1020, puesday July 4 _ For Half a | Cent tury! , Ut the beet ’ j ft are those, freduced by i * Whe tay fe ted | ne (ad -etudy thelr } 3 wnee a8. diamond met is over @ period of wie Bho! f whieh mh sgiet wn fy the | ne eat + Naot ie but tie lf ' srieglly specialists 7 | i e | | Vancouver, B.C. | CASEY MOTION. = ae 7. oa TORK’¢ TOVE Gurneys commenced mak- ing stoves in 1843. Still in the same liné of business 1920, Htndreds in use in Prince Rupert. —_— On SALE AT Fred Stork’s Hardware &ECOND AVENUE Phone Black 114 PRINCE RUPERT Central Labor Gouncil, 0. B. U. To NOTICE! TONIGHT ELECTION OF OFFICERS And other being prosecution is persecution. js TARH NOTICR that Teytor Nining Com Impertant Business In pmesing thie resolulion We pany Limited, whose addres is Y real d merely he showing a «pirit | outer Buleing, Veocouver, B. C, wit) put farier peruested , 5 8 8 ' amply for «& Roem take apd use $ : ia ind ercy amd bie feet per « od and tw store 2.509 Part . oat 8 : feet of wate tof Clearwater Creek oS De be iw the coun s teibutery f the Kitzault River, which MocINTYRE HALL ' “ * that |? * BWeeter arm! drains 400 the Kiteault 1 ‘ i ik that iver ahowt & miles worth of Alice Arm ; ' r hundred ters whe p is he Troview of Brittweh Columbia . The storeee-a be locate i 35 gperted Aideriman Rarheater at thi uuiet f Clea wal , ake rhe She 10 ‘ : “ . te reservotr te be rested ts about ial . © acre feet, ahd if will Mood about adhe this ; ecrre fr tand The Water Will be ried from the sires at 46 Point about rett ? Was Out of Order. mitiet of Chrarwatcr Lake. th 840 Beoond Avenue, Weat. Vas! MeLa ‘ essed ee oe Wane aoe Se eueee ’ ' y. ond & be used for 5 f r ss ae : that « h a quest . ul the territory described as en . . . 64 - of miles radius om the Wolf VEGETABLES ha er been b ul : por ai Claltns near the Kitzault , r Wholesaie and Retail an his not as posied on the ground), . ' he Canadian a sf | ihe 20ih day of June, 192 General Contractors and ; s ' 14 A en of * metice and an application Labo Peehi . ed it sia an and to ihe “Water Act nm Exchange lento Walsh Alderman be fied at the office of the ' onde ratr rit © Rupert in the 4 i point of order whic! British Columbia Prihet Rupert, B.C. snutn ia , ie th svor 6 ‘ bye tions ta the application or petition DeLand ’ we Mayo as cs Died with the said Water Recorder hone SA? i Phone 547 —+ PO, Box 725 beme pertinent to the situatior r With the mpirolier of Water Rights,! tar Semeat Bui idings, Victoria, B. C., withig) ~recoeban | Ad Ie in MeLennan summed up inipty days afier tbe first appearance of . i FI tice in a local hewspaper +. hixs remarks by stating that the the. territory wer wh ich the power will | Th eople in this untry believed |D*, @istributed ts area Of 50. miles | siti e ee on i ' : radius fram the we if Group “ Mineral)» ot in revolution but in evolution | Chains pear the Kitaault’ Kiver ; Tea Rooms «8 Second Avenue for Home Cooked Meals freak fast,.Dinner and Supper Try our Home Made Bread and Cakes name is withheld at her hes l I. bad-guests for supper | Tuesday, They had a vege- ible satad, a ‘i Wednesday two of the ladies illod up for her salad dressing rie ipe, . Mrs. Pi gave it, of course. She ‘ays the only searet is that she ‘ses Pacitie Milk in an other. WIk0 Vapy ordthary dressing— ‘nd gets a delightfil flavor, Pacific Milk Co. Li s02 orpis ohn Saleen ev. FACTORY AT LADNER, 8. ©. eee |!Xchequer, earke Johnston; . COUNCIL DOES _NOT.SUPPORT — yarn 7, shes hame &e- Beware of evry ha Master aft Arms, A Iver Reseinmentation for Release of [Keeper of Records and Seals, i éctors are vanishing as if 2 Winnipeg Strikers Will Not M. Daggett v Bt ae Ingres { anit lbavine sachin’ t indi} . . Go From the City of ale and J. Knigtt (roter witere they are headed fail Prince Rupert. : ~— Aasisting In the cere ! with the bare information tol ai a “i , % * Me tua, . og ntnnate frends that they! rh erotation of Ald, Casey)" ' P. . Ling » Creed the track of a new sitvasl and Kerr reeommending to the : nt Ss ‘ rine W W Wright ere. THe sitnation heat Minister of Justice that the Win. ne et 1 ciate; Grand Master liereated an atmosphere similar to nipes strike teaders be released bo + oe = son, Ira ule in the early days of 1 ains! from prisot Ait lost at laet a 7 eAHtOS at Artis | red Ontario when so-called mys- nights council meeting wher rine v5 ee hyyner a jard, Harry rushes were of the quite} ‘ niy Aldermer fasey and Kerr on f ad (irand Outer Guard. } frequewt.eeenrrenee i will gupt | d for the recommendati y ana 3 5 be until elaims are recorded that nile “Aldermen Perry, Mehepnet g 5 oe 9 On: DEOCEOG formation Will be available as : id tocheeter oted against it. ee vere Coneluded refreshmenta ) the location of the latest rosb.! Alderman Murray not voting oe <> ee @ and shert speechesity the meantime prespectors who ht I t think the incil ia | COP mn ne und retirme ; if » tit mnable to get a “tip” am} { tifled in passihe such a reso ficers Past ‘;rand Chancellor the location of “the end of the lution said Alderimar loc he al lie ext onpe f the ily th a view & shine A dewn from Peace Kiver Al (lasey Aid . . nd the present strike is. bw} juite logica s, the most promising deo} n th j f Advertise in the Daily News ment that las been madei} f obtaining a livell MINER rv ACT Feats of the gas are be- | . » Miffar ide with av w to et longs to th : Certificate of improvements. x the feasibility of extract-! ! pre h Lu Ne , 7 line from it by either the| ! 1 Wee id Pine ‘ 3 ‘Min t a c on r composition me th-| ys 1 Widely sepa bs ‘ a . a . s ¢ j | ft and was n oe : ‘ , " Will Take Long Time. ! W ionipesr ma ‘ : ; ' J. : a rk Oo a z= in the| i BOOKSELLERS th n tw are now/4 S ; . it + trator at the Premier mine| > } ' more offenders : of * * a N ioe aa rt will take the best part | i vas not Sa ~ I oem : re , ee immer and those who are hing they participated in thet [| ihe al clain gs : : sition to know state that ao rf wticipate in. If they are : 7 ; m at aol - . a oa bet s sagisfactory achievement the penitentiary so should 1)! { stich Certificate Of tz have been made if the new) It ix an attempt of the ruling) baved ¥ this Ti diy of Vuly, A.D. 1980 for the reducing of the we els o bai fear into ths hearts qreay : ———— operation by the end of} 4 . re S a # iy ott on WATER NOTICI this season. Much big machinery | USE AND STORAGE i The pefition for the appreve! of the! Kitzault ind some of the Winniper strike ndertaking will be Bled in the office of Group eadera had ndoubtedly talked the Gomptroiier of Water Riehts and with TAKE NOTICE that John Hugh MeMullin,| NOTIC : P ’ . Water Recorder at Prince Re@pert)Adminisirator of the Estate of (Charles) proof of ibe revolution There was no rool |aforepaid, and will be beard in the oMce f ihe Hoard of Investigation at a date such talk in Canada to be Mued by the « vmnptrotier of Water! hereot iets, end any r on inkeresiod may for « ! in the office of | purpose o orth, agent, Ny n in INSTALLATION ~* fee ie the the first publication of this) © is the 7th day pf July, 1020 i THE DAILY NEWS ————— — ca id Mining News a | of the provinee, the exaet being shrowded in mastery! must be built and.a power house) in operation. This is only} of the work that will have] r, sending out only the values} extracting the lower metals! treating ore is considered by some} ; ning authorities to be far more | av building and shipping all! mine high values can be sent} t with ve Ty little waste material. | wnt } DATED this tst day of May, A.D. 1920 based JOHN HUGH Ment tay | Land ® Stry Umice, Prince Rupert, B.C.| x Stampede in Ontario, a rush of prospeetors in| plete from lHaileytherry,| to sdme place in the! Record the Joys of Your Outings with a Our Line is Complete. SOLD AT EASTERN PRICES Album, steak perenvagge 8 tig Ae peak feos wit See our Window Display. the Finest Collection in B.C. From 26¢ to $8.50. | Amateur Finishing done by experienced help that know how. Prices reasonable. Satisfaction guaranteed. McRae Bros., Limited STATIONERS \'be put together, a dam} In order to vote on the forthcoming Prohibition Plebiscite and in Provincial or ' Domirtion General Elections YOU MUST REGISTER All previous Lists of Voters have been cancelled. The fact that your namé was » dane and it, in itself, is no) task. Once it i@ completed} ugh the Premier will be in aj é tion to ship its ore eeonom-| on the list last year does not count. well rhie method off ical than the process of? ek as is the case at Alice When the ore is milled at - MINERAL AOT. "ELECTORS WARNED === Neither caf you vote as a property owner without registering. Make Your Declaration Now before the Registrar or an Election Commissioner, Postmaster, Justice « f the Peace, Magistrate, Constable, or before Officials at any Government Office. Registration Closes July 15 next. Register Today! | By Order PROVINCIAL SECRETARY. Form F, = Ee Certificate of im vemente. orice + NOTICE Silver Tip Nc 2” Mineral Claim, } in the Neat Rive? Mining Divisiog Oassiar Dasirict in The were of ap application for) Where loceted Sitteen polles up the| the sssas eo fresh certificate of litle to River, pear the Dolly Varden| }Loet 23, Diock v, of ‘aan 368, Ra | Distrtet sah viz intend, sixty days from the date/ alshed, section 85, Must be commenced before/is puaiBered $105 1. lithe issue of such Certificate of Improve w Knights of Pythias Officers for) 101 Pemberton Block VICTORIA STEWART is bereny” @fven that satisfactory Of the certificate of ttle) Free Miners Certipesae No | Severin the above lands haying been fur- ' 1 i¢ My dNtention te issue, After the " to apply to the Mining Recorder }espiration of Gme. month fram the date of Lp Certincate of Improveryents, for the) the Grst publication hereof, a fresh certitt- + /M an oD) a thet ! obtaining @ Grown Grenmt of thejesie of tle to the above lancts, the Comptroller of w ater Hights or of!above claim juaspe of Japel Barrie A the Water Recorder at Prince Rupert And further take noti¢® that action, un- loertigeate is dated 14tb October 1985 ae aforesaid | der TYLOR MINING COMPARY mi ) : | . . Ming Disserie: Registrar of ‘Titles, { 24mm day STEWART LAND Co.Ltd. Fifth Street LOTS FOR SALE ON ALL PARTS OF THE STEWART TOWNSITE ___Listings of Business Lots Wanted HELGERSON. LTD - - LOCAL AGE Walt Year Took Chairs Last | ffs Gan Byrnes Says:—“It Ba Great Life If You Don’t Weaken.” * Might—Past Ohancetior = ||__ Kincaid in Charge. Public installation ceremonics were conducted at the Knights of Pythias Castle Hath Inst night and the oMeers for the ensuing half year duly took their seats in Skeens Lodge No, 45. The pro- ceedings .were in charge of Past Grand Chancellor A, Bb. Kineatd, of the Ga@ Kange Lodge, Revel- stoke, who was assisted by Deputy Grand Ghaneeltlor J, Knight of Prince Thupert. There, was a pleasing, attendance of knights and Pythian sisters at the fune- tion and the evening's work was a pleasure to all. The new officers instaliod (ast evening were as follows: Chan- cellor Commander, W. R, Love; Vieo-Ghanceltor, Frank M, Davies; Prelate, J. R. Beatty; Master of Work, ©. 6. Westaway; Mastor of Finance, 8, Hamblin; Master, of ID LiKe “TO BUY A CASH BOOK A LEDGER A JoOR NAL A PURCHASE Book ET ! ee ee ee eee meee Sen Th wees oer eee ot eee en . 6 4 anh Ji. Every Collection of . Amateur Prints should be housed im an Pike rene : cat WR ‘ PRINTERS