Che Daily Ne PRINCE RUPERT — us aan ‘ Northern and Central British Columbia’s Newspaper 162 PRINCE RUPERT, B vu ESDAY, JULY 13, 1920, PRICK FIVE CUNTS ee —— SS ————— ———— ova Scotia Member New Minister WNINGS eeeeeeee ee eaeteeeenee All kinds a sizes made H. Jones & Son "a Years’ Experience) ei , TAXI TAXI Phone 75 WE NEVER SLEEP Prince Rupert Auto M, it. LARGE 707 Second Ave. - Prince Kupert Agent wes GRAND TRUNK NAMES DELEGATE FOR STRIKE CONCILIATION PROCEEDINGS — ew Dominion Cabinet Has _PLANESCOMING LARGE CHARGE Company Choice to Been Selected by Premier THE FAR = SNOWLAID Board Fred Dawson Contract is Being Signed Today J. A. Spencer Swears Out Charge ty Agricultural Association Alieging Theft of $28,096 by ming Blarchard McCurdy, of Shelburne ard Queens, is and Aerial Company. Grimth Hughes, Advice to this effect received here this sworn in the new administration---Appointment Most viahts meeting of the VICRORIA. July 19.— Whew bis. “Morning; will meet W.E. Thompson \ ‘ Q«norjatic t was Case was called today it was de- y dea © bring as an Cided that-Griffith Huzhe yould i Expected inally decided ta: bring as an chded-dhet Grint Mabims dey | to choose chairman on ‘thbiieenane 7 ; i seailt the ¥ ff the morning. While in court Hughes ; ‘i Fred G. Dawson has been named as the Grand Trunk Paeitie nd Former Experience —__COUNCILFAVORS 7" i."osia's Madi RA fn tg cnn i mini ota ire appearing as counsel in his the Longshoremen’s Union and that company onthe present strike ‘ ‘ , - } W k f h C b t { is hopes Ht be behalf situation. This word was officially conveyed to Mayor Meclymont in | OFK or t e a ine THEIR REQUEST sdidied crowds that fhree more informations have by Superintendent A. Kilpatrick this morning on advice from ait be see been laid besides the original one at hh f #60095 Thev are all swern W innipe Z£. er, Lougheed, Guthrle, Calder, Sifton, Reid, Robertson Finai Transfer of Third Avenue ing te a by J. A. Spencer. The first charge Mr. Dawsou has been in Prince George for the past week and ind Drayton are old ores staying on Property to G.W.V.A. will ‘ . ie an t en. that he did unlawfully steal be-) will be back town tonight on the special North Dakota farmers’ pn tO. eee he Age 4s. tween April and June, 1920, $28.-\ excursion train. As soon as possible after his return a meeting OTTAWA, July 13.—F. B. MoCurdy, M.P. Shelburne and People, However. the Va In. /095 from: D. Spencer, and’ #190 win be arranged between he and W. & Thomipson, the long- ns, Nova Scotia, has been sworn in as a new member of the i aa ; hes bis ‘ ‘ Service of Victoria ts Ra si in October 31 and No- sheremen’s delegate, with a view to appointing & chairman for hen cabinet. The following old members also enter the ,, . ; ‘i “ , i . tw — a bas diffieuity in ar-| the board, Until the board is thus complete the longshoremen administration: Sir George Foster, Sir James Lougheed, Hon. wierting it ei. ' a ov at aoa rasixina fot Che esestem: oar tunneniD, dik dete ta aks h Guthrie, J. A. Calder, A. L. Sifton, Dr. Reid, Senator Robert~ feiur> rf ‘reat War Vet » a tetal of fifteen day which was followed by a tele- and Sir Henry Drayton. 2 esas Aes mM ' une , his ‘ ial flight will be phone message to the atterney-; leming Blanchard MoCurdy has been prominently mentioned a : ~ tin 7 ; : ; : the melghboring vil. seneral’s department which: de- PREMIER MEIGHEN 10 PAY ome time as a cabinet possibility and his appointment creates ,,, aes : os e | ae Iwertising vatter manded that the case procéed at} urprise. Cabinet representation was due the Maratime granted. | sr oF a ea 7 ric niidiachstiiemn! Wductesht dai ; inces where there has been no active cabinet representation "ie ndation weve ha : ine ‘ the ebathi * oa biel that the witness would be called PRINCE RUPERT “A VISIT the resignation of Hon. A. K, Maclean early in the year. me Fatined by ihe orate att y on Friday and “the evidence will : r. McCurdy has had some cabinet experience as parliamen- ") o"' at aka * At the meetime fast night tr. be very short T assure you.” h position he resign@d over a year ago Because of dissatis- cisturted in thou present at . asured eee jon over conditions under which he was working. ters until the; people ruse sy = a ng = a tal ear SIGHT AT EXCHANGE turned f om Ottawa; Mackenzie SHe is a native of Nova Scotia, a life long Conservative and is “'*' 7 voting. Tis anderstuod | ' > ° ; 45 yoore ef cain hat the association sutenc nit hee eae King ha: also promised to come it alterations on the preseu! GOVERNMENT OF B.C. see ike Fish Exchange thie) Asked by, the News this morning as to the report of his TED STATES SURF INLET es nn RNepRrs WORSMY 5 i mie ni tt light and none are reported so! Peek. V. C., replied that PF ward | tow! that the bidding was rather low, have done who when asked to change the $20 bill said that he rth as : Manaus intanyel Scone’ ; following boats auld bo She uld not do so but he was, just the sam highly honored by 4 facturers from Raw Materials is ge: Constitution 20,000 RPE - : . s of the Province. <. at 10 and 6 cents: Olympie,| the compliment As far as he was concerned he had heard RT HARBOR : Ed, Jensen Meets Fate When , a ae ni . - By nse «. at 44 and 6 eents:/ nothing about his becoming a cabinet minister and he would Smal! Motor Boat Capsizes. a ys ad oo / ; ’ : , vi i D- | Kah (3,000 Ibs. at fi.fe and) pot think anything of it unless the approach came from the royor Swallow and Submarine . an ‘1B t : ‘ a ; : :' “a a os M5 acd Sakata Sha pee . ‘ Government itself, maser 506 Vicker More fer ' suaHEC ad om ty: : ‘ i ts an dlanad ¢ Ge iy the Fe aeenn - 5On “In the appointment of Hon. Arthur Meighen as Premier, the the Night—-Going ' . ap ees pee One. twee grown wool a ' : ns a 6.60 governor-general has appointed an able Young man,” said Colonel to Sitha. ipert Boat Ho bad bes ired to every-\4, 0 | Sect pcan oan ah Fisheries bought the|Peck. “With him will rest the = — ‘ ft ' y's - «fact , af tl ‘ ; , : " ) : ' Ty > . . + decision as to al election He ETARY DANIELS AND : es at . aged YY Sunrise 000 Ibs.; M. & Ly, 6500/9 , ene , . = : s ie Cigar Co... and Kinmeunt, 2.000 Bbs., atif@8 © id off for two years if he ADMIRAL RODMAN THERE | CONSTABLE BRINGS ring from lo- 42 4¢ and 6.6e per pound, oa or gan have one bow ou fora SSN ios: LNQUOR FROM NAAS stn enauiny ow escapes en isan ion te te tow FRASER VALLEY W rigleyv's {020 directory a. ©. cC. Ballantyne and.Hon. Dr | c i ; elmie had all stated to him Japanese Ordered it, but Failed to ity ‘an NEW WREST MINS'T HR, July 13, | Peln Dt aoe ee euine leet dae a much —Four. eonviels have @seaped|that they would visit Prince Ru- Sweeps Gache Creek Village and thie stances mnple e than last this month An enquiry is now pert and the Pacific coast« this Wipes Out Farms, Making ¢ ————_—_——— - , mu arn ‘ ies An's wnding summer. Besides them Hon, W People Homeless. : a hiss a) i ' f ‘ rt ; stable \ val pees Se L. Mack e King, leader of the : bes : “pe Line ter a A ee as oppeositi ms also promised to ASHCROFT, July 13.—A eloud- ei ‘ a thede ‘ tf : mit The only way that we Can / burst struck Cache Creek on the ' Naas Riv i A W : M i I i ' . y ; ; ‘ j ty il ha tc ae : statins ity ill ffer ore vet what we want is to have them aribow Road hers vex day a’ vol De ed ‘ ‘ena wal akae ‘ ' ' come out and see the country and |» jin the afternoo l wit i Sn eee ue. fatality od wilh ee ate onds for Local Sale i222 2 ee ee ie eh wt ‘ ' . lata ! ! ‘ hut ait ved at th ery . i satd the « nel, nelished the pust silice Indian : its were fruill in recover one of th ie waae Gel, Pe stated that rops inirancherie and homes Dhrese, to oa We body Se0n COO EO cused the boxes and First Experiment has been Very Successful—$15,000 ontario and the prairies bad) gether with barns and possibly 1 Unitea}” oe wr fe held them for the ow to reveal so'd with little effort—-Interest to be Increased passed the danger point and nOW/cattle, were swept into the ‘ \ ting \lo With a Hee in, dev ve his identity and : i ods record crops could be ps Fhempsen River and te people wut “in ye motor ‘ at ; ‘. this year ‘he prairies rode jare homeless 4 th ' ’ , — a a tt ietd lloweve he party W Owing ess of the sale of municipal bonds loeally, ‘i 9 ™ 28 7’ bedi . , a a . a at of aeve ind for « , CAgGH GF Our awwned the wet st tull¥ realized j , . » > . . —e ably have the Oumpe Orgs 5 pe Parke FERen sae 2 Bovern- ae ', ; wal nd awin he city has to offer the &12,000 issue for the Morse histery. . ment gamp were wiped out and ends ‘wt ne ‘ he per Lis { g sse@sstol ‘ ae , Gy Bt PKA ANG | |. and jmmediately disappeavedt., , tg Creek bridge he local market and also to increase the rate ee Ta the Yukon telegraph line has been iry of the Navy and never put i i appearance ° ; il Redina 0 dell id The partner mn the)” ihe nnn f whiskoy were! 0 erest ids sold and to be sold fram 6% as at FRED ROO DIED alfeeted. ‘ tragedy had the presence of mind ~ action was adopted at last night’s coune?! ith a eall may} : et broughteto this city last eventing resent, to 7 i Ruperts thigl {2 L'a ps id 4 we ca ae where they are st inclaimed meeting on the recommendation of the finance committee, Of! AT ELKO HOME TAFT T0 TAKE ; ne ae oa ore re 7 ee ¥ pent b ae the SB4 250 eady offered over £15,000 has already been. sold arrived, were me i an iroynd ail plenty of help as the WALK OUT AT BIG his w employing canvassers, the only publicity being Was Writer of Famous “Eiko| tay Of Te my iy , ' ya , 7 ‘ Notes by Fred Roo” in i Sta! accident’ happened only a short