X -___——_—-- + ———_——— o! For the Salt Lakes Phones 82 and 200 * Bathing Caps Ear Stopples Our stock of these has just arrived. Come in and inspect them. [LIMITED The Pioneer Druggists (CRMES Water Wings P.O. Box 1680 THE REXALL STORE JOIN THE SWIMMING CLUB! > |WILL START BUILDING 7 | : ¥ = See aie Leaning ae ees eS MENof TODAY give more attention to the details of their toilettes for they realize that a neat, prosperous appear- ance is a passport to success. The Right Jewelry quietly designed is expressive of geod taste and adds distinction. Have you the useful articles every man needs, a good watch, cuff dinks of approved style, studs, scarf pins, a seal ring and other conveniences? R. W. Cameron The Jeweler’ 3rd Ave. THE DABLY NEWS SS Se BLADDER relieved in 24 HOURS Each Cap- / sulo bears the (a0) name a m™ ie CAPSULES NEW DRESSING ROOM: Prince Rupert Football Associa- tion Met Last Night and Named | Officials for Forth- Pewewe ofcomaterfelts ia business trip to Winnipes } visitors last week al the home of coming Games. FIND NATIVE COPPER | | a+ At the meeting of the Football! Association held last evening it was decided to postpone the league game fixture between the jSons of England and Callies forjopyetattine formation of + ppet THE PAS, July @&— Native cop per lias been struck at Flin Plon in, the course of sinkl a shaft on the big sulphide dy \ jJuly 22 in order to allow the re- in tue leaf were | { | [play of the cup finals, Callies andjaitign to ereat juunlilies o jthe Grand Trunk to take place On) gai) ehunks. Lodieatia that date. The oMeials of thejinat ac the shart a hipthet jzame will be George 8S. Russell,| jreferee, With Frank Davies and id. Crag@s as linesmen, For the league game on July \9 between the Trail and the Sons jot England, 8. Thompson will be We, the Undersigned hav jthe referee and linesmen, R. Wat down there same hay thal a isolid body tnay be PUBLIC NOTICE. taken over the Y hhama Cafe jrior and A. Glapperton. W. Mce-/p.gn, Magoichi Fukuyata and Cullough will referee the game lamaji Nagamatst All a { jbetween the Trail and G.T. P. on) owing up to this te will ha July 19, and the linesmen will bely, pe collected from the er [Frank Davies and W, Murray. owners. We Will not be. respon Work on the building’ of the} Jig cor any accounts aftes this jdressing room at the Acropolis | qaty. except thdse authorized by jis to commence immediately ac-| yy rselves. 162 jcording to the announcement Signed) DANG HO jmade by Seeretary R, H. Shockley LEW SHONG WAY BUS SERVICE TO HOT NOTICE SPRINGS AT LAKELSE i+ 0000 toot Siow Visitors to Lakelse Hot Spnings|Hegistrar of Joint lean get automobile service from panies to approve hal : |Terrace by notifying ©. t of une &§ A. Waite, |its name from that “ } " «| i Desirable Furnished House 3 rooins and®bath in’ Sec- tion 6, for quick sale. $2,350 cash Plan and blue this house on exhibition in our window, McCaffery, Gibbons & Doyle, Ltd. Agents 3rd Ave. . Phone 11 For Sale| print of TIMBER SALE X 2434, ealed tenders will De rece Minister of Lands not later than noon on 5th day of Augnst, 1920 the pur jehase of Licence X 2434, to cut 4,600,000 jfeet of Spruce, Cedar and Hemlock on an jarea adjoining T. 8. X1909, Sedgwick Bay, | jLyell Island, Queen Charlotte Islands Dis- ptrict, Two (2 m®val of timber. Further particulars } Victoria Rupert, B. 0. ived by the years will be allowed for re-| of the Chief Forester, B. c¢., or District Forester, Prince Sealed tenders will be Minister of Lands not later 2nd day of September, 1920, for the purchase of Lic 5 280,000 feet of Spruce tock on an area adjining T.1 umshewa Inlet, Queen Charlotte Islands | District, Two (2 noval of timber Further particulars Victoria, Bow, supert, B. ¢ Best Coal Alberta Screened GUARANTEED LUMP For Kitchen Stove. Sacked ,.... $15.00 per ton Sacked ... $7.75 per ‘2 ton Bulk ....... $13.50 per ton Only a Limited Supply Phone Your Order Now Albert & McCaffery LTD. Phones 564 and 116 r seetion &5 TIMBER SALE X 2384. we X 2384, to cht MINERAL ACT, Porm | Certificate of Improvements. sr TICk Silver rip wN Cassiar District Where located Sixteen miles up the Varden liver, wear the Dolly ralor of the Pree Miner's lo apply to the Mining Kecorder A Certificate f lwiprovements, for , the pose of obtaining a Crown Grant of the ve claim And further take notice that action, un must be commenced befor: ? issue of such Certificate of limuprove | nents i DATED this 1st day of May, A.D. 1920 JOUN HUGH MeMULLIN | Saas Hiver Mur } rect received by the! (em. | than noon on} Cedar ee eee }o the Mintng Recorder for 4 Certificate of 7iip, years will be allowed for re- | of the Chief Forester, or District Forester, Prince 2 Mineral Claim ituate in the Naas River Mining Diviaton a licence to take and use 5 per day and to store 3% acre feet of SOTICE that John Hugh MeMullin Estate of Charles | townsite . Certificae No intend, siaty days from the dats of land The water is diverted from the ifeet fromm the south boundary, and is used ifor mining purpose upon the mine deseribed as Lots 481, 482, 483, 485, 899, 1513, and 484. on the ist day of June, 1920 pursuant thereto and to the “Water Art, i GUAR COAL IS IN THE LEAD . When jf comes to quality, and you will always find here the right kind for every purpose, No anatter what you need coal for-—cooking, heating, power—we have COAL THAT IS RELIABLE Consumers Coal Co,, Ltd, J, Lorne MacLaren, Manager Rvom 11, Smith Block Phone 7 ‘We don’t want to it a Secret We've the finest collection of ‘this and that” you ever saw, You know what we mean sinall articles of various kinds. We think of these Sear! pins, 20e to 875.00, Kar, rings, 50c¢ to £100.00. Brooches, 75¢ to $25.00. Necklets, $3.00 to $50.00, Lockets, $1.00 to 835.00. Culf links, 50¢ to $20.00, Watch fobs, $1.00 to $20.00. Biiver and gold goods of all} kinds. John Bulger Jeweler Nled with the said Water Recorder or with |} GRANBY CONSOLIDATED MINING SMELT in Jewelry that notice is Jone 5, 1920 ithe liveryman, Park Garage, Ter-|Shurbsall, Lid., to that of FP. I lrace, who has a new Ford ear and Hunt, Ltd im ae vicar will truck for this business. Reason- | sub-section 4, ; 1B. able rates. tf) panies Act | ——_---— --— - Dated at Pris 1h. ¢ < CSREES EE EEE HH pm day oth 4p. 419 ° TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY * HUNT & SHRUBSALL, LTD ‘eee eepeeee ee eeeeser If y i i ;THE Party is known who took ; : dinghy from the Rupert Marine ae Ps c sands of people il Wharf float and must returt j vill read tt again same, or further proceedings t ; : f will be taken, ‘en tic a Seely : wa e be { gel MINERAL ACT. an na (Porm F.) | CERTIFICATE OF IMPDOVEMENTS Synopsis ef =c Land Act Amendments NOTICE. eral Claim, situate in the ® Divisiow of Cassiar Dis Wolf" M Where lovated:—Near the head of Alice! fake notice that 1, JE. Stark, Free} | oy gy ef OGret-class land diners CertifNeate No, 20886, intend, re@uced te QB acre; second-class to $3.66 an acre. inty days from tbe date hereof, to apply mprovements, for the purpose of obtaining anti ener ecafined to our Crown Grant of the above claim And further take notice that action, up- | ler. section 85, must be commenced before | he issuance of such Certificate of Im-| ‘roOvetIE tS Records will be granted covering only land suitable for agricultural purposes and which ts non-timber land. Partnership pre-emptions aboliahed, but parties of not more than four may 1 : , A 920, Dated this 3rd ay Ot Petts, 5028 e nge fer edjacent pre-emptions os a with , residence, but each making necessary improvements on respective WATER NOTICE, USE AND STORAGE, claims se Pre-emptors musi cocupy claims for ‘ five years and make improvernenta to TAKE NOTICE that the Granby Gon value of $10 per acre, including clear- solidaicd Mining, ~ Smelting and Power and cultivation of at least 6 acres, Company, Limited, whose address t ore receiving Crown G Building, Vancouver, ROC) will apy ' Where pre-empter tn ox = i 1,000 gations less than 3 years, and has made pro portionate improvements, he may, be- cause of ill-health, or other causé, be granted intermediate certificate of im provement and transfer his claim without permanent resi 7) dence may be isoued, provided appil- a1 cant makes improvements to extent of $200 per annum and records same each year. Faltlure to make improvements or record same will operate as for- feiture. Title cannot obtained in less than 6 years, and improvements of $10.00 per acre, including 5 acres cleared and cultivated, and residence of at least 2 years are required Pre-emptor holding Crown grant may record another pre-emption, if he requires iana in conjunction with his farm, without actual occupation, pro- vided statutory improvements made and résidence maintained on Crown granted land Ss Unsurveyed areas, not exceeding 20 acres, muy be leased as homes tes; titlp to be obtained after fulfilling real- dential and improvenfent conditions, For grazing and industrial purposes arean exceeding 640 acres may be leased by one person or com any. ING AND POWER COMPANY, LIMITED Mill, factory or industrial sites on Applicant timber land not excebding 6 acres Patton, agent may be purchased, conditions tnelade payment of at umpage Natural hay meadows inaccessible by existing roads may be purchased conditional upon construction of a road tothem. Kebate of one-half of cost of road, not exceeding half of purchas price, ls made PRE-EMPTORS’ FREE GQRANT® AcT. water out of the East Branch of Hidden Creek, which flows southerly and drains nto Observatory Inlet about at Anyox The storage-dam is located on Lot 24 The capacity of the reservoir is about 4 sere feel, and floods about one-half acre stream at a point on Lot 2224, about 800 », 1677, 2219, 2221, 2222, 2223, 2224 5, 2226, 2227, 2229, 2230, 2231, 480 This notice was posted on the ground A copy of this notice and an application 1914," will Be Nled in the office of the Water heeorder at Prince Rupert Objections to;the application may be the Comptrotier of Water Rights, Partia ment Bulldings, Victoria, B.C, within thirty days after the first appearance of this notice tn a local newspaper By F. E The date of the first publication of this Tuesday Specials The scope of this Act is enlarged to include persons joining and serv- ing with His Majesty's Forces The time within which the heirs or devisees of m deceased pre-emptor may apply for tile under this Act is extended from for one year from the death of such person, a» formerly, until one year after the conclusion of the present war. This priviie@e is aleo made re- troactive No fees relating to pre emptions are Gue or payable by soldiers oun re- emptions recorded after June 26, {91% Taxes are remitted for five years Provision for return of moneys ac- crued, due and been paid since August 4, 1914, on account of payments, fees Or taxes on soldiers’ pre-emptions Interest on agreements to purchase town or city lots heid by members of Palmolive Soap | Power Schooner Lady Mine’ will aceept freight for Port Simp son, Naas Kiver, Alice Arm, Anyox and Stewart- Hyder, Sailing Every Wednesday Evening from Government Wharf, Prince Kupert, B,C, ewes eee DENTISTRY Don't neglect your Teeth One decayed or missing tooth lowers your efficiency DR. BAYNE Office Hours--Morning, 9 to 12; Afternoon, 1.30 to 5.90; Satur- day, 9 to 12 only. — Evenin 8, Tuesday, Wednesday and Fri- f day, from 7 to 9, DENTAL NURSE IN ATTENDANCE PHONE 109 FOR APPOINTMENTS : | ; Allied Forces, or dependents, soquired direct or indirect, remitted from en- listment to March #4, 1920. SUB-PURCHASERS OF CROWN LANDS, Provision made for tesuance of Crown grants to sub-purchasers of Crown Lands, acquiring rights from purchasers who falied to complete urchase, involving forfeiture, on ful- Ument of conditions of purchase, in- terest and taxes. Where sub-purchas- ers Go not claim whole of original par: cel, purchase price due and tases may be distributed proportionately over whole area Applications must be made by May 1, Theo GRAZING Orasing Act, 1919, for systematic development of ilvestock industry pro- vides for grazing districts and range administration under Commissioner Annual grazing permits lesued @n Dumbers ranged, priority for estab- ished owners. btock-owners may form Associations for ronge ‘° ment. Free, or partially free, el campers er trav = © we net: sat neal in. e 11 bars for $1.00 Other specials, too num- erous to mention, on display in the store now Rupert Table Supply Co, PHONES 211, 212. Mr. and Mrs Lokins is very pressed with the land and con tdlers pu ily inp ed visitor md are enjoyvir thy ‘ that Cambridge Beach tt ‘ { i¢ to tnerease and iv Sport was the main order + Tuesday, July 6, 1926 2. FORT FRASER | ©. bL. Stuart has returned from) WHAT THE MODERATION LEAGUE akaaiba STANDS FOR A tae 1. The Repeal of the Prohibition Act. \. W. Saxon is another favor 2. NO restoration of the saloon or bar, for the sale of intoxicating liquors. 3. The Government sale and Government control of spirituous and malt liquors In sealed packages. 4. The guarantee by the Government, as such vendor, of the pure quality of all spirituous and . aoe malt liquors, and the sale of same at reasonable prices. 5. The ineulcation of true temperance principles consistent with personal liberty. 6. The elimination of the causes of the doplor- able loss of respect for the laws of the land on- gondered by the Prohibition Act. The voters lists close on the 15th inst. If you have not registered by that dato you will not be able to vote on the referendum or at the Dominion or Provincial Elections. Remember the old voters’ lists have been cancelled. MODERATION LEAGUE Provincial Headquarters, Vanceuver, 8. 0. attie R. A. CORBET, Sec Mr, and Mrs, J, Lokins were Murdoch Mr favorably iin Severa eanmper have arrived inany pleas was ! ! othe fst «of day with f © rat | | football and basel rhe was ly veen tf Bridke | Local Boys. thel w peed thee niarein tie ‘ f the pienie My Car and Gas Boat Owners The Canadian | Gas Saving Device has cut down local car owners gasoline e! bill lower than one gailon per 8 hour day. 2 mal a sh s | Akerberg, Ticsisce & Co., Ltd. Why can’t you save $3.50 to $5.00 a week also? Sole Agents bi i ; > . 7 AT ie fn ak | anne cities ta es With our modern equipment and sanitary methods, f eaten newts we produce a wholesome : ; ee rs utritious Drea EI Our Goods are all made from High-class Material KY THEM The La Coben Bakery 7iT7 Grd Ave. Auto Delivery Phone 190 ar “=< «© Subscribe for The Daily News oe ‘ Distrien Furerter, Prine The Leading Daily of Northern British Columbia DAVIES Lunch Tongue AVIES Ready-to-Serve Meats consist of fresh, selected cuts from D heaithy, government inspected animals. These meats are per- fectly cooked in air-tight tins, conserving freshness, flavor and quality—real luncheon treats. As a test of their delightful, appetizing quality try a tin of Davies Lunch Tongue—A dainty delicacy that will win your hearty approval, Sold in parchment lined tins. Your dealer will supply you. Made in Canada Davies OODS “A Different Dish For Every Day” Pork and Beans Veal Loaf Devilled Meats Ox Tongue Vegetable Soup Roast Beef Potted Meats Corned Beef Cambridge Sausage and sixteen other delightful, economical package foods all cooked ready to pdt on the table. need aa att Ahead Jet M//) Yt’ “Uti ame lpg YZ ae WT se ao OS Vr « THE WILLIAM DAVIES COMPANY, Limited Toronto ~- Montreal u