cr et Sa A A ANUS ESOS ee aes Se ee a. ee Ey a — ae ask Os, ‘i Rs mes = ve fi ay ly 19 Saturday in THE DASLY NEWS — o! For the Salt Lakes Bathing Caps Water Wings Ear Stopples Our stock of these has just arrived. Come in and inspect them. ORMES [| IMITED The Pioneer Druggists Phones 82 and 200 P.O. Box 1680 THE REXALL STORE | JOIN THE SWIMMING CLUB! DAM TE AEDES ~“ that a neat, ance 1s a passport to success. The Right Jewelry good taste and adds distinction. Havey man needs, links of a good watch, approved style, conveniences? R. W. Cameron The Jeweler MENof TODAY - give more attention to the details of their toilettes for they realize prosperous appear- quietly designed is expressive of you the useful articles every cuff studs, searf pins, a seal ring and uther 3rd Ave. ‘Alaska Juneau Mining Co. Sued No remedy for human disease is ut. | tracting more attention than Wonder | on Grounds that it was ] Health Restorer, the berbal preparation of | Responsible. | one of the world’s greatest herbalists, No) jsufferer from disease should overlook this jremedy, no matier what the stage of the JUNEAU, July 10 As a result disease may be. It is & Preparation which ~ . : differs in ingredients, in method of treat. (Of a slide which tore dewn Mount ment, from the ordinary recnedies, either . a a sold by druggisis or preSeribed by physi j Roberts, back-ef the city’of Ju cians, neau last fall, damage suits} Wonder Health Restorer contains noth ing but herbs—not a trace of alcohol or @2@mnst the Alaska Juneau Min drugs such as are often depended upon ow . j for temporary effects The preparation ("8 Company will be heard at jalso differs from others in that ¢he benentt Juneau, The total amount asked jit gives is permanent The wonderful ° . Imedicinal properties of the herbs feed the iS $35,200. John Rusteard ts the Ibleed and through this avenwe reach every jorgan and part uf the body attorney for the plaintills Ask your driiggist for a copy of “The! lhe plaintiffs clai the slide Road to Health” Tt tells all about this wonderful remedy and gtites many test: ee due tovan ovectlow of water montals from persons aMicted with ene — ' . ¢ : e ’ Kheumatiam Stomach troubles, Kidney from ar flume owned by th de complaints, Nervous dise@ses, Skin’ affee- | fondant company tions, Piles, ¢l« and who have found , | Wonder Health Restorer gave them such Amanda Ratti iece and execu lrelief that they unhesitatingly recommend trix of the estate of I e Makei its use Wonder Health Restorer ts on sale in;who was killed by th slid i Prince Hupert by the Prince Rupert Drug Co asking 810.000 for the death af Ask about it, get a copy of the booklet > ‘le . « Don't be afraid of it, as it contains nothing | Het uncle, claiming that | i }that would injure a new-born babe. onlthe sale support f a widowed jthe other hand, it has worked marvellous ° eneftits in thousands of cases, many of | other She also asks 84/0 fot j why m took Ht after they had tried many Pad . ai ve ‘ jforms of treatment without results, personal property | , ihim which she claims was lost in | PUBLIC NOTICE. the slide | — Mrs, Mary Kos f Pete | We, the Undersigned, have) Koski, who died eight days after jtaken over the Yokohama Cafejthe slide from injuries received jfrom Magoichi Fukuyama and/is asking 810,000 for the loss of Tamaji Nagamatsu. ~All accounts{her husband and $8,000 for the jowing up to this date will havejioss of her house and personal jlo be collected from the former}property. The house was wrecked owners. We wil not be respon-jand carried dow hiblsich sible for any accounts after this John Larson \ f what date, exeept those authorized by'was known as the La n House, lourselves. 162) « suing for 83.8 for the Oss (Signed) DANG HO, of his house ar for 83,020 LEW SHONG WAY. {the loss of personal property con © 3 . > se 0 . ey : —— _—— Interested in is still on view. Advertise often LONDON. July 10.—A_ bat land make the ad. snappy and you tit ' ' are oO ge silts piey petition is bee ‘ CUT GLASS fr tad a a i OK... IN PROBATE lastings, who came Yer “4 TIMBER SALE X 2 y IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH ant 'Téronts : | We mean the real thing. ee eee ae | COLUMBIA years ago The kind with the brilliancy Minister of oats tla than. n a a ntl of diamonds and the weight oof |e | ifon. feet of Spruce area adjoming T. 5 ' ix eceive ) ——_— newspape \ md wa Ni a 4 ony iN THE MATTER OF THE ADMINISTRA . ‘ . rus 0, for the pur i THON ACT irned t pariia t al r 24; and i i i edar and “Hemi wk on an/}IN THE MATTER Or THE ESTATE ot} bee cbt is a er ‘ T i . ‘ ‘ Sedgwiek Bay, ut 4,600,008} se 09 ED, IN } de We think it a mistake to put op Island, Queen Charlotte Islands Dis-| TESTATE ; : 7 . ; trict, } ~ ‘ y um Sa may i your money into any, other two (2) veers will bé allowed for re-| TAKE NOTICE that in order of His i i dos ' , a audt tne jmoval of tnmber |Honour F. McB. Young, made the 3rd day at sayy aa sort. : Further partie ulars of the Chief Forester,|of July, A.D. 1920, | was appointed Ad le newspay to be n ‘ Victoria, B. &., of District Forester, Prince nistrator to the estate of Charles W We knew you wouldn't want Rupert, B. ¢ deceased, and all parties having t lid not put the othe: [required to furnish same, properly verived,| SOne car load of express f . . oOo, so we did no ) e other jrequired to furnish samwne, properly verife ag k j tock TIMBER SALE X 2384. }to me, on or before the 6th day of August,|/Qas sent east on the tral th Ind 1 stock, 14. >. 1920, and all parties indebted to the Littl id pi from $3.50 Sealed senders Sill be received by oe catete ere required to pay the amount of | morning. 4 e oct weces oO S0.00 | Minister o al hot later than moon on |their indebtedness to me forthwith. . . ‘ ea a 2 > ne, | the 2nd day of September, 1920, for the} JOHN H. MeMULLIN, a Wahl : Lo $6.00. Brilliant bowls $7.50) purchase of Licence X 2384, to cut 5,- | Danika Adusinleriater Rev. T. H. D p returned by to 818.00. at ‘d like your lit pg,0e8 fee rs Spruc ¢ Cedar and He = | DATED this 6th day of July, 1920 the Prince George today { i Avi P Hi Nie om on an afea adjoining | . opinion ou ones wa Inlet, Queen Charlotte ed IN PROBATE Vancouver | Destrios IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH A ee Two (2) years will be allowed for re- | F | [moval of timber COLUMBIA. Miss A. B. Marcellus is spend . Further particulats of the Chief Forestet/jin THE MATTER OF THE ADMINISTRA-|ing the summer holidays ab Ver oie | Victoria, B.C., or District Forester, Prince | 7 , —— — 0 Nl ul Ber Raper B. f i TION ACT and non where she taught before et ed 84 E hy A | o — === iN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF | ocyeyyj o Pri vert Jeweler 1. HENMAN ANDENSUN. DECEASED, tx) “ting to Pris ra on™ the RIVERS END. 2 Wi, j TESTATE. z " Phiwer Schooner | WEEK -END For Sale| SPECIALS toes. While they last, per 100 ib. sack, $7.50. . 3 Ibs for 25ce. Desirable Furnished House Retail 3 rooms and bath in Sec- price Valencia Oranges, | 2s, reg- ular 81 per dozen; end special, tion 6, for quick sale. $2,350 cash te ‘ ‘ ms sack, $4.00. Retail. price, Plan and blue print of 5 Ibs. for 25c. i this house on exhibition in our window, Washington Bing Cherries. Week-end special, 3 1bs, for $1.00. McCaffery, Gibbons & Doyle, Ltd. Agents 3rd Ave. Phone 11 Royez! Anne Cherries. Week. eid special, per Ib, 26c. . Hot House Tomatoes. No. 1, pee 5 Ib. $1.60; per Ib., 35c. Rupert Table supply Co, PHONES 211, 212. k aney basket, DENTISTRY Don't nvglect your Teeth One decayéd or missing tooth lowers sts efficiency DR. ‘BAYNE . } Office Hours “Morning, 9 to 12; } Afternoon, 1.30 to 5.30; Satur- | OUR COAL IS IN THE LEAD | day, 9 to 12 only. Evenings, When it Tuesday, Wednesday and Fri- and € day, from 7 to 9. DENTAL NURSE IN ATTENDANCE comes to quality, you will always find here lhe right kind for every purpose, Week- 75c¢ per dozen California Onions. 100 sib, PHONE 109 FoR APPOINTMENT . No iatter what you need ae coal for-—cooking, heating, core power—we have vower Schoonef “Lady Mine’ will accept freight for VANCOUVER and Intermediate Points For sailing particulars, apply CAPTAIN SMITH, Government Wharf, COAL THAT IS RELIABLE Consumers CoalCo,, Ltd, J. Lorne MacLaren, Manager Room 11, Smith Block Phone 7 Junie paper today. several, thou. BRITISH MEMBER IN Prince Rupert, B. C., June 7, 1920 ained in tae house today sands of people will read it. will read it again tomorrow They if il FINANCIAL TROUBLE CHARLES W. HESS, DECEAS |} TAKE Lady Mine” NOTICE that in order of His i JAMES OLIVER” Honor F. MeB, Young, made the 3rd dayifor hire by the hour fo jof July, A.D. 1920, | was appointed Ad ’ — lmfisirutor to the Estate of Herman an.jover Sunday. Apply Captain Smith Se RWOO aE derson, deceased, and all parties having) yyy board. al Cow Bay Float elaims against*the said Estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verif i ’ P 4 ilo me, on or before the 6) day of Augnet Faster and sevurthe te ar A, D 1920 and ai) parties indebted to the . estate are required to pay the ame unt ficraplii f municalinr ’ their indebtedness to me forthwith JOHN H. MeMULLIN turbed WU mr OMecial Administrator wate i! Shee i ir Kil DATED this 6th day of Jul 1920 . ———_——_—— —— ee - IN PROBATE IN “THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH be ab here soumuszaa,| BUS SERVICE TO HOT | SPRINGS AT LAKELSE THAN ACT Visitors 7 akelse Hot Spring geC automobile service from tifying A. Waite, Park race, who has a new For ‘itruck for this business. Hea and IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE LOUIS DIXON, DECEASED, INTESTATE NOTICE that in order of Hf (Honour F. MeB. Young, made the 3rd day | can of July, A.W. 1920, | was appointed Ad lministrator to the estate of Louls Dixon,| Perrace by ne j)deceased, and all parties having claims the jagainst the sald estate are hereby re , iquired to furnish same, properly verified, jto me, on or before the 6th day of Augast 11920, and all parties indebted to the es livéryinan, Garage, ‘Ter d ear and [tate are required ‘to pay the amount of), : “ f ithelr indebtedness to me. forthwith able rate u JOHN HO MeMULLIN OMeial Administrator DATED jhis 6th day of duly, 1920 NOTICE j —— Take notice that Hunt & Shrub Stock Reducing | it: ssi ste! “Con panies to approve the change af that of Hine & that of F. | accomlante with section 12 CoMm- its name from Shurbsall, Ltd, to Hunt, Ltd. in lsub-section 4, panies Aet Dated at Prinee Hupert, B.C., Ithis 12th day of June, A. D, 1920 mr mana : HUNT & SHRUBSALL, LTD. : .9 Saturday,.July 10} Church Notices | END TEN DAYS F rceptttnetperenieencenlitiitantaindintnatinns celia é First Baptist Church. Great Reductions o clock, kvening in SUITS, COATS, MILLINERY, SILK, Public worst t 11 SERGE and JERSEY Sin > os eo mmneealiaeil oe CLOTH DRESSES al 7:30, é Nuttall First Presbyterian Church, Morning {1 «clock, Sunday Seliool al 12:90, Evening service at 7:30, Preacher, Key. WW. Wright, Sale at Demers serviee at 11 12:15. Preacher, ley, Morning iSunday Scliool at jeervice® at 7:30, Jaiyes Dunlop. “First Methodist Church. Sunday School at 10 o'clock Is a Smashing Good Story of God’s Country by James Oliver Curwood Junior Kvening serviee , Preacher, Rev, ‘Tl. H, Come Early! Demers service at 55c and 30c