a vero tide and many parties being organized to One of the cll iat Adin Aaderes sip r bad letter of the Eveready ‘(inoreectown. This is a powerful search- long-lasting convenient use. We heave many other types to show you THIRD AVENUE, ong the young working fellaxss EVEREADY wire nature: The funda collected have DAYLD ace ne ti si worthy cause namely ' ti lervew ‘ ‘ “eg ge to fired the fark austed iarry whipped ¥ { ij are ' hhoeh - teal tie Whole ‘ ile j oa epeinge t ‘ t were i ; us i . f the . . . + ‘ : tt ‘ i slerday in the « wie Th Friends report that hb rie (.hanne Dut sane cw instanee Mas alwaye him deing <0 suCcTesa. Vancouver, B.C. At the close f the football to witness the presentation of (he > nion Day Cup to the winning WTOVE I p has been ! any { 1s ' tearm Ww t 2 { date Gurneys commenced mak- e Merchants, 1914; Dry. ing stoves in 1843. Still in é 1915; Bons of England the same line of business ma d Gallies, 19% Lage Ly Hundrede in use in x tf a y " : : te Prinee Rupert. ve —— ae ON SALE aT 2 rata cama as Tred) \loeic eke mate sae meres over nee Hardware Pe SECOND AVENUE imry Bennett was 4 aving a "hone Black 114 om S oaed cy eee . vi re ts ‘ ri * and au el in the second thalf when they wer a trims hort dut tare ight in and 'werked hard for the posts by hin if iis sabeat I the ftirat half PRINCE RUPERT was & beauty and the next one on Ghlral Labor Gouncil, pits vest nett was iusto creat 0. B. U. talking to the players and held i n tha gible pos Affiiated Units and Dates of Fans tte football line last MEETINGS Puilding Trades Unit, First ar bird Mondays, & p.m entral Labor Council Jy ‘very Tuesaday, & p.m = sone alleged mesplay Fimalls ithey encroached upon the feld omen's Auxiliary, First and Referee HKussel had to sound snd Third Wednesdays, Social a warning Hlast from dis whisth ; nd and Fourth Wedues to give them time to get back q Oa) Business Meetings e . > ishermen, very Thureday, §/ Donigtt there will be a base-| 5 pom jivall game here between Terrace | etal Trades, First and Third i ridays and a Prince Rupert team Phe} ishpackers, First Saturday ‘match will be held on Avropotis | Hill grounds and will commence | ’ | | —~_—_e (jJ0et as soon a® possible after the ; sarrival of the train whieh ought to be about 7:30. A second smateh | M LEE CO. will be played on Friday evening. | . . . ‘0 Second Avenue, West. | One of the most pleasing fea a tures of last evening's football) VEGETABLES by ALN between the Gallies and the | Wholesale and Retail jCirand Trunks was the excellent) Gener } jmanner in whieh Jimmie Ourrie | vend! Boke $s stowed up at right hail, His) game was as steady as if he had} ibeen playi 1} season. Soapecty Prince Rupert, B.C. eon playing wv t ever did he lose the ball and his hone ae 10 647 P.O, Box 726 3) wot) direoted passes gave the for- —__t2_ Wards a splendid chance to break PACIFIC CARTAGE LTD. lthrough, It was a fast pace all| during the ene andea half hours’) play but Jimmie was right on his} Mlable Service at reasonable Rater We have Warehouse factiines \job to™the end: The catm con- | 8. &. Parker, Manager viidenee he displayed ta shooting | ithe penalty kick would liave Kept jany team fighting to the last go.| on . . W. rd but a nuniber of boats are going Winning oO 8 around to points outagie of the know one of the words in the (harbor in the direction of * light type of Daylo — baseball lemurs aré wondering for out-door or in-deor where their show coming in Phew elit whe Thursday, but ie been taken awny Likets hey will play games on Sunday PATTINSON LING cious malnleigitee tuared Thev have had no inportations mad are ¢ ouraging the fellows who olherwise would have little Harte of mitdeouor eport of this the eapoct n ofa dressing ho e i ' in the fpecent game between the ed Sox and the Sawmill basebal To be Admired jo). ice etn iiiarry Astapia for rated ---and Used. enti he change made a ‘ Hage in the J I ORK’ ixame last ewening Mayor AlcUis- kK his sland near Lire rook \ SELL a pile Ond a terge crowd gathered afvor evening got rather excited when? chattering with Hilly Lawson over} of the BLADDER Telievedl f 24 vOuRS Pach Cap wile bears tt sateen 0) Beware of orn ater ‘CALLIES WON LOWER PRICES: WILL INCREASE AIR TRAVEL Contest. It's “Daylo.” . . . ~ that the maey 1 Ta tits i : We know one way to get ideas for N ha ‘ = il ! i winning that $9000 prize. It's the team ba made Ttornal He aw DOUBCEMent is expeetod Daylo way) = ee our com- tion to the City Couneil for the|ductfon of passenger rates ; te Daylo line-no obligations to of the recreation gro: . iray aaa eas iil P orchase Something you learn une re 7 ¥ nds and travel hetween London and cay inspire @ winning thought. lave been eranted the use of @nd many are Wondering if th: aime the boys of the commercial)/day is far distant when cnenper to travel by air than by land and sea At the ¥ af London-Pari« air ervi fast yer the price for ticket on sthall fast machines wa twenty guiness mud = fifles the larger passenger hips, If now reported that the fare will ony reduced to £10 108 In One rerent week fy ng more an 100 passengers were carried n the London-Paris air servies * hoped that a reduction prj will increase the number f paseecngers Phere have eaeing ! miber f juiri¢es for the service, but the price tas discouraged many pros- ive passengers EMPRESS EUGENIE A VERY WEALTHY WOMAN It is just as cheap tw get your rmnting done wel’ and done at 10me Os it is to send it away. Try The News Print Shop MINEHKAL AUT Certificate of improvements. ort ‘ intinet \ a » smuan f ty tifemte im vetiernist Dated thus au jay OP July, A.D. 189 WATER NOTIO“ Sh.gihv STOHAGE TARP NOTICE that Taylor Mining Com oe7 q ; niite Whose addres is reddit t sus ‘a b wil . te a licean Lake oe 6 BR Murray & de ders. Final- ' i ' and 4 #504 : 7 7 . reck vw be ett mate @ getaway ta ’ AL wt i edaf ‘ ’ het es land we tra Za ; aby Milles Arm, \ e unable to make another tally : : edam © e t the hewever, and the game ended in arwate _ act) thie i ea DW ¢ = mH 2 i 5 about - : ingly ”e and ' ' ) ab | ger tf lene “ Wate wil be ; ryt > Un ream al a point shout id the tle “4 rater Lak ihe etact bef ; = kui s on heh w be determined after , f 7 a v t we pur was pieasant one ‘ - & tory descfibed as an ¢} byitt t re *s fram the Wolf) @s a m remarks al sins near the Altgault ade by hestiic tongues. F. pot was post m the ground Davies and Ed Crages assisted ati, goth day of June, 1990 ; wy of us netice and an applicetion | t! 8 Ce ati thereto and to the “Water Act, 4 “ be 1 1 ot tie offiee of the dunabia Ipplicaiion or petition said Water Herordet fret appearance of patlior a local newspaper The territory ever which the power will ‘ fieets linge ‘y Gaye after the the Wolf Group of Minera we the Kiteault Kiver The peltian for the approval of the taking Will be fied fm the Mice of mptrotier of Water Rights and with Water Kemmrder atl Prince Rupert eeaid, and will be heard im thw Mee the Board rit tigatt at a date t ' ' ln obuphruiier f Water te Lee hiigtets ant auy person interested may an. objection theret in the office of fepert in the ller f Water Rights, | Victoria, B within! te i an area Of 50 milesi« THE DAILY NEws = Se COVETED MATCH Defeated Their Raliroad Oppon- ents in One of Season's Most Hotly Contested En counters. ed the final play-otl for the De lay feothat: cu inxt the Callies etor the Grand&Trunk by the if te ; Thee aieh woe vy contested to tl end and ast danzerons rushes of the Grand Trunk forwards made many f the Seotehmen'* fare hold their breath in anxious Mer tw Both m= were Slaying hard at the el and when the whistle led the Callies were away iver the half line and preas ng ird for. another alls The warn one ned v n for bined rush of the (Cir lrnerk rds and four aminutes from the pening shortly after having nade a most sensational save, goalie Martin for the | es had i ball past him by Harry Bennett the rigtri iM wae a clean 6 d great @nthusiae: was fested on the benches The “et ringed Tate however turned it around and came up the a last towne from Ger Sellars landed the leather nicely n the net Again the Callies were erin atid Seilare added ne Ally lv g ice shet from tt eft At tvalf time the odds : ’ ’ ’ ‘ ot tt ‘ = te , l Second Half. fior lieid if cane bAaCK ARAID and wanted Lo.stay as he maintained that he had gone off his ow accard Dhe raifread Moy. were now pressing hard-with} man short but were unable heat dow the strong defence (| Metice of Intention to Apply to Lease Lond.) Lam! District, Reco: ota uml situate at Advertise io the Datliy News MINERAL ACT. Form Ff Certificate of improvements. i NuTic. } DAVI Pork and Beans _ with Tomato Sauce > FS HERE’S something indefinably good about this new brand of Pork and Beans. The flavor is delicious, and it is a delightfully wholesome, nourishing and sustaining dish. Indeed, it’s all that you could desire. The’ Beans are cooked to perfection; you will find every bean whole, tender, mealy and melting to the taste. Made in Canada Then there is a tender little strip of juicy pork to add flavor, and just the right amount of tomato sauce to give that little touch of relish. Order several tins to-day trom your grocer. Ask him, too, about other lines of Dayies®2FOODS — “A Different Dish For Every Day” Beef Stcak and Onions Ox Tongue Corned Beef Spaghetti with Tomato Sauce Vegetable Sorp Roast Beef Corned Beef Hash Lunch Tongue Potted Meats Cambridge Sausage And. a wide variety of other package iqods—all Government inspected—-made in Canada by Canadians. Checse Veal Loaf PiiE WILLIAM DAVIES COMPANY, Limited Toronto . Montreal LAND ACT. teat } teeter r less ALICE ARM MINING AND LTD r ist, 1920 FORESHORE LEASE DEVE! Nash per Fre that we, THE TAYLOR. EN ry ‘ 7 Mineral laim.) GINEERING UMPANY LIMITED be Nees River Milting Divisiow/ Department of Vaneouver, B. C., assia Dis : | Alice c., mine owners, intend Where locate Sitteen Biles: up thelapply for permission to lease th: tzault Rive near the Dolly Varden) deser ; cing at the northwest cx AKE NOTION that John Hugh MeMullivel Lot thence running sevuth & i" ator f the Pstate of Charies/?9 mi a distance of 469.75 Wans Free Miner's Leriicae No 1 h S84 deg. 31 min West a S084 end tty days from the Gate) tance 5.7 feet to the southerly bown no : 7. te tw Mining Reeorder! dary « 48-A; thence following tbe a i tale f in vemenis, for the] southerly undary of Lot 3643-A qese of atta 8 wn Grant of the/ 26 deg Haat & distance of 501.3 THE VANDERHOOF HOTEL VANDERHOOF, B.C. The Hotel That Is,A Home. Centrally located. Convenient to depot. Good service European Plan. Garage and Livery in connection: UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT JAS. F. McCORMACK - - - Manager THEO COLLART, Notary Public Fire Insurance we Lot 10, Block 27, Section 1, on Second Avenue, $260.00, 4 room House and Basement on two lots, 7th Avenue East, $1,500.00. Lots 19 and 20, Block 16, Section 8, $100.00. Rea! Estate Accident Insurance Most Liberal MARINE iNSURANCE on the Coast Phone Biue 69 Westholme Theatre Blook When in Town, SVEA POOL ROOM Near Beer, Soft Drinks, Cigars and Cigarettes E. Petersen his twenty Come to the: Proprietress ,*; a: Gene Byrnes Sa ys—“It’s a Comp troler f Water Rigits or of ve | point commentement, and containing Water hecorder at Prinee Rupert! Ar f take 0 * that action, un-} twe more or jleas opesaid r sect must be commenced before); THE TAYLOR ENGINERRING . CO. TAYLOR MINING COMPANY LIMITED, jan the f t ertifeate of Improve. | Mines Department iy ¢ h Nerth, agent ria (Sianed rt GRO TAYLOR The date of the finest publication of this DATED this tat a f May, A.D. 492 DATED ai Alice Arm, B.C, hotice 18 the Tth day of July, 1080 JOHN HUGH MeMULLAN; elghth day of May, 1920 j Es = : Se —— é " — eee / — Great Life If You Don’t Weaken.” | YOURE f/f CRAIN THERES NOTHING Trt MATTER waite THAT MULES SHots- \ ONLN PUT Trem ON YESTERDAY SS . ” —~ ae” 25 <% TAKE OFFON ‘ 4 DEM SHOtS> AN PLT NUTRER ONES ON - NEVER MIND HOW THEY LooKs iba STAND THE oat ey WE LL ME AN MOSEL JPET ES OM HAD A BET ON HOW MANY TIME? YOU CAN FOOR BOWS TRraT MVLES €ET PEFO Or SIMD LAND OUT / ies Sf a ccnanaee ib Sums & i GREAT LIFE \ \f You DONT P. 0: Box 66: