—S —- Wednesday, July 14, 1920, ARELESSNESS AAU sep } — ee REST RES LAST SUMMER HESE COST AX PAYERS $ 370.000 ALITTLE CARE WOULD HAVE SAVED THIS BE CAREFUL! | We iL DULLES evERFADY BAYLO wm WY are cage picture in EVERLA Dy contest! 6 "10060 “In CaskPrizes Every cont have No obli to everyone light type " Just look for this sign 8271 TMES dealers and walk right in. ~ Ge et lot Walk In be tent merely to join the crowds that ing at the Eveready contest our window? Walk in estant for a prize needs contest blanks. them inside—also detailed infornistich. gation Welk in Our different styles of Daylos are usually interesting Here's one of them—a strong segrch- We have many other types if it would intere® you to see toecr Walk is PATTINSON LING & CO. THIRD AVENUE. whoch identifies us as Daylo ee Car‘and Gas Boat Owners per The Canadian Gas Saving Device has cut down local car owners gasoline bill lower than one gallon 8 hour day. me | Why can’t you save $3.50 to- $5. 00 a week also? See Akerberg, Thomason & Co., Ltd. Sole Agents ee Moe. Including Coats, -—-MISS GLEESON —— 20 per cent. Discount on all Summer Goods Voik Vo Dresses, Cotton Skirts and ile Blouses Phone 453 - Swanson, Pre sident Phone Red 391 NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS NEW MARINE WAYS Shawatlans Passage Equipped for building and repagring all classes of boats up to 100 feet in length WOODWORKING, BLACKSMITHING AND MACHINE SHOPS, Lest eguipped plant in Central British Columbia, _ Seal Cove Marine Ways, Ltd. E. Thompson, Gen, Manager Phone Green 153 a . , 7 . r 3 paifs of childre: eas for|. Buy your = bos at our sale} |8i—Jabour Brothers, Ltd egj00* “ve the Luxury Tax rye | Se. ® Brothers, 65 } . . . : | ed the city yesterday morning. ’ . . . me the recent arrivals in Ladies’ half silk hose. Regular)! city. iSSc, for 65¢ at our sale. Jabour ace | " CC. Smith of V ria arrived Brothers, Ltd, 65 1 Af ; rr cedin ‘ a the city by the ince John lowels, pillow - cases and this MOF BIE. . | Sas - pore, Tesuctene Miss 8. Barraclough came ovet lite’s July Sale. tf (rest GAA the Prince Soa . . * »F ' ' ( 8, Flewin of Port Simpson bits rene m irrived in the city by launch yes Ladies’ Bungalow apr , rez erday aflermoon. ce Be esq $1.50. Sale price £1.00, Jabvour Everything will be reduced for| Brothers, Ltd, 65 Lie next ten deys at our sale - ~ r jabour rothers, LAd. o> Wilfred MeDonald was amone $s 2°: @ those arfiving bach the city b of, it lremayste bas re-|the Grand Trunk boat this mern- stn) practice, Office Federal |ing. Block. Telephone 341. 65 weer © . . . 15 per gent disco t on all Another carload of Fords has /|ladies and children = anvas foot artived in town consigned to Wm.!|wear and Fivcet-l t at our Sa Ss. Henry for local distribution. iJabour Brothers, Lid. 65 ee ke a | mae 6 Demers Stock Heducimg Sale Mrs. L. M. deGex returned fror will continue until July 24. Comeithe south on the Prince Rupert early while the choice is good. tfithis morning fellowing an ex- es ae tended trip to coast cities We can save you 15% on Fire ote Insurance in old strong companies Arrivals from the mouth of the "hone 7—J. Lorne MacLaren, Sheena ineciude A. Mackie, Port Lid, tf Essington; A. W. Carter, Oceat e ° ’ A. Atkins, Domini and L. ¢ Mrs. W. H. Wilson Murray, 233 Johnson. Fourth Avenue West, will not re- . . tomorrow, nor again this Final arrange ts have not ea yf ee! mpleted the | ° ° ° f Ed. Jensen, whos body Was For three ply cotlonwood lining |praucht here ff Sorf Inlet y r bulidings—can be put on by terday smateurs—see E. H. Shockley . 6 Cow Bay. tf} Dr. W. J. Quit arrive . . cea Fa m @ 4 ur I In Acland of th ne { tea i ] ‘ police returned to Prince Hu- | crema re for a few days ' ust evening f sink a trig sing acquainta il i . . . . . M a Mrs Liy i Dance at the Auditoriun 6th (ty ed t the its the Prin Avenue, Friday, the 16th. Gray's) Rupert this mort 2 Mr. Lipsett ireh ira Refreshments. Gen-iwill resume the manage t *i, Ladies 50c. 65 ithe Lipsett—t cha " ‘ ae ee se Mrs. J. 1. 6. Williams, who has} Miss Lillian Ball areived fron ying a holiday in Van-/the south this morning and will wuUrver elurned to the city yes-/yvisit with her sister, Mrs. Dr. J, terday and is again at home itp. Cade. Mise Bul! formerly at- her residence on Second Street. [tended high school in this city . . . - . 7 Dr. and Mrs. MeKay of Winn Che Baptist Ladies Aid are siv- pe were among the excursionists ing a tea and sale f home ok- ; THE DAILY NEWS | ©. W. Homer returned on last N N evening's train from the interior. Local ew es =a) @ S ot The fisheries protection cruis- jer Thiepval afrived in port last Ask for Atkins’ Sausage, ggirrening: Joe Gallo, of Alice Aru rear he! arriving in town flast nicht. They | ;, atthe home of Mrs. S. Daw- H, Sinelair of Wales Island — Es Se eee | | The Satisfying Smoke r HERE’S a world of satisfaction in a pipeful of OLD CHUM Tobacco. It has that mellow richness that appeals — to every smcker. ‘ You are sure of a long smoke—an enjoyable smoke—and a thoroughly satisfying smoke—when you fill up - . your pipe with OLD CHUM €anada’s Favorite Pipe Tobacco. PRINCE OF WALES TO mvann ows 1 Nutritious Bread ed to arrive in KingSin obSep- VISIT WEST INDIES. With our modern equipment and sanitary methods, we produce a wholesome 23 next on béard the Our Goods are all made from High-class Material liser Reyown, ~ He will TRY THEM Da ae = : i & eave this afternoon on the Prince | son 7 Fourth Avenus 7 to K Kttcnd eeitu: . ed t iteford, a rtures- Albert to visit with James Martin ‘phursday afternoon, July 15, fro . at Massett : to 6a jue’ park three sites Tapagpnss- € La Lasse Dakery oe if where a bic agricuftural fair ; Ck ae ee ae ‘ , Sure 717 3rd Ave. Auto Delivery Phone 190 Hert |} Smith, a well Anown Mix« Katnle Mary Bunbury has been arranged in his honor. ining engineer of this northern! >a, ¢ 4 nursing sta In the a e Prince will! ¥ mntey, arrived from the Queen ),,. aca spite was arried i at f the country par-| ara EE : aes Charlotte Islands on the Prince oul es naslay ” Vo : ‘ . - where tie will view the ho this morning and left later Major Briszs f New Wes “ ty spots of the island. ne STEWART L. L.ND Co Ltd y the train for Hazelton He is/..., a J ‘ , Kinest the fol- "9 e Ass ited with the America oul rd cI a g day i his visit will end eee Smelting and Refining Company g i 1t King’s House. 101 Pemberton Block Fifth Street t caeiak oss Chie fame) see Ske Oe Vv IA STEWART As a result of the visit of Mr SS eR ea le ears ICTOR Rerhaven to this district a UIM= / the ne ti 1 . | é y ; ie teins uieta tir chee ee oe te Altog _Priwe wi { LOTS FOR SALE ON ALL PARTS OF THE toe 0 ‘ ers are no sihip - = offic s for he en e 4 \ v< . = sate a , ; thelr. creas 46: -thik'co-dpepativi , ae es ee STEWART TOWNS!TE reamery at Vanderhoof. Ex-/Shaw; vic hairman, S. V. Gox; z mad : ‘ Prince Listings of Business Lots Wanted ellent resulls have been oObLain- | ceeretary treasurer, M Booth: i . ¥ : resi _ - > —entntnn . > ror A > : ng at the creamery and Mr. Bor-/assistant tary. J. H. Bur-|, , will K HELGERSON, LTD - - LOCAL AGENTS ‘ haven Was very ioud in his. praise gh; doorkeeper, W. Dickens part Vhe | sent 4 vramuis {OK s f the new industry . . . a) ; foll © ' = sil @S8 [olhAvs:} A . vO 4 « . 2. 4 : st . Mrs. J. M. Clahey was a pa Septe es.) ak. Sas : é mong 1? arrivals trom the « ue ‘ . ty on the Grand . > , ff th on the Grand Trunk boat j i » tt . M . . - Sel T NOTICE TO FE ISHERN EN a = ie s a re , Oe eRe ee ee 8-30, Trinidad: UOctob i.2 WF . . this morning was Miss Margaret Gijqney wi visit here for a few ,, , a , . i r& ‘ 2 Anti- 2 Mair who will spend a short time gays wi she wil have / e ' siting with Mrs, Jas. S. Car-lehance of eting all her for wer Sra ae — Li nichael of this city, Miss Mair/triends. Mr. Clancy was manag Advertise in the Daily News. and Ice 4 s from Vieloria and is bow of : ich of the Ba —_—_—_—_—— — a her way to Teronto. The twolop M eal { some years NOTICE At BUTEDALE CANNERY ; te eer Suction Ta prices at thts an awocrice well WESTERN PACKERS, LIMITED ~ land Girea ion in pri ne ss es ras on rt aie of pte © i 2: . . . . ? : i; Kange 5, Cops me é rite’s July s since | ‘ st Map 972 ale, B.C. ' Bu ftet dining tables and ti : t! NOTICE is hereby given that Satisfactory Buted ’ ui 5 , f the loss the tifeate of tth chairs at Tite's July Sale. tl vering the above lands having been “ihe ‘ . . . \ ROBATE shed tis my intenticn issue ee the — 2 \ special edition of the Port IN THE st eM} Couae fF BHITISH vie MINI RAI AUT ; ‘ , o » ‘ aé . land Canal News published by > is teal a : Th S t , : , IN THE MATTE F THE ADMINISTRA = enet = Bs eTaymROe, | e meeton * James Cullins at Stewart has just x A tifeate i dated tober. 1945 i rat n the | | - . i is numbered #1t i Certificate of improvements. rack ts appearance on 1¢ loca BURRITT, ; a R ix THE X THE ESTATE I . } my newspaper stands and will preve JOHN BARRIMAN DODSON, DECRASED a , eaee pheeries megretres af Titles. | ; N 4p t es 4} he ea ooms ee et & 26th of June 20. } a , ° a ereat advertising medium for gre” Gave et tn beet Sessst: = PICS Rigger BG, padiue wore “est 3 tu Second heen ue the Stewart camp Phe supple -| Hom Mes. vould. i _ oe See oo LAND ACT ” Wher west s kit- |} " . . ‘ e adjoining the Delly Vard b. gonelete Oar aaeet Sic ommemer tate off Sohn Barr : Group oC Mineral Cita. ; Horie Cooked Meals ; | ‘ 2 mano . and all partes NOTICE OF INTENTION TO. APPLY “TO \ NOTICE. that 1, Lewis W. Paton: is freely illustrated, Aliee Arnie ins aga si the said estate are RA si fue ae ares att. Lowte Wi. Bepees ee oe a has alse been given a pood shire bereby i ure Sone, Bree — te 31048 , a agent for William Supper verified. 1 ' before the 6th ds i istret? AR 1rd | ee Certificate N ‘ ;. . au is . ‘ ding i j NM . tifleat ee lof the space, of Aurus ‘ and all parties in m, situate in the vieinity | se3 Alfred Wright, Free Miner's Try ovr Hone Made Bread . . . tebted ‘ tne aoe : ~ yond Cassiar er No. 31080-4 Alfred BE. Wright 3 1. Cak ; ‘ is . ithe an ndebiedness to me that w Alten Faleoner and] ¢re< ner’é Certincaw N Zo2n4-6 wind ana UCakes Pite’s July Sale off House Fur [ruin Albert. B. Armstrong, Of Alice Arm, B.C.,/Robert F. McGinnis, Preq Miner's tit nishings in full swing, tf JOHN He MeMULLIN upations cariagemen, intend to apply|cate No. 20988, Mnlend, sixty days fror . . . ea = fa) Admain a ator maar: nt esse the following de {tlm bate hereal lu apply to the > se ie ae ’ 1D this ' uly, : scribes ands Le er we i ertificate o if ; is m0 ge the ¢ me run a rT Commencing at 4 Pp he purpose ef obtaining a C1 Phis morain e Grand I 0 BATE boundary of Lot 1074A, Cassiar, 375.1 foes jor Above chaim Piano Tunin steamer Prince John arrived from jy pyr surn GURT OP BRITISH | northerly from the Soutt t| further take notice that action, . ‘doar » VBA said lot: thence at right angies S sald | der tion 85, must be conunence southern Queen Gharlotte Island IN THE MATTER OF THE ADMINISTRA- boundary easterly 175 feet more or less|(ne issue of sueh Certificate of lLaprove-|) and All Kinds of Repairs, points, She carried a number of “oe fadvan Snover the es A ht om aye this 1st day of May, A.B. 1920, |2 ee ae a ee ‘ fhiian reserve mwnce Sou “ i | ; ; s . ‘ y ; - passengers and a considerable IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF |said west rly boundary and the projection} LEWIS W. PATM« mE ; GEORGES GAGNON a quantity of freight Part of her JAMES 5. ADAMS, Deceased thereof 925 et m sre a ee e ine inter | TIMBER SA SALE x 2438. ; For Outside Orders address | . ’ e section with the srojetio south- cargo of salmon was unloaded) qvaxe NeTiCe that in order of Hls easterly o » southerly boundary of Lot P.O. Box 1666 Phone Tl oe Honour FF. Meck. \ 1c, made the Sra day 3643, Cassiar thet north &7 deg. 11} . ; at tt ‘we wrarusveragncuaererenngueummancnmaaual directly into the held of the Al dake aD 1020. | was appointed min West along ection of said last} Sealed tenders will be receive mt te) ee ner gree + oe : see a mere ee me roer 7 rn ; ‘3 the ne 375.1 = ; — Ss oo eee ae ~~ ao Pho 16 C V aah Avenue the party of excursionists, n or before the 6th day of August, A. D./nortberly along the easterly Boundary of |lock on an area situated o eor and Bea : 0 sil s im © es- said Lot 10744 to the point of commer |Lakes, Princess Reyal island, Range 4, 2 Ve EV T T er oe ee hy ep ean oe may Mes om cae of pee aff cain ning fon acres, more oF | Coas t District A : Just ived veral cars of ih ir "in debiednpess to me forthwith ke } Three (3) years will be allowed for uctioneer Just arrived sever ' ' \ MS ALBERT Bo ARMSTRONG, removal of timber. ‘ Mouse Furnishings—all in Tite's! py paior ELLEN ee eotints ALLEN FALCONER, Further particulars of the Chief Forester Auditor and Accountant - 4 ee j e Rupert, B by Allen Faicoher, Agent, |Vietoria, B.C., of District Forester, Princ Sale prices, {! DATED this 6th day of July 192 Dated 12 May, 192 jRupert, B.C ere ge np. See ae ne a ee + a ae ej —— os * as * a ek; a a et s Fate +e Aes > t a ra nn Hi . i ‘4 . a oy e's t a fa 3) ve oe