Department of Public Works, Parliament Buildings, Vieteria, B.C., June 10th, 192 ‘\ DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS Rul the ‘Road Notice is hereby given that in accordance with the provisions of the | “Highway Act’’ the Rule of the In Traffic District No. 1. KEEP TO THE LEFT: In Trafic District No. 2. KEEP TO THE RIGHT: The seid traffic districts are of the ‘ Highway Act Amendmer the Road Maps posted in public buildings, Road is as follows: more particularly described in section 3 t Act, 1920,”” and shown on Rule of » Order. J. H. KING, Minister of Publie Works. ested im inoreasing Production of Meat from New Herds. An investigation gf the con Jak Hieent Jegisiation. The work will) ibe carried of in co-operation with | the bureau ef education, depart-! Haent of the interior, which has} Hi been closely identified with the preindeer industry in Alaska sinee 1892. In that year the bureau | introduced 143 animals, whie h|_ they | CHINA, CROCKERY & NOTION number approximately 150,000, In addition, it is estimated that} have indéreased until today have their work done here —particular per- sons too—and let them tell youwhywedotheir work, And then—try our excellént’ Dry Cleaning and Pressing Service, . : Cayradian=- Steam Laundty _Phone é- Acreage at Terrace able prices. Plenty fruit and ivts of fishing Write to’ Kenney. Bros: ‘& Co. Real Estate and Insurance Terrace - - B.C. = ms ones Eg as Mies anal ¥ Ri = > q » ” . ae ae Get your’Acre Lot or Ten Acre Tract at Terrace-for a summer home before prices advance. Good lots ailjoin- ing the Townsite at reason- Town Lots $75 to $200 | Sport Briefs play off on Monday evening, the ieht of the great celebration. Phis afternoon the Butchers and the Chauffeurs meet in a practice baseball game at the Acropolis Hill grounds and te- morrow evening the same team from the city meat-busters will engage the Tinkers to a nine inning combat on the same field, Rivalry is now running high in this three cornered race for points although no trophy urges on the contestants They are still raking in the collestions for the purpose of raising funds for the dressing room on the hifl. ’ * . . Catcher Powers of the Red Sox team had a good wing to second in.Monday night's game with the Sawmill. Some of the Af stealers of the sawdust gang were caught between first and second through Powers’ nifty peg and Louis \storia’s sticky glove. From ali appearances made ‘this year there will be a splendid opportunity to organize a com- mercial baseball league at the beginning of the season in 1921 4 nuorber of other teams besides those that are already taking part could be formed. Already the Bankers have a splendid nucleus in George Mitchell, George Hob- erts and Powers, have now great social aspirations ind on the 29th are going to have a dance at which the intend to show just whal it means to give a real dance. : . . * If was no fault of Jimmy Kelly, Marry Bennett or Bill Lawson fhat the Orangemen lost the ame at Port Simpson on Mon- day. Nor could it be blamed on the stalwart Warrior who played between the sticks. Plainly luck nist have been against them, = ee Te Doors, Windows, Cedar Boat Lumber Oak, = Phone 383 Quick Delivery by own Truck EH SHOCKLEY === Cow. BAY == D. D. Fir and Spruce, Glass and Maririe Paint ‘ POOP OPE OO ORE OOE LEO LOO OOROD DL There inay be ‘something you want. See the classified column CANCELLATION OF RESERVE. \OTICK 18 HEHKEBY GIVEN that the reserve existing over Lot 2566, Range 4, Coast District, is cancelled, 6. BK. NABEN, Deputy Minister of Lands. Lands Department, Vicioria, B.C. —_ 5 - e oe Hand Your Baggage Chieaks to 23rd June, 1220. ua i x” JOE BROWN ; im on Motor Transfer and . ae Passefiger Service fe Stand, Empre ss Hote) ei | Noten TS HENEBY OER thas . é erie | axiaiin “Ove! r . a es “a Phones 264, Black 334 tras, "etek Met fot Cone \ —_—— i Quick Deliveries Lands viggeeee™ ree. ms rece m ” ty? d “iuss, 1920. 60a 7 A. G. GRAY Plants, Flowers, Roses, ie pep iele Sheng Cabbage, Cauliflower a Studio 137 Seeond Avenue Many Varieties i PHONE Blue’ 421 or 444 | CITY MARKET Ys 4 in, mr q ie 5 lhe Butchers baseball team} for feed and skins. 8) OExeellent as have been the re- sults so far, there are great op- portunities for nproving the n- ldustry, thus developing an .in- Ii is proposed to have a grand |portant meat supply not only fer baseball tournament at this/Alaska but for other parts of the ear’s barbeeue at Telkwa, The|United States. competing centres will be|c#uding the base of the Borns Lake, Smithers, Hazelton | peninsula and inymense areas and Telkwa, Semi-finals could) farther north, be arranged for Sunday, with ajing these animals. Several mil- j\lidn reindeer could be supported lon these traets, aceording to es- timates, The introduction of pew Ihreeding stock will be one of the iimimedinte tasks to be under- ; ‘itaken by the federal authorities. HOW ENGLAND MADE "MR. AND MRS. DOUG FAIRBANKS WELCOME A letter seen provi tae here} ifrom Plymouth, England, tells} lhow the English received Mary | Pickford and her husband, Doug-| las Fairbanks, when they arrived) their reeent teur. flowers were dropped to her decks. welcome to England. SUNDAY SCHOOL PICNIC ee Isiand. The “Lois M,” “Harla and “Ob Baby" were the first boats to head out, but durme the The races and other attractions prizes have been subseribed. evening following the closing of the business offices, Advertise iif the Daily News. HERBS HAVE WONDERFUL MEDICINAL PROPER there ls «@ Mic for the relief of prac ically every “buman disease The great) Creator wi wubiedly gave herbs to the The eyes of the world have been opened | wonderful work of Wonder Health fe a4 the result of @ lifetime of investigation, it bas established new standards for the of which it js made Offer relief for (iis nease in umuy forms. No sufferer from 4 Hievipausm, Stomach Trouble, Kidue y “and Bladder complaints, Nervous diseases Heart trouble, Skin diseases, Piles, etc..} tried this preperation. locally througbout af! Briti¢h Columbia and the wonderful work it does is creating new friends for it every day. Its action ts mild, To the blood it acts af a feeder, cenparing its vitality. For the diseases of the organs the herbal propertics which are a specific for that partieuiar organ are carried directly by the blood flow. They romptly set oe action whieh corrects feny irregularities, restores the organic in proper working order The preparation also tones up the entire system The full facts concerning Wonder Health Restorer and the signed testimonials of meey who have used it are contained in The Hoed to Health,” # booklet whieh shouldbe in every home. The remedy and Mierature may be obtained tn Vrince hu pert from the Prince Kupert Druk Co Wonder Health Kestorer, despite the wonderful work it does, if low ia cost, the Secteb herbalist outlining the formula insisting thet the price should be such as would make it possible for even the poorest person to share in its benefits AS ordinarily used the cost of @ month's iweatment works out at only 15 cents per day. BUSINESS DIRECTORY These are Good Places to Make Your Purchases when You go out to buy Oe ee U. 8. Federal Government Inter-| DRUGGISTS W. J. MeOQUTCHEON » largest drug house | ee -* p O ~ a Et ae re ee” eee ome ee . > yen “< creme HARDWARE , CAFES | HOWE @ MoNULTY ond Ave. Stoves THE GOSTON GRILL | abaips handiery. paints abd Fishermen's sup | Thi Ave WASHINGTON, DG. July 14.) PAINTERS AND DECORATORS | ditions of the reindeer in Alaska| ~~~ | andMthe introduction of new bloed! into the herds, whieh are of FRED SCADDEN x—~ es 1 Phone 457. A good plane to eat lgreat economic importamee to the natives of the Territory, are to; __ Ibe undertaken by the biological) survey, United States department | lof agriculture, in accord with re- | y _ SHEET METAL WORKS Everything in Sheet Metals Second Avenue FURNITURE AND GENERAL MERCHANDISE \w where RAT TON | plies, THE BLITE oare na Ave Kine ment for the monry PAINTS AND OILS THE 4. WwW. EDGE oO mud Ave LAURNDRIES Patets, Gils, Giaes and Wallpaper CANADIAN STEAM LAUNORY [Phone &, for Cleaning and Pre g Dept FURNITURE ~ Pererstasitintimnnaatea dell GROCERIES FRANK BROCHU | Third Ave Phone Green 442 LINE'S ee ee eae (4 sa ' a¢ TonicuT Tomorrow Alrig} ‘ght NK Tablets stop sic telieve bilious attac k headaches ka, to me and ative Organs, regulate the elimin ° you feel fine. "Better Then Pills Por Liver ly” , ORMES LiMiTED vies MERCHANTS, RETAIL : AERATED WATERS ARTHUR'S MARKET BEAVER BOTTLING Wenn Third Ave. Phomee 680 & 481, PO. bow 689 oe 7 i tecotee s TOKYO OVE WORKS Piessine en dry FEED STORES PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO New lara ' cet : Ave _ CLEANING AND PRESSING ‘leaniag trad Aveoue home 476 DENNY ALLEN 00. the natives have killed 100,000 | LA CASSE BAKERY SSS ae TAILORS—LADIES AND GENTS =m. vT. Lee Opposite fost omer YOKAMHAMA BARBER SHOP Aliso Cleaning aed Pressing Lady Bert BARBER SHOP SIGN PAINTING CIGARS 14ND TOBACCO A vast region, in-| Alaska) wee “oe is adapted to rais-| BELL 4&4 GROGSETT —— Phone 477. YORAHAMA IMPORTED GROCERIES reer PAINTERS AND DECORATERS RENTALS ALBERTA MEAT MARKET Se SELL & CROSSETT — Phone 477. * W. MART * Bink 454 . oo commer mermnernn wens recom eit WANTED TT) KENT Furnistied Prince leper and Engineering® Go at the old English sea port on| Aeroplanes were sent out to} meet the Meeming- steamer on)! _ which the movie favorites were) WANTKD AT ON travelling and huge bouquets of) k-—hxperenced | abd hagineering Go., The mayor of Plymouth went out) lon a tug to meet the world fa-! mous couple and aceord them a} sec ond-hanr ; Daily News Classified Ads. 2 CENTS PER yt IN ADVANCE. No Advertisement Taken for Less than SOc withoul coal” Apply bom #1 datinteen ag asm MM. Stephens Notary Public Conveyancer For Quick Sale An 4 roomed HOUSE with pantry, and TWO Spier LATS, fe and $3500. 00 This property ts in Section 6 and vat wit hive minutes walk of the oat Office Ad roomed HOUSE with pantry etic,, plastered aed in first elas Comiition, With Apher Late Lal ar Dry Does $1500. 00 Cash M. M. Stephens Rea! Estate insurance Ficaacial Ages loaily News ollice 66 of Mra, Wolters 6b FURNISHED FLAT TO HEN Bi sl Louis Hoome Plone Hed alg , Fae house or suite ef four rooms Apply rox 86 News oflice CANGELLATION OF RESERVE. W ANTED immediately Machinist, | > hand pfeferred TAKING PLACE TODAY At one o'clock this aflerneon|) the first launches for the pres-| byterian Sunday Scheel panic) left the Hazelton float with many) kiddies on board bound for Digby! MISCELLANEOUS box 85 Daily course of the afternoon many} other private launches went over. } be for the children are in the Sed cluding tne of Lb. Mf. Baiier and excellent! \ppig Linsey’s Gro Othet Boats are going over in the| box 183 or phone} h. p. Mediurn | Duty Sterling M. Ste ‘phens. in good con- In the ‘berks of the @rid herbalisis say | wet was boat with] pe ee ae wortd for the relief of suffering, but thetr) : fully equipped. |AUCTION OF PRIVATE SAL. is Kitsul N i hitsot No. 2," suneet? wonderful power is all too little recognized. | to the medicinal power of bPrbs by Ue | slorer. Peepered by 4 Seotch herbaliet) . Forol engine! treatinent of disease. Contalning no aleo-| bol or drug of eny kind, the herb juices) should despair of relief until they have) 3S Mined Bik. Wonder Health Hestorer may be secured ee re Fonts of all sizes hus lahat rooming persons holds Crown Lande or Lots in Townsite subdivisions under agreement for, sale from whom the purchase thx on such lands or Townstte Lota remainin ’ Cigar Store. HOUSES FOR ALE Auras fo portal strength and puts them) gerson, Heal Matate, Notary Public : . as provided Db Heetinn, 30 of the “Land linlet, thence east 40 chains, thence #o j wet Chapier” evisel @tatutes of 146 chains "thane want’ e abn, danse i ‘ Redyoaesaiaa sitting near Dry Dock, with or ‘ wet ne ’ , POR RENT 2 and 3 reom apart serve 7 ? : . ments, $414 to £17 per month 2 ; atoms take . . os p. Phone {¥ an iu vias ft : : s betwee eas Se ee nee on warts ba : at Rreerry oe ; : ; On RENT — Sewing machines and the « ; ' ‘ pianos. Singer Shop, Third 7 eee nan Avenue. 65 Deputy MM ‘ ' tande ee Lends Departne tt y torte, Bf STEWART Lors” tth May. tone ‘POR SALE Lot 2, Block "40, Map. 905, Stewam Townsite. Price $1,000, This lot adjoins busi ness section on Bixth Btireet Apply Dasty News ofliee tf Lost ST Amall wrist watch, kigin Haby's pietore m the baek Reale) ter “ ¢ reteived by the Piease return tu P.0. box 875 oan goth i. po es ; . > a Big reward. 64 | ohare “a a feet f pr : . FOuRD |isiend. Dae | ; : oi ca va ened aw | Phat ' yw ar wed . FOUND Silver Rosary im CaAsé@.\meral of Unrber Uwner cap tlave same by pay yan a at. ene ; ing for this advertisemes! unert | # . iw Phone 104, Mira. Cartes 64 MINERAL AOI ae - ; . nt LODGE MEETINGS qommenpennaey -—— - ——--| Certificate of improvements. andl LODGE 1654 LOYAL One © | , Moose meets every Monday!) “Sirer Ti : Minera a sttwate i it . ' ’ “ evening at the Deep Sea Fisher |oF fagguee Distrtet men's hall , tf| aheaes aint a he Laan t River LEER LP ES Y TARE NOT? he that | wl W Vege of Price Kupert ’ keene M BULBS, SEEDS & PLANTS. tineate 3)018-C. as ‘the auly itor ie _ ee arn agent of Fraps Aus “¥ ; re Tulips, Daffodils, Naroinsus iG eee 2: Copan, Re. Serer Peonies should be ordered Now |t> the Mint | ' f : Nes for Ball, pinwding... Que mbktl users Choon Orant.of the biore cleus impartation will arrive early in|, 40d fartieg take mor that aetion, wn 2 der section * ta 1 fiw red hefor: October. ( Send for Catalogue,|ine issue of sort riificate of huaprove ol - . ’ ents now ready. ALTA GAKDIN Rihen thie ois doy of Maw, 6.0.00 ACKES—-Iinporteras, 519 Wine bh, ; LEWIS W PAT MONE Bidea., Vancouver, i. ¢. | ; MINERAL AQT ee ee eer iF rm ? AUCTIONEER. ‘ CEATIPICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS yorTioe No et Na M conducted, on your OWN pretn-| aae Han. : oo porisoan” Mineral Clatos ale . ‘ » - fh the Neas Hiver M mm Dlvisiv f ‘ isxes or ip our sales room, ~M.| Bie Sane ’ ( week, Auctioneer, Becund Ave, Where lodated 4 miles from o tf head f Atlee Arw uit Hiwer Section 2. TAKE NOVTICR thet fey W. raumers — - jrree Miner's Licetice oO iota i as agen } or Willtlam Martin if eith Washing mn, U8 A rr Miners Certificate WN 3395 ©, intends, sisty days from the daw for @ Cerlificate of tniprovements, for the each of the above claims And further take notibe thal action, on f@f section BS, nual he Gommenced before the isstance of such CPertificate of im proven NOTICKH Dated this 2nd day. of April, A.D. 1990 sincroonrd rerem wenowns 1. PR NOTICE 18 HEKKBY GIVRN that all LAND AGT. FORM OF NOTICE. 4d & overdue are required to make| VANCOUVER LAND Diener. olerniert pa ut, Within ais pont bes Far the deve 4 OF COABYT of this Notice, either of 1) ammount dua, 4 r wi inhadieas thereon, if TAKE NOTION that Vacitte Milla, Limited, any, be aa a on stantial ie ae Olof Occan Vail, wh ¢ oneupation pulp and Ua the Hull mee due least cover) paper makers, intends to apply for per evidence lanes, her Municipal | lands or Proviocial, base ‘at falling Wiieh| Commencing at a port planted at the the agreements for he cancelled. i8.W. commer of Lot 16, False Intet, Hivers northerly along shore to point of com 6. R__NADEN, Deputy Minister of Lands or jess Department of is, PACIFIC MILLS, LIMITED Victoria, B ' iy Mark “aby, Agent April ist, 1020, Date June Sist, 1920 ¥ Shampoo Parlor NORTON SHAMPOO PARLOR i a facial massage to sec the y . ; ' To Oe - Hen Vack wo ange he & ng sir to any abate Scais ment, electrica rater eet ments, face powder and al! kinds of fare creame, et Oppostte Goverament Bui tdings 210 4th St. Phone 493 Essington Hotel has been re oper ed by = Martin & Bush First class accomodation for Visitors to Pét Essington Night Phanes - J. G; Steer W. iLangwill, Biue 77 Day Phone 5 STEEN & LONG WILL Sheet Metal Worke Agent for MeClary Furncae Sanitary and Heating Engineers 6th Street and Fraser Street Prinee Rupert - B. ¢ SMITH & MALLETT PLUMBING AND HEATING ENGINEERS Katimates furnished. Address, 3rd Avenue, head of Becond Btreet. Phone 174 P.O. Box 274 bereal, ta apply to the Mipiiee Mecudaier purpore Of obmining « Crown Grant of pate, towetbor With |imission to lnase the following described mencement, and containing 160 acres may Hotel Prince Rupert EUROPEAN PLAN $1.50 per day and up. FIRST-OLASS OAFE A La Carts. Phon® Green OF 1017 Bra Avenue BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS Spectalinte in Light and Heavy (oe struction, Repaige and Alterations First Qlass Stairease Work #00 r , BRICK AND CONORETE BUILDING CONTRACTORS