—_- ae : on RAI Qot the N daily’ Cee One Sco 2 tt mnsons CENT. ——— tented and inter of Kemaly-Qon ie . ny. WOR * ea ae With C resting M 7 DIN ADY allies L atch ANCE. tt se Night. ae WANTED ~ 7s No Advertine Ss ‘Lad ing mes fopthall game Waa? D8 z a [FUR SALE - nt Taken for Less th r ner Has = SMO ~ een the’ G bast evéene |? Some one rf eles : hKdisot 7 an 8Oc ING puke tt allies and G ithfoard » furnish | Phonoges Diamond ka spelianldans —_ TO PY ve latte ; Grand of. inter d pielures o an & apl with : d Dise | FO sinner’ ACCO i we of 1 to 0 *: won by th atid terest on Grat { thing's ae Apply ¢ 31 records rR RENT. Fis omnnom BE a ian Te > ; : e ( ; at ; i : Sixt} ive-roo rth mateh in th was the first | ‘ ‘layt ma ie ftupert a oe | ee Pool oa, Prince oh n vena wv os Sacihe ! aw | vu Pp Se ‘ le secor aa on, Gazi . alter FOr Ty Ls OE aT ai Ine 529 . est Phi Di | hargee ason’s seh rd halt] — — 1, Lowa. neo { SALE—Sli et ee ee 1p6 |. . er I ti | aa = rowd whieh rece ve the ANTED—~To | eh cient ured play FOR, RENT—-N wieec ion 4 eel \ evinee ref roome " ease f | “be ’ yat§8 ayer j icel is new aia the interest + und ira modern house 1 four. | La aban 10 and 3 avoy Hotel roamed fat, PI f ‘o ne Ladner 1 LK) k rich! ‘ 0 oO . . | hone : ‘ ane - eo night's sa en mn foottalt.| box aan a city. ate a |! OW SALIN—4 et uf Lona cae ene dist t oF the | ; ’ . ‘ a, a ino —~--— ia iets ; d to a draw i eams have pla ( sie w. eaome. ne nod bieyele, BA E MEETING me only bas ; in Cana during the n two other eg y-|Gentleman - = 55 Red 419, 1.00, LObat 8 country to we the Mn them up te eos and ne: ala deydock. ‘Kote room * 303, FOR SAL Kap _—- 8 Mow 1051 LOYAL © crass t noe the Held ‘d om beate asi event er of| .! pply “A ear} 503 ' ’ apr Or ; me meats Hari »> know wl ery n, It lo ling had .O. box 17 : dvertiser,”* rone Re 1! evening tf every " iW thie a nig . looked for ad heen Lo 714, Prine my ---—— -——- rt iz at the De Mond . dist aaa that it migh Pi a while. last! BS tince Rupert “HOUSES FO a SAAR 1% RM tel lara 16 Deep Hep Fish = Many tine herds of ame as it ye a no IWAN —___—_ se rt, |) —_—___— 8 tenn | t this disteict a of eatt) the end was not t -score rhp—« i 57) PIN ——__—— ALE Bu : tf Ni it, ear of ‘ intil ¢ | ~enc iood | I K He ee | LBs, § ale’? 4 the railvy oe second hi almost econd hand. - ather suit Case | see Mb, hest oe EEDS & PLA brought ul of this vayne half t ply Stat tion resid | NTS. t mil goal. ven put in th a Pty P.O. box § i. ¢ price, Ap-| / 86% anne anes dential} u Sine Daffodil nein 1 Our fact ritk ie —— Pal ° ; — oti. or ay : Pris. » WEES, , 7m « yY and x 7“ = The first t one | WANTDPED * 56| Notar ae Katatea, ins Hel-| Peonies should Narcissus and Pacific M r as Pacifie 4 te i > iid - | €@ punting t ialf was more or ply i Washer oiehaial.” tary foil. urance for Fall pla d be ordered 1 = milk put KK 18 Tow Ol tik j Sport : ot fenders natch betwee wr less} y Canadian Launds Po Ap-| . STEW aiijenatinenatiiisiieianen importatic anting Out OW oa i up West of ( ® only 3 riefs good ru e both. sides . m de-| é a’ | ant SONY LoTs ae | = ONlober mm will arrive next with eee Colum! me shes wer Ss, pul s sa ¥ ;FOR SA ee, oan Send f early | all © rs) . Marti were made ¢ some | — on SALE ALDBa-L ae a now re for t n es f the prod a Ph aud novet f erin Ane Waldort fang GAllés FOR SALE. oe siacidaetins Blovk 10 Sia ACHES oo ALTA solemn ae vith fulnesa fe ~ dines about the Iz ys are still ri “ld to be ner - Both tea » ° 7 whit a | . $1,000 aaa own site » Map! pn importer tANDIEN wit is roowhict hacnial ast iunings i raving for the ervous ¢ ams vine e rock pi “| , . This ~ Price,|— ldg., V 4, 619 amed, all g igs in e break, T and wi . » one Cat i ule ts, ness lot a 1 ancouve Winel After in ‘tthe mn first on with - rhe oC ee Se Fe . rel. and 2 | Apbty ys on ae busi ver, wh | Pacific ase *tehika ot o one se as rirds d chiekens ode “ y Danly : 1 Stre - Los nas ponents fr ing up t n. he tas ettling Is. Oh; : ns, prize y, New reet. | T hind from being we their op- fore he if k of scoring. 1B down| & abinet ; would exchang eon 5, 0Mee. tf LOST ; Limi k Co. ea , they were u ro runs be with ro f time the G Just: be- ada eamcp es Ai 21%, PART ote FOR _ os De Ronse ee sa } 992 Drake HL, Vv ted n to mak nable to Ps 1e adva ‘. . P. boy e ast oes ith’! Web's RE riduy ' rit es FaoTo ancouw . ake 2 7) antage + boys . lower ti PORK aati camer . e wharf ny aT or, 6.0 ciding e the nee get a gerade wer e of the FO! . at. be NT. Ne - _— ' Findet an in leat " rf LADNER g point, I essary de at ere pressing ie down t SALE 54 | devor ewly « or will De heat cane . £0 ee Ketchikan eae last of the ey te half O'Donnel very hard) eluding — hi Store fixtures, | ant hail ny completed and) ~ box 22, Prince It ewarded, P.O are our ‘ ae ve feet ata es te bat and | the Nir at the a got great-| counters, . shelving hoa hall i de Luxe, on we Candy [LOST At ih lupert, BG, 67 cust satisfied 0 sases one of tf n and two mer took ee tire two eA ga) At cerry; vor Ard Linzey’s: Gro apecis ity hundred feet oe Ave.{ day nigt exhibition ft 1) Thured ere ne out. Clem ve players droy cor © the side li ams readily Avenue, P.O Fulton and sixth | arid ally suitable f ong and witl ight, lady's bl | Thurasd a ; A ents rq | 5¢ » 1g 7} fa . . p . 1 initial iack un nd. tired it t ntson fielded 7 es tallied up t nes with no} 586. bo 433 or ol oh lee other’ woofal “e or dances} Fi initials O.0.8 brelia ° t bouncing rome, Fiat it At the resun o that tim De Aatedeadiiiiiah tons phone Li amie ably to 3 events. For Ader return ‘to N on hand ns ; g£ Oo » . e. 5 stp aeaeergiiaes ) cs ’ . ", Nota: Ask the peo 1 hit one of at ground eee. ot eat the same a of play there }FOR SALK-~-25 sak teat u FOR REN ae eererar ert! O8’P-Tw ews ofttica, »| ry Public Sale at: e bats » bal {bul the eelin : ere} Duty 38 “o~ h. a ; : ike o childs ' have their pale who 7 Lan openers: a and flew off) jwith seat had st sata . arab} touit ererting begin Medium) keeping ae a hous my Pind Feciop ! syencer r d catcher to er : t ngle fo r e atisfe eadied dow ion, 4 cyl , e, Bosel Avent > ; pply 5 a. ily N er puemest a ail iv here one grab it. r the! nad held the vwction thi n fect c yl., 4 eyele, i ' /Aventie: Bast. “Phot 10 Sixth ews oflos urn to particular pe Te Golts will ep An cngeenes own on the iz ai mS 6 aa #1 500.00 ti FOR RENT wie she sword FAR b FOR SA 5 be solts will ¢ ie ing ) a ens ; 00, i ° peomineehiigin no " sons too dl r grounds Sede’ appear on Fanthorpe aoe kick sede id 18. keeping & Burnished h . mS FOR SALE . LE tell you wh et them gear., Som art in flaring ee and he _ G. T.. P aah ed eee HOI SE ; sag tf Barber ow Apply tn ousé. |MIXED FAM A beautiful fy ms ec he | > hi : ar urpi t oil Shop ipert ING @-ro ywe doth ir nade the tr of the team co Book jen gaa TI iad to retire a si a rnished complet OR SAL 1 FI — p, Second on. riat bas till N he ¢ p Mi roomed work And th ¢ have. retur ip to Ketchika ibers|the same k ey continued ew Louis Roor lete. five suites,| RNISHED | LAT omnes 57 Salt-sett! 7 th tiie oe it ern ; ned an a » keen spir ' with p Ooms, s.| . App ' ’ ‘ settled dis nds oure en—try tions of ball with lefty a nd | after a hard . pirit and final tiPOR SALI 161 i pply St, Louis RR ro RENT ern Canad ; trieta in W nm xcellent D re das mbi-jstipped by U rush the ball ay) oP, iM Fents of all we nt noms, Phot prices; ¢ for sale at Tr At las ~ ? . tHe 1e Callies’ was . Urosh , ae sizes Ie — “ ty . low Cleaning and Pr. “ y at last. evening's f eee idl the ! hetks arid et! vo Third Ave FOR RENT-C . 5G ieriwated lands . 4 : =e ¥, the, NoropoN ootball game Martin. Thi ~st ge past B it a OES M Seve ed bedt onffortable f ern Albert B NERD, 1 P f in amusement s grounds »icisive s effort bil for 30 cCaskey ws y rooms. 304 urnish Mm fy 1, With ; yl <3 was. provi s much for the Ce proved d account register Vest 304 Sixth A improvemer an of #20 on ¥i % pectators b provided f to. scor tallies wer e dition ils, 10 Avenur settier aft 0 iftt A . apenas eae & or-th ore ins vere unable .) Linz good con4|F lens. At resist ne vet venue ( a . “rey sweater ET form in + barding lecti a of\their nab bom 33, i ' y's Grocery, P o FOR RENT —» K : oP koing fast ‘2 “ Cleary ike waler view, at 7 Ts S nadian ane down the can paraded eon. W vs of the last oo ince Rupert "es roots, een dda: tine and f a Pak, b are athaw aad a.’ very. fob 3 new anil side’ lines. ~ centrec 1 Jock CW | ge _ 259 ied. Pho er a. La ine ele ond easy le team L sistant als thought tt Thelit | 1 the ball fro Stewart anion , vone Hed Rail ghran, Ca write HH _ un li rat ooke m the ec so - ; ailw vd caidiell Q Pho ee ry necessal inesman had Pert as-|woual ed as though Bil! e cornet M k —_ - — 58 0° Iway Station, ' Paolt M. M. cae 4 = n ssary to cs ec mak ili M . ar — =—— + Vancou ‘ — 8 ball keep track ome ake it a urray) et . ver # ; lho es | f rack of the a the or pi the ball) -— > Prices Onions, a te ” Rea! Estate inswrance ns : ‘ | : e she t Fare ¢ ser | - nr ' : | = the Market PI ; still radial the. Seots the elos-| is Me Mice # ths; fh ‘ts ba e. 4 ee {ty - Financial Ager! 2: SA 4 snight there«@ ace grou ie ing gre en Were irloin. steak ats. i sarrots, : LOR id bd de rs digas 7 : he ixeen ir will beway fixt nds to. | broukh.- at efforts to Beef, teak ... Turns per Ib, . ++ 260 : ‘ ———= Jui 1 Dry ure bet!) Ket) Sot Podst, iba! 300’ 55el€ ET Mlae Misa co's halo be poos — F. ecy . Junior Giants rydocks and e Kd une) Neilsen. wa iPee f, ace t t, Ib.. 30c ti a i Cabbage Os aaa ‘ Sh baseb: s under the. Crages A ‘damedeitie i Bee a roast _ S50/CabbaKe «anne een eo 101 am ° f t 3 ball 1 r the he es and & witl f, rit , lb Om abitler oe poo nota i kLU Cy Y ;| an ah dant be e Junior he aide lines 2H. Tebrum " Be o i : reset. 'b: ese. 36c|Head | wee a at ee 4 ie oa arlor ESS Ow B i To i x8 a , . The li s. on iW oilir ib cri cope 66 0 ‘Se P eltuce . » 25e and 60 NOL 50 TO AY: night is ihe nigi G inenps were ambut Zib. . d. ‘2c to 3 |Potatoes, per sack. 106 oh ‘TON 81 THE Doors W itermediate be ihe nighi in tt : allies—Marti Ore, "BS; follows :| iStewin ni rg per ib.-... sc to Soa) Ahabar , per sack ... and ae) ca ) to get a fac iAMPOO PARL( yg DD Fir indows bags benepell otros he, in~jarty Michels ip, Menzio end iG pe bem ong ee, os Be} Gr Ds Ow 3 tbe f 89.50 NCELLATION OF good it ial massage to LOR rT. r and . Sox and the C ‘cles. The|P@ hell, King id Stew | sorned beef Meo nae eer onior -. 663 We, for 26 } NOTED RESER Benn oes to the pee the ; Ced Spru jjin one . ie Colts w e y; Boote, G BuOTD a La , per Ib ... 30c(Cue 14, per b ope |werve « 1s HENRY” ve. j a Peck t expreselor ar B- ce of the will meet! ieorge wi Mur mb. leg oes ijn combers uneh (te ee ee os pair to > eban / a at L ’ tested x: most: ke eet illiser 7 e Sellars g, \per | cee. 25elF , each oar Be te thin shea he VION’ inet bn aaah any sh the are Oak umber Colt d games of the keenly con-| Trunk oftand Tom Bl re, Witte 7 settee 85 aoe spinach;.per It 35e and 40c of, Oreban “later bn. as the ion lala ne elekeries!® Healy treat Glassa ak, iolts go down t year. If the Ross: 5 Waldorf ack, Grand iMutton, ste ass dB Go's oie ws jHot house e )per Ib. ....°424 © | ihe ee . wh . od eoree obs a ts, face eabebee and tonne nd Mari ‘ it will give o defeat e aS 5 Albert Ors , Lawson “3 Mutts Mia. WAL \atity 5oe | Radi ueumbers .42%0e)/% as » beattcte mn tyite o far ae of face fr and all cir Ph ine Paint ei e both team tonight nett and Crages, Har and! y aiinliodider robbt he | rw shes, per bur each, 45¢ ona tt sted in ti betweet Opposite Go Creame, etc ube ane o i 8 : an : ' arry Vf or op Sigh ‘ - ‘ : Se | onde se acsts tine an : ah Mennes e ° : Quick ates bi 383 frish ae Ralph ee same| Whiteford y oan Hart ie, rae shoulder re by oy 32¢ Lo 35e a eaae potatoes sath coat Se jae Charlotte Valais ih ‘os lal ins 210 4th St. Ph Buildings ory E B kers are s crew . 2 rs ’ armitto 2 0 ad 8 nt |} Parsle i . : . ” ade tictrim a ten * y own Truck their lead e determined t ew of And Smith. anthorpe, Hard "+! Pork ie oe eto 8 Oe 20 Pd 40c| Fresh Wi iperatuneh Dep oo ae BOG | Lame ork peputy Minleter’ 5 Phone 493 oo - . » hold) INE poms a ges, per n c and 40c!Globe asparagus y €-08 ees 10e ore ster of Lands eee : Aii-tooshell is Laing “te sausages Deveees cool Gatti Sueheaies ~dneh . 4% 350 sin "May, 194 = De ork aie eta c | Catifor 4, ear " 1090 - . to hear all fans will be SANITARY P . Mie! Hy, ie eee a 0c1P orn beets om, seen BO eT 0 @ YInCce R wisisiiees - sha Hineen ye sorry ION oe date Scceh 45c to 6 one per . .. 2 Ibs. for 2! 5 awl ; ger Far s s of ; Ber Giprtd > Fa ey Sie | Spinac Dey eae re a der hetor, ‘ upert outside left a who ple pe VERY SATISFA | Bac de 9 Ga RN, a Ge CN scenes et tien’ ais ith 5 ; “EURO football or the Gra played CTORY ! Se china Fuki pie 257 450 Evapora /\2 tw. for 25¢| ; PEAW PLAN fave . team, He was pa Trune Sanitaryin " um, sliced, per Ib....-. bt |Binck figs ted Fruits Tod p ‘ $40 per day ite players one of th Oleane spector Sa am, slicedy 4 essesessreee) pA hak! ee ‘ | bees Raf and up and op 7 s,. liked tb ie e Tha ys City i } beta, A ae Nba nS 65c} A BS eM Ry Ona | _ wen re . ‘ mitted ponents, He ‘ia yy fans Long 7! n Has Been fo 8 atk ap Rear ema * SG ae hibbebis’ ei cds oa ier _ "s ef Marti opened by SZ : “CLASS CAFE sufferi to. the Gauccal mean AC axte me—Miik and pt emoneey, D er It het i | hesihds uae tS fee 4 ise N n & Bush ' aa A La Marte re eb from an aout Hospital m Tests. Fowl, per. Ib gS al AOA $be hres Yor ece e eS “+ aon a 0 ‘1 ICK First cl : r ROG | pendicitis. e attaek of The soort ot W: renee pork Been s6e| Seedless Ra: eoceeede cone oe 300 1p ype! ’ 1s wet PHY ass a ae o, Shee city. s of Win. BR lcooked: he , per Ib. . .. 50] Prune eee .* 200} F' ywiast te okding Crowe avs — for Visi omodation Pi . ee A aie etl aan | immy Jacks iin Eatye 2 hd sities . martin,| Spar habe? ihibeds eee. ibe 5c | Bee ey ot OM She | oF sale ubdivisions oe sitors to Port = leentrart ackso : ; pector ‘ sd; per eos : be low sven lar m whom. under Lots i 1 ano Tunin te pire forward ni stalwart | ast etesaa was ee for the leeect tpt per Ib. per ib., 800 vam Fruit. -+ + 206-300 Saja semes - Oe AY aromas F Essington and All Ki g cain, was out ne G, T. PW it's counc ssented at HAIN. «+ mahecrpage a” 35 1G r Bo see of pert, witht are req os oaied ‘ito ‘ .7T. pawes neil mee eee. nee Mee. 6c |Grabefrult. (Califor: M this Notice, either. required os | -———— i Kinds of Re night on aces of the game | ordered file meeting and\Je ala OMT et v0c repenury (California) 3 toy 7501 omy the wae ither ihe Tren ee men ve mugen GEORGES G alee: 4 unt of a sore le ase an 134 te d. During tt “A llied tongue ys eeeeee a Es mons ornia) 3 for 25 pony, b bo yh ry mie aan fate a et 66 osama us ea a} OMe Oe) eae ae Ke. seis ns of warht 1e4Broiler DOUG so o.0ee0 oe 8,” i ae Yates | cteeeperees hal eee swonet o Ssebeuniiel prep anil Night P oe oo me > GAGNON ba he reconsideration of c aun up and Samay Tee site, vee ceey ie H0e to 600 veleils tae nek’ See Saas he the fail istecs nich at propert a’ A , ef hones oT Th Ghee vant aware 1666 address i er of Beverage saaa of the “EF 7 yn of the e general|C nell idle ea Area 60 s dekeiie Aba anal 3he a Blevinsial 3 mee oe oe ane. Cane angwiil, Bi pen, 1 . — tntrene Phone 71 bore Lo gave ar whet trod whisk eta being ak . was describ-|€ ae * liver, Ib., eer as 150 sone Yellow dee and $1 00 a aareeauesi ts for. Me aa ta "Manien Day Cinna : night's cor ‘ome up at been th » sanitary tl . tenet: bnalieaaaal tere 4 Jonathan ons. Ne , act.” 4 1 pal Ae hh a failing which ; uf , » Of i to . + BEC apple 1 84.50)" hapler 1% tv 70 ancell ‘ Z loft _ ane i? -meeti last months he case for lan} neue .. 0 (Cookin « No. 1 50 it ‘99, He “of the N ; PACIFIC CARTAGE, i over for a i, has been Sa Fassas or many} Butter Dairy P ae ae cotta contest ria «oes 84.00) as el Statute zs oH) aes LL i ci | er .. rod cs allnes ‘Seunes .. , 3.25 be parti rene 4 NA Reliable §. PHONE 83 1D. Ald, Casey fae io the milk. test Shits ahh aa dbaiie oF Ts Haisina, on prunes . aa.24- Oe Wiel oa er ae bs haem $ Metal Works 4 ites as ges * euii 2 ‘lt that s Stic siti ae Te Ce 4, eeee “ iria, BLE ® . nds : ent for Me ; We hay. al reasons ‘ils the exac iCheese se. irra cn of fa ne PTT ct . ny’ Warehouse ene Rates, ern Soaks Fo xact re-|J ee 5 peeetiicPc cate) B5e Peel i per ess, dbe _ April tat, 1990 aaantoal — Furncaes ' arke ites, » the & be = other dhelss: Van db Fae MA Ee « cacao ie She MINE _————$—— = an fr, Manager otsly the ais ouneil and ai Vere — heese, per Ib ‘ 9 op nutes a a pee Bah aa pe RAL ACT —— Heating. si ests had t ement the oll B, © ASE) ssrees errs 4) Table F 7 > ite « OVC orm F P Sth St ngineoere _ : € i iat & ». fres rant * $2 ss 7 : hn bide... ‘ CERTIEN } reet Noth AND 401 haste Apoly i satisfactory Thi . \s Btrietly cd ea ss sks 65c | Mince leat POA ++ rt IPIOATE OF IMPROVE sient oa: Fraser Street ce of inten . erean s well t aren 1is/M ditiaiinian: The Mince Heat +s sereren een be “. MENTS i ; tlon 1, the , oO Vane argarine OCES .. berrie 4%04424e Atpot Ne NOTIGCR va asa 1 to Apply to Lease Lond CANCELLATION OF would see ab ge staling rae ri Comb “ Certeeeeetnens Bic Black manta Pe GT ‘ ion soy $n rick Sh | si At of Skoadi . = RESEA i ; ‘ els ee ed, ec al 50c)T eta ey in ' ee “Kunse ’ : } Bt. “ code aia mane! Recording 1 leespree a) is HEREBY’ pa wren. F the figures we ; ee? per ri see tereae 4 ee piopewies . « a Patect ' ‘i ae ral ome * ines " ‘ AKE NOTIC oon fe. LPI i ee: 1 Big wes Bread Bef ee WG SHe ro tee . 150] Where ho ining Division situate? _ Se a aa tt jee Artn, | (District, “tn eat Lot " 1 ae ad, ‘nor WAM hic ce 94 sereseeee A ever afiee a jon of & ead Develonaas hil we, A is 2566 the : Cd he : loaf dee eae ae ae ¢ Gee | DO8S OF Alle ated as onmmens Fe ary Allee Arts Minit | , » Range 4, WEW 58T . Piour-thards eielaa) -BOoib ie i. IN. THR ‘NOTICE ——— |r TARE NoTCK About | #4. miles to hens 2 oes pdt ue d » iain Lan¢ as penardeoat Det ; E DEPUTY Milk, per ca site) 50- Ab ok Fp 5a the Logue oe MATTER, of. of. eh ree Miner : Co that itsault River from | Sanna! towing tt. pene: and de letaria,. BE of Lands, Willi ase ...,86.25 OOLD , Block res! pplication on.) U. 8 Martin, No. 3401 Patmore PL intone ner oe ti tiracritved topeatone, 93rd jum iam Bre .86.25 to $7, plapries «iM % a re Re, of ul for) 3315 ¢,, eg bgt 7 ey 8G, as og UMBING Alice rebone wt i 8 oD A okeatiCre: June, 1920 one -of tt nnan, of Ké ‘od, 2 Fish 761, NOTH ep 07 Range 6, tle tall here $c. ne A einer rattle, whe ree? AND HE » being ihe with th % gh ow ADI AL i 6 16 rece : amloops, | } 2 Ibs. E proat. ob 2 pereb amas | fe otto soot we a Cerufirate. Ne ENG ATING e Uae e Nol ‘ ‘ od lumbd , nt Knig ps.) k tive we the th v re Ce pply to aye fro No IREERS Berne (the Liar ee 1 Mt Gant ss PRRGn vis visit ighta of Coe id fillets delves + {ooeegion a that satisfac purpo riifncate y Gaze free Se das K soutbeast AAT nota ony 4510 ceed J ors ,here 1o-| Fre 5 eA cai t's 356 4 wp ithetttoe ru inca Hafectory jeact oth Ate ot, lenprove ine Recordet ‘atimates Sa deg comer cee R of sim, thenrs J. bv. OD , is to sue esh black boty Bia the i lass - re Moe ae beet ttle e of the al inne @ ¢ ments, for er furnish 4 Bay, ( dianin. Lot $643; eee, “4 ver, as onnell, of V sue-) Fins : cod per | n49 4 20ct' rah p ome Bo haste afte fur-| ter ad turiher ake Baan rown Grant ys, _— om thdice ppodiioed or ri eanatee eel ' ' State Gre , of Vaneou- ian haddie or ib, .... 15e)pal tien ot pict G hee rom tiie pry the | the Reetion Kb inke notlee ¢ of Address ” the fe A i rhae' whe Ind rT atrh | Silent nead. dignit and Deput Halibut ate t ns! ne * Lm * tres te of oe pmenaee _ wutias Zh hat action . Srd Ave folowing. sai aye ee) fo lan pesetve Briti itary of y, the) He » per Ib srreeet BHC ertinente dd bar ands certip ane oy eee nmeantod oe of nue, head to.” ‘e said Hark PP, FROrp ae leas "te itieh Cc i the order erring eT ye oat ; ts nnihbe * dated by eee io oh Dated tt esilieaia ot. fore | Secon heir aorih udy. of ete mark 8 tener term eee Mr. dire ae Balt ae ae per iby, +9 30a Oe vow Cae. & din Oetaber rosy — ew wit of April, : os Phone 174 on » the tor ae ene 800 foe as » on Jonnell’s}# ering, ’ “ore : Act ' woe D. 1990 | = Vee AD water tuark: the w reduced, apm of both Seped 1, but on sinwanen Viteta, I mass te pasar ng negiiran on’ MINERAL Mon O, Box 274 eet, mor e high een’ northail n bei > and M Balt Ac ab, ID. 4 . f J of Tith AUT tm | emma Mencetin sf Be Teagan oe oll riherly| ON ng enr r. Bre Acadia © pe eeee x une 1020 en (Port ‘ | on penne Al rend garitn aivater snark, 1,260 | pa NOTICE 18 that dat oute to ft n-|Oyale lod, 2-1b ++ Re ines Rupert ne } kd taining 2 of o serve ti e ; tupert ¢ yalers, . », be rt, BC Corin ; ALICE ARM MINING Man res ans District, vxlAtion mpey et mony had pe! ane pr bears es at |Shrimps per dozen, ..- men, Age va, THE ae TICE Sl onpiver. > — at improvem Pl Dated oe. Hy or AND DEVELOPME netted. 4044, 1 44 0 be left over cere-4| jkate a“ - ibe. seed BOO) Lot a, oe or an epplicats situate tip | Ho ne ente, | ants, Flowers, - ’ ner, rae Nash, B.A pat Lands Dept HK. BAD 5 ; per Ib, > as eee of Stew ),. Bie riifcate ion for a thosar Ds Naas River Mineral . Roses : 8., Depart puty Mint tie J Brills peeeee Clot t art (Me ee ri itt Tithe t Where Rite Minis Claim, | Agent Vietorta, el, ster ‘of La ust as ceeeene ressnee S Tit he loss oO io (15), Town adjolrar located re Divisios ( . ’ 2srd "i was, winting, don cheay ty get ; Herring ; seeeeee & for, Q6 | hereb having Been | Alioye ice proot AE NOT Dony the Kitzaut ge, uliflow ne, 1920, 1ome ae it ee Powe woyry your |Salt quaded ididekae A erie aoe fe fae a ter ye that tt Petr ripcate or of ‘Prins A *B thag ‘arden Grows: t River c Many Variet er 604| Che New send i ye at} Spring rans, Ib uv 25¢ lon psantan inte coe 3401k-6,, arn. eae WwW. Pat ITY eties 3 P t awa ty Bpring salt og 6.8 Hs ¢ ake Mi Lee qoalk eek Oe or a6 the dh a tee M rint Bhop. y. Try |\White attr pen lb. . ’ a ae ane . ioe rept month ok duty” author|aea ‘ ARKET Crabs Pare tk oo. oeeel OU Oe aithas i ve men o the Mir from the 2. 208s? ( , . tren ris ADE ce saaiye ie Ot att Ma Se i | Ree eet ret, "eot ie ——s ve uee " goth de iste ant eae ne a CF , for the a Cer oply se ee y of March, } serine ht And fur own Grant ” pPUrpORE iifieate D upert. - Th ger ne ner See aye BA 9 pase OF om A G G ] » isaue Of 6 mus oo » that nim. | . R [esiacuxop, - mons ue of such Pee ees Sed hate T a AY es. ATED this (at de te of Improve. | Studi of Piano day © } c . Lewis y! Mex, A.D. 49% » 187 Second Av ATMORE 920 PHONE BI enue ue 421 or 444