Siar § AWNINGS T All kinds and sizes made by Jones & Son Experience) 4 ») c. H. (40 Years’ i, et Agent J. F. Maguire 722 Second Ave. an — 72 mel vor PRINCE Longshoremen Resume RUPERT, &~Ghe Daily Ne PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia’s ‘Newspaper B. Us, JULY PHL USDAY, ‘TAXI TAXI ” Phone 75 WE NEVER SLEEP Prince Rupert Auto M. BH. LARGE 707 Second Ave. - Prince Rupert j —— PRICE FIVE CENTS Work Today LIPTON’S SHAMROCK IV. WINS IN FIRST RACE OF THE AMERICA CUP SERIES GREAT TRANSCONTINENTAL “GOVERNOR COX FLIGHT COMMENCED TODAY FAVORS LEAGUE Believes that Treaty of Versailies Should be Ratified by United States, with two Reser- vations. Four Machines leave Mitchell Field To- day at Noon; Perfect Weather | between New York and ernor Jaines Nome reported prenidency, is in favor of ratitica RaiLA 5 \ > oon is ! vi i ~ ' | ~ . i i ’ WW ‘ “ . I ' ‘ MINEGUA ul 7 RECORD TIME VISITORSARE SEs RUNTONORTH APPRECIATIVE sss se. power vested in ¢ and thal the “@ Sts could t act extepl harmony pda Alege Los ay) iui. int _comiply-| taking * init tes gress U.S Destroyer Made Run From Excellent Reception is Being Ao- Seattic to Ketohikan in corded Them—Some Spending 80 Mours. : Exive Bay in the City. ing with Sav DMagee dretkion i ’ : ‘ \ In speakmge Of ThecLenete issu «= tron o : ig nianage : ‘ , ' " ue at t | ‘ ae ’ Gor ile ared : I ix , | 4 and : hi tulern i r ' ° x ‘ is s s lee net his oA. i i ; > ~4 1ig ESTEVAN HITS attest FISH SCHOONER ne Speculatsr Seriousiy Damaged and Supplies Lost—Constitution Suffers Stightly. mie orem ieee) AT NIOQMEN: i All ber ca 1 rhe its 1 [ ‘did ‘ | d ; van i h m Istand is under Water and the i Damage is Placed at $100,000. The ¢ xa tha Soidiers Lost All. } y da ‘ m ae i Ghet Sowers : MIMSTOON eae 14 re ae MATRICULATION RESULTS Fries wd B.C. Gibbons f ti sting of a dyi Nik PORTA luly 4 rl — j z an ar ‘ * ‘cone Sune high sohoct ox- IWALERA IS GIVEN ssessious. Four Wu are i ~ allected by the de ery UNIVERSITY POST damage 19 rege sud -" : re inated if ie Vi wo lod i 10.006 “President of Irish Republic” Gets ily lutriéuiabin ones Professorship of Mathematics “ Jolin Fotos, 7 Cie ‘ 7 are KEW YORK, Jule 45.—Ap DBO; Lavid J. Gavalier, e raenil of hamont In V alera fortrode 1 Kelsey 543. ‘rosideut ef the Lrish Republic, were granted supplemental ee tation the air hig bipllie neg faoorge, Intermediate at Maynooth College Ireland, by Has Now Complied with Allied vele muximum marks 4.100 1¢ Most Kev, Daniel Mannix, as Demand for Two Million M. Jolinson, 502 ‘sident of the institution, be Tons Coal Monthly. Magdulene Asked . ry a ve going to Australia as Areh —-- leads t! } eT ted hap af Melbourne was an ruk SPA, July AQ Phe . it may ie ‘ ‘ i s in The nouneed here last week Arch mans have tinally agreed t he bishop Mannix w be the guest!iAllied demands for the supply r a “of honor at a pul ception atitwoa million tous of coal monthly Madison Square Gardens Sunday)Their first excuse Was that i orter Wanted evening lutly (8. at whieh Areh.|would be impossible to send so bishop lias ft New York willlmuch The presence of military Apply i bce eounsel at the conference t is Central Hotel understood, had a beariur the Launch Alice B. Phone Blue 548.) in devie TAL! SPARRED SHAMROCK IV ¢# | board is Judge Young Named Chairman of Board F. G. Dawson and WE. Thompson had confereace this morning and reach decision; Men return to work * * in meantime The tocal longshoremenw returned te work a conference between PF. Trunk Pacific Steamship Co., longshoremen. These two geutlemen McB. Young conciliation board on the strike issue. this at (i. { Dawson o'clock repre- W. t. met afternoon following senting the Grand Thompson, the this morning and decided on Judge F. man of the Although Judge Young is at present out of town and will not until July taken for granted and pending the board’s finding of its deliberations the longshoremen will carry on their and for is the chair- be back 24, his acceptance of the chairmanship of the as a result usual york which has been suspended for nearly six weeks. CONTEST FARMERS FACE NEW CABINET LABOR FAMINE ‘ Vv | au or Whamnare wih fo Btertes. | . Penpie te Spend Nocations * OTTAWA, July 14—Se. date), TOES ey eo a3 has yet been set for the by-elec- ler, superintendent of the Gov- wisi ais _s Ronis which F. B. MeCurdy, E. K. ernment employment bureau, re- Spinney and R. W. Wigmore will contly stated that pees oe have to contest before they take a shortage of farm labor again rl iS a en er their cabinet seats. HM is under- this orn and asked residents stood that all three of them will °f eae to pe the ad- have their return contested. Visability of spending’ their vaca- . : tees iy He tions omethe farm to assist in eads Resolute in unas eee ae SCHOOL BOARD mate 9 «Peer shy ; = —— become acute toward the middle of next month. -Shamrock makes poor start in slow HAD MEETING Witte fargigraate no asking for many men at present because race; Weather conditions quite ad- dt ihe light kay bean, much laene s needed to pick the fruit in the Two New Teachers Named—Bor- i= "erded to pick t verse; Time 4 hrs. and 20 mins..- : Niagara peninsuia,”’ said Mr. Mil- den Street Repairs and ; : ; — ler. Much of the crop will be a VW YORK J c Flas! eal rhomas Lipton’s Sea! Cove Cinders. loss if labor ecanrot be had. One | i : fruit-crower who was im today - \ ‘ } he America Cup series al : . i i al 2 a . wey At the meeting of the school 4.64 for one hundred men. . * ' series will be decided by the winning jhoard yesterday afternoon @ fur- Mr. Miller pointed out that the ve ther appointment of two teachers prospects this season were for Progress of Race. was made to take the wae Of heavy crops, and that the need for NEW Y¢ K. Juby \fier the yachts were out two hours Miss A. MacKenzie and for @ Va-liabor would be pressing f the . cancy not yet filled Phe two new weath were uncertain He said } le was only 1 miles, but the Shamrock was poachers are Miss May Martin of that wages of farin labor woufd Phe sea was dead calm and the 4ir almost Ladner and Miss K. Simmonds of be $50 to $60 a month Onutark ite p thruat halyard half a mile from |Vancouver. Miss MacKenzie was beat poe kept s y already named for the local staf NEW YORK Juivw 1 rt Resotute crossed the starting og ee appmenas " UOR VOTE. ss a school before the local board L] > past \ while the Shamrock was 68 seconds made ter Shin oifer ake Bal te 66. der w The poor start for the Shamrock j¢jine the Prince Rupert appoint- IN NOVEMBER " timing. At 12:10 a rain squall was encountered, | me M l wife of the captain of the Shamrock, who acted M hell & Currie were awarded . said that the poor time was, due tov rain and = ae a ee Postponement of Registration — : bd ,pRorden Street Hcpen. e. war Will Delay Important & e niles oul the Resolute was increasing a ha mule) vii) pe carried out dyring the Referendum. lead ; mrock soon picked up and passed heft. summer holidays and Une esti- Yachts’ Measuremeénis. . mated figure is $480, VICTORIA, July 15.—The post- SEW YORK, July 15 The particulars of the yachts par- 4 contract was also given to ponement of the ¢losing f the 5 race follows J. Breaden for hauling cinders to ,egistration for the new voters’ » - ; race Pai s , . ., the Seal Cove School, There are jjcts means that no liquor refer- n wued, by the New York Yacht Glub, Captaia C. #, 100 yards to haul and the tender)... gum will be taken till early in \ 106 feet long, 60,000 square feet. was 75 cents per yard. [Nov embe s) IV, owned by Sir Thomas Lipton, 42 men, 112 nstiatia — 00 feet. _ BIG LEAGUE BASEBALL ‘ROOSEVELT NOT rl 5 «ck was further handicapped by seven minutes eos ees lela, wilk rreatler sail area, ‘ : National League : RESIGNING NOW NEW YORK, duly 14 Later —~jt is understood that the Brookiyn 3, Chicago 2, oie s} h smplete the course in the six-hour limit to win. Brooktyn 4, Chicage ft. lin Interview at <4 tiuehion al., he ’ : : a 63 ; i hed the| Cincinnati 38, Philadelphia 2. Puts Rumors as to immediate NEW YORK, July Flash, The Shamrock tnishe 1 pitishbew A Boston 3 Resignation at Rest. couest winning the race, New York 7, St. Louis 4. qugyro—n 7 . aan American League STOCKTON, Cal. July 1d. PALLWAY MINISTER mIssING man babel Boston 6, Detroit 5, Franktin D. Koasevelt said here i Beston 4, Detroit 0, that he will not resigu his posi- ae al WILL VISIT HERE \\ NAR —_. July “ My s . St. Louis 7, New York 3 Lion as assistant seeretary of the i saith Oo WRH ssing or ’ } ; . og a ‘d - ha beer found Washington 6, Chicago 4. navy at one, Sine® hik nomina- so . days, s « fe J ; OTTAWA, July 45 Hon. J. D. ; a ‘eg . , cleveland 5, Philadelphia 3, tion as vicee-presidential candi- are oe Reid ste f silways ane " Be ur sta Ra ale Pacific International League dale it bas been persistently me atials sa panyin b. B kveryvthing will be reduced for Victoria 9, Vaneouver 2. jmored that be would resign at Hanna his western ip and the nent ten days at our sale Spokane 5, Yakima 4, once, Thin will, however, net } tupert Jabour rothers, Ltd, > Pacoma 6, Seattle 4. ltake place for $O0me@ wéeks.