- ee eg ne rt "sige 8 a THE DAILY NEWS THE DAILY NEWS - PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News Printing and Publishing Co., Third Avenue, H. F,. PULLEN, MANAGING EpITor. “Frut-atives” Restored Her SUBSCRIPTION. RATES: | To Perfect Health lmouths in New Westiminater jail Sundays, Tuesdays and Thurs ifor breaking open a box of plums days at 7 p.m. | ity Delivery, by carrier or mail, per month ........... . TBe, pe the steamer Hazelton, | -——— By mail to all parts of the British Empire and the United States, 158 Parinxau Ava., Montrman, | rhe G oy Ds fan had Atte For Vancouver and South. : e | ° k In nine . > SROMUPETIOS, 00 VOR? .5 66:050 6 SERRE OSY Oe Se Rises ees O48 $6.00,| “For three years, / suffered great | te re on a aad yi PUCSUAYS 6.6.5... c eens Tp.n on . » > suests esterde “ 5 To all other countries, in advance, per year .......... ... $7.50,| Agim in the lower part of my body, |*' ervey ; BUTOUPSORTS 6c caisccsees i! p ‘ with swelling or bloating. I sawa )riner for the munber of gue ats Satundays sae .2p TELEPHONE 98. specialist'who said I must undergo ('!!) 'he_one day during (hepreseBt oo days “a it p an operation. I refused) jseasons ero ii an _——— ; atu days, a.m, . ' es Or 5 i : boul '\F ~a-tines’’ —° Transient Display Advertising $1.25 per inch each insertion. * lo fon > ay ond | The Prien Rupert’ arrived in| ' : 28 : « a . j Transient advertising on front page .......... $2.00 per inch. The first box gave great relief; and [POrt today with one engine work-|— From Vancouver and South. Local Readers, per inseftion, ........ sesseees BBC, per line.) 7 ntinued the treament. Now my |i". She limped into port when (Sundays ..+...+..- . 10 p. m. Classified advertising, per insertion, ........... 2c. per word. pooin is excellent—I am free of t Was impossible for her to go Wednesdays ........ were m, . > . ' O.40 ¢ Legal Notices, each insertion- ....... ree L5e, per agate line.) jain amd I give “Pruit-a-tives’’ my farther, Captain Johnston says: Sundays 4 be Ricaats 8s 10,3 pan Contract Rates on Ay Slication. wartheet thanks”, Ithere is nothing that she cans Fridays ........+- .. pan All advertising should be in the Daily News Office on day pre- Mime. WV. GARRAU, [not de. Pil eome from Stewart Mondays, a.m ceding publication. All advertising received subject to approval. 506. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial sise 288, lnedictinrde as a test,’ | - - — - Atall dealors or sent postpail by a. % For Anyox and Alice Arm. — - A Fruit-s-tives Limited, Ottawa. The sewer pipe has arrived and Sundays ...........56- ii p.m. . av > 99 , DAILY EDITION, aia rhursday, July 15, 1920. iwas delivered at Sixth Street. This|Wednesdays .......... if p.in ; = ee —- a — jwill be established fer the benetit mee Acceptance AGENCY FOR of the Royal Block,, Uelgerson From Anyox and Alice Arm. With Protests |Bleek and Marisott Bloc) TUCSABYS 2. sceneveosees p. m. . ALL KINDS OF wae %.¢ RUPCREMD 6s oveinn Ove tigeds P.M Germany's attitude to most of the demands of the Allies at Canvas goods, oilskins, |} Mrs. Angus Stewart gave a " oii, ' The Spa conference is mainly one of protest. In the first de- oots, overalls, Sea jbridge tea party yesterday afler- | For Port Simpson, Arrandale, Mill mand of the Allies for inimediate disarmament, the delegates oS a Se i _— wie jnoon at her new home on Fourth Bay, Wales Island and Naas River. . y . > , > evade » jeane aggage, larness, shoes, jlAvenue. A very pretty silver! Sundays ...... .....0- {i p.m mfanoeuvred about so that they might possibly evade the issue/® oo cian underwear and socks. |flower vase was won by Mrs. (Dr.) |Pridays 5 and in some manner circumvent it. The Allies, however, showed | TENTS, SAILS, AWNINGS. { Me fatyte: Sys ..../ Ben ets f irect ¢ ecwers ‘ ~~ S , » p i » é ati | ' that direct answer to all questions would be demanded and that J. F. MAGUIRE — ——— From Ft. Simpson, Arrandale, Mill there could be no trifling, so, after threats of one kind and Tel Sccctid“kvn,, Pethen Maport |i * Bay, Wales Isiand and Naas River. another—threats that were only vain and could not®be in Ger- : The Man i in the Moon { HODGES 600 cdevtnesteate p. ™ many’s power lo carry out—she reluctantly accepted those terns | —_—_= : SAYS: SALUPGAyS we cares eeceses agon under protest of course. Now the questions of paying in the form tas oslindhastis eeeeeene * + . idl Queen Charlotte Islands: ' : of export to Allied nations is coming up. Germany yesterday | * PRINCE a eae ae PHAT all that comes in gunny l¥or Massett, Port Clements and stated that she could not supply 2,000,000 tons of coal monthly an - jay, July 15 e sacks is not sugar. Upper island polots: to the Allies and it looks like another attempt at trifling. Suggest- High, 0820 a im: 29.9 feet. orks moe es 9 v June 23 ing that military coercion might be brought to bear on them, the 13:18 p.m., 18.8 feet. ere Pr . - oe . 5 : a # ignests found on mat yesterday! > b . ‘le Allies have called: in their military advisors. So it is likely that Low, 7:04 a.m., 6.5 feet. [ morning Ses Wace hed weibhahan — Mapset, re Clements and Germany will now accede to the rest of the demands, If she 19:11 p.m., 5.2 feet. lsame fish fertilizer Sacks f{ wr ree ta e 24 does not, she will be tearing up another “scrap of paper,” and High es are foot jthose containing the precious the Treaty of Versailles is a serap of paper that the Allies will 14:2 p.m., 20.6 feet jsweet substances Cor Skidegate, Queen Charlotte :2 p.m., 20. ‘ peak dofend even more jealously than they did Belgium’s treaty. It Low, 7:48 a.m., 4 foot. THAT about the only reseme City and Lower Island points were better that Germany accept the provisions asked by the 19:59 p.m., 4.6 feet, blance was the sacks r - J fee sal Allies—even if their acceptance_is with protest. Their usual Saturday, July 17. | Re ee rom Exicegate, Uaewn. Unarintt : / ; High, 1:58 a.m., 22.5 feet. | THAT. the | resemblan vas City and Lower [siand points protest. is only in the hepe that they will be able to maintain at 14:45 p.in., 24.0. feat | tit tts Tune 26 7 , ‘ ray p. am Be eel, quickly ox stat or sine! af least a vestige of national independence and respect, anyway. Low, 8:31 a.m., 0 feet. Iwhen some of them went into th . Fisheries are 20:46 p. m., 4.3 feet, jhold, For Skagway and the Yukon. Sunday, July 18, cr Ree 4 Mondays, 11 a, Stronger than Ever. , High, 2:45 a.m., 22 feet. rHAT the whiatle of Ben Self's From Skagway and Yukon, Aceording to authoratative reports brought from all sections 15:29 p.m., 24 feet. jmerry-go-round further adds to Saturdays, a.u in the north, from Rivers Inlet to the Naas. River, fishing in the| Low, 9:13 a.m., 0.6 feet. the industrial sound of Prine epemninainee vicinity of Prince Rupert this season is a more prosperous in- + 21:35 p.m., 4.4 feet. |Rupert. ; stewart, ae he and Swamp : . T i 0 Pacilic 3 " ° a i / oln dustry than ever before. While salmon fishing on the Fraser dice Di eitkeads te ee| FHAT the most—of oppressed rae eee cane 6‘pan has been, as yet, fardrom satisfactory for there haye been prac- it ‘a: woe from 0 to 24 hours. | |people are such only until they Prom..Sunders ...... 10 p.n tically no men out up to date, fis shing here is at its height. The|/from midnight to midnight. lect a chance to oppress the her catch is most salisfaetory and the small boats are doing wonder-| The table gtven is for Port|!!low. ps fully, In fact the business this year promises to exceed the |Simpson but the time for Prince) spi ap there is no use talking, magnitude that has been attained in any other year, Besides the ager igs atige dll thera 1a|te™ doctrines cannot overcome . ; “ vo y ) 9 B salmon fisheries, reports in the halibut line are also most gratify-|ine same. The range of the tide 0° “Uiettes of burman nati i , ) 4 GIVEN that. the, { reciate prefrigerato care 3 wv ? wl costly. reserve existing Over certain lands former jdid’ appreciate refrigerator - SALESMEN ly heid under: {imber Litenses Nos. teas {tnt there was a car shortage. SS — - = Lb) 45404, Kitsumkalum Valley, i¢ can-| oe ler mn provieieee of The ‘en Estat ” meee ty x et ent ‘ in et oy hich ‘ ue mopar we vasan | ADMIRAL JELLICOE iol tty hi J t inist of s Hea ate Agent aud Sal mn ope ) " Ubnas Department, =e wine the Provin dian em a al ence letoriap Section 4 of said Ael provides that a Rist ort 1920. 600 WAS PALLBEARER ct ! halt a 2 iy offer, or undertake 2 di a Heal tate Agent or Salesman i mee without firat having ap } Blisd’ fur’ nad abteee Heence : Funeral of Aamirat Fisher Took é) Ben ait for Sams mplignce with pro-| me of this Act is & fine of not less Place in London Yesterday; than itty dotiars and not more than five i : hundred dobtar i of the Highest Grade and: Lowest Cost : Burta) Today. |, ABpitcation. for Meenees most ‘be made | 0 cCovernment Agents 0 Collectors 5 I NI N, Bitty) I 1 Jel throughout the Province * mq ' AD) >! sor Jt - I LPASO DEPARTMENT OF MAKINE AND July 14. v : or Surveyor of Taxes, EXTRAGTION C B ‘ FISHERIES, OTTAWA, ONT. voe and seven other admirals of) — ae ; POwn fi the Grand Fleet, were pallbearers)!’ THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH] dge une, 1920. ' 0 | : SEALED Proposal wm be received” atiat the funeral services of the late Onan or AND this office until 12 o’elock noon, on the} . : IN PROBATE vth day of August, 1920, for furnigying| VOrd Adiniral Fistien of Wilber-jiy vip warien op THE ADMINISTRA. | the materials and labor of all k nds stone pesterday.. Interment takes TION ACT AND IN THE MATTER OF} necessary for the construction, equipment ee THE ESTATE OF BALDUMERO SALINAS and. delivery of @ posed Steel Twin} place at Norfolk today. DECEASED, wane in ascientific manner . Lady Assistant. Dr. JOS. MAGUIRE Mewuen or'Tue B.C. Detar CoOLLEce Office Hours:- , Open Evenings tions showing yee is p aeleed Ba had BISLEY Jin) 14 Col ’ » iKY, July i olonel 9 to 12 and 1 to 6 DENTIST Sunday by’Appointment oy eee oz yr ae ie Sten mans Bowen, of Edmonton, and Major 7 & 8 SMITH BLOCK. PHONE 5875 awaited by" agen desired may be|Uiton, of ‘Voronto, are placed in gE DePuy ITY MINISTER, the shoot off for the King's Prize re Screw lce-breaker oft followin . ing dimensions: aSrapes SE Ms ob 6 bs at ab eas. 275 feet precgth ae “ } : Booth ald, ot, Wess +o 8) fat HIGHLY PLACED - 32 it Mean ;: 19 feet 3 inches 1a o+ee- 8,000 to be delivered’ ‘st’ ‘the " beeney of the Department of Marine and ‘Fisheries, Quapec or Halifax for a fixed sum. ‘partment reserves the ri reject any one or all of t Colone! Bowen; of Edmonton, and Major Utton; of Toronto, ‘pias likely Winners at Bisley Forms (ov pro s and nea. TH Department of Marine and Fisheries, Salinas was alive TAKE WOTICE that By an Order of Hts! Honor Judge Young, dated the Grd day of July, 1920, it was ordered that William) FE, Wiliams, Executor of the Batate of Baldomero Salinas, deceased, be at liberty y awenr a8 & the deatly of the said aldomero Salinas, as of the @nd day of arch, 1020, afte? the expiration of one month from the date of the first publica-| tion of notice of the said Order; unless! in the meantime proof is furnished to the} Registrar of this Court at Prince Rupert that the sald Baldotmero subsequent to the 1920; of the Heitieh Columbia, sald) 2nd day of March, ordered that notice published in the Daily News said Order be 4 newspaper civeulatme in Northern Britikg Columbia for # DAT. this Sth day of Jnuty, 1920 WILLIAMS & MANSON, Ovws, Ont. competition, Solicitors for the Exccutor, . Senne eeeeecc cee en Tai: es _ — 77 = ae i es ee 8 eeeeg een wees) . ————\ OPERATION WAS Ten Years ‘Age eae 77% evens onee " in #rince Rupert For the East. E N l ] S ! R Ni NECESSARY ™ ‘ Mondays, Wednesdays and Sat July 15, 1910, urdays at 10:80 a, im, : |} His Honer Judge Young sen ies tenced Steve Woogist to SIX From the East. ee of e QUALITY Dr. Bayne OFFICE HOURS— Morning, 9 to 12, Afternoon, £30 to 5.90, Saturdays, 9 to 12 oniy Every Evening from 7.30 te 9 Dental Nurse in attendance Phone 109 for appointment Rooms 4, 5, 6, Helgerson Bik., Cor. 3rd and 6th Best Equipped Office in Northern B.C J - cay, Ot MAHA .S. PRINCE GEORG? Midnight Sunday and Thursday for Swanson Bay, Ocean Falls, Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle. Anyox Wednesday, 10 p.m, Stewart, Saturday 10 p.m 8.5. PRINCE JOHN OR PRINCE ALBERT For Slewart, Wednesday 2 p.m. Anyox Saturday 8 p.m Port Clements, Massett and Buckley Bay, July 8th, 14h 22nd, 28th. — Southern Queen Charlotte Island Points Sunday Midnight. TRAIN SERVICE Passenerr Mon@ey, W*dneedsey soc Selurday 4f 11:39 6. mm. for Smithers Prince George, Pamontan and Winnitee meting direct connect all Agency All Ocean Steamship Lines Por tnt = epply to Ticket Prone point: east and south rmctiion am retervett a OMce, 676 Third Avenue 760 ony CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY | CANACIAR PAOCWIO OCEAN SERVICES ) B.C. Coast Steamship Services +6 PRINCESS many - i8 77 7* Juty for Vancouver Victorle end Beattie from Prince Rupert June 19, #¢ duly 1e 17, @4 ema 34 & 6. PRINCESS BEATRICE aneon Bay, Qover alias perer Ber, Alors Oey Bearer Cove, Powell ver, Vencourer and V Swery Seturdey, © om. from Prince Rupert for For rates, revervavioad and sailiaws, apply wo W, 0. ORCHARD, General Agent. Cor 3rd Avenue and 4th Street Prince Rupert, B.C. Office Phone 130 Wharf Phowme 423 LePine & Wright, Ltd. Moone & Co Lumber, Insurance and General Brokers Georgetown Saw Mill Co. Wharf (Peex, Bu it.pina) PRINCE RUPERT, BC Bin c eee acres ace te ek pets! ‘ rate Pens RS s Siarring tonight at the Westholme Theatre. wl And it was further | ™ a ann is" Subscribe for The Daily News The Leading Daily of Northern British Columbia