ar gee? ia 4 “Highway Act”’ of the ‘ Highway Act Department of Public Works, Parliament Buildinis, Victoria, B.C., Jane 10th, 192°. | Amendment the Road Maps posted in public buildings. By Order. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS Rule the "Rona Notified is hereby given that in accordance with the provisiona of the the Rulé of the Road is ab follows:— In Traffic District No. 1. KEEP TO THE. LEFT: In Trafic District No. 2. KEEP TO THE RIGHT: On The said traffic districts are more particularly described in seétion 3 of Act, 1920,’ and shown on Rule J. H: KING, Minister of Public Works, are our satisfied customers Ask the people who have their work done here — particular. per- sons too—and let them " tell youwhywe do their work, And then—try our excellent Dry Cleaning and Presting Service, ¥ Chnadian Steam Laundry Phone & Acreage at Terrace Get your Acre Lot or Ten Acre Tract at Terrace for a summer home before prices advance. Good lots adjoin- ing the Townsite at reason- able prices. Plenty fruit and lots of fishing Town Lets: $75. to.$200 Write to } Kenney Bros: & Co. Real Hstate and Insurance Terrace - - B.C. tw me ~ E. H. SHOCKLEY Cow BAY Doors, Windows, D. D. Fir and Spruce, Cedar Boat Lumber Oak, Glass and Marine Paint Phone 383 . Quick Delivery by own Truck dod 2 es wr ah ¥ ? Hand Your Baggage Cheeks to JOE: BROWN Motor Transfer and Passenger Service Stand, Empress Hotel Phones 264, Black 334 Quitk Deliveries A. G. GRAY Teacher of Piano Studio 187 Second A venue PHONE Blue 421 or 444 registered by August 1, it’s the/of western railways, slept in the| government's fault, open and knew the hardships of} es. ee the pioneer railway builder's life. rHAT they should send a ear} Mining lured Lim away from rail- around for you and then you|way construction, but did not could say they tried to buy your!hold him long, and his engineer |), vote, ing ability led to him holding athe positions of steadily increasing PHUAT Hazelton is doing things |responsibility with the railroads. | jright, for it's going to receive the|jn 1907 Mr. Kelley was appointed | aviators on the Hospital Grounds /(ijjpef Engineer of the Grand on July 20. Trunk Railway System. Four +. wt Pe, aa years later he was promoted to EH AT phe hospital grounds is the position of Vice-President in| a very sensible place at that, in 7 4 et charge of operation, maintenance} case of Gnaewee an, fanding. and construction, an office which | lily SAYS» PHAT the ment is giving eve chance get Lists. they are THAT bave people register, PHAT their opponents never satisfied with human orts or HAT, of course, provincial gov doing every thing that is humanly possible t ern- rybody léts of} the Voters’ ; are eff. achievements anyway. if you are not VPHAT many people will not be- icome Christian Scientists because ‘they would be robbed of all ipleasure of being miserable. THAT they wéuld retieve the the world of so much misery if they, themselves, were robbed of their pains. . . * THAT when you see what your jhas cost you. day and age. | the in THAT that is about tine repentance comes \ *. . . THAT it is cheaper bad. most people forget THAT, for all that, virtue ‘fault with some people. | | repentance comea read- sin only this that to be good than be is a . . * . THAT we should not he any iworse than we can afford. * . * THAT when we go broke we lhave to be good’ for a while. Bee des a } } THAT a young man in Vietoria drove two miles befére he t ithat his sweetheart out of the Ford. Love ma pund had fallen king lin that city must lack some of the jardor jreserve | Distriet, it has*around here. There may be something want. See the classified col you umn CANCELLATION OF REBERVE: NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN reserve existing over Lot 2566, Coast District, is ee that the Hange 4, pity, Mints Depoty Bieter’ of Lands: Lands Department, Victoria, \ 2ard Jane, 1920. 60a CANCELLATION OF WESERVE! NOTICE 18 le cancelled, ‘18 HEREBY GIVEN hin existing over Lot “4, oe peputy aia 1 on Lands, lands De partinent, Victoria, C., 23rd June, 1920; oe Co-ordination Boards ithe’ Wilderness. AS a young en- gineer fresh from the university) he took part, from i881, to 1884, in the location and construction he held to the date of his appoipt- | ment as President of the Grand Trunk and Grand Trunk Pacific} Railways. : | The Presidency of the Grand Trunk has been considered one of the most arduous positions in the | railway world. His jurisdietion extended over lines which stretched from the Atlantic to the Pacific in Canada, dipped down through five states in the Middle West an d traversed practically | the whole of New England. Scores iof subsidiary enterprises associ- lated with the railroad—steam- Iships, car ferries, clevators,| hotels, ete.—demanded attention.| Mr. Kelley, in the opinion of those | fitted to judge, is one of the able st] men Who tinve been assoc inted | with our Canadian railways. He is a ar citizen. | ORANGE PICNIC WAS ONE HUGE SUCCESS Orangemen Lost ost Football Match | to Port Simpson by 1-0 Score; Races of Ladies and Children. —_—_ -- | The Orangemen’s picnic to Port Simpson yesterday was a great suceess and an event thoroughly} enjoyed by the 1vv or more who} joined the excursion. ‘The first! boat arrived about noon and, the last of the four made about 3 o'clock. A football game between a se-| lect Orange team and a Port} Simpson aggregation was won by the latter by a score of 1 to 0. Besides this there were a number} of races for both ladies and chil-| dren. Between the Orange Choir} and Jimmie Kelly at the drums} and Ed Koss as fifer, there was | also’ plerity of musie to enliven) affairs, The Simpson} picnickers had their) lunches in various beauty. spots) around the old village and the) weather wes most auspiciof The first of the exetirsionigts started Lo leave for home about) seven and it was nearly midnight | when the last of them got back) to Rupert after a day the plta- sures of which will be a pleasant memory for a long time to come. Advertise im the Daily News. Président of GT. TP and Chairman == ~*, BUSINESS DIRECTORY . These are Good Places to Make Your Purchases when You go out to buy FURNITURE AND GENERAL AERATED WATERS BEAVER BOTTLING WORKS Howard Kelley, who has been PreSident of the Grand Trunk! / i ee . o-_ aia “ ¢ vmceeneeensemasonn i ystem since 1917, has in addi. | SS ee em ~ _ poreat: By tion to splendid scientifie and) S zt Pres CAFES practical training the qualities of | DRUGGISTS HAMKDWARE ree CRGs PRS Sean ones) Wi J. meouTCHEON ‘wows a MUNULTY cht Ave Stoves THe Boston aniLL Wandling of bie tasks, He is a} Secon Avenue and Sith Street Lahipeliahilery, painté’and Fishertheti's sip: | Third Ave, Phone 487, A good place to eat nian, his associates say, who in- |The largest doi house In Northern B.C, |pties spires the lovalty and affectioh | | , — ELITE CAre | Seeoml Ave ter in i n ey fiat leads to efitiency and ar -| PAINTERS AND DECORATORS | PRINTS AND OILS complishment. His capacity for) saa Isai lB ai work, dn a bisiness where hi ard | FRED SCADDEN THE A. Ww. EDdE oO: end’ Ave ° LAUNDRIES and exatting labors are demanded | [sixth and fraser Phone Green 8 Paints, Oils, Glass arid Wallpaper CANADIAN STEAM LAUNDRY of all, is widely recognized. | - Phohe §, for Cleaning and Pressing Dept Work, it is said, is his only hobby. | SHEET METAL WORKS FURNITURE He finds in the daily crop of) pro- . 3 pats Si HE i GROCERIES , lative to railway admin- verything in Sheet Metals | | items relative t et amie Rows ek eee eee | gk LINZEY'S PRINCE RUPERT aRocERY isistration all the exhilaration Second: Avenitie phone’ 946 | vird Ave ron ’ SU beer ana outeel Son fiat he needs, His first railway she | — denen bill ‘ ° battles were fought and won in FISH MERCHANTS, RETAIL 708 Praeer CLEANING AND PRESSING MERCHANDISE - ARTHUR'S MARKET Third Ave. Phones 480 #1. PO. bow 489) WILFRID GRATTON cor Third end Tih ~ . pones 480 & 481 , Phene Green 309, for nd band furni-| ture, CHINA, CROCKERY & NOTIONS | TOKYO DYE WORKS = fressing and ary! FEED STORES PRINCE RUPERT FEED 00 ) Cleahing ind Aveutic Phone 476, 3°" Meation ae ma GIR Me ‘ THE DENNY ALLEN 10. . — . Third Avenue, opposite Pout OMe | TAILORS—LADIES AND GENTS BARBER SHOP (om T. .ee Cpposti® Past Oftee YOKAHAMA BARBER SHOP BAKERS Also Cleaning and lressing Lady bert» Hath 1 Ave LA CASSE BAKERY Third Avente Phone 190 SIGN PAINTING CIGARS AND TOBACCO [aetna dca | BELL 4 CROSSETT — Phone 477. YORAHAMA ’ Ave, We IMPORTED GROCERIES - : PAINTERS AND DECORATERs | RENTALS ALBERTA MEAT MARWET a bial yo LP itth’ Street Phone’ 208 | BELL & CROUSETT — Phone 477. Fw. HART OI Hinck 4 : L oe —_ hindolinseraee mincaiatgpeeunateacitie Daily News Classified Ads. 2 CENTS PER vot IN ADVANCE. No Advertisement Taken for Less than SOc WARTED. FOR KENT Bedroont and sitting - ae 7 , —-) room, méar Dry lock, with of WANTED «— Middle aged house-| without board. Apply box, @f{ ee] for family f seven, to} Daily News office 66 take full chara \pply, stating} wares expected, to P.O, box 12, POR RENT Sewinw machines and Burns Lake, B. ¢ 61) pianos Singers Shop rhird ; : hoe | Avenue a5 bes WANTED Heturned man fro) —— re on CANCELLATION OF RESERVE. position of Canteen Steward at STEWART LOTS ' : nore’ mene VEN octet the Gawt.v \ Disabled man pre ees See ay | peeee ve e - f is et nities fecred, , Apply” P.0, box 444] FOR SAL K—-Lot 2, Block 10, Map), vids se wo far as Cite 64 ¥05, Stewart Townesite. Price.tit reiatwe w chet 5 ow betwee . mations $1,000, This tet adjoins bus: oe eee -, Eaves : bet : otek WANTELE-Carpensters and stage} Hess section on Sixth Street. « t ary of i 161 rigger’, | Apply, Employment Apply Daily News office. ie 7 nh WATS OMece, Prince Rupert Dry Doek ee Te - ae aS ; het I ty Min ' 1 ances i ands times and Ir Heiter rigs ( ompany, Ltd. Lost y As. 8. —_—_— OO Ath May. 4996 w ANTED Board, or room and} ST—Sunall wrist watel, Flgin board with private family. by} Baby's proture in the back young daddy. Best reference if | Please return to PLO) box 875.) desired. Apply P.O. box 524. | Bik reward, 63 WANTED —Good brieklaver. Two}LOST Friday morning, white row weeks’ work, Apply J. MeGowan| boat between Tugwell aud Lucy | & Co; Pho ine Black 527. _ 62) Island. Return to J. AW, Hilditeh cs | reward. G2 WANTE » immediately Machinist, | a, e os i : lathe band preferred. Akerberg, | LODGE MEETINGS “ oo a » . ; ‘ rhomson & On if —-——_——__ -——-—— —- --~— - —- — ibe 2 vin ta f ‘ ae wine apenas —|LODGE 1051 LOYAL OW OO" [eet or iar 8 ; ‘ MISCELLANEOUS | Moos® meets Very Monday | fh are%, suomios ‘7 ms = ead evening at the Deep Sea P Sher | District ARTNERSHIP offered in estab mbh’a batt! tr wef ea ‘ t * t lished <1ness rial ‘ ipital eccuidlbdiihitttiaaaetitbiih nti a bercibsinleane , Adapt S are ‘ hiet i Foquired. -Sallenie, fp Siar Pistriet }FOR SALI-25-40 h.p. Medium) jaijway Station, Vancouver, B.|" Where. located) About #4 mites trom Duty Sterling Engine, Boseh C head of Alice Arm, on Kitzautt Kiver ‘é : , : Ae TARE NOTICE that Lewis W. Patmore, gnition, 4 cyl., 4 cycle, in per- | ————__________________—-4 | Pree Miner's Licence No. 31008 6, as ameni fect condition, $1,500.00.—M. sent TOR, Pica uinere Coruneate We M. Stepi ons. uf 3916 6, intends, Sixty days from the date excenevidlieitiinctnsidipetammatinitaginimmmantl gineniianey bereof, to apply to the Mining leeerder FOR SALI McOaskey register on Slot cibodne "e Croen then ant for 300 aecounts, im good cone wy gh hg pH that action, un | dition Linzey's Grocery. P.O, le section 85, must he commenced befare box 133, Prince fhupert. if . eke of such Certificate of oJ — —_—— ——— NOTICKH Dated shis @nd day of Aprit, AD (e990 ; FOR SALK—Tents of all sizes arcnctihainigsnct eet AS ORE. =| F. M. Crosby, Third Aye. ur ea wedaiy y Bi ‘" @ LAND AOT, oe ater er + owns te sae as under agreement ? ! arce safe at air . Cigar Store, tm Beh ae st Eeaeae ace FORM OF NOTICE. i ; une nef VANCOUVER LAND DISTRICT DISTHICT HOUSES FOR SALE basen mer ute aoe the ae 45° pied o — 7 dua, to ee wi itera reon, if) TAKE NOTICE that Pacife Milla, Limited VIN HOME, best residential any. be tof of Ocean Palla, BL O., oecupation pulp. and 5 q eo paper makers, integds to apply for , section. Moderate terms. Hel- et ere with rntaaion to leah the following: destilted < ve, tvider ne ands, gerson, heal estate, Insuran op Pre ca, RA (ammencing at post planted at the Notary Public, higd, \4.W. commer of Le u td False Inet, Hivers prev Tote y ee —<— ae nt pts thence nent 40 chains, thence south! - e 40 chains, thence west to shor then von ron nant te northerly glong sh ne to ‘point “or eam: } a a iliedl denne Wi NAUIEN ng é of “ae nt, and containing 160 acres, more | ad o s | POW RE NT Tes fadelabed house | pepar of %, ws PACIFIC MILLS, LIMITED, keeping rooms, Drexel Rooms. j ri ist, 1090. Mile June esa “ak Simaby, Agent se ET For Liver fils. ORMES LIMITED MM. Stephens Notary Public Conveyancer For Quick Sale HOUSE wi cae and TWO Splendid 1. LOTS, fenced and in garcks $3500.00 This property is in Section 6 end S rooted minptes walk of the Poat Office within five A 4 roomed HOUSE with pant: nastered afd in first Splend d et. p abe condi tier with Level LOT, near Dry Dow $1500.00 ‘Cash M. M. Stephens Rea! Estate iasurance Financlal Agent Shampoo Parlor | GO TO THE NORTON SHAMPOO PARLOR to get a facial massage to see the good it does to the expression, « Henna Pa to the ry hair to any ehace alp treat ment, electrical vibrator treat me face powde? and all kinds of face creams Opposite Government Buildings 210 4th St. Phone 493 ve han ge is ete v Essington note has been re Martin & Bush opened by First class accomodation for Visitors to Port Essington Ni J. Gy Steet Loogwili, Hlue 270 Day Phone & STEEN & LONGWILL Sheet Metal Worke ght Phones Ww Agent for McClary Furnecaes Sanitary and beating Enginoers Sth Street and Fraser Street Prince Rapert B SMITH & MALLETT PLUMBING AND HEATING ENGINEERS Estimates —- Address, Std Avebts. head of Becond Street. Phone 174 P.O. Box 274 Hotel Prince Rupert EUROPEAN PLAN $1.50 per day and up. FIRST-OLASS OAFE A La Oarte. Plants, Flowers, Roses, Cabbage, Cauliflower Many Varieties CITY MARKET Phon® Green GO7 1017 Sra Avenue Dalgarno & Watts BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS nace in wom and ner oes First Class sislrease Work and Finishing. Oneerfully Given GRICK AND CONCRETE BUILDING OONTRACTORS