i orto pcnatenetlbemecnae a re fai Soe aos PERRO 5 grasergt so ON eee eel ‘ Ea A A: a 4 a 4 + 6 ba “tne 8 § coals = ieee - = ELL lll EEE THE DAILY NEws PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA | | t ' Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News j | . Printing afd Publishing Co., Third Avenue. H. F, PULLEN, MANAGING EpITor. , SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, by carrier or mail, per month ..........65 7T5c. By nail to all parts of the British Empire and the United States, | Pa SAVENCe; PET YEA. Fi ee et ee tes $6.00, | To all other countries, in advance, per year ............ $7.50. Transient Display Advertising $4.25 per inch each insertion. | © Se orer oon TELEPHONE 98. | Transient advertising On front page ........+. $2.00 per inch. | Local Weaders, per insertion, ............. .. % 26c. per line.| Classificd advertising, per insertion, .........,. 2c. per word. | Legal Notices, each insertion, ....... voce. 15c. perPaghte line. Qontract Rates on Ay fplicetion. All advertising should be in the Daily News Office on day pre- ceding publication, All advertising received subject to approval. DAILY EDITION, axis Saturday, July 10, 1920 L Nickel Novel Now Costs a Dollar. | In answer to the question, what has becomé of the nickel i Tite ao. NEWS CONSTIPATION HAD MEETING Ls HEADACHES : br qiilroy 1 brid@we cat St. Andrew's “Society Mear Good the / Reperts and Elect Officers for pide ildead n Next Six Months hase hel ‘ this ‘ } " ing. He \ f the | The semisannual general meot : hid . a i ling of the St. Andrew's Society |?" i F ! t { mat was held in the club rooms last night and satisfactory report rh has iwere received fr 1 the degrens in tl vile {ay imittees and officers the report of e . . lthe financial seermiary being hick ra | Kit jiy satisfactory and showing f ired 1} Tudae ul this funds of the society to be in almorning on a charge of a wilt jhealihy state, Charles W wus wilh a piteh | fhe following onicers were! fork elected: Honorary president, J e ‘ ° | : iW. Stewart: honorary vice-presi-| rh ! ater nimitbeé BA. ALFR BOs ident, Captain John MeGregor, V,| have beer thorized to purchas oe iC.; president, &. D. Macdonald; !4 1 chemical and hos 482 St. Catherine St. E., Montreal. lirst vice-president, W. M. Brown;|Wagon a at of #8.500 “For three years, I was a terrible | see oid — viewopresident, \ G + ee sufferer from Indigestion, constant Head- |p). y\<- {iyancial secretary, J. 8 I city fathers ’ decided aches end Constipation. | took various lIrvine; recording secretary, MH. M i cont { : the .fa medicines forthe trouble butnothing |)... +,, executive, VW. Murray, Joe,|this yeat geemod to do me any good. | Brown, G, Dalgarno, J. M. Camp Thea, a friend advisod me to try ‘Fruitatives’. Now I am free of TAST NIGHT ‘~ jbell, J. Watson: Obaplain, Re EXTRACTION Grown, Bridge | Dated May 91st, 1920 IN THE SUPREME CounT OF BRITISH) uA! | iN THE MATTER OF THE ADMINISTRA- | | JOHN M. MORKISON, | per Fred. Nash, B.C.L.S., agent. jthem at the COLUMBIA, ifar more TION ACT those balire Salt Lakes. me bathing.suits are nodest than some of wm gowns We Bee ti AND ‘ -— and IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTARE oF|the winter but, of course, not in alew EPWARD M. HAYNES, DECEASED, IN-/ prince Rupert TESTATE. ot } aa “ TAKE NOTICE that in order o is s - in a ectenyttthe Get My Prices Hooour PF. MeB. Young, made the 9th day) THAT he saw a lady going down manner and of November, 1915, I was appointed Ad- t ‘ tt . : , , minietrator to the estate of Edward M. | stres the other day and he won Lady Assistant, Compare Them. emma. deceased, and al! parties having why they wear furs » os ’ claims against the said estate are hereby | dered again jrequtred to furnish same, properly verified, |; 1) to such w me, on or hefore the #51h day of July,| . es 920, and all parties indebted to the estate ¢ 1 t , i P wanson, President W. E, Thompson, Gen, Manager Department | of = Path ator Mercer of Vi Phone Red 391 A Phone Green 153 ee re The Department reserves the ri cept or reject any ohe or all of the bids pids | POintgd to tl ceived . 6 forms of proposals; plans and specifica. |the city eh ather. oa Ss y must wear . . . sare a primitive forr . * , THAT next to leaves they were in chronological or- . * * man who makes the talking makes the thinking, ne baseball fans muat it thinkers: Willett of this city, ret A. MacKenzie of Miss Georgie Hall of |} and, Miss f#ilen A ctoria, have been ap ie permanent stati of ols and will take up ss ois showing whet is ‘7 uired can be had their duties on the opening of the for The Leading Daily of Northern British Columbia Marine and Fisheries, Ottawa, . Subscribe for The Daily News... seen by ying to the Department of | fall term is Any further information désired may be ’ tained by addressing ’ appointment THE DEPUTY MINISTER, § |tneeting of Department of Marine and Fisheries, i ted Ollawa, Ont, jerustes on )} September. These Ten Years Ago 4 in Prince Rupert BE mt es ees ee eee te oe BE July 10, 1910. | ‘lin this” jos dress hal he comes to think |phea i Lande Departnent, Victoria, B. ¢ Ziss April, 19 Visions j tha nf huallar md mot more than five hondred dollar Apt ation f leer must be made fiow mm 1 Agel if Collectors } ihe ghout tl Provinge } K LEABON } Purveyor of Taxe IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITIBN COLUMBIA } IN PROBATE jIN Lil MATTE ” THE ADMINISTRA TION | ' THE ESTATE OF BA DECKASED TAKE NOTICE that Honor Judge Youngs of July, 1020, it was E. Williams, Executor pale mnero Salinas, dece swear Baldomero March, 192 ‘oo =the inase, a8 after the month from the date ¢ jtion of notice of the lin the meantime proof Kegistrar of this Cour Britieh Columbia, that | Salles was alive subs 200 day of March, 1920 | onde red that fotioe of jpubliehed in the Daily x were made at a/cireulating tn Northert the board of school Thursday night for a period of one mo DATED tis Sth day WILLIAMS Solicitors 20. with of not less THE MATTER OF LDOMERO SALINAS, by an Order of His fated the trd day wdered that William of the Estaie of ased, be at Uberty death of the said of the @nd (ay of eapiration of one f the fret publica said Order; unless is furnished to the t at Prince Rupert, the sald Baldumera equent to the said And it was further the said Order be News, & bewWepaper . Dr. H. R. Grant: solicitor, Alex novel, somebody has remarked that today it is written by the| Indigestion and Headaches, the ” Manson MP » shaial in, De “best authors” and sells for a dollar and a half. In which state- ee waert os oo Neil M McNeill an ; > caniclil* oie M. ment there is a good deal of truth, for the generatipn that grows ca oa id ad ilintldiilttechaniacsencestality Sepa up on Dead Eye Dick and his friends still loves to follow the “Prait-oti is a grand medicine and BUIDING PERMITS heroes of EB. Phillips Oppenheim, Louis Traey or Rex Beach. T cannot say evough in its favor.” ° A NOT 50 HIGH NOTICE. The late Sir Richard Cartw right confessed- that a school boy = ALFRED DUBOJISSEAU, RE haietie 4 cae ' sheen oTM Is IER IVEN nb ac thriller gave him nfpre recreation than a best seller, and there ae Se ee ae Re "Proportionste, ment Act” ie ices and tonics —and are . ste Propert ‘ passed is many another staid citizen who could confess the same liking ju valuable ~~ ; High Costs of Lumber and Bulld~ (0 ature any pera Be at Pos / pleasant to take, their action being ing Material is Hindering holding an agr a tie | in age for the reading matter of his youth. gentle and mild, yet always most rection of Mouses. crows in t ue at ind | effective. eas | tee pite t : a tte) Colonel Peck way whieh Aas fand wiel F Cabinet. 50e. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial site 25c. Building permits issped at (he jwishes t a 8 allo tmeg? or pa Des : | At all dealers or sent postpaid. by [city hall during the month. of “alrea : epphcaticn Three new members are to be appointed to the Domfnion Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa, Ont. [June totalled 811,655 in val t resg aoe Oe ss _ : : 4 i eabinet at Ottawa inthe course of the next few days it is expected. oo which is a decrease ftom last s Se It is generally accepted that one of these ministers will come} year when $29,800 was the t iy . af irom British Golumbia and it sesms that Prince Rupért's mem- | AGENCY FOR planer fn: Serene, ee th J : fie a : , ogee ‘ i largely to the excessive costs f ib : t or GO , ee 8.0 r 2 a natural and | : ber. Colonel C. W. Peck, V. C., D. 8S. 0., would be a natural anc Ate, Xowe oF ee de en teed eed ade ; “4 sensible choice. Colonel Peck has only attended two aoe ae Canvas goods, oilskins, ties Qaim that if prices go d ‘ gore ‘ at the House of Commons but*during those two sessions he has|% boots, overalls,- mackinaws, la building boom would immed a > is become well known. It is doubtful if any other member of the ane Age seta a lately take place here. For the ring . . ’ . + ‘ ey ymselves. | ageace, harness, shoes, imonth of July there have. so f ‘ ADEN Government party, outside af the cabinet ministers themselve ‘| wooles Underwear end socks. ao i‘ Sen oe ' has become so prominent as Colonel Peck. He has a record thi at) TENTS, SAILS, AWNINGS. ao ware et eh cannot be excelled by-any other member-of that party—a record} J. F. MAGUIRE i— ; on : ities that needs no further mention. There are three openings and The M ° the M LAND ACI 722 Second Ave., Prince Rupert §) an m 00n -this northern part of* the’ provinceé has sorely Reeded cabinet} . ” | SAYS NOTICE APPLY } i ' ; ‘ répresentation in these later years, =e - = e loan ¢ pene ‘eee eeeeeseeeseses a tt it Recording i ; rt these are tl lays the |’ . Practical Training in * PRINCE RUPERT TIDES * | ')*! ‘ese are ihe us ca BBB My Agricultural Centres. _ eee eee eee eee eee ae ene we Alice Area The importance, of practical education in farming centres| Saturday, July 10. E wut at ag aval tiie bala beth — urtagem to’ af is fast being re alized, by pedagogical authorities. lr 1 pe rtain Cs na-| High, 8:13 a.m., 15.3 feet. INMome the @ix inébers and’ als a aged pee aetna dian high kebools agricultural-atid bbudséhald-sciénbe courses Are | 20:20 p. ir, 188 feet, line tales of thie that fell back}! L074 ar 1 feet & & I 1:53 $7 feet . rom the & ta i s0OW 1399 ALM, O.4 eet, | 4 : 4 : 2 To 2 2 e > a « as ® 8 iin. -_ tee . ; s ‘ said being established. In developments such as these lies the hope} 13:39 p.m., 7.6 feet. | dee boundary eastcely us id for 2 mye 2 or € "Ee " . , > “e the erly b& fn ' ault for the improvement of moderff agriculture through the rank} Sunday, July 11. | THAT the .littlen ones they linden res < ot ion ie and file of the rural population, to whom the centralized college High, 9:34 a.m., 15.5 feet. leaugtit themselves are sweete -|i4 pags ’ and it econ of agriculture is not available. The present day need is that it 21: 96 p.m., 1495 feet. jthan the biggest anyone el 7 boundary of | should be made easy for’ country boys and girls to secure an} Low, a a.im., 5.8 feet. jcaught, anyway, giaselar: B 87 deg. 1 iit ion ani » ee ‘hy tn AAnbembior 4 ; ; . 1:52 p.m., 8 feet oe 4 a oe f oe eee ae educational training, of such a character as will fit them for} Monday, July 12. PHAT beauty in a girl is only ! meri country «life and rural pursuits. Colleges of Agricniture . and} High, 10:44 a.m., 16.3 feet. |skin- deep and the san be tee oe aes a Veterinary Colleges have not, however, been overlooked; they| 22:28 p.m., 20.4 feet. jsaid about hand ~ Sat ana Pea also are given liberal assistance by the Government. Following | Low, 4:26 a.m., 4,5 feet. jian, ment, and gontaining . the close of the war, the attendance at these institutions shows| ere Sm, 18 toe. | THAT some preter ait ALBEAT B. ARMSTRON a marked and gratifying increase, and their influence in promoting} LAND ACT. some handsome men haven't! peta ae May 10 Falect Arent the ¢ rance p Janada’s 2ad asic i ctr agriculture. | - muc depth. SSeeEneninaeieneemmenmeemeeeed the advancement 6f Canada’s leading basic industry, agricult Ps | motte of Intention to Apply to Lease Lene. nect: depth ?. x . . » 3 ak tc r fej in Cassiar Land District, Recording Dis e ° will continue to make itself feit. wiel-at Gieane. end situate ot Alice Alm. PITA & halhine etitt ie an be —_— - — B. ¢ Take notice that John M. Morrison, of ful disillusionment to men as f 4 [Alice Arm, occupation freighter, intends), their tinh Senast i \to apply for permission to lease the fol-|"5 *'¢ opipion § ano a lowing described lands girls’ beauty is concerned et =< Commencing at 4 post planted at the y a | oushwest corner of Lot 10679; tence ; 2 AR om a 3 sou 5 de 26 { \ 52 ) e ® nae ' , 1a oe ok Uae ted-ks teamep tate see|_, At the Dravest,.thing many CANCELLATION OF RESERVE jreet Ao the west boundary of the Indian|Kirls could do would be to appear NOTICE ; IVEN th 7 Reserve, produced; thence north 605 feet|in pathir suit i) “HEREBY = GIVI net the te the southwest corner of the Indian|* “" 1B S348. adhe Ai eee ts re on lands form Neserve; thence, southwesterly end semen $ n . 16404, Kit — ae Yell N " ‘6 ses the south boundary of Lot 1079 250| ~ , re are. he \ ‘ . : Pan ‘of the » Highest Grade and Lowest Cost ifeet 0 the calan Ok scanmenananeak, and) THAT the e are, however. ¢ ile . ss jcontaining 2% ‘cres, more or less. lceptions and there are lots of De sity nal es of Lands te British Columbia, | nets of Juty, 1020 & MANSON, for the Executor, " UNION BANK OF CANADA Prince Rupert Bran Saturday OR the sere , she apeptice ot a 4 inland ye Bowes rte lin rH i es a We'sius to a a atest Resourses encwed $174,000.08 ch A T. Broderick, Manager \ THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA | MONEY ORDERS As a safe and economical method of remitting amoun: These Money Orders are bank in Canada (Yukon exeepted), in Newfoundland, at the »- States and are negotiable at over 800 )« cities of the United inl $5 and under Over $5, not exceeding $1/ Prince Rupert Branch - - - A. W. Cameron, Manoger KECOMMENDS ITS to 350, payable without charge at any branch of reat Britain and Ireland. Beents Over $10, not exceeding ¢ .§centse Over $80, not eXeeeding tu _ - ey a , | DENTISTRY QUALITY | Dr. Bayne Morning, 9 (0 12, Mterteon, 130 te 5.90, Saterdays, 9 te 12 only Every Evening irom 7.30 te 9 Denta Phone 109 for appointment Rooms 4, 5, 6, Heigerson Blk., Cor. 3rd and 61h Best Equipped Office in Northern B,C. | ow OE ss OFFICE HOURS— ! Nurse in attendance i TRUNK NS ic Midnight Sunday and Thursday for Swanson Bay, Ocean Fails, Vancouver, Victoria and Seattic. Anyox Wednesday, 10 p,m. Stewart, Saturday 10 p.m 5.8. PRINCE For Stewart, Wednesday 2 p.m. Anyox Saturday 8 p.™ Port Clements, Massett and Guckiey Bay, July Sth, 14: 22nd, 28th. — Southern Queen Ghariotte Island Points Sunday Midnight. Prince George, Edmonton a Agency All TRAIN @EnVICE Passenger Monday, W°dnesdsy snd Setuerdey Of 11:30 6m for Sele sod VWinnies, making direct connection pointe earl afd south. Ocean Steamship Lines Yor toformetion aud reervetions apply two City Ticket Office, 626 Third Avenue. Phen? 200. 5.8. PRINCE GEORGE ——-~—-e SAILING - - JOHN OR PRINCE ALBERT CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY | fi CANADIAN PAOHWIO OCOEAR SERVICES B.C. Coast Steamship Services 64 Princess many Por Ketchikan, éuneeu, Ghegwey, Alaska, from Prince Rupert: For Vancouver Vv June 19, #6; July 3, 10, 17, 94 and 34 &. 6. PRINCESS GCATRICER From Prince Rupert for & Beaver Ooeve, Powell # tvery for rates, reervaiions and selings, apply W. 6, OROHARD, General Agent. Cor 3rd Avenue and 4th Street ?rince Rupert, 8.C. june 14, Of, 28; Juty &, 1%, |! joterla and Seattle from Primes Rupert weneon Gay, Ocean Pails, Mardy Boy, Alert ©! lver, Vancouver end Victerie— Seturdey, © p.m. NOTICE TO FISHERMEN BIG SUPPLY OF FRESH BAIT and Ice At“BUTEDALE CANNERY WESTERN PACKERS, LIMITED Butedale, B.C, i When in Town, SVEA Near Beer, Soft E. Petersen Drinks, Cigars arid Cigarettes sore Come to the POOL ROOM Proprietre*