16, 1920, July Friday, : Prepare for Poultry Profits ‘ G" WIND fest nd tit J : ee Seat ates ) + ; “4 wth natel a / \ Fetwon Kf Royal Standard : Growing Food , : ' } Vancouver Milling & aie Co., Lid. : | Loca News Notes | EDSON COAL CO. secured the agency for the best Coal We have found in the interior and can upply any quantity. Our prices include delivery. Loose Coal - - - $12.50 $13.50 $14.00 Screened, sacked Lump, sacked- Per Ton Delivered Prices on car load lots on application to PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. CC rner A i Phone 58 Green 548 2nd e Car and Gas Boat Owners The Canadian Gas Saving Device r owners gasoline gallon has cut down local ca bill lower than one per 8 hour day Why can’t you save $3.50 to $5.00 a week also? Akerberg, Thoason & Co., Ltd. Sole Agents ; —-MISS GLEESON—— 20 per cent. Discount on all Summer Goods Voile Dresse Voile Blous« 5 Including Coats, Cotton Skirts and NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS NEW MARINE WAYS Phone 453 Shawatlans Passage E uipped for building and re pairing all classes of boats up to 100 feet in length WOODWORKING, BLACKSMITHING AND MACHINE SHOPS, Best equipped plant in Central British Columbia, Seal Cove Marine Ways, Ltd. A. Swanson, Preside rat E. Thomp Gen, Manager Phone Red 691 Phone Green 153 son, ubscribe for The Daily News: THE DAILY NEWS FLOODS MADE THEM LEAVE THEIR HOMES | Ask for Atkins’ Sausage, if ‘Eastern End of Prince George is oes inundated. Dick Greenwell returned from Anyox last evening PRINCE GEORG J 16 . . . HHigh water from overtiow of S pairs of children’s hose for|/the Nechaco River, which tas in $1—Jabour Brothers, Lid. 65lundated the east ‘ f the poe ee 8 y for the past i is Douglas Sutherland returned! .owly pres eding wits at its jfrom the interior on the train last wulee @ lot of da vad evening. melly houses, % t r oe P 2 4 pants we: forced t ' ~ Ladies’ half silk hose. Regular ss ae ‘ geri Hoe, for 65¢ at our sale. Jabour Canes err at vas the result of rh lirothers, Lid. 65 . ‘ ‘ vater this year higher tl | mil M. Urell of Balmoral was ver in the mens ! s— Lilie famong those arriving in the city) "et: i jyesterday, | mee Buy your silk e at ir sale ; lowels, pillow cases and)anud save the Lus fa Jabour jsheetings at record reductions | Be thers 65 i Tite's July Sale tr} 4 ms ; tele. We can save yt 15 Fire | Captain Broadhurst was among jin rance in old st i uopanies | ine arrivals from Anyox by the} Phone 7—J. L MacLaren jitupert last evening. jLtd uf ' . . . i * | lie H EK. Tremayimte has re.! on this trip » li the Gra j surne d practice, Oflice Federal | ! teamer P el i | Block, Telephone 341. 66 | pick up 45 tons of ratO i , . . iFalls for souther ae be Ellis of Anyox arrived - "50 ri the north on the Grand Danee at the Audit 6th I uk beat last evening. Avenue, Friday, tl! ist Gray ‘ . ‘ (irebestra Melfres . ‘ Demers’ Stock Reducing Salelilemen #1, Ladies 654 | | continue until July 24. Come _ , arly while the choice is good. tf In the Police 4 j . . xz \ st ne “ irged i Father 3 el was among thos Ya loads { passake for the south o7 { pst e (rand Trunk beat last nigh . is ad t Mond ? ° , i ri a M \. Brooksbank and fa eparing to leave for an ex- Gir ‘ duc “ d vis in the south Sunday tite j y Sales x Rea ee 73 m es : 30TTLED HEADACHES — For three ply cotlonwood lining BY THE MILLION TO Office Phene 120 Wharf Pher a 430 for buildings—can be put on by It is just as cheay Ww get you : umateurs—see E. H. Shockley} "imting done wel’ and dune at BE PLACED ON SALE aa iat Cow Bay tf) ‘vine as it is to send it away. Tr; ¢ ine Wri ie i fi i uy. fy : 9 e e ° rhe News Priat Shop 15 4 ent discount on all : ’ ™ (PECK, Mo : adies and children’s canvas foot- AW ; L I i cts d Cc % sts of ee ge waar and Flest.Foot.et. our Bele we umber, hsuramnce an eneral Jabour Brothers, Ltd. 65| x ‘EMEI eS re B k ee ‘ th $s, wi he sequestered roxKkers M : Mrs. T. KR. Brewer of|maa , - +09 G eto $s Mill Co. Wharf PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. : : : th 4 . " ‘ ; : rhis corgetown Saw ° a NCE RU , B. wa ne ose arri : 7 ; the Hotel Prince Rupert. Prince Kupert ore . . CMe YA Lane utritious 3 3¥eCa . . . E , : wi x itty diminished i &. EZ A. FE. Kineaid, Provincial Grand ,, ae oo. ores ad , ! When “Genera i p : art as ! a neve) Jtisdiclene » Master of the Knights of Pythias, |Rotice im this paper. applications , as tne ie: Rass Our Goods are all made from High-class Material ailed for «ae south on the Pring Rupert grant of a s d s toward Rheiglg. and TRY THEM Rupert last evening en route to at ; . Ep \ vine eillars were Th TD | o- a < a , s home in Revelstoke. to . ro troupe e La. Casse bakery v2 : lines 717 3rd Ave. Auto Deliver Phone 190 There will be no meeting of the , t BE 5 Ay rls Prinee Hupert Unit of the Army I BS ee ———— d Navy Veterans during th I “ : of July and August % ‘ I ete sot alin toa a STEWART LAND Co, Ltd. my ora ND Co., The Department of Marine ad- ; are 2 ' z ’ i bad dou thatiners thai the adetwlane e 101 Pemberton Block Fifth Street ’ . lites Sale t rr ; y wacon maintained on Askew Is | a VICTORIA STEWART id entrance to Granby Bay, B.A AT! : Dat : N : ' i i . “ me at be reported out and will be at day of July, LOTS FOR SALE ON ALL PARTS OF THE wrt a gt gee ee .M ADMINISTRA STEWART TOWNSITE W. G. Norrie-Lowenthal, mat ! eos Listings of Business Lots Wanted ; me {the &S Standard M ‘ \ IVEN iN ’ é i915 and Certificate of Improvements. mer past Week returned toe s home in pplication w Ss! t . “_" Poliee of th E. BURNITT NOTICE 3 => R Glendale, California, leaving on|™ : ie” ects : Registrar of Titles Dav perfield No. 1° ‘ anni, |S Aca ooms the Grand Trunk steamer last es ay jages : i ; : a ae Li ate i © Naa Riv uM Divis ; ‘ a Aladi night While here he attended to! ux \ know Svea Pool Room é _ — Wx \ w ; ? . \ 1 , oy . tiv 4d Lb \ several important business mat-| >) ' " ACI : . Minera), Claus ‘ ; Home Cooked Meals mn Johia vate r J r TAA : ; “ Pau ters and was greatly delighted to I net ( 12 aM e., s @., OF UNTENTION TO” APPLY TO] or Vritee Rup . eee : : Lends Diadae and mect all his old friends of the nee rr pvantamemeed EASE LAND ate N 1H18-C, as am oa Ww “ ; Supper i aw oN a5 In the ssiar Land District, Recording ‘ na ore 2 om ; eatly days in Prince Rupert. F bD sires of asia i, situate hy the vicinity Ae - her ; Try our Hor e Made Bread . “e 29 t « Rupert of Lot 4074A Cassiar > > 1 et et be Falcone 254 ? Cakes lite'’s July Sale of House b ur NoTICE is HE OIVEN that ¢ 4 BA = _ a . 7+ aa mt = . 7 a : , = rire y t af pera f this) oe tm itend 1 apply ~— ihe “~- Ae Hishings in full swing, uf ao ati - will be i ease the tf liowing de 3 w = or Eee ne nee ° e . mace f the Oty ed iand f in yy ' ee nia f ' era f @ ‘ en eg ata | the easterly Werk has now commenced on!) ss overages 1" |poundery oF ft tt \. Cassiar, 375.4 feet ; Piano Tuning the teol shed and office whieh will Anod Sa oe aE oom “Tarn a East mers is oS ) the premises & said lo rence t angles to 3 be necessary ‘in connection with/at second Ay chy Prit yundary eastorty 173, t more or less f lmpeeve- 9 ame 1 AR. Kinds of _Repairs, er to the Wes y bounflary of the Kitsau ents » the erection of the new wharf.) ooh babe . Jul ' Indian reserve then southerly along DATED this 1st day of May, A.D. 199% ; Che building is about 42 ft. by mere ney", } Applic wnt, said westerly Doundary and tte projection LEWIS W PATMORE. — GEORGES CAGNON - bes onness thereof Ox feet mure or less to the Inter: | CCC 6 ey rO ide Orders addresa “4 fl. and is situated on the Grand BYLAW NO. 3 section the eo With tbe RS by me a. TIMBER SALE X 2438. ; : ‘ de saan 3 Phone 71 /Trunk grade just behind the oflice Chay of | ¢ Rupert $443, Cassiar; thenee north 57 deg, 11 se ng iu Serene rarer es : x i Wes ge | et : said | at sealer enders t ” reeeived \ t oes of the Booth Fisheries, More NOTICE IS HERERY GIVEN that r Seed , a Bout lary , ayy | Minister of Lands not later then hoon ¢ piles are expected to arrive next days h : rie! said lot 344 bs ah way ) {uy : 29 , ; ey ne nat 504 1 mse Oo icence 24st 0 i » — 3 « 6 week and driving will commence said lot i et of Spruce, Cedar, Balsam and Hem- | Phone 866 827 2nd Avenue rorthberly x Mm ¢ t lock On an area Situated on Deer and Boa ™~ POOL, said Lot Airy : the point of Hane nce Lakes Prineess Royal Isiend, Kange 4 ; Cc. Vv. EVITT er wm and Htatning tem aeres, Were or | Coast District ; * Just arrived several cars of " ; Three (3) years with be allowed for)? Auctioneer soghalg ; ALBERT BO ARMSTRONG, emoval of timber ; ; House Furnishings—all in Tite's ALLEN PALCONER Purthe r parti of the Chief Forester.’ § Auditer and Accountant 5 ' j ! Allen Falwoner, Agent \ : DL trict Forester, Pr : tty a HOSKINS, Applicant Dated 12 Ma) iv20 r , Kupert, S Cc, revere rte ave prices. : : peg Mar REPS Oe Rat eee gt, , »