+ . «ge 9 : THE DAILY ee — ee ay =e Ee Sees nae ee THE DAILY NEWS PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News Printing and Publishing Co., Third Avenue. J anggage arnes : 16 . — H. F. PULLEN, MANAGING EDITOR. baggage, harness, shoes, ley Valley, there took plece onthe Prom the Gast. a woolen underwear and sdeks, Phat eh de Haewitael | whe At Sundeve: Jays and Thurs AWN . eri pM ‘in Hagwileet Canyon a} Sundays, Tuesda ( - SUBSCRIPTION RATES: ’ TENTS, SAILS, RINGS jbaseball mateh of unusual inter-|daya at 7 p. m. tity Delivery, by carmer or mail, per month ....... eas 156. ad F. MAGUIRE est betwéen a team representing] _ By mail to all parts of the British Empire and the United States, |3 722 Second Ave., Prince Rapert North Dakota called the Waug-| For Vancouver and South, Te MAVENCS, PET VOOR sca s oie CHSC ETC CO. ce ae tg ya tees $6.00, hollers and a team of Hlagwil@et (Tuesdays ..........0065 7 p.m To all other countries, in advance, per year,.........6.. $7.50.) ———— |Indianboys the Indians badly out-|'Thursdays ........ 06. {i ».m ——_’’ |e S EHH Oe Oe HW Classing the North Dakolans, the Satumlays 2 pa TELEPHONE 98. * PRINCE RUPERT TIDES * /18! score being tf tot in faver Sundays it pa — eee eee eee eee ee mew |! fie red men, Sat ys, ff am Transient Display Advertising $1.25 per inch each insertion. Wednesday, July 14 Phe following are the names of Transient advertising on front page ....... $2.00 per inch. High, 42:32 p.m., 18.8 feet. those participating in the fracas From Vancouver and South. ; Local Readers, per insertion, ..........4.. . 25c. per line.| Low, 6:17 am., 1.5 feet. — Hagwilget Indians—Kitscauecta|Bundays ....4..+4- : 10 p.m. (iHassified advertising, per insertion, .,......6... 2c. per word. 18:18 p.m., 6.1 feet. Tim @, Moceasiy Joe p.. Metia-|Wednesdays ........ 10:30 a. m. Legal Notices, cach insertion, .....s. . 15c. per agate line. Thursday, July 15 Katla Charlie tb., Charlie Pattish Sundays ........ 10.30 a.m Contract Rates on Ay plication. High, 0:20 am., 22.2 feet. }2h,, Aluek Joe ss., Prince Allert) Pridays oo oie i p.m.) All advertising should be in the Daily“News Office on day pre- #3:18 p.m., 18.8 feet. j3b., Haida Pete ef., Kitsclas Dave Mondays, a.m, g \ : yp : : ceding publication. All advertising received subject to approval.| Low, 7:04 aim., 0.9 feet. If., Kitwancoot Henry rf. Siew 19:14, p.m., 5.2 feet. Waughollers F. Gibson ¢., For Anyox and Allee Arm. ; Friday July 16. Wolfe and Taylor p.. Tetrault th, Sundays ......4..60.65. 44 pom y sdnesday, July 14, 1920 ’ 7 . DAILY EDITION. anf a> Wednesday, July 14, 1920. | High, 4:40 g.in., 22.7 feet. Hall 2b., Bryant ss., Bailey Sb..| Wednesdays .......... {i p.m = : = —— = — 14:2 p.m., 20.6 feet. Brisbane ef., Ce Gibson If, Elliott eveussnenas Train Men for Low, «7:48 agin, £1) foot, rf. From Anyox and Alice Arm. Municipal Government. 19:59 p.m, 4.6 feet. A great deal of dissatisfaction Tuesdays ........ beceée p. m. th ; Sir Artt ——- - was expressed by both sides at the) "hursdays ........eee00.48 De Mm. One of the reasons given for the appointment of Sir Arthur The tithe teed-is Pacific Stan.|Various decisions rendered by the| a Gurrie to the principalship of MeGill University is that he will] gard, forthe 120th Meridian west.j/umpires, several of which bad 'o!For Port Simpson, Arrandale, Mill be able to reorganize this great institution to better serve the jit fs counted from 0 to 24 heurs [be substituted. The first unsatis- Bay, Wales Isiand and Naas River. needs of ‘the day. If such is the case there never was a better|from midnight to anidnight. factory umpire was Meanskinisht (Sundays ...... .....6. 41. p.m, opportunity for Sir Arthur to serve the present generation than The tabie given is for Port|/Westcott, chief of the Hairy Im-)Pridays ............... 5 pin fo } tablisl t of 1 depant t throush Simpson but the time for Prince {dian tribe. His decisions were so} ae j rare . a < . é “iIpe pe | i ‘ to work for the establishment of a municipal ceparment ‘hrovgs™ |nupert varies only a few, minutes /raw in favor of his redskin beeth. From Pt. Simpson, Arrandale, Mill which young men can be specially trained for the government] jy) some days and on others is/ren that, to avert a riot, they took }Bay, Wales Island and Naas River. of our cities. In the United States many of the universities and|ihe same. The r@nge of the tidefhim out arid substituted avother | tnesdays ..............66- Dp. m, the state institutions in particular have such departments given | nay be computed as per centfeohort, Leatherneek Bill. Leather- | Saturdays noor wholly or in part to the study of muuieipal government, igywhich Se ee at LE otk hire than . Sena ty a es v an i . y . or Sineen oth at s ngs an us Indian Mends came to ie t : they have been remarkably successful. In Canada,*on the other pring as Queen Charlotte Islands ; 7 : = neaps’ Therefore he rise in thefeonclusion that he had been! por Massett, Port Clements and hand. education in local government has never been taken up Prince Ragpert harbor is slightiy/‘‘fixed” by the palefaces and de- Upper Island points: seriously with the result that many of the principal executive | sreater than Port Simpson. manded bis scalp, as well as that Posen a } positions have to be tilied by outsiders, because on account of The height is in feet and tenthsjof “Qne More iver to Cross , 7 . » “we rings oO ‘ ac? ware > the growth of our cities such executive positions can only be of feet above the average level of }Uringan, whom t! ’ e i ‘rom Masset, Port Clements aud . low ; water. sing the “fixing Vinally peace : s ys Satisfactorily filled by men with special knowledge. Moreover, lower. law water sin ne . at “3 ae : : oe Upper Island pointe: : ‘ - fo Was esloret i substituting June 9 there is a fast-growing tendency thronghout;the Dominion to- LAND ACT, Sauare-deal’ Blaskey, & paiciace : wards the commission wid manager form of municipal govern- | wotice of tatention to Apply to Leese Rang. }UMpire of note, Who gave ge Cor Skidegate, Queen Charlotte ment, which means that more trained men will so6n be required In Cassiar Land District. Recatding pts- |*@!'s faction for the other ung City and Lower Island points for administration of Canada’s municipalities. Should the whole oc of Skeena, and situate et Alice Arm,/that was played. Ji 20 ; . > At the conclusion of the eg P Skide . : , tle of Canada’s 891 urban communities adopt the new form of gov-| uti. Setseciahye Mester tig] Ante Ginpute arose, between |? Tom, Skidegate, Queen Charlotte ernment it would fail, because there would be insuflicient quali- |, 3?Ps, Sr permission to lease the fol-| captain of the Indian tean oo : a ea fied men. The Canadian Municipal Journal seems to have a good |, COmmeneng at ot OTe. Tbeaesjand the official scorekeeper, Kit dik is deal of well based reasons for the etfcouragement of a new de-| 28! 5 teh Te ee ye ee eee ae gee (sumeallum = Munre the latter For Skagway and the Yukon. partment in the educational institutions of our country. oe Unrogueed) thenee worth. 08" feet |e er heer gs ed : ” aioe fia 7 ‘ to the southwest r the Indian | “Core ‘ & nO © rom Skagway and Yukon. Scapy Smith Rule on - Neserre: dance sodeeersiery 204 futee’ lindians. The alfai? was finally petundaye, on. Law and Order. feet to the mt of commencement, and |settied >. See eaere reece Gen OO OS ee eS ; optaining 2 ate more or less s ’ Z ‘ Citizens of Smithers who were enjoying the calm and coo! OAM. MORRISON. parties by a board of arbitration stewart, Maple Bay and Swamp a zo . per as C.L.S., agent. -onsisting cit awson of Sunday evening were forced-to witness exhibitions of.drunken-| Dated May Bist, 1920 consisting of . Kitimat - Dawson, Point. . : Ritkatla Riddell, Skidegate Dobbs Fort—Saturdays 9 om nes$ and profanity-that-world have done credit to the bést efforts : : “es eee 2 \ : : and the Big White Chief Simoe- From—Sundays 10 pow of fhe bar-room’s balmiest days. ‘ Ladies on the way home from loozalum ,Lett. - chureh were in several cases forced to walk on the road to evade After three rousing cheers the the reeling, bleary-eyed rats who again were victims of the greed party apt eee yh that has taken possession of would-be reputable citizens, who HON. T. D. PA TULLO ‘ARR 4 vie with each other in their qiforis and beasts of establishing the CANCELLATION OF RESERVE ig Vite ives ' fe pinged Nee , 2 - » > avi NOTICE fs e fEN the ‘ i rule of Soapy Smith. .When men can pe ddie rotten liquor and reserve sitting aves certain lands former-| Hon. T: 2. Pattillo,’ minister of = m y= boast of the slowness of Canadian officials it is about time that 2 eee Kicammatem Velie te cane [ands and member in the provin- S ot Canadians stepped in and demonstrated that there is a difference |**™e4- G. A NADEN, jcial’ legislature for Prince Rupert NOTICE. chinese ‘bearance and. fear.’ : y - a . Depoty Minister of Lands. | arrived from the south this [ betWeeh forbearance and bp ind that they must not confuse ands pe arigwent, ares Sa del alin’ Oh taba’ ‘ta NOTICK 18 HEREDY GIVER thet to 6 -rance 2 > ds ‘ 2wree Ww , as = lcto | =o° . ~ . a am Aswoayhss { to te lown our tolerance of their metho to a degree with slowness. Decent Sist Apri, $920 soolthe Prince Albert for a visit | : she A ta 5 » ave arig “e s sidewalks w ee ‘ fe peaple have a right to the free use of our sidewalks without being lhis constituents, on the OQ - : ae S subject to the indignity of the leers of a gang of slobbering Charlotte Islands ; and eas bohunks ginnefi up by a lot of yellow skunks behind skirts and i CoE? eee = . t , i= wt ne . other frailties and calling themselves “slick.’’ — Interior News. | . { tion, of '{ The Man in the M ‘ | an in oon | ‘spphice fy | ; ee ts DEPARTMENT OF MARINE AND SAYSe j pininina a prapertioaan FISHERIES, GTTAWA, ONT. x oo 1 my ye ih ss june, 1990. | THAT humor is not always sale as ato SEALED Proposals wil) be received at! ae this office until 12 o'clock noon, an the |) *PONtanecis even in the funniest 4 ; i ictaahtam date GF LarMBR of persons, oF the-crationt te necessary for the capstruction, equipment ° ee ’ , th 2 at elivety of & ned Steel Twin! s Ty rises or con ue are? of the Highest Grade and Lowest Cost Screw Kee-breaker of the following lead-| | 4AT present day humor con-sicrase,, por ing dimensions: isists mainiy of the ridieylous thy fice appedring in the current iseuce! f PE WM on nc cincs aces eat 275 feet oo lef this paper, ee ) Breadth Mid at L.W'L. .57 feet k : ae ‘Ge fo Rh NADEN f leet ie. aa toa feet THAT the more ridieulous you | Deput on ar tanae. | ; . TRA cond _ re ie Are the better people like it Depa 6 apes ‘ j ; rown t to be delivered ‘a1 the " hgeney of “ the . . . May Sth, 1990 ws A Department. of ime and Fisheries} - . ecto Sea or ons Quebee or Halifax for a fixed sum. THAT certain people capitalize The Department reserves the right toltheir foolishness and } , ? 7 accep! or reject any one or ali of bids) hes ain rec Orne : H Platework received. millionaires, but they never be- Forms of proposals, plans and specifics- 4 ~ P “ae ; i ions. showing what is required can be bag CONC Sensible. } B sctlentitic Get My Prices Me nan by Tee the Department of 0 eis a otlawe. , T manner and any ooraiae info bios desired may be THAT so: people describe Lady Assistant. Compare Them. biained By —. D Fi TY MINISTER eases like these as being “fools Department of Marine apd Fisheries, | for luck. TICE TO BEAL ESTATE AGENTS AND Ps Offtaws, Ont. » aed SALESMEN = die i 7 Dr. JOS. MAGUIRE FORESHONE LEASE THAT the humoriet who realty| under swe providqae of Tee Rest siti earns his tiving is the one wha | *8ent® ‘Licenring Act, 1920, whieh be- | ° ° Take notice t a THE TAYLOM EN-leets funny at 4 isate avatar toenl: Rates Keane and tele tel xl MEMBER OF THE B.C. De~taL CoLLEcE OINEERING co ED, (Mines 1 S ORC OVOlT thin tie Rrovines penll baud ous A teenns. 7 Office Hours:- 2 Depertaneey Bc, andiafternoon matter what he may Section oat swe Ss aioe ee : DENTIST Open Evenings Alice Arm, B.C, malhe oonere, intend to © Nesstad abil ‘ace ap Gaie G maaarun 9 to 12 and 1 to 6 Sunday by Appointment lapply for beriniesuom to lease the fullowing | BO thinking about or how he |perue a Real Eeiate Agent oF Relcemen leseribed bands :- » 2ele i t * 7 & 8 SMITH BLOCK. PHONE 575 Commenting at the ferthweet corner of!” wally feel pied Fo province w out rst having ap Lot 3643-A; thence running south & deg.| ° ae : Penal iy for non-comet snes with pro Zeca Meh pining ct 28 et) THAT the Acropiolie Hill Sports rine, de thie Ket HY Ane’ of ae Ne i pom S i feet to the southerly boun Ground is w rare harder thia eee, 2 ‘ potlars end tat Game as Sve! r t 36 so | “3 ‘4, sitherly boundery ‘cf Lot séed-a, north)? © ar than ever HM did before, |, gua a et a a oe point vot a & Gistapce of 501.9 feet to) . . . idasaushont the Ps ed o MANORS ” € ce 3 pe . | Feat cot ommmanemeat, Sod conteimag! THAT it shows gond for Prince | a THE TAYIAK EXGINERMING CO. LTD, Rupert. ilhethesieiili dbl ie jews agent ‘(hines} 8) vavuon, ei JIN THE SUPREME ©OURT OF BRITISH clepth day of May. 3808, C, this twenty-/) THAT enough clean sport i a : caine | : ‘ ; saan iaie » hare IN PROBATE ee ee that has —— + king oa lin re Martin Or TNE ADMINIS TIA + ; ee lfor many years and it cannot be GN ACT AND IN TH ATTER. OF IN THE SUPREME COURT OF SRITISH! 7 @ THE ES i) COLUMBIA Stoo much appreciated. THE PSTATE OF BALDOMERO SALINAS, ‘ a : e TAKE NOTICE that by an Order of nis | iN THE MATTER OF THE ADMINISTRA-| - a a ae , Honor Judge Your failed the ard day TLON ACT rs ye , alten _ ones who jot un 1920 i wae ordered, that W iiat | ; _— “ ss ‘ tan best affore o be, are very Thames. xecutor of the Eatate o IN THE MATTER OF YTYHE ESTATE OF |Baldomero Salinas, deceased, be at libert CHAMLES W, HESS, DECEASED, IN-|seldom loafers. Ko owen Ga to the rath Of the salt TESTATE. e ° . Batdomero Salinas, as of the @nd day of! - r ’ : March, 1020, after the yiralion of of Pal . MOTH . that io order of His THAT the Prince Rupert Senior month from. the date of “ie first pubjice- of july, A. D 1998 twee Seeded ig [baseball team has no extuse not (ithe an tie “prot fore Coors oo ION BANK OF CANADA (ete SESS Tee cite aioe Oo eae area a : : te ! i at “et 4 ore | Claitie “agalnnt ‘the said ay hereby |Council has granted them two Salinas iia. subsequent 0 ‘the eala | Pri R B $0 los, an en baler aoe Fy myF yor nights a week on the Bports|22d day of March, 1090: And le was further rince Kupert . A.D, 1920, “and all parties indebted to the | (ipoune publiehed in the Datly News, a newspaper pe ranch A. T. Broderick, Manager octane a) loan me se oy. te mount at round, ad [ircuiating in "Northern Beitied Columbia, A to we orthw “a Jj for « period of one month # aon " a = wOLLIN. FHUAT they may win another DATED ths oi day of July, ire Meial Administrator ‘ VILLIAMS & MANO DATED wnts orn’ ‘day of July, 1990. Kaine yel this ‘ WHLtAMS for the Executor. | NORTH DAKOTA BEAT {| AGENCY FOR | “ nacwicer in Base , BALL GAME MONDAY | Canvas goods, oilskins, | ' ’ ’ boots, overalls, mackinaws, 12 cloves, waterproof clothing, On July 12 in the famonre Bulk. jurdays at 10%: es = ‘ese eee 8 Ce eee eee * MAIL SCHEDULE ° ottawa eeen eee ae ane For the East. Mondays, Wednesdays and Sat. 30 a.m, SeUSOR, - ‘OE va QUALITY Dr. Bayne “OFFICE HOURS— Morning, 9 to 12, AMernoon, 1.30 te 6.96, Saturdays, 9 to 12 oniy, Every Evening from 7.30 ¢0 9 Déntal Nurse in attendance Phone 109 for appointment Rooms 4, 5, 6, Helgerson Blk., Cor. 3rd and 6th Best Equipped Office in Northern B.C DENTISTRY | ro 5.5. PRINCE RUPERT | WNeutd S.S. PRINCE GEORGE | 14,5 io SAILING — Midnight Sunday and Thursday for @ueneen: i Bay, Ocean Falls, Vancouver, Victoria and Seattie. Anyox Wednesday, 10 p.m. Stewart, Saturday 10 p.m S.S. PRINCE JOHN OR PRINCE ALBERT For Stewart, Wednesday 2 p.m. Anyox Saturdsy 8 p.m. Port Clements, Massett and Buekley Bay, July 8th, 14th, 22nd,. 28th. — Southarn Queen Chariotte Island Points Sunday Midnight. TRAIN G@ERVICE Monday, W*dneeday #00 Seterdap Of 11590 & mm for Smithers Ea@monten and Winnkes, making direct connect ot) potote cant and sont. Agency All Ocean Steamship Lines for information end reervetiens appis we Tietst Offce, 628 hire Avenues. Fhen® 260 Passenger Prince George, te CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY CANADIAN *FACWIO OCOEAN SERVICES B.C. Coast Steamship Services 6 PRINCESS BARY for Ketehiten, dunees, Shegweg, Alerte, from Prince Rupert: 4 a 2G Perr) Mas «ee libeny . jute 14, OT, WH: Duly b. 17, 19 @ é for Vancouver Victoria end Seattic from Prince Sepert june 18, J¢ juty 3,10, 17, 34 ome 31 & 6. PRINCESS SEATEICE from ‘nce Mupert for Bey, Geese Pata, Hardy Ber, Aiert Gey, Cove, Powell River, vor end Witterie— Seery Seterdey, © & ™ For rairs, revervetion® ond outlines, apply to W. G. OROHARD, Genora! Agent. ’ Prince Rupert, B.C. Cor 3rd Avenue and 4th Street —— Office Phone 130 Wharf Phone 42) LePine & Wright, Ltd. (Peck, Moore & Co, Bunpime) Lumber, Insurance and General Brokers Georgetown Saw Mill Co. Wharf PRINCE RUPERT, BC. ---then keep them growing H's i (etn well on their fort” Those baby c@icks ‘tarted them rigor” with Hoyal Standard Chick food ' wutuic ration for baby stomachs, ‘ we thet #Oine@ the heeky, eclentific way feeding them with Royal Standard Growing Food Heres the stuff to gi hem pub on | J prefit for you-—g ary grain and bone food VUITIIONS hearts of grain, selected whole | ersins——-peas, corm, barley and beme, A cliciows miaxtere that wi . thee that hey will enjoy and teem tirive through the ‘er t the epg and market tte fast-growing bedtes values that pature tntended tage. ah ad ali the food them to have Vitec Milling & Grain Co., Ltd: Mall Offic nd Mille, Vancouver, B.C. BRANCHES; Vit AGENCIES: Bin. torla, Nanaimo, New can, Langley Prairie, Weasttrineter, Mia- Ladner, Cloverdaic, \ phen ciy Aldergrove, ves