=~ oped ; i ; Ta p ae a ; } EE Lee rc celle cert ee Bathing Caps Water Wings. Ear Stopples Our stock of these has just arrived. Come in and inspect them. ORMES J IMITED The Pioneer Druggists Phones 82 and 200 P.O. Box 1680 THE REXALL STORE JOIN THE SWIMMING CLUB! N o! For the Salt Lakes | Real-Fruit Desserts The Rarest Sort ists only gelatine dessert we fruit-juice flavors sealed pad is Jiffy-Jew. No sonibcia flavor can take the ace of fruit. For Jiffy-Jell the ' ruit is crushed, condensed and | sealed in wats oA of this liquid essence. comes in the pack- - And sugar i¢ used—not sac- arine--to sweeten Jifly-Jell Tifly-Tell comes inten flavors Try loganberty and pineapple for desserts Ty litme-fruit flavor for tart salad jel! Try mini for a re- freshing® mint fet A very interesting marriage took. plate last week when Beat- rice Itene Sinith became the bride of George -@gston, one of the earifest derivals into this section af tfie-cotntey. Reve David Gray, T J o_o MENof TODAY give more attention to the details of their toilettes for they realize that a neat, prosperous appeer- ance 18 & passport to suctess. The Right Jewelry quietly defigned is expressive of good taste,and adds distinction, Have you the useful articles eve man needs, a good watch, cuff links of approved style, studs, scarf pins, a seal ring and other conveniences? R. W. Cameron The Jeweler 3rd Ave: Interested in CUT GLASS - ? TIMBER SALE X 2434. Prebyterian minkister here, per- , "i formed the ceretnony. The bride =eiand groom spent, their honey- moon visitine- im Hdmonton and { ialgary. ‘. : . . . A pew Hudson's Bay store is eing, erected at Fort St. James apd, amber ods. being | freighted north ~ to complete construction work, e. . . , Over 400 -gesidents invaded Prince George oa Dorinion Day and several myade excellent show- Hines in ive Sports entries. / . . . RK, H. Mbore, gf the, Soldier Settlement Byard, is in town in jconnection with board business, | a Miss Thelma Tittemore of Fort iFraser has been the guest of Mr. |, jand Mra. J. W. Camphell for the past two weeks. * . * | A well Attended picnic was held jon Engen toe commemorate the : Hrourthi of July. Recent arrivals Ww e mean the real thing. Seubed. tontele ae be xecetlant0 tne: ftom across the international Phe kind with the -brilliancy | minister of, Lands not later than noon of line. were out in full force to cele- , es . ‘ig * the Sth day of August, 1920, for th ur of diamonds and the weight of | (1 © of Eibence 1 $434. to ‘cus