siielats THE DASLY NEWS Phursday, July 15. yo ; a = ae) ee ae a | oe ae > Sr , >) heart Desseris LOCAL MEN HAVE TELEPHONE“EXCHANGE —_|/ — NEW USK TOWNSITE IS PAID COMPLIMENT H. S. WALLACE CO., LIM Ho! For the Salt Lakes | Tag teres Set ‘ —— ion only gelatine dessert which (Cc. H. Themes o and Paul Aivazoff Mrs. Shrader, Who Has Visited ae ae — sealed in | are Subdividing 160 Acres. Many Towns in West, Says | ss a — Rupert, Girls Give é Ro artificial favor ean take the | 6) oppo, ho until Bes! Servi For the balance of this week, w of fruit. For Jiffy-Jell the | Us Piorus, wh so m Servese, eek, we are Bathing Caps Water Wings aa is aeeok Taltaceee ona [Cemtty conducted a grocery busi ithe wl } ‘ 4 : c ’ sealed in vials A bottle of this {ness in this eitvy, and Paul Aiva Mra K i, Shradet whe has) giving special E St ] liquid essence comes in the pack- (rofl have pocentiy | hased 160 /}}een visiting tl ty for the past ar opp es : And sugar is used—not sac- jaeres of land al Us d will put!three we thas had occasion : 3 : arine—to sweeten Jiffy-Jell ' aca t withiti leo ii adh 6 i nes a Our stock of these has just arrived. Come in and ee ee oes r aepie ts Peggy ctteute taped si. s ‘ Jiffy-jJell comes in ten flavors peti hin a i ; ; ‘ api : Try loganherry and pineapple for Scar OF .m sew We or &8\gzeod deal, paid a grea npli SR them. | desserts. Try lime-freait flavor for (SOON @s the #urves f the land) y { » the exchange 6 ve S Li ORMES [ IMITED- fi Rr lente tt lity srl i — | — es railréad aud, in fact he present e and «tated that the services ay ry. 5 ne ee ‘ oe t : ’ . ty she aa eceiver | 6b ees q . ‘ col | 4 we The (Pioneer Druggists | PRINCE GEORGE o Sn c jp i a v4 | = “ . mibe r Fe ‘ ‘ae need on the f plowing line Ss: jtranscontinental Hight. It will be/lots upon which they are now 4 4 ides inly and the | JOIN THE SWIMMING CLUB! Jfiverone stent tine Grit elshitgs itdeccgs svichem ‘obelveoa of fhe teens ar tue: ouch os S . eer S. B. Daniell have et fe? ae oe ‘a ; ‘od dt al { ‘ oe bs Ladies Coats Phones 82 and 200 P.O. Box 1680 A signal will be bea given upon thejerty but these persons will be Mrs, Shrider, who is a resident! . ‘ THE REXALL STORE arrival of the aeroplanes @ the/given an opportunity | buy ‘ f Va er, hi travertine Millinery oe ce ig : =/gone toeNataimo to attend the oem - - ! ‘ — Wr. GW. B. Dante “te Mis CREATE COUNCIL - . MENof TODAY | iui'shcc ce inc BUS SERVICE T0 HOT Silk Sweaters aT sg veehann’tee dae — ve wet teowd barrister of that Policy in Respect to Palestine is SPRINGS AT LAREN that a~neat, prosperous appear- 9) Chief Gonstable McNeill, ac- ” ance 16 6 penppats Se eaem. companied by Mes; MeNeill, have) JERUSALEM, July f Deliy Visitors to Lakelse Hét Spring resses The Right Jewelry lreturned frem a holiday trip to ering @ message | Kine Ge we in get automobile ser vice i quietly designed is oxeeeoine of Vietoria. ‘i to an assemblage of t os fi Terrace by notifying G. A, Watt . i y t > ; fine ~ lerber t ve man ‘ark arage food, taste and adds distinction, Hl ‘The Provincial Land Settlement Southern Palestine, Sir Herbert the liveryiman, Park Garage, Tor tddies ries needs, a good watch, cuff Board. Wave opened an office on Samuel, British hist ' asion ace. Ww has a new Ford car and links of approved style, studs, George Street above the G. T. P. er fo! Palest i wed the truck for this business. Neaser scarf pins, a seal ring and other Bliciegrapl ofice where informa- severnment’s | ) ded the jable rat u conveniences! 7 : : eeation of af advisory co i apse nsiptinitnatanncitiaaiais tion can now be obtained with re- ore" i : IN PRomaTE R. W. Cameron fizard to: the: various settioment /under his presidency, consis! (Ne )iy nur seem ee or surisna “Take advantage of our large stock The Jeweler 3rd Ave. areas ip central British Colum. | Many ef Bove ' 7 bia and Cariboo district. but having ten ' ‘ , MATTER OF THE ADMINISTRA} | Honors were even in the base- bers from various sect mn a } ‘ : : nt MAT ' ‘ ’ PeTAaT ‘ve ball games on the first of July, kopulace. ‘ ; vchean init ‘}with Vanderhoof and the loce!l ant ESTATE ' 9 boys getting a game each. & C. Unaertaters. Phone 41. wi TICE ths t its! | | Lem Hartley, the clever Van-igggeneessneenaese T wes eso ‘ I d i ntereste in iderhoot boxer, knocked oul . ! ' i CUT. GLASS « Frankie Stone of Edmonton here » Tv SUBSCRIBERS . Third and Fulton at the. fight staged on July 1 in ¢ a - 4 bbe commaboacieuars . 2634. \' he Hitts-Keifer hall. Subscribers to The Niws * . ~ “ e mean the real thing. Sealed tenders will be tecelved by tha H. G. Tate has been appointed are asked to pay the a wit Phe kind with the brilliancy | yiister of Lands not later than noon oy new city clerk and cemes here e 7 ; s tt “ of diamonds and the weight of | te ®t day of August, 1920, for the pure 7. livery boys eact neutn n . fr ti *\chase of Licence \ 2434, to cut 4,600,000; With a wide experience in coast when they call. except @ . cat ot Suly, 1008. Ps I sx 909 = mewn Bene city affairs. Mc. Tate oe eee where payment lime be . : Hee ; We think it a mistake to put Jueen Charlotte Islands Dis- seas with the Canadian Camerons made for the year in ad- ® i KE cate ! Bt your money into any other| Two (2) years will be allowed for re-|liaving joined a Vancouver con- var fhe boys when * oval of pimber | id . , ? . j , rur ApsineeTRA sort. : Further particulars of the Chier Forester, | !!18¢ a oF 1915, he GW colleciivg carry official re- * KOT ’ ; Viptoria, B. C., or District Ferester, Prince On Monday evewing the G&. . sentria ch shoul a We knew you wouldn't want /'upert, Bt s ; ce S ceipt whact ould al MN THE MATTED , THE Berare ri} *-* Tonight ** t ' i t tt tt V. A, held a Short business inect- wuva be? presser. ed * DECEASED, INTESTATE. | | 6, 80 we did not pu ie other 384 . ‘ e a kind in stock SOWOER SALE XS x ing follknwed: hy a eupial lime. eeeeeeeeeaeveeaene TAKE NOPTIOCH : order of } : : Good eats Were provided by the . Hew Mes. Y Fr. made the ard de . . esc » , on Sealed tenders will be received by 3 ab f i “wes appointed A 6 REEL ENGLISH WONDER PROD! CTION 9 ¢ the Little odd pieces from $3.50) Minister of Lands not later than noon 08 entertainment commpittee. ministrator to the estate of Louis Miene Bg 3 er the 2nd day of September, 1920, for t lecea : a « pertie having \aime Lo $6.00. Brilliant bowls $7.50 | ourchase of asaniiee X 2384. to* cut re — = ‘tn. ; Site ken teen an. tf to $418.00, We'd like your /°80,000 feet of Spruce, Codey and tent | ¥ i 1 wo firntas sane, pranerty veriied y: lock on an area adjoining ie u bef thee i jay Of Augwat opinion on it. Cumshewa Inlet, Queen Cheristia Is saa ot ’ .2 artic iebted to the « | Dis os i are ed 1 the an t of (2) years will be allowed for re- { ihwetr lebiednets t me fortivwith + | mm oy of timber ' OHN i ‘1 Further particulars of the Chief Forester,> Meria Adan stove nip ll er Vietoria, B.C., or District Forester, Prince Z DAT th ith de ¢ July. 193 Ru pers. - { ; = i featuring NIAGARA, Joly 415.—‘o be ° ; louie of a seriogs impediment in lhis speech while at play lately Iwas the happy sequel to shell- [ jshock sustained by Trooper Hart |) Jeweler The Famous English Stars, Lily Elsie and Gerald Ames a Toces {during ati action in France. wilt of ada i ‘ Ce f wa’ Ba, ‘ Miss Pisie wil acetate ons then } Frooper Hart was a member o a ' ed j — ‘> - S b ° ithe Davisville Hospital Bowling ;, : » iia his original ‘‘Merry Widow }Hink competing in the tournament (| G d ; d : ———— traw eres here. At the beginning of play ass 00 $ ag ‘ i Mell . . Be Desirable Furnished House se Diets tothe wees amet oe: | int, Qndned M0 Canadian Kinogram Ta 3 rooms and bath in Sec- jindistinguishable, as they bad A gt ‘ Medal al Melbo ‘ ; ot hem I, tan anic tale, are arriving ibeen ever since he was smitten tn On Saturday next, duly Bray Cartoon Avenue, Scetion 2. France. During a game with a M B . 7 irink skipped by Davie of Niagara any argains th, at 3 p.m., at Second - jsome chose play developed, and in oe NO ADVANCE IN PRICES pe $2,350 cash Plan and blue print of Each train secs heavier Shipments ithe excitement of the moment M. LEEK, Auctioneer. Trooper Hart began to speak with KIMONAS absolute clearness and thuency. ow ‘this house on exhiljtion in Nani sails ancien io sgulbek | "he Jubilant. veteran returned gill : sxpeoni i ae ao. sale agents for twelve of the to Toronto with bis speech re rose th heavy Ja : : Ps to normal email lery, caref ee eiheniesb bibs Te = 6.50 e 4 , MOTHER SHOULD NOT "sain price, 010.0 DOWN GO THE PRICES! KISS BABY’S MOUTH |“ se son sage J ss Counsels Medical Health OF- pee Cals ecto $16.50 Q DAY | Dangerous Experiment. sad ‘ = and take « ome in largest shippers in this dis- ‘ rict Our prices and qual- ity are right. 3 McCaffery, Gibbons & Doyle, Lid m Agents 3rd Ave. Phone 11 —. Wire, write or phone us Rupert Table Su Supply Co. Co, PHONES 211, 212. | matinens have been warned by Dr. ' ‘ at Chee gms aay a. 4, SION. TE Sooal belie Gapellp gs 6 py | Th sd J | 15: di S d J | 24 Ta isiain Aine’ | orton vouwe |) {Mursday, July 10; ending Saturday, July 2° DENTISTRY die. giao score ee WAISTS: MADAM HOUSEKEEPER.--- You have only one way of making mone) |hasitate to ask«your ¥ i i rted colors at them, auyway TGRONTO, July 15.—Toronto|f| commencing man's saab your Teeth © fle leave veut babe slat: " ae price, 82.00 and that is by saving it. The saving that our 9 Day Sale offers will prove 4 ne decayed or miasing tooth conountes 12 strong wrins the : ; i and lewass your r eflicicney \practieé.of ving. baby w “com-||| Sale price, $1.75 source of wonderful delight for those who do their buying with thrift « iforter”’ as a pacifier, id declares iv r ; DR. ‘BAYNE pce ine oe s Sa. | COTTON CREPE i ata . ree t} Office Hours-- ‘Morning, 9 to 12; \sariite should be prolibited by It is imposslble for us to mention in detail all our bargains, but we can t! OUR COAI. Is IN THE LEAD reg yy os ‘Brenig, jlaw. GOODS fully say that under present conditions, this sale will be the best ever offered '° When it comes to quality, Tuesday, Wednesday and Fri- | ' by the perdyg cokers the public of Prince Rupert. and you will always find @day; from 7 to 9. NOTICE | Regular price, O5¢. bere the right Kind for every 91). DENTAL NUKSE IN ATTENDANCE $| ,, - ; Sale price, 650 : : ) ss PHONE 109 For ap | Take notice that Hunt & Shrub- ; ae ahi furpose. 1 APPOINTMENT 4 Look in at our Lore whe Ni . . *-* ‘ Os ds vols nal Bioall, £14, intends, to apply, to ae Pore ee i iat nee Down go the Prices. See Our Circulars! Visit Our Store —— eatsnnteeanennmam |Registrar of Joint Stock Com- ) , » have Power ’ ipapies to approve the change of Ww V eemgrnr we Pave Schooner “Naiy Mine its name from that of Hune & COAL THAT IS RELIABLE iShurbsall, Lid., to that of F. HK, will aceept freight for | jHunt, Lid., in aceomdance with Consumers GO@lCO, Ltd. |} ana imormediate Points | sulrameion 4 svstion 8 Gon. panies Act. somethime to suil you msmestale Ud |} Yaneouer,, (cei ete | Meld Trading GO. Jabour Brothers, Ltd. . | Room 11, Smith Block Phone 7 CAPTAIN Suara, this 42th day of June, A. D. 1920. 148 Third Avenue | CORNER THIRD AND SEVENTH Government Wharf, HUNT & BHARUBBALL, LTD. is" goal for—oooking, heating,