f i ee scree aires eso PHONE Blue 421 or 444 : “‘Highwaf Act’’ the Rule of the Rx The ssid traffie districts are m: of the ‘ Highway Act Amendment the Road Maps-posted in public bui By ( Department of Public Works, Parliament Buildings. Victoria, B.C., June 10th, 1920 Ask the people who have their work done here —particular per- sont too—and Ict them tell you why we do their work. And then—try our excellent’ Dry Cleaning and Pressing ‘ Canadian ie Steam Laundry Phone & Acreage at Terrace Get your Acre Lot or Ten Acre Tract at Terrace for a summer home before prices advance. Good lots adjoin- ing the Townsite at reason- able prices. Pleaty fruit und lats of fishing . Town Lots $75 to $200 Write to Kenney Bros. & Co. Real Estate and Insurance “Terrace - - B.C. arene E. H. SHOCKLEY s===| Cow Bay = eee Windows, D. D. Fir and Spruce, Cedar Boat Lumber Oak, Glass aixd Marine Paint Phone 383 ) Quick Delivery by own Truck Hand Your Baggage Checks to JOE BROWN Motor Transfer and ; Passenger Service Stand, Empress Hote! Phones 264, Black 334 i | Quick De Deliveries Teacher of Piano Studio 187 Second Avenue an ces a — DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS Rule« Notice is hereby given that in accordance with the provisions of the In Traffic District No. 1. KEEP TO THE LEFT: In Traffic District No. 2. KEEP TO THE RIGHT: | |Lands Departmne at, A. C. RAY 1 Plants, Flowers, Reses, ( ; Cabbage, Cauliflower = oad ad is as follows: ore particularly described in seetion 8 Act, 1920,"’ and shown on Rule of idings. Inder J. H. KING, Minister of Public Worke. PRESBYTERIANS HAD PLEASANT PICNIC One Hundred and Fifty Crossed to Digby for Annual Event— Everybody Mappy.« \t the Presbyterian. Sunday Ni ol pienie feld to Digby Is- land vesterday afternoon evéry- Accustomed to Passing Used In Other Parts of the Ming and onecould hear the wateti-| ful onee calling, the attention of into effect and they were on the change wilke of course, be a little inconvenient for a few days but drivers will soon become accus- fomed to it ,especially as yy he and states are already accustomed lt the right hand passingy FOR REBEKAH LODGE iad a good time. Early ir) he afternoon tie launches left} with capacity, loads of smiling | inidren and happy gFrown-ups. | J. Myhill-Jones’ boat “Oh Baby,"] Chas. E. Starr's launch, 4H, 5. Wallace's “Ethelda,” George W. yant’s “Harla,” and A, McRae’s| ois M.’ conveyed the first pie-| nickers to the grounds. At 5:30; number of the business men! ame over and the whole party numbered well over the 150 mark, the chief attraction during the ifternoon were the children's; sports. Kvery entry was a win- | ner. There were no blanks, 80 that all the little tots Went away | encouraged and satésfied with‘ whatever effort they had put forth. The races were held on the long pier which leads out from the Quarantine Hospitals | There were, events for the men and women also and these also had many entries. A special fea ture was the orgnge race whieh‘ uséd to be known as the potato+4 race, but owing to the value of} spuds a substitute had to be |b found. Later a huge fire was built and} tea and coffee were shared around} amongst the various groups | squatted on the hot sands. The} aay was a most auspicious one f pleasant time on the beach and some of the larger boys and xirls were in bathing for a con- siderable part of the afternoon. Before boarding the homeward- bound launches, Mr. Fuller who had greatly assisted in making the affair successful passed the that around and a substantiat -col- lection was raised. The money was given to the safe keeping of treasu@er who bought tickets fon the merry-go-round, As the youngsters gaily sailed round on the hobby horses at Market Plaee they were. surely satisiied witt their lot m life. CANCELLATION OF RESERVE. |Pleasing anette a at Rand Block Hall Last Night—Order is Growing. The installation ceremonies for ithe incoming officers of Centen- nial Lodge No. 40 of the Rebekahs was held in the Rand Block hall last evening and the interesting Levent was well attended by the ladies of the order and Oddfel ye Distriet Deputy President W. G. Barrie was in charge of the ccclaseaiata and was ably assiat- ied by District’ Deputy Marshal J. )Rrough: Following the forma! exercises refreshments were serv- ed and «hort speeches were made by the various offleers. The), growth of the Rebekat Lodge in) this city was the keynote of muc hn! favorable Gomment. The -nmew offieers installed last night were as follows: N. G., Mrs.) iJ. Irwin; V. G., Miss Alice Mon- s coeur; BR. S8., Mra. Friest; F. Miss BK. Killen; Treasures Mrs | Smmolee ; = 8. N. G. Mes. Killen;} L. 8. N. G., Mra. Simpson; et llain, sands Cox; Warden, Mrs. Me ens 1. G., Mes. Fraser; 9 , Miss Mary Reid; L. 8. V.4 ey ‘Smoke, Sr. NEW LOCOMOTIVE FOR ALICE ARM ISON WAY An itntration in the financial section of the Vancouver Sun of fast Sunday has the following footnote: “This is agre of the biggest job# the ©. P. KR. 50-ton crane to the east of 4 DD. has ever baen called upon to do. The locomotive weighs twenty tons and was shipped north from Van- Couver last week to Alice Arm, where it and afiother like it will haul teaims on the famous Dolly Varden Railroad. | BETTING IN FAVOR 4s Favorite in America Cup Races Around Sandy Hook To- morrow NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the reserve existing over Lot 2566, Range 4,! Coast District, is canceied, G. KK. NADEN, Deputy Minister of Lends, Lands Department, Victoria, B.C, 23rd June, 1920, 600) Victoria, B,C, 26rd June, 1920. ood } Many Varieties NEW YORK, July 14-—Betting is brisk favor of the Shamrock, Sir Thomas Lipton’s contender in the America Cup races whieh commence tomorrow with the He solute, of America, around Randy! Hook. This is the first attempt since 1912 on the part of Britain to wrest the Ameried Cup from) the United States. Commissioner. VANCOUVER, July 14.—Hev. George Pringle, of Vaneouver, formerly of the Yukon, has been ppointed commissioner of the Pacifi¢ Goast Loggers’ Union. -_—— CITY MARKET Advertise in the Daily News. Drivers and Chaffeurs are Getting)” Westminster and Victoria. This|/\WANTID teens or room and @ixtrict, of Course, includes Prince) certaln otters who were forget. | ful that the new law had come lathe hand preferred, Akerbergr wrong side of the street. \ The! have driven in other provinces | OF THE SHAMROCK Daily News ae | WANTED. MISCELLANEOUS LODGE MEETINGS VAAN TED — fleturned man fré| PARTNERSHIP offered in estab LoDat 1051 LOYAL. Obtmreit on | Moone meets every Mondny position of Ganteen Steward at! lished business, Small capital | } Country. ; —_— ~— | GOW. AL Disabled man pre-} required, Suitable for lady evening at the Deep Sea Fisher | 2 * ' Today, July 15, is the day that! = ferred, Apply P.O. box 414) Apply Hox 8&5 Daily News: tt | men hall i " ) : ad" che } 13 Ue Rul@® of the Road” chanwps City, fogs , _o | gaue | AUCTIONEER. in all parts of British Columbia WANTED. ; atde | For I. e intiuded in District No, 2 whieh ; pare 8 . ; : , : _ “he aku FAUCTION OR PHIVATE SAL ‘ier i wwe » ‘ takes in al the province outside oa a \pi 7 ota - POR SALE Snap 20 h r ; \ conducted, on your own pren : ’ . Vv wk | Ss . » 0 , +. Latetheoimitiiediate vicinity of the| 4 Prince ores a nae }) S. engine pew Today's o Nett: eek Yen a a a uM : : very | ‘ ww at se ae southern cities of Vancouver, New pnt nis pa tee mtg A re tory priee is 8500 hipher than wek, Auct eer, Secohd™ Ave when this was bought Pur- Section 2 tf ' “A tt se fs ree chaser will) save tik amount.) -— _ x vnc. yar edged italian |} See Path Aivaso® and O. W.) BULGS, SEEDS A PLANTS. Rupert, andthe new rule is “Keep| youn lady, Best reference if] inblet f rticulars and m eto , mr r to the Right. lhe law is merely desired Appiy P.O mM x 524 te a nd - o opt C a Pulipa, Datlodia, Narcissus ind thieestepping in line of this prev- | -—————— ete rare rince uper war bn ai oa . ' ia : IWANTE T |} Store, Third Avenue. Phone Poonies shawla he ordered nor inee with the rest of the country | A DAT ONCI Expe ae need) hue “1 ngearaan , - for Fall planting, Our next whiel already uses the right hand| = - er ah rawwee tu . rt} re UE. i a umportation will-arrive carty ft passing. ie Bet < ock and Engineering ‘a FOR SALE — Btore fixtures, in October, Send for Catalogue Bright and early this morning} ve een | 6 =oefe, «so shelving and now reads ALTA GAHDIEN the teamsters and chaffeurs were | yea xqyop reniporary stenog coiters, Apply Lingey's Gro ACHES. Importers, 519 Wineb required to observe the new rude! rapher, Apply Listriet Forester cery, corfter Fulton and Sixth Bidg.. Vaneuuver, , ¢ T Prince Rupért, Bot t! Avenue P.O. box 135 or phone Oo gre REN ESE. Ate am ets anes 5R6 tT IWANTED immediately Ms 2chinist,| ————— —_—_—_——. — } FOR SALM- 25.40 hi ps Medion | | Thomson & Go tf Duty Sterling Mngine, Hoach : | Iemitien, 4 eyl., 4 evyete, in per- . a ~ mw} fect conditiom #41,500.00.—M. ~~ = ; Market Prices “2 Se ett ost —- — Sanaa CANCELLATION OF RESERVE. et {POW SAE — Molankey register)’ yorice is nenuny GIVEN what the fe for 300 aecounts, in mOOd CON. jPerre covering Ue f ian ten claims Meats. | dition. Lingey's Grocery, PLO jis Pelli a ag My ap tae ie (Sirloin steak ............. She bax #38. Prinee R rit reiaies : L v imeeh nok ret ibs B0c to 850) "SS ee LET gbe wasteriy | Inoue adian Reserve | Beef, chuck romst, Ib....... 35¢)/FOR SALE 28 foot mas boat w ithe the > cone ty b ‘r : 101 |Reef, rib- roast, Ih, 10¢ and 43¢) 10 hop. engines fully equipped (2° martotie, NADEN Beef, boiling, Iby .... 26¢ to Ste} 8900. Apply J. Toner, on board), o.4 Department — a Hamburger, wn Ih. Rie at Gow Hay “as Victor, & wink eek Sort. 266 and 100 eee 2 Oorned beef, "ee RR ss'n0 so 250g FOR SAL B15 hop. Forot engine \Lait leg, DOP OY o°5.-4 eb 0 55e S460 Po be seen at H. Gi, M.! Beart, SURG Ss Boe seis o's sew 2'8 Sic} Machine Shop; Gow Hay 64 Mutton, stewing ,........ 28t FOR SALE—One atedinér trunk. 3% Mutton, shoulder roast Se to B5« reasonable. Suite 3 Kmad Bit! Veal shoulter roast ....... ste} Phone Riwe 183 64) " Lege of veal ........300 and 40¢} - alld tntnat Pork sausnames; per ib...... 0c (POR SALF Tents of all sizes TIMBER SALE X 2636. Tomato sawsages .......... 30c Fr. M. Crosty, Third Ave tf POPP legs ocd e eee 45e to St FOR RALR Fue 5 2 : . Por CNODH NK 6 oes erase ow 6H : 5 a Sener Pork; showlder, .......... ie} hotast St. Lous Rooms, D fee Bacon, sliced, per ib........ Tbe Large safe at Gil's Cigar sore.| iatand. Dana ; Therisiie faband Beatie ® GiOSO PN. v0 ie wh woe Oh . . a. nicenib tallies sane ™ Hate? asnokell} '... 0,6 ocd Ge HOUSES FOR SALE wave! of ties : 8 . Dairy P rece. pF HNISHED FLAT TO RENT rete - ng sewage: Hag ce " MED S25. , b authinss <0ee q0e| St. Louls Booms. Phones Red}ic. ine Mining Kecorder tor 6 |Butter (eooking) .......... 65e #4 Mire Welters. ome 6s) ore n Cheese, per Win. o ccc c ces 40C WANTED. TO HENT— Furnished - + Liinberser cheese, per Ib. ... or heuse or suite of four roemw~a ear , Ces case Por oie a ee DATED thie tet Ga f Ma ‘ Da tae aie Goa fase athe memees ed LEWIS W. PAT MOHD Strictly new-iaid eggs ..... Boe{ TO RENT-—Laree front room in} MINERAL AUT Margarine Sib gta seas . SGe! private family Central loca-| Porm f Caste DORE: . pdudiectesece 50c} tien. Phone Green 165 66 CERTIFICATE MP hOVEMENTS Sugar, r ib. he ee ee RAT i Rise se - | Bread, ae (ORS teil anda ds ee ibe|! OR RENT * and e room apart i Kithol No, 4 Kil ee y uneet ‘Flour (hard white) 50-lb sk 84,00 nents, $44 to $17 per month e Moe posnen” “Miere! Cielo "aaa Milk, per case ... $6.50 to 87 80 Plone 1%. 60) a = wane Hiver Minitig Divisius of Cas Fish. | GR KENT-Sewing inachines and} “Where jncated: About 24. mitet from . e heed of Alicw Arm : ki iteault Hiwer OG, Babe. ..02rcesievvcecse 35c) pianos. Singer Shop, Third TAKE NOTICE that Lewis W_ Patmore tod fillets, smoked, ........ 20¢ Averua, Oi see oe ean Prestt biack cad perth... .. (err |. LL, Le ton, A. 9 Min ertifieate N Finnan huddie ..«.«s«.+-. oe Lhe ; i STEWART lors - npacan: so eee aay cone Sree oo oe SRM DOE TRY aaj s o> 00'o:e « 25°) POR BALIS—Lot 2% Blovk 10, b, Mp |purpn se of cheining a Crown Drant of Herring, kippered, per Ib., .. 18e) 005, Stewart Townasite. Pric #,| er ae ew a i ida /Salt Herring, each, ...-.... 10€) 94.900, ‘This vt adjoins buwi-| fer @etion 5, must be con manced beter one, "Cal Be oe 200) Hess. section on Sixth Street. ee pee a, Ball Acadia Cod, 2-tb. boxes 65e¢ Apply Daiiy: News oltice. ty) Dated this ona aay of Apri. AD. 1096 iBhrimipe, per Wy ...666- oe. CGC} wos eee —— _—_ — MeGhe 5 MAN 1D. 4 6 cic wsinhe 4a's 400 | Loer LAND ACY |Britls 2... .-+eceweees 3 for _ | ONT Suet wrist wateh, Kigin.| FORM OF NOTICE. OTE 3s os csnu 4 tbs for 2be) 4 , VANGOUVER LAND DISTRICT.pIeTmerT e as aby's picture in the Davk.| i COART alt oolachana, h., ...++.-- 10e) Please return to Pq. box 876 | Spring salmon, per tb. ..... B06 | Rig reward. 63 bor YORE NOTICE gt af Pacific. Mills, Limited White salmon ...-cceeee8. soo) te bene | OO Takers iniephe to analy lor per: OIE ois. pinrechiniats Wile ae care 26 Founn [tuieston- to lease the following deseribed } Vegetabies nee aeemcrencccccccreces | Cominenting a! a post planted at the ;Onions, dry, par WW......-+.+- ie LpwoNss Silver Rowary cane, Hinton ‘thenes oes “ eninn, hones ‘owt! al | od re he! Owner can Reve dame by pay~ i wtherly siti share th ann “ofieae jGarrots, per Ibi)... +... ees 6c ing for this advertisement [snessetoriont and containing 160 aeres, more Purnips, per IDar. cescorces be Phone 404, Mes, Carter. 64 | ee PACIFIC MILLS, LIMITED CGD: .... ¢albialewec Cajielie ek 1 iii ‘hatte ost? tore Sinaly, Agent Cauliflower ......+.. 25e and 60+ }Currants, per Ib ......-- i ae - jHead Jettuce ....-.. i0e and 25 | Peel» pardbay occ ecg eee r ees 600 | Potatoes, per seek .....-. 69.90 |Mixed-nute, per Ibe ...-..-- ihe Hhubarb ........4. 3 lbs. for 25c\ Table Figs, per pity .-..-. 160 Green onulons, per bunch ... 650) MineerMeet 2... 6-00 +. BOG )\Cucumbers, each ... 35¢ and 40 \Rtrawberrics bt, ctale'd até w glelase « AO | Presi spinach, per ib! .... 12% 0) Black Tartarian chenries... 756 4 |Hot house cucumbers, each, 45¢/Tomatoem ......60ee0e+++. 400 NOTICE j CLERGYMAN OFFICIAL |Radi«he s, per bunch, ....+- “he Cantaloupes, each, .. 200 ter aby : CANCELLATION OF RESERVE. OF LOGGERS’ UNION |*".""' potatoes, per Ib, .... 200) Watermelon, perm iby ...-.- 4424s NOTICE 18 HEKEBY GIVEN that att NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN thet os Pareley, per bunch, .....+. 10¢Oosebenries, per by... Sip: persons holding Grown Larvta or late in eaeerr es, “Cxiaes Diet Je SOhy —_——— i resh asparague .......+.- S5oWhume, per haskdty....... BAG |For sate rom whan the purchase “mone i t A > o © nds or Townsite Lo . | De: ner een, hens Rev. George Pringle, Formerly in }Globe artichokes, each, .... 200)Peaches, per dow, .... 400-to HOC linpaid le overdue ae ‘Teoulred , yen 4 : the: North, is Appointed Californ® beets, ... 2 tbs, for 26¢)Apricots, per basket, ..... 81,08 ON ur Watlee citer ar the ee due, toxether with interest thereon, if any be due, or & substantial proportion of Parenipsa, per ID, ..+ee0s-+- £00 }Bing Oherries) par Wb, ..... ae Spinach .......++. 2 Ibs, for 260 Evaperated _— Buen Sout, which mist at least cove r| hes the full interest due to date, toweth Frult. Black MBH ...6 6666 « Boe evidence Mat all iaxes, “whe the r Muntethel | Bananas ..... cee cee cee + TEASER TBR 8. oe ec ieeiets ele ee 2c jor Provincial, have been paid, falling which | the agreements for sale will be carteetied, | CUNMONE. ..cccccereeterrees 406 | P@Qtnee oui ccc crc reccceee i. rere (Gatifornia) 3 for QHG/Apricote ....66eeeeee recess 466 las provided by Section 70 of the “Land! Date® (drom)s.....+6-+-c-. ShoApphlas ...... ivvvapee OO sii G. K. NADEN is Valencia oranges Ade and 4 00) Beedless Aatwinw: . weesece Mine fia: CCC | Haisins, PO Wig ne eeee sees BHC) Prunes oo... eee eeeeee . 206.500 Vie Or Gy euad | ) : ' ROAD TODAY! 2 CENTS PER - i IN ADVANCE. Ula ssit ied Ads. te ee ee EOD LODO OOO OOO OORT TOOL H0e oft Chapwr 120, Hewisel Statutls af | TonicuT Tomorrow Alright NR Tablets stoys sic relieve bilious atta: k headaches 5 ks, tone and § regulate the clitninative organs, make you feel fine **Better Than Pills Fer Liver Ile ORMES LimiTeD MM. Stephens Notary Public Conveyance For Quick Sale At ® roomed HOLLIS EK with bath pantry, and TWO Solendia 1, a - LATS, fenced and iy parce This property ie in See ad within five mingtes walh ‘Pent Office A 4 roomed HOUSE with ; ole Pinstered and im firet ad t witli Spies { ave T, near Dry $1500.00 Cash M. M. Stephens Rea! Estate Insorance Firapcial Age Shampoo Parlor NORTON SHAMPOO PARI ' ate yo box ee ‘ rhe Vack netipe the ¢g trent, @lectirical Vilwator weal ment face powder a all diode of face crean beninwre Government Buildings 210 4th St. Phone 493 anual iene Essington ioe has been re-opened Martin & a First class accomodation for Visitors to Port Essington — Night Phone: ] W. Longwili, Biv Day Phone 5 STEEN 6 LONGWILL Sheet Metal Works Agent for MeClary Furness Sanitary and Heating Engineer* Sth Street and Fraser Street Price Rupert B — | SMITH & MALLETT PLUMBING AND HEATING ENGINEERS Betimates furnished Address, 3rd “Avenue, head of Beoond Street Phone 174 ?.c. Box 274 Hotel Prince Rupert EUROPEAN PLAN $1.60 per day and up. FIRST-OLASS OAFE A La Carte. Ncocowerceonncoccooaneneeeeeen Phon® @reen GOT 1017 ara Arent Dalgarno & Watts BUILDERS AND AND CONTRACTORS (ow Apectalivfta in Light and es Mver siruetion, Repairs and rad Firat Claes Stairoane Work Finishing Ketimates Oneertutly over BRICK AND OCONORETE puiLoine OONTRACTORS