per year ........0... $7.50.) pesstradion in its worst form; Jatong the streets in Prince Rupert | PUUPSdAYS worse eee eees 11 p.m dropping from 170 to 115 pounds. will have to turn to the right ae OT rere ey ree 2 p.m.) TELEPHONE 98. The doctors had no hope of my (cording to the new amendment to SUNGAYS see seeeseeees {1 p.m, Bi ae uae : recovery, and every medicine I tried [the Highway Aet passed at the Saturdays, {1 a.m Transient Display “Advertising $1.25 per inch each insertion.| proved useless until a friend induced [recent sessions of the Provincial Transient adveflising on front page ...:...... $2.00 per inch.| me to take “Fruit-a-tives”’. lLegislature affecting the rule of From Vancouver and South. Local Readers, per insertion, ...........-- ... 25c, per line. I began to mend almost at ones, ihe road, With this change Brit- Bundays .......+++55+. 10 p.m. Classified advertising,»per insertion, ........... Be. per word.| gnq never had such good health as I [igh Columbia wili commence the Wednesdays ........ 10:30 a, m. Legal Notices, each insertion, <.......+- .. ibe. per agate line.| pase enjoyed the past eight years. (dropping of the obsolete “keep to Sundays +.....+..+, 10.90 a.th Coritract Rates on Ay plication. lam acver withoul “Fruit-d-tives® |the left” rule, Wrigiyire. ¢.% 4 i i ati. @ ia All advertising should be im the Daily News Office on day pre-| jm the douse’. JAS. S. DELGATY. The old rule will remain in} Mondays, aan, ceding publication. All advertising received subject to approval: S0e. a box, 6for $2.50, trial sise 250, (force in the southern cities of the iii meemaetepipene ——_—_—_— — At all deaters or sent postpaid by province until next year as the ae En and Alice ne if DAILY EDITION. aeiggyar Tuesday, July 6, 1920. Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. oo ae <3 ae eum . Saeed teehgnaenei : - - " ot ese ~ ale ae ¢ ar. ipossible to carry oul the work at oer Heard of AGENCY FOR present. co oe Anyox and Alice Arm, Good . P The provincial police will have +Uesdays ...... ee eeesees p. m. ij el Rupert’s usual reputation for climate does oii ALL KINDS OF charge of the work of bringing) “hursdays ........+eeeee++ DP, mM. ' : : ’ , Canvas geods, oilskins, the new regulations into ferce, —— not spread all over the world nor all over the American continent boots, overalls, mackinaws, This section of the province is For Port Simpson, Arrandale, Mili either. The commissioner of the Board of Trade received a letter|} gloves, ee clothing, now beihe placarded with warn- Bay, Wates Island and Naas River. from a man in Sav Diego, California, asking for fill information baggage, Der ner ’ Soret ings of the change ana the notices |5 madays sek As tela 11 p.m, about Prince Rupert to aid him in his quest for a city with a eanlen See aes also appear in the newspapers Fridays 6. .cseeeeeveees o p.in, ’ —— -_—- zood climate to settle in. One wouid judge that this man nad heard of the good climate and merely wanted further particulars. On Saturday over two hundred Américan tourists passed through the city after visiting Alaska and yesterday there were one hun- dred and seventy northbound on the Princess Mary. They could carry nothing but good reports of Prince Rupert weather to their southern homes. y Cemetery No Place for Dogs. For some days past the city authorities have been notifying the public through the medium of the press that dogs were absolutely to be kept out of the cemetery unless on leash. It is reported that on several Sundays recently loose dogs have ac- companied their owners to the cemetery and the caretaker has subsequently found the graves dug into and in many cases grass and plants destroyed, marring the orderliness of the place. De- tails need not be discussed any further than it is nothing but dog instinct to do these things. It will be nothing but common deceney for dog owners to live up to the rules and the caretaker will be fully justified in shooting the trespassing animals, Scientist Or Athlete? a Newspaper readers often comment on the publicity given to the achievements of ‘the boxer, artists or athletes.as, against that given to such as inventors or discovepers of, useful things in this world. The remarks usually are made on the basis tht the former are given more newspaper and magazine space t Jatter. The question i? not a new ope. But is it altoget that in the long run-the newspapers and magazines dof more attention to athletes, pugilists and artists than to _ of useful things? Reflection of ant Public Opinion. ud It is probable thatthe papérs-and magazines have published more about Edison and Marconi and Watt and Stevenson than they ever have about any prize fighter. The trouble is that a two column article on Marconi might pass vanoticed in a news- paper, while two column on Carpentier would stand out like a red flag 6n a housetop. When a news- paper fills its columns with a sport event it simply reflects the publie sentiment, ‘It is a phenomenon that is as hard to explain as this other phenomenon—that 1,000 people would go down to the dock to see Georges Carpentier arrive in Prince Rupert while, perhaps, a dozen might meet Thomas A, Edison. “It cannot be saixi that Edison has not had plenty of publicity. . Explain one case and you explain the other, Day in and day.out, year after vear, we find that the inventor receives just as much, if not more, attention than the pugilist or athlete or actor. ‘he publicity in one case is spectacular but temporary; in*the other case it is quieter, but permanent. ' a article or Dempsey Gg, . DENTISTRY of the Highest Grade.and Lowest Cost = EXTRACTION Crown, Bridge ore itor Lady Assistant. Compare Them, Dr. JOS. MAGUIRE 9 to 12 and 1 10 6 DENTIST Sunday by Appointment 7 & 8 SMITH BLOCK, PHONE 575 _ When in Town, Come to the SVEA POOL ROOM Near Beer, Soft Drinks, Cigars and Cigarettes E. Petersen Proprietress TENTS, J. F. MAGUIRE 722 Second'Ave., Prince Rupert er < SSSR REE ERE EE * PRINCE RUPERT TIDES * HSPs eee eee ees Tuesday, July 6. f:6a.m.f 18.1 set. 16:53 p.m. 18.1 feet. 10721 a.m., 4.5 feet. 92:50 p.in., 7.3 feet. Wednesday, July 7. High, 4:54 a.m.,° 17.2 feet. 17:36 p.m., 18.4 feet. 44:4 @.m:., 5.3- feet. 23:42 ipim., 7.3 feet. Thursday, July 8. 5:51 a.m., 16.3 feet {8:24 p.m., 18.2 feet. 11:50 a.m., 6.4 feat. Friday, July 9. High, 6:58 a.m., 15.6 feet, 19:19 p.m., 18.4 feet. 0:42 aym., 7st feet. 12:41 a.m.,.6.9 feet. Saturday; July 10. 8:13 a.m., 15.3 feet. 20:20 p.m., 18.8 feet. tLow, 1:53 a.m, 6.7 feet. 13:39 p.m., 7.6 feet. Sunday, July 1f. High, 9:31 a.m.,. 15.5 feet. 21: 26 p.m., 195 feet. Low, Sii@ aii, o.8 feet. 44:52. p.my,, 8 feet. ’ —-- = The time used is Pacific Stan- dard, for the 120th Meridian west. It is counted from.0 to 24 hours, from midnight te midnight. The table given is for Port Simpson. but the time for Prince Rupert varies only a few minutes on some days and on others is the same. The range of the tide may be computed as 5 per cent greater at Prinee. Rupert than at Port Simpson both at springs and neaps. Therefore the rise in the Prince Rupert harbor is. slightly gneater than Port Simpson, . The height is in feet and tenths of feet above the average level of lower low water. High, Low, Le Ww, High, Low, Low, High, Advertise in the Daily News, 1920. June, SEALED l’roposais Will be received at this oMee until 12 o'clock noon, on the 9th day of August, 1920, for furnishing the materials and labor of all kinds hecestary for the construction, equipment and delivery of a proposed Steel Twin Screw lee-breaker of the following lead- ing dimetsions: Si ces eg aeese 275 feet Breadth Mid. at L.W.L ooee DT feet DODED MIG, cccarececsegsers 2 feet Leste Mean ....... 19 feet 3 inches Si o'! 60 sa bebewesdsebescticrseocs 8,000 to be delivered at the Agency of the pepartment of Marine and Fisheries, Juebec or Halifax for a fixed sum. The Department reserves the right to accept oF reject any one or all of the bids received. Forms of proposals, plans and specifica. tions shower what is required can be had or seen by spplyin to the Department of Marine and sheries, Ottawa. Any further information desired may be obtained by addressing; THE DEPUTY MINISTER, Department of Marine and Fisheries, Ottawa, Ont, LAND ACT, Notice of intention to Apply to Lease Land. In Cassiar Land District, Recording Dis- trict of Skeena, and situate 4% mile east- erly from town of Alice Ari. ake wolice that H. RB. Fowler and A. F. Kergin,, of Alice Arm, B. C., occupations mariner, and married woman, inte to apply fér permission to lease the follow- ing deseribed foreshore lands:-—- Commencing at & post planted east bank of Kitsault HKiver; thence south, 20 chalng; thence east 80 chains more or leas to !'ianee River; thence north 20 chains more or less to Lot 50; thence west 80 chains more or less to point of e nce- ent and containing 160 acres, re or e H, OR. FOWLER, 33 From Pt. Simpson, Arrandale, Mill a : Bay, Wales Island and Naas River. The Man 1 the Moon Crebdanecies ec sé Weweres p. m. SAYS: BARITERYS. « «0 0 «006 somes noon | as rt i Queen Charlotte Islands: i For Massett, Port Olements and Upper island poiots: THAT Premier Borden has! spent a good deal of his holiday time in the United States, doubt léss preparing to take up the-re, sponsible work of ‘nting Canada at Washington. rHAT Captain Freeman seems ‘rom Masset, Port Clements and Upper Island points: June 24 repres¢ to he getting a hearing his ; gas boat reform proposals. Some | or Skidegate, Queen Charlotte day he is likely to win out, butsby City and Lower Island points that time he will have learned to yur ) realize that the way of th re- * lformer is hard, From Skidegzate. Queen Charlotte oy @ City and Lower Island poitnts— THAT the car question you june 26 always with you. Nave For Skagway and tha Yukoa. THAT beeause the four-year- Mondays, 11 a.m son of a city father ts see! From Skagway and Yukon, wearing his dad’s stove pipe hat Suturdays, a.m, i ; | be | street does nat mean that ion the idad is retiring from public life. stewart, Maple Bay and Swamp ep Point. THAT it might meanythat dad ; . i i Qe For—Saturdays’..'.... 9 p.m jhas joined fhe Gverall Movemeal Q ; | From—Sundays .!..:. 10 p.m jand won't need the steve pipe any more, ele THAT he cannot imagine the paaid ity father in overalls, though, anymore than he could imagine the governor-general be ing received-in the blue denims. ; . . . ” THAT it feels nice to think that NOTICE. l. ro gwentiems rites t ja San Diego gentleman writ | NOTICE 18 HERED4 vet chat Prince Rupert to get further m- ride formation about a city with a/ ine hast | 4 ‘ #y 4 ; “ climate that is good to settle in, |Roldinw an as m a | THAT it is a wonder me of ' s town payment toy } Ai : is : t a) are wa those Alaskan fOurists don’t drop aishes ' a prog ste allotment 2 of ® 1 i tion of the off here if that's what they think. |, alread Bie appiien tion | . . . in that “5 t © the ai day THAT it is surprising hoW|Dhuiicge of cbtsining © proportionate eh . , mF imany of those American tourists telmen! « ' ‘ ‘ ‘ ® in af | y rears of ‘ mt } A agreement for jare personal friends of the presi- |sale a af uid failing to make applica “ 5 ais Aen tion as st sted will thereafier be de \dential candidates. Sareed aide: MAGEE Gk emit } . ° . pe ege and will be subjeet t Me ful } THAT friends~ are what the)?" ™ 2, = ot eavaddine ipresidential candidates will want/|everdue purctase money im connection } : i | with wrt al atte n irawn Ww jmore than anything else NeXt |the notice appearing to the current issues y i Pp f this paper [Mawembep, - | GEO. R. NADEN Deputy Minister of Lands | THAT the Knights of Columbus Deperpent. . ands oat C., ¢ have lote of enthustasm to start May Sth, 1920 leschicken le LE at 1). ee hadi |with and LAND AGT. “ o exw THAT, if continued, they will) yorice or INTENTION TO APPLY Ti jsurely make the other councils LEASE LAND | istep lively to keep up. }. In the Casstar Land District, Recording j District f Skeena, situate tn the vielnity | See Te f Lot {074A Cassiar \e@@eeeaceseeaeeeeceneaeeene Take tb that Wwe Allen Paleoner and } bert GB. armstrong, of Alice Arm, B. ¢ (IN THE LETTER BOX #2 pions Colpihen, Tide i appl or pe jission > lease the follow “ CFTR ETRE EH ete _ommencing at a point in the easterly |\Editor Datly News boundary of Lot 10744, Cassiar, 975.4 foet | (northerly from the South-East carner of I notice that every nationality |said jot; thence at right angles to said i} boundary 175 feet more or leas > ‘o . - i rr Pines Rapert has’ its own O-l"o the, Wests ouMmary of the Kitsault) i¢iety but the Irish and it seems paaien rye, thence southerly slong | | ‘ said weeaterly coundary and th rojectio that there should be enoughTrish-|thereot 925 feet more or least The’ Inter: | imen or descendents of Irishmen section thereof with the projection south. | easterly of the southerly boundary of Lot ito form one. 4643 w assiar; thence north 67 deg. 11 > » jfoin fest along projection of «aid iast | Now, cannot we Irishmen geét|mentioned boundary Ine to the southerhs > , £ ‘ » 9 @ feorner of said jot 3643; thence north #4 / tegether and start one? I OM \ deg, East 601.8 feet to the forth cast sure there are plenty of Irish |corner of said lot 3643; thence 375.1 feet! |northerly along the easterly boundary of ibusiness men who could assist in l«aid Lot 10744 t the point of commence. | DENTISTRY oe Of ca . QUALITY Dr. Bayne OFFICE HOURS Morning, 9 to 12, Afternoon; 1.30 to 5.30, Saturdays, $ to 12 onig, Every Evening from 7.30 to 9 Dental Nurse in attendance Phone 109 for appointment Rooms 4, 5, 6, Helgerson Bik., Cor, 3fd and 6th Best Equipped Office in Northern B.C. Se GUE 5.5. PRINCE RUPERT Metra S.S. PRINCE GEORGE \FIC PAC r - BAILING ——__— Midnight Sunday and Thursday for Swanson Bay, Ooean Falls, Vancouver, Victoria and Seattie. Anyox Wednesday, 10 p.m. Stewart, Saturday 10 p.m. 8.5. PRINCE JOHN OR PRINCE ALBERT For Stewart, Wednesday 2 p.m. Anyox Saturday 8 p.m. Port Clements, Massett and Guckiey Bay, July Sih, 14ih, 22nd, 28th. —- Southorn Queen Charlotte Island Points, Sunday Midnight. TRAIN G=ERVICE W*dnesdsy snc Gaturdey of 11°30 6m. for Senithers Prince George, Edmonton sod Winnies, Mabing direct connections far ell points cas! ac south, Agency All Ocean Steamship Lines ° For information sod reervations apply to Ticket OMece, 626 Third Avenue, Phen? 260. Passenger Mondey, ony CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY B.C. Coast Steamship Services & 6. PRINCESS BARY for Ketchitan, duneeu, Shagwey, Alerts, from Prince Mupert: dune 14, 81, @8; July 6, 19, 19 og a for Vanceuver Victer\a end Sesttie from Pringe Rupert sume 19, 26; July 3, 10, 7, 94 and 34, 6, 6. PRINCESS BEATRICE Sey, Ocean Bwareer River, Vancouver and ¥ a ME ELLs astm ale Lr From Prince Rupert fer Bersrer Cove, Powell Every Seturdey. © p.m for rates, rv ervatioms and seiiiogs, tppty to W. 3. OROMAND, Genera! Agent. Cor 372 Avenue and 4th Street Prince Rupert, BC. Nerdy Gay, Alert Hey. ‘io Developing Canada’s Wealth Of Natural Resources INING, lumbering, farming, stock-rair ing, fisheries—the fundamental indus tres on which all of Canada’s varied activities of business are built—have received the practical co-operation of Bank of Montreal for more than a century Y 1920 our de- mre as it was in 1817, to be helpful in every possible way in the development of every kind of Canadian business. ad i ier This co-operation ex: tends through und be- yond the large business enterprises to the men and the women who make chose enterprises ble tothe miners, umbermen, farmers, stock raisers, fishers, merchants, clerks, workers of every kind, to whom we are ren dering an intumate, utr Branches in every part of the Dominion. Whatever your banking needs, consult our nearest Branch Manager and thus bein touch with our entire organization, which is work: ing. for the upbuilding of Canada. Direct wie sere maintained between Montwal, Torante, Winnipeg, Vancouver, New Y ork, Chigago and San Francisco BANK OF MONTREAL Established over 100 yeare TOTAL ASSETS in excess of $500,000,000 Heap Orrica; MONTREAL A. PF. KERGIN, i. . Fowler, agent, getting it. started, pent, ind containing ten seres, more or In sinall places in India tike ALBERT |B. ABMSTRONO, ‘ LN , a i Lucknow and Cawnpore there is a by Allen Faleoner, Agent St. Patrick's Society and no bar |P8ted_12 May, 1920 is put on a member's religion, Come, you Sons of Erin, drop your petty quarrels and get it started so that we may have a place to meet. “CRAGNAMANAUGH,” ° re a On Saturday afternoon Wm, CANCELLATION. OF RESERVE Boyle, accompanied by his daugh-| | NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN that the ; reserve existing over certain lands former ter Muriel and his sister-in-Jaw, |iy heid unders Timber Licenses Nos, 16403 Mrs. Jones, sailed for peprenee oot nd 04MM Kiteumbalym Valley, is can- on the Pringess Alice, They ar- G. BR. NADEN, ” .," Deputy Minister of Landa, rived trom Telkwa last Thursday | ands Dipareeat 7 , evening Victoria, B.C, oe : Zist April, 1920, 60d SST st Advertise in “The Daily News