NUE. Gem, 05 SSUATIVE Like s } “| Che Daily News Tae ee vily Nets. ° c. Hu. pre & Son { WE NEVFR SLEEP .- qo Ye ears’ Experience) Agent T PRINCE RUPERT Prince Kupert Auto 5 J. F. Maguire § Northern and Central British Columbia’s Newspaper 701 tiecell Aves -¥ erove Repent 722 Second Ave. yvoL, XI, NO, 453 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C, WEDNESDAY, JULY 7, 19290 "PRICE FIVE CENTS Meighen Probably Dominion Premier ae a EEE DEMOCRATS HAVE CHOSEN CANDIDATE FOR THE SECOND HIGHEST OFFICE Vv “TECHO-SLOVAK TROOPS HOME \After Journey Nearly Around the World, First Detachment Reacn Czecho-Slovakia. Sir Thomas White Cannot Become Prime Minister akes a definite Statement in Reply to Suggesticns a! Toronto---Meighen said to be the man ms | | | ! | VANCOUVER, Juiy 7.—The first Idetachment of Cteche - Slovak leeoops which passed thrawust ‘Believed That White STRIKE TIES Was Borden’s Choice [JP ALL LUMBER Jedd of Mats HR Io duty of the Govebibes SHIPMENTS General in Behalf of King---may call for Retiring Pre: ier’s Advice Milimen Stale Their Position and Will Endeavor to Move Their Product to Market here recently, having arrived from Viadivostok on the steamer Ixion, have reached their lhomes in Czecho-Slovakia. FOUR LIVES COULD HAVE BEEN SAVED So Testifies Chief Carlisie at In- vestigation into Balmoral Apartment Fire. VANCOUVER. July 7. Four of Themselves. . the five victims of the Baimoral r fire could have saved thetr lives ’ M Pr if they had gone to the roof of ‘ - eS the bevildine wecording to the Sir I i harat . , 7 evidence of. Firé Chief Carlisle af 4 : “ie , He iw th Fr See 3 the civil investiaatiogs being held ; ; ; es — hd Judge Morrison. ty ' bee 5s ‘ aa nl ’ y : ; af poeition * So a h CHIEF VICKERS TO ne S NEW OFFICERS OF Duty of Bovereian G0 FOR CONSTABLES For tarts tse weoks Une tos eae f the e pr continued aud at the present Lite + ame Koaving for the South Tomegpow (ook Pueilie nor tle fodue Night and Will Appoint Senne, wht > weil Assistant. r taking any steps towafrd- Prince avr t vert Lodge No. 63 ‘ ' rdepene it ron didfellows rw. sdjustinent tie ver » z = te st contingent ot n rivy 3,000 of 30,000 Czecho-Slovak troops now lepende Order fo [ " ‘ j thee , ; , - ; . bs . Sse ’ 1d 6©its:) 6reeuler§ installatio of and § \ i the Ixion at the Evans, Goleman and Evans wharf, Vancouver,|.,.. inact pt th District \ipments have bee alin sched their Son Ciseihiielin WMTicers las nicht with iste irand Master J. EB. Hilliard offiei ra sian ae acne 2h ay SSAULT CASE WAS Franklin Roosevelt fir ss mere Up until the pres POLICE COMMISSION for Vice-President * anguel was. ealived, wan} N.G.: B Crossett. V.G ROBERT WATSON OF 7 t : en . allow | , onine. Relative of Former President getsSecond : beara RE ened jlodgce closed and a LADYSMITH IS DEAD . ane _ We have appe ve Grand |} “J. J Democratic Nomination at San i Mh, Kale, RL Pca. | Francisco Ss ae eee Mason of 68 Years Standing, Aged a. hee ean — iin: S. W. Smith, BSUS.; A. King #0, and Pioneer of Coat Q)FFICERS ELECTED IN [sui dispore ot our prontue i SAN FRANCISCO, July 7—Franktja ‘Di tloosevelt, assistant born, LSS: 8. My Newton, RS. BIG GOLD CONCERN : “wh t a ‘ of the ww ia rela if the mer president. a - =o haste, 0.8. H. M. DYSMII } , hey can d j B Ihe ve R sevell. has bee hon she as 1e Democrati 2s * Surf Intet Company Pays Fourth relur ' : » al 4 ; J Kei teks toil 4 ‘ : ; ' ; Big Dividend——OMicers the We have aj i way Thee ‘ of the viee-pres vas doue*with dispatch MINISTER REPLIES Same as Before. shebyinen and t .e B00 , d tad +t ' ' 5 . , ad ere Was praglically no compe rt flice. Fran ; om the rate 4 ee . ON STRIKE ISSUE VANCOUVI Al e odemand " ‘ eo : Rn ~ - mie had been promiune ‘ ed s ‘ the = ter trunk P | i ver ‘ t Maver M vi 1 ved a = I 1 I ey es ' i tl u ALA D Blew: - \rt we some mvenilc he deles . t “ ep ig ‘and, deputy ; : re io ‘ ' Duff Blew-/'] k a ‘ - . , gard to the strike — situation AN ' seta tan that nied gard ' K t I ice-president, K, A. Cleve-| This situation having d « QUESTION OF WHAT TO | reir hor : < Ihave, A cogeiilution bnard wea ; 4 H. Wallbrid@e: that the Grand tT i 1 0 urged with Lhe pm al ‘ to +4) shoreme RED SOX WON : BIG LEAGUE BASEBALL larg, Hh tis Hawkins Other [our lumber : DO WITH DUFF LIQUOR SOx \ DRY DOCKS WON eS sn ts nae ds ak f board are As te i othe prave ' ; ; F s One would e chosen The ball game between the Red Picthe Tec patleel eaten WB: Burnett lone. pedouree ‘seems open 10 us:\Npiigg Gommmtscion WAI Siteht| The talt'itmuse GAtirocn toe Dba BASEBALL GAME "iis stro set i 8, Victoria 6 ithan Rogers. The report!) This ts, thatit. ' Until Right of Claim by tt itt i beit . viy and the chairman by won by the 1 ve scor ne i, Seatlle 3 i the last year was read and ajmoved-—and th ecessily Ys is Passed. 4 ioe Rca nina Junior Giants Had a Siump and fh, but if no agreement @ould be r 15, Spokane ¢ i f 2% 1-7 per cent de-/gent that we n . . ” wo fe o the Inte: Let Dockers Win, 14-2. made the e would be appointed American League. jared payable July 10 this isim Mat move f urs vs j Uls stor wa a ” ot Me, r . ; i LEMP MATAIERE ere it, Ph Mmdeiphia Uv i Ik bal (hiis ain We rere ery ’ . ' NUT y -" «5 , ip Re _ * a : ; as as hiladelpt 0 wait » past have to take this act by t { bhissic ; i: st migh ad the Junter,) Tanneh Alice BR, Phone Blue 548, ; p Y k 17 \\ cose i , at Ahitg Hh ne ee per "to { has been f t i» M . hoe this MINER DIES feta > = fixture at the n / ishingtoun Vv ae { " ° . : j ime ko 5, Cleveland 4 pon us, and we wish to say th the lique ' ERB Market ' , LeCdsiVe SCORE National League. REJECT OFFER we shall immediately make a by vhictratith res| NANAGMO, July's t. Bate-| 6 (4 3, the Giants seeming to be TONIGHT ONLY ational League, o.oo mae : ; us 25, has succumbed to ae. ori a "thie ' S lyn 4, Boston 2 VANGOUVEN, July 4 Freight |eSorh. Brank shes sags vee in accident sustained in the South ane i a Nie WE THOLME Chi : ; oe ; \ ae tral sland Spruce & Ced } : aver main- |‘ , : playtnes i the a = ol THEATRE {2, St, Louis &. handlers have Lod the er Gra Jog Ista ' ; : was no} Vellington coal nine & Week O80.) inv Nooks J. Kask and H. ‘Patter- RAT AS ___ inali 7, Pittsburg 2 of the C. PLR. company to accept 0 ' t > i ' uns, While ie ' aire acale. Aeroplane Spruce imiber ¢ ‘ ‘ own mat GES sdb Setlah baiae, Bparme CccctdssadWueeve .v & tonth flat wi , al Baas sidvercon Os ih di” in AMERICAN WINS Shy ade a three bagger for om oore ° , . i diiants and Russell Scherk did . . Peter Douse, a 12 year old na- jJuly 6, 1920, Prince Rupert, Bt ; , «2 Me Versailles, July 8 Walter Ha mm hitt : * COAL NOTICE . e lad, died at Qeeanic Cannery — eee COE ney un American, has wen the)" ) . ; lunfor Giant ? @itown by last nights train Phe . wil fest tas to Freneh ope golf championshy > - si ms as ad ‘L d d Lad ? We take pleasure in in #8, 0, Undertakers shipped the re NOTICE ! t verninent = 4s : e : no : , ie Rt ar’ Or an y . or : p : i j was ce I hel ' bison, SHOCK. A Uk our patrons’ that # mains by this morning's train to ' \ Mrs. M. J. Grehan, who visited A drama of racing and societ ® ; ' j se 0 hirt -* ‘ , p i > loy,, and W, & ety ‘ tie teary hip Chileaot * Kitwanea, the family home FIRE PRECAUTION. : a z > ee : a ott be Prince Rupe with her husband Ca : ' that ranks with the greatest rived in port today will 7 . - das j ‘ m t a: ra val , . i ippl . are a eat “ Chir llarrison the well The public is warned, not tol), \ ' ' ; iy . ; s ki pits Dry b : Caltersall, pyelepn wor bie ~~ ® . : ms : , ¥ 1“ oO wy des plion it large Of the ints Vecie © | Georas Biytl (Gieorge Walsh, ae me Wellington. cont ei/known Masset old timer, arrived |light. fir f any d bot d wvan.the Vietinh: omnia ) vee Christie Special Comedy, . Phouesia sone, ons + in town by the Prince Rupert this|the open or on vacant lots during ST. ANDREW'S SOCIETY ‘ ce taal , fall fear |" hn Kask, Jim Seriver, BL Lund. “SAVE ME, SADIE!” , wil a er months, without pet Ul BOCTUOMN on Anes ‘louist, A. Phillipsen, F. Fraser ane , Prince Rupert Coal ~ ww morn tls an extended visit )the sumimec | ‘" 7 A I 1 y ‘ Friday the baek verandah of her resi \\ ( i ra pe Canadian Pictorial * 8 ; - art ssa from ® undersinnee ‘ ible rossley, x . , . more ® Phone 16. win the wld country o : - vi CEB ALOE D + 1 DONALD leetic of de in Vaneouve ou Monday a Te No Advance in Prices cocompany al ‘ . aa @json LOC OUP an Fire Chief i ! vt fractured both her arms Advertise in the Daily News. "OO Ce ee ee ee eee i in Bngtand, | i l hi |