qyw?70, : ? July 10 calumley _ For Half a Century! re w that the t i r bean ; ; ue thoes ! ah theese Who have ey ted tomer. Geet wi 1 their rienes flamand mer Aa over & perton of the whole of whieh ha sihered strict i te f moder ' ‘ ally aliat * Vancouver, B.C. a oa “oad ian d te 8 TORK’ SELL TOVE 4 Gurneys commenced mak- veg in 1843. Still in the same line of business 1920, Hundreds in use in Prince Rupert, —_— UN SALE AT Fred Stork’s Hardware SECOND AVENU? Phone Black 114 y ing st ' i SECOND HALF INTERMEDIATE September 1—then Postponed LOCAL FIRM’S FREIGHT IS Acreage at Terrace Get your Acre Lat Tract at ~ mer he me he fore or Ten Terrace fora prices oin- vynaite at reason- abie prices. ‘lenty fruit ahd lots of fishing Town Lote $75 to $200 Kenney Bros. & Co. Real Estate and lneurance Terrace - - B.C. acre lvance; Good lots adj ng the T PRINCE RUPERT Central Labor Gouncil, O.B. U. tlle NOTICE! Shipving Co. Refuse to Recent |. Freight unless Consignees will Unioad at This End ting « ft . how il ved ‘ _ ‘ ’ 2 na a j &, ,¢ G.T.P. Co ard ¢ fian Natwonal Kx y ref ed t : epet ‘ yo They 1 : thus nefructed s i imndiinog at you W } ; y freight Cane ve did reot but they th pied Priv j \\ : WW fiat A ‘ ‘ ~ i Al ; ANCHORAGE PIONEERS STRIKE GOLD IN THE SPECIAL. MEETING Sunday, July 10 | HU SINE advisability of i ‘ d ecre.- que McINTYRE HALL TOM LEE CO. 540 Second Avenue, West. VEGETABLES Wholesale and Metall General Contractors and Labon Exchange, ° —————. Prince Rypert, B.C, Phone 647 —— P.O, Box 725 Ores. The Smeeton Tea Rooms ‘% Second Avenue Home Cooked Meals Breakfast, Dinner and Supper Try our Home Made Bread and Cakes _ Pho . One 565 827 2nd Avenue C.V. EVITT ; Auctioneer Auditor and Accountant PORTAND CANAL ZONE HYDE, July 10 4 prin f Anchorage 1 whi tampeded ast Year to tt Port id Canal noe! have ed 1 locating M@ lod i is S18 t and * x iw ‘ \ ne the ilo e Capt. Max Nel 1, B Ni 1, « ‘ roy, P. I Wr rh is iia at and Blondy Charlton. The f the jy spects was gained tro in India packer whe also located on the group. ARE COMMENCING ON BI-WEEKLY SCHEDULE : Inaugurating the new bi-weekly un Anyox and Stewart, Ue Prinee John teaves tonight for Anvox at 8 o'clock, returning her ometime tamorrow night On Wednesday at 2 in the afternoon ithe same vessel will leave for Rte wart, lhe Prince Albert is scheduled ito leave here at 1 o'clock next afternoon for the Queen Char- Wednesday inortharn end of the jlotte Islands kix-Alderman Dr, A, A, Meln, who was a member of Prine i | jtyre, council, is a oily city having arrived) home, Glendale, Cabl., morning. Dr. Melntyre is heartily greeted by hi old friends in the eity, first in the hupert’s visitor i from his i this jbeing [Hany 8. ©. Undertakers. Phone 41. BALL LEAGUE Will have Regular Games up sal NOT ACCEPTED 2. “TRAIL SOCCER PLAYERS WON Forced Pace in Last Night's Game and Kept Sons of Engiand Playing Hard. ae | Btill gMoing, etrong the Tra Matches (Hub brought the 8. of bk. foothal 7 ~~ team into camp by the eecore of Yesterday the committee fori7 to 3 et the football game ta«t ithe arrangement of tanatete fer enitia on the Acrot i the Intermediate League achedulel ye unde In spite of the fous net and arranwed the following levening the game wae watched I fixtures for the second half of theja large crowd of spectators whe 1090 league Regular playingivery readily «howed He their vill be carvied on until Seplembe, iraging words just what Te) 1, aft which postponed matchealthey favored, The hith kear: can be further drawn up indicative of the fine «ty fulv 1% iwiiill ve, Hed Box, { fothall for both teume Played 16, Beavers va, Coit hard and checked up well. Thy *{. hed & Heavers, goalies were kept busy, however i. Colle ve. Bawmill and Jack Judge couldn't afford t 0. hed Sox Colls het himeelf tire of Knocking the 4 4. BaWmill vs. Heavers. Ishots away from the dangeror i ® Red Rox va. Sawmill Ins ne Frank Davies was in a } Castle «, Heavers fsimilar position, bul the excellent (8. Heavers ve. Red Sox idefence of the whole English tear Sawmill ve. Colte ° jcoulds { keep ont those pressing Colts va, Hed Bow itratl forwards, Sept. 1. Beavers va, Rawmill At the end of the firet half the it ately ; the firat round) « tonl 5 to 2 in favor of thi the lene have ber watchrd| frail boys which lead was neve siderable interest andjovereo as they scored 2 in the i“ i f the four teamseteecond half to the «ingle tally of : lowely he gamesithe Sons rhe ball was ent ha i listributed tantly kept in play which made Poy ale Pet 1 very spectacular match apart { % ‘ 2 606 foot the hard work demanded of it sok 6 ‘ Z oon Ihe playera*hby the hard pace tt _ will “ a oe 500 vas maintained througheut Phe j ‘ i , idd jxanie WAS characterized narkably clea 5 leatne VeRy Keer! and kewved pt jthe ocergeston, mid Thiatipson was ref e and h tle 7, % %_ %. + + + + © 2 + © @ GS © i ee ee aa fed: D. Tite - MAX OOOQOQOOOo COO COO COS OOO’ + 4% « ¢ 2 + + + 2 +,.¢ G.D.TITE’S| | JULY Home Furnishin SALE For Spot Cash Our July Sale goes on record as the Lowest Bargain Prices we have given to the public since pre-war days. Several car loads of Home Furnishings have arrived and these lines, combined with our preseat large stock, will give our many patrous Quality Choice for ‘ their requirements. Seé our windows for Bargain Prices, during the Sale, on Furniture, Carpet Squares, Crockery, Drapery, Brass and Iron Beds, Sheeting by the yard, Pillow Cases and Towels. LOOK FOR THE RED SALE-PRICE TAG’ DINING ROOM FURNITURE FOR THE BEDROOM Rn ' Chairs, Wal- : Dressers, Chif +s, Dressing-glass Chairs, Tables in ! é ; designs ; ‘ Wialn Mahogany, Oak end Ivory finish. 20 per cont Discount 20 per cent Discount CARPET ig AND MATS Ta er CROCKERY AND CHINA Latest Designs and Colorings Seamless and Seamed Rues, Enelish Axminster Squares, Canadian Axminster . Squares, Wikten, Brussels, Tapestry—Sizes 744 x9, Ox? 97-Pieee Dinner Sets, Tea Sets, Fancy China - and Oxt0% 20 per cent Discount Hearth Rugs Same Discaunt. 20 per cent Discount and Saucers Pres 30c° and A0ce—Salke Plates from 100, "Ee and 20c¢ according to si*a, Cups prices. Extra Big Discounts on Thirty Different Styles of Brass and Iron Beds Sheeting, Pillow-Cases, Curtain Material by the yard Towels, Table Linen Merypledtioe, OME Stee ae ty Curtains 20 per cent Discount. Crétonnes, Serims try antl Nove 8 Quarter Sheeting—-Kogular value $t.t0-—Sate Price 80c f 9 Quarter Sheeting —ltveeular value $1.25-—Sale Price 0@c : 4 rt Pillow Cases—-llegular value 90c—Sale Price .. .. 700 Inlaid and Print Linoleums, Floor Pillow Cases.—-lteeular value $1.10 Sale Price ..... 85c . J M . S . C ap Mattings, Stair Carpet Towels—!luck, white Turkish and colored Turkish 20 per Oilcloth, P g ’ pe cont Discount. . Liberal Discount on al! these lines Regular $4.90 Regular $2.10- Regular $2.20 Sale Price $1.40 Sale Price $1.60 Sale Price $1.70 ye ee — wide, wide, wide. Table Linen--5i” Tabie Linen 6 Table Linen-—6v ° BLINDS, CURTAIN POLES AND TRIMMINGS IN OUR SALE VALUES, Third Ave. FURNITURE ORDERS DELIVERED THE FOLLOWING DAY ee menos — a ~ s"*e @ ei ccev re toecy aml