Wednesdays fulv 44,.1920, - } ome — THE DAILY NEWS i ovsnestlites pealeaniinepagpeals dia. <2 °) SY LT WILL MAKE ARMISTICE —_— P ; | . of the KEEN RIVALS rm Lae ) * ; i AEN BLADDER a ten THe a eke Same ollevecl in ~~ ins et hAs aver ‘ ! re. Stine 24 HOURS _ MEET AGAIN la the Ales that an aem- Pach Cap. = (aI0y ots bint * made with PP ana 1 Zé on eS aes eave ofconaterfelts . # . - ' Grand Trunk and Callies will be SOAP | 1 Shier retur fre th Interesting Game Tonight ; ol ad | - morning sian } ; Sa intent ' ‘ | i Sawhe returned t 10) his evening s footh game Is Economical. The Coupons which ty this morn tra For a a between the Patlie« and the Grand f carries -- redeemable fo; useful ieaiaiitiine andi a : ! franks will We watched with) enticles -- are a further economy. MINERAL ACY entury. much interest by hose « »>havel.# Be Form 5 ” a ae Certificate of Improvements. i tt ibeen following the course ‘of WOTICI knoe met the j r Tip ve ? ‘ineral lain gives dine of & me lbheone fwo team In the re Ten Years Ago j j n the Nees f K ton ‘ some reducer b ‘ . meric ey nl "4 . , ar = ivbetriet ’ s ’ Ps . pred i sy sau of the leagiie tl played t in Prince Rupert j sled Sixteen mites _ the e 1 ia 2 draw They ti r downed bh i ’ war len ‘ time end suidy to ther , 7 x —_ ome BE r sli » eel al opponents and if was decid NOTION that J bn Hogh MeMuitin Wi uce ‘ rience as @amend mer ed to mé@al on Dominion Day for duly 14, 1910. ‘ o- * f ly . rea oe: i ver a period of the special p Here Aw AIT A.J McMaster CA) Gel, Pit C, intend, sixty 4 from 1% tate | ; * the whole Ww which pasxsenget i if hia by gee te ip ” tp x} rier » senate te they, blaved to a tie, #0 tonight's|* . 316 of Seapr 7 he . sve ir ‘ netty SaAeaE the comin aes ed that the sist so of onetime Crow rai of i HERE'S sotnething indefinably good about this new s wn br the nders #i v a PMGTTE me » oe oe 4 ; claw - busitenhy Ane Dut the Hat the series, in the meantime |!’fnee Rupert, the Prince « “Tan htd Suriher (AB Botice tha action, un- brand of Pork and Beans. The flavor is delicious, ‘ ‘hbwhny epecialists the Grand Trunk have got a little |""' . . ; a oh Cerf ri ‘ 7 . _ ~ ibe edge of their opponents placed ite a oe and it is a delightfully wholesome, nourishing and [Hibeating thein in a 4 to 0 game fast "OOD Ae Dossibie aft m oS sustaining dish. _Indeed, it’s all that you could desire. i ft ‘ g |—— — ‘ idtonday..which was the first fx | . o.: Bee j lure of the second helf of the) fe we a. ~- Syocpseef . The Beans are cooked to perfection; you will find ieagie matches Georke Rusecll wilt he the re. (of the leading” inanranee men off lend Act As ondments every bean whois, tender, mealy and melting to the taste, ferdp- Gnd hie skill at beeping thet) ot ' Gterl this niaraine akal Then there is a tender little Kas can adds greatly to the|!* marpers J Po vee. enaltiae. Made im Canada . ¢ “iui x t : ‘ . za nat Lown im thal ‘ Vancouver, (B.C. — [fi pirarure of the spectators desire & th pa colecet te ef on eons soeat toate Strip of juicy pork to add ‘ ete pee ood footbell qa" ‘4 4, second - ‘ . Pao oo 8 tbe. arden Bivy }4. flavor, and just the right ; tre Callies tea e mad niet Nei sat tli Bata sate Pre-emption pew confined te sur- ee . Ppteremncy 7 ty aa follows-~dical, W. R. M Fi a fe Mel HOS TC.) wayed lands only. amount of tomato sauce to , ; s (pues Lec he fire and water com- will be granted covering only . ; , ? , tir backs, Harry Menzis nied i et gs teats EL tee Oy, tee to purehase nine pairs of| Sgt guitaie Seq sericuteural purpenes give that little touch of relish, RK’¢ W. Murray and A. Matthews; {01 - pun B. “Bny but partion Of es apane thaw four may Order several tins to-day sard«, White, J. Boote, T. Black “vs , | with S eadeiin tet eaeh maxing h SEI I H. Wiggins and George Sellars. ré, Sig . Be i noesenary ‘ements on reapective from your grocer. Ask him, { distill ° ' Pre-emptore must cocupy claims for i : : Empresas Thea Friday night] ¢ee pene aan SE Goeuey datme tes too, about other lines of ro DISAPPEARANCE OF promises to be a | rad gt patiaery megeaing sn ; ‘ . before recetving Crown Grant PILCHARDS CAUSE Mr. and Mrs. C.D. Newton have], J7here pre-emptes tn sccupation set READY °. 2. ret eal iregn Harrison t pertionate imprevements, he may, be- SERV Cornevwe commeneed mak.- OF SPECULATION 7 5 WHOTS wees AF i tepae ade ermpedinte cer'iRate of » 5 TO E ng stoves in 1848. Still in ! [mM ge - gw t-—», Be ‘ 2 ‘ i j . f bi I reported mysterious disap ‘ wentt Genoe may he festiedl’ 5 provided reviled appt “A Different Dish For Every Da he same ipe.o 7usi Ness . vs Gienesvpeengpphanetidenitaaiatanidesnenanniiiltaiagilliatiianiiiaies cant makes improvements to extent of aan : . ‘ ‘ tries piichard= « kyew $800 per annum and recorés same each 19 Hundreds in use in naie ‘ IINERAL ACI year. Failure to make improvements Prince Rupert. eee or record same will operate as far- ine I at of Vaneouver Ixland is Certificate of Improvements. ames ae cannot obtained ta Beef Steak ard Onions g a good deal of interest : a sites PRE fy 9-3 wd Gane f aus Ox Tongue Corned Beef On SALE AT { se anxiety ‘among Hahe Serb 4 eutsvated, and venience Spaghetti with i = . » . * are requir nd Cheese ta oa j ner ‘ of ¢ ‘ say Pre-emptor holdi Crown grant * .e2 1 Fred Stork’s ’ hist ' \ : i “1 r MAY record another oe emption, wf = Vegetable Soup Roast Beef > cif ‘ ’ o pil We ms . requires lan 6 i conjunction with Corned Beef Hcsh ; . awe he aught since | Are farm, without act occupation, ane } : . ‘ M vided statutery | Lumch Tongue Potted Meats Hardware set fall by the Sonetnces eeetat: |r he | oN Mansons! Sat cigintery Enecorepents ‘made Contaiiegh Seamed SECOND AVENUE y a ‘ « portions of the fF 4! . Ree ‘ey & oni arene. act _frosedin 2 And a wide veriety of other* ’ Phone Black 114 sland coast, and tt if slated by arm et , ones pe ote to eee : = meshes, package foods—all Government ‘ art whe ha Pioveatizated thes - MM x 1 er dential and tuageoveansat aan ona, ; } pacar oi “anedo, in Syneea by CT bit are quantities or Py cae mreas, excecding “640 ncrea, act's % il : Pies ards thaten” haa Se , leased by cne person or co a | 3 i eS (fy ard : “ te. f c a that a . i —, aod eee er Indust ‘al sites en . ‘ * bays and harhers to “ bee Catetred fore m i. «@ acre “ : ' ; tr t iirat i may be purchnoads P ceeteeas hake THE ILLIA DAVIES COMPANY Limited i PRINCE RUPERT south of Nootka Sound. This has emi : oeent Soom a es rae ha : : ‘ to the theory thit..a Tin day of July, A.D. 102 inaccsssitile orento . Montreal ; _ existing roeds may ; Central labor Gouncil diseuse bas killed off the fish ' N " 2s ceeal’ 2 anette . s ? ’ WATER NOTICE te them kebate of one-half of cost SReenn SE ae Oo B U vhoalesa Om the ther hand, SE AND STORAGE read, pot eaineting hall of Se i LAND ACT : = . . " ; her * e t ae ames : ial of the Fisheries Depart FARE NOTION Weis Taylor Mtdiag Com price, is ul aes ent #tate,.a@ similar emigration (pagy Limit whose address ie ¢ Credit PRE-ENPTORG pees ennsert Morice or intention ¢ to o Appt Lease ; r Huiidmg, Vancouver, B. { wii AcT.. y NOTICE! ‘ lel } r ory ¥. n Cassar Land Déstriet, _Brourding Dis cs of } ards has apply’ for 8 lire te eee we 30 ome of this Act t . Sheena, and situate at Alice Arm. the ,f fort " vast arte feet of w ates « ut of aemrwaser Creek ine _ ile ‘Majeotre'y Laas: Say The “4 ot i t bo) reet or | Fert ree iss - pve ess t the peoine t ’ om summer vatued at mor than); vegan tb . nie ‘ e mm m es Metment to March #1, 1990. aco me n tment and con lainig 25 aries wore THEO COLLART, Notary Public . or Cie 1944 " be ' t th me ret ine ’ oe TOM LEE CO io Vibes ° tadedd rer 1 na eof, Bevtisk c mabla rd ait ye : * [SLICE An ‘ ey Nach, BCLS. Lot 1 10, Block 27 Block 27, , Section 1, on Sec aod Avenue, $250.00, : neunvinnis te { tare hye rowia r ‘ ARE r ed Nash, BCLS . . ‘ . “ ae : om m mer he i an “" "Wal > he aba ere “— & issuance of i ne at to 20 " indy 4 room House and Basement en twe lots, 7th Avenue Bast, 840 Second Avenue, West. Seer Oy eee ee NE Oe ee ee ee Pe wn Lande, acauite ere, of nmr — $1,500.00. ee ™ lly important in the fishing in-|Piiinent | Vicouste, B. €.. wits Stoehanare whe tehal i oe trem jiN THE SUI REME COURT OF BRITISH ; Lots 19 and 20, Block 16, Section 8, $100.00. - t : ' reve hres y i thirty days afte Inst appearence f urchase, tnvolving forfeit on - ma . nee VEGETABLES jdustry of the proving th this potire tm « local newspaper R} tt of condstic af ce ' rates i ; Fire lmsurance Real Estate Accident Insurance Wholesale and Retail fur years ago, the canning of The te rt Lory ome which the pow . ! veregt and tones hers HR pursha- iN = 5 MesyeR F, THE ADMERISTRA: | Most Liberal MARINE iNSURANCE on the Coast t te «tray an are 50 miles oe not claim who! | , pilchards resulting from the food) paqius trom the Whit Group of Minera toa due and Gane TH 1 and > @ Phone Blue 69 Westholme Theatre Block P. 0. Box ny ; p ~ ' . he Kitear ive EB MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF General Contractors and Blacarcity of the war, In {917 the|ime Sat i uitenunt Dire, 4 | Se Kicemeal oe | Sat NSlayies) Deckas, 9p Mapemane Labon Kachange. first big ran of pitchards was seen | undertaking wit P water migwee ome | t| St by May TESTATE het > oraer ot -e| es ————___—_———— _—_— — ae e - in the straits of Juan de Fuca and ine Water Record Pri GRAZING. Honqus ja eee, Ys ang ae aS oar : Prince Rupert, B. ©. they were first canned in that) aforesaid, and will be date geperey ent of foe EO", dtretemantio Jminisirator to the estate of Edward M When in Town, Come to the Phone 547 — P.O, Box 725 year al Nootka. In the following fae + the a ao “for erasing “stricts and 0 range claims apattat ti a ele aaa heres [ ° ; a »% e «schools appeared along SoUNED, and ony oer ee ’ ; ° saa nk Baan istration vider he jrea ired 1 Tarenale same, properiy veriied, SVEA PO ROOM ; r ——_ year hug 7 | ph a ee Seer wien an’ of a tfre ratacs, pris anuet to me, on or before the 25th day of Jey. PACI the cowata of _ a — -line ® ater Recorder af Prinee Rypert owners, ® ook-owners may oon > oe ae ben on ae of thet Near Beer, Soft Drinks, Cigars and Cigarettes s eastern Vane ver [stand and they | aforess | Associations or reage lindeBtedness to me forthwith 3 al TAYLOR MINING COMPANY LIMITED, | gieas ” Bree, or rT 7 ; MeMULE erse Proprietres# pusat ah . were eanned at manys canner a] a sates By ¢ , a Ke we om ot att tate for Were . oe we = iu HN He we a E. Pet n Rottabie. Sdéeien af deaneneble Rated alone the coast #n considerable ia 2 , re cn day of July, 1092. wo “ ao | ested this 25th day of J ne We bave Whrehouse facilities quantities Little is known of = — a a —— - ESE = ————S ee & & Parker, Manager the habits and life tistery of the === —— > ————— ——— —— ee * ite Cartman Says:—“It’s a Great Life If You Don't Weak that the future of on vi hard in-| Gene Byrnes ays:— t’ sa reat e ou n "t ea en.” dustry in British Columbia is very ———___— M impartant, though many prob rey lug @ rs. e . e lems Connected with the taking ce nT ee preserving and marketing pf the) nan, WELL HE x tn 4 . to be solve 1 AN QL rT Surprised | jah will hav«avto t olved Ves ARE. x . WAS sTi Ban’ es aLcowouc SA my P } i. tig ah THE FOUONT ' | “POLMCE COURT YouR Honor! SORE oe INTHE PARK THROMIN' Ww GREAT LIFE t ’ Her Guest —vo HE WAS ONDER Noo TELL? AIS CANE. IN AN’ te \F YoU po ues s | In the police court this morning! * “THe INFLUENCE TELLIN’ ONE or re WEAKEN the case aguinst Nels Lind fo LIQuor, THe S STONE LIONS ® % Her name is withheld at hérlusing obscene language was dis OF $ ~ sons = - enuest ' FETCH (F OUT eZ ; «x if: jimisséd, \ a . a Mrs. P. had guests for supper Anders Svedier was ned 810 es \ 7 . £ on Toosday.” THEY had a vege-lfor being drunk. fable salad The case against Reggie Rud- On Wednp sday twe of the ladies |jand for having his automobile on called up for het salad dressing |, etreet which would obstruct the recipe, iright of way has been adjourned, Mrs. P. avert, ofvcourse. She} Phe fase against J, Markonich F ‘ays the only gecret is that she!for wearing a returned soldiers ‘ uses Pacife Milk in an other-|putton without proper equalifiea- Wise very ordinary dressing |tion was further adjourned tll and gots a delightful flavor, Judy $9, Pacific Milk Co. The eleetion of officers at the cE Limited Trades and Labor Couneil meet. 392 Drake &., Vancouver, u. 0. ling last nieht was postponed for ’ FACTORY AT LADNER, B. 0, : jtwo weeks, " ‘ ‘ i] it 4 ‘ i 4 a ite : We ‘ i '