Page 6 ————-— THE DASLY NEWS Friday, July = NOTICE Cake notice that Hatt & Shrub Ltd., intends to apply to thy WESTHOLME THEATRE Negistrar of Joint Stock Com a to approve the change of i ts name from ba of tiune ¢ Shurbsall, Ltd i of F. . 7° Tonight ® A i Hunt, Ltd, in accotylance with Tomorrow---Matinee and Evening sub-section 4, section 18 Com a manies Act . Dated at Prince Rupert, B.., THE MAN WHO NEVER FAILS his 12th day of June, A. D, 1920 att Nr & SHRUBSALL, LTD. T e Pwo-cnlor windew enrds take i ve spiekly hee them at t O mM 1 . ‘ lob Denparturent SALE “Th ” oooemon Lhe Western Dioo Capt. L. R. W. Be | ~ hh ‘ , x | ‘ . ive bean sok ialae Famous Sunshine Comedy, syriney TIL Melbourne . ” srile heviaik sation i “Musical Sneeze (s i Medal at Melbourne On Saturday next, July FOX NEWS 17th, at 3 p.m., at Second Avenue, Scetion 2. moe Prices - - = = = = = = 35c and 15c ™. LEEK, Auctioneer. DOWN GO THE PRICES! JABOUR'S 9 DAY SALE commencing Thursday, July 15; ending Saturday, July 24 MADAM HOUSEKEEPER.--- You have only one way of making moncy | ( { Ach Fruit Desserts (COKING OVENS ARE Ho! For a Trifle} © SUCCESSFUL VENTURE } a kage iffy-Jell serves six or Ne. GS oe ee 4 en or twelve if iM. S. Munroe, Now General Man- Fou whip the Mell It is a reai-fruit | agor of Granby Co,, is Pleased | UOT Eitan eatece toe | With Rosuils | wea 0 * Pe Bal thin: C os OW t Wi densed and sealed in glass. ol J ; . a ng aps a er Sada: No artificial favor ia used in VANCOUVER, Tuty 1! rhe es | iffy-} Jel No saccharine is used. Hablishment of eokit ovens at E St i very housewife who once tries it [(acsidy, on Vaneouver Island, by ar opp es will always make sure to get it. he. Geaniy Waaaviidaied Miotut For this is io Ty = gelatine S soeststt A 5 j i i dessert whic ttled (& Smelting Company Wing a Our stock of these has just arrived. Come in and mat vee MP ENS | ncceaatet vali. inspect them. flavors—try it. porta 6f Munroe, | a : In Jiffy-Jell you get the delicious (0. ie of th wn tegn? J: S I fruity flavor and goodness of the (P°''0'" ahaa pig oF Mio pany. fruit itself. From 420 tons of ib per day, ; mm 1300 tons of metallurgical oke lare Deing produced, while the by The Pioneer Drtggists BARBERS STRIKE IN Grodiparrctavgesd sockage 8,000 ; gallons of coal N { Phones 82 and 200 P.O. Box 1680 CITY OF MONTREAL inots fucl, aud considerable G eo. avasttinete f animon ilphate THE REXALL STORE Two Hundred Walk Out, but G00 pynennl tar is used Vancouver } T Stay, so Situation is not so lin the manufwet f ote JOIN THE SWIMMING CLUB! Alarming Pd WaOTeuiaMNG tor tnaking Ter’ } J . ~ Stilizer hese t ‘ on S “{ MONTREAL, July 16.— Two! sidered highly sati : jhundred, barbers of the —loe al! gjunion are out on strike following Qeorewe Rell Prine refusal of their'demands. It Was | iypert Lunber | : } MEN of TODAY fstated at a meeting of the Bar-jfyom the Queen Cha satan give more attention to the details bers’ Association that it would be jon Wednesday un afl: Van of their toilettes for they realize impossible to theet the men’s de-'terpday evening for th IY ; that a neat, prosperous appear- mand. of #25 a week wages and VWaycouver. ance is 4 parapues to success, half of the receipts of each man —— oe The Right Jewelry over, $35. a, week, under the -pre-}jx rie sup ea: oo mutisn quietly designed is expressive of sent seale of charges to the COLUMBIA food ae and ve distinction. customers. © Six hutidted batberstix tae MATTEN OF THE ADMINISTRA Fe eee caee face still at work, wo the strike is) MUS Set links of approved style, studs, uol liable to Cause much ineon- |) JME. MATT oO TATE OF scarf pins, a seal ring and other venience. ‘1 TESTATE. conveniences? node ae ka ae ng TAKE NGaeiG ' Py Hower | Met ' ; R. W. Cameron |/CANADIAN NATIONAL 380.95 The Jeweler 3rd Ave. ‘OFFICE MOVES INTO der od, a Mt : a GRAND TRUNK PLACE ©)? 920: the ud “ t e Arrangements lave been made sie i Interested In in Vancouver for the transfer of | —— , the Canadian National offlees to). pup copitew) CUT GLASS « | a ythe same quarters used by the Mt | iGr : k Pacific Granville ' Tt oO ' ' ' TIMBER SALE X 2434, Grand Trunk Pacific on Granville iis rHe waTtER OF ADN ‘ We mean the real thing Street. The Hastings Street Cana The kind with the briftianes és Sealed tender . wy he. weet, dian National office is to be abol- IN cae mal ret Or tH t ‘ + j St . sig ; th Sth day of "Aupust 1920, to the. sure] shred, part of the staff going to F af diamonds and the weight of | trace or ticence \ 2434, 10 cul 4,600,008 the Grand Trunk oflice and the AP 2 Ce . iron. feet of Spruce, Cedar and Hemlock on 3a , H r fF. Mes. Y ‘ arca adjoining tS. X1909, Sedgewick Bay:/remainder to the Main Street ter- « july. ArD ! We think it a mistake to put ie Island, Queen Charlotte Istands Dis: nital ministrater { rict, i al. decveaset “1 A ’ your money into any other ent Pha will be allowed for re+ This change has been made in aera Rags ! = sort. ly Purifier partic ulars of the Chief Forester,} pursuance of the policy of com me a a : et L cay etoria C., or Distric oreste 926, and «a mr ite toad We knew you wouldn’t want ups ae riprabedidls sé xi tome bining the work of the two roads tatesare regpir t nt i . , : their tm i to to, so We did uot put the other in the interests of economy. Con- sOuN He 4 kind in stock. ' | TIMBER SALE X 2384. siderable. extensions are to be nite lies. a ee Adininistraton Loe ders will be rec made et the Grand Trunk oflices. Little odd pieces from $3.50) | whist 3 of Le lors will Haver" than “mpen ‘°8 ° ss | = sti to $6.00. Brilliant bowls $7.50] Me 20d day of September, 190, fon thd ae — re To? > » | 580,000 fee of Spruce, ed e Hi | - bo. $18.00 i We'd like your lock on an of ee SS ‘. as nic | LEFT MESSAGE FOR ' op on oOo |Cumshewa Inlet, Queen Charlotte Islands | {Pts c | : ws (3 moet s will be allowed for re- DELIVERY TO WIFE | ‘ ev ‘ tinnbe it | Further =e tiew lars of the Chief Forester, | 0 u Ber Rup ert B.C. ., or District Forester, Princed "TORONTO, July 16.—‘Feat ac-\]} uper t . ; - = Jcomplished, tell Dan.” ! e Jeweler That was the message which Professor, Charles Stevens left to be cabled to his wife, so sure was f) + eee oy Try he that he was going to success- |) errace fully make the passage of Nia- lgara Falts in his Moelish-imacde ; barrel, Dau was his manager owe a9 , ” S b ® jwho wak ‘supposed to have put the buy : W performanea through, but who Cl G d tra erries did not show up. ass 00 S i oe Desirable hamelaed House eae “Professor Stevens lost in at- , ai ; Sec- tempt,” was the message actually ove ieee Oh is 3 rooms and bath in See are arriving eee ie geen te the i Ki mon Pitan quick sate. jwidow and her nine children in M B . Pd 50 h iBristol. any argains | cilanasiaaniibdiaiaies Tes > a 2 3 Each train sees heavier §| ire ob ering ar $ ? cas ; | HUGHES’ CASE BEING HEARD ne Shipments | { lan ¢ lue ‘int f r Li ee vt . 4 | (Continued from Page One.) KIMONAS ae this house on exhibition in Pare ts é rest We are acting as whole. P ited howit a shorta f q + E ; rosiled, sho if a shortage o 4 , oem oun Ginaow: sale agents for twelve of the $1,000, oe }? _ = ie ‘ = rf ‘ es oh largest shippers in this dis- A sensation was caused in the ted sine _— ptt McCaff Gibb trict. Our prices and gual- Jjcourt when Montcith said that - price, $26.50, % c ery, ons ity are right. | Hughes became very nervous Sale price, $19.50 Seb ¥e when it was pointed out to him Regul I ce 2000 oe & Doyle Ltd. isaying that he was going to Van Salo price, $18.50 yea ’ Wire, write or phone us §)couver and would fix it up on his Regular price, 22.50 An k, Agents your orders, jreturn. Sale price, $16.50 math 3rd Ave. Phone 11 tliat et “T asked him on June 18 what These are beautif wat " ¥ R tT bi ¢ a. wey OE. meant by stealing men Come in and take a iene | iF Spencer's money, and he said that " at them, anyway wi) uper d le UppIY 0. he did not know but had started oaths r : | + PHONES 211, 212. by taking small amounts. He was|}} py» these very warm days ‘ very contrite and was going to f ome very nice inake restitution to the very last VOILE farthing. ‘The following Satur- ]} day he met MeGeer and turned J} COTTON DEN | IS ] RY over the ‘Times and his farm to WAISTS Spencers,” ; Tal fetin, ina vied colors and sites. Don't neglect your Teeth | teat price, $2.00, OUR COAL JS IN THE LEAD When it comes to quality, and you will always find here the right kind for every purpose, No tnatter what you need coal for-—cooking, heating, power © have COAL THAT IS Consumers Coal Co, Ltd, J. Lorne MacLaren, Manager Room 11, Smith Block Phone 7 Ww RELIABLE lr | One decayed or missing tooth lowers your efficiency DR. BAYNE Office Hours--Morning, 9 to 12; Sharpoat, 1.30 to 5. 80; Satur- dey, 9 to ‘12 only. Eveni in, Tuesday, Wednesday and Fri. Oday, from 7 to 9, DENTAL NURSE IN ATTENDANCE PHONE 109 FOR APPOINTMENT 8 | i A BUS SERVICE ERVICE TO HOT can get automobile service from) | Terrace by nolifying C. ithe liveryman, Park Garage, and) Power Schooner ‘Lady Mine’: will accept freight for VANCOUVER and Intermediate Points For sailing particulars, apply CAPTAIN Smith Government Wharf, es —— ——_-— —_——-— | If you have an alvertisement in’ jttis paper today several thou-, jnands of people will read it, They | |will read Wt again tomorrow if it} is still on view. Advertise often and make the ad, snappy and you) iv bound to get results. woe, &. OC, Undertakers. Phone 41. SPRINGS AT LAKELSE Visitors to Lakelse Hot Springs, A. Waite, | Ter-| ivace, Who has a new Ford car itruck for this business. Heason-| able rales. . if | ‘| e I Saic price, $1.75 | COTTON CREPE : | GOODS i ; By the yard, all colors Kegular price, 65¢, | Sale price, 55c Look in at our store when you piss. You will see | something to suil you Asia Trading CO. | i@ 148 Third Avenue | and that is by saving it. The saving that our 9 Day Sale offers will prove @ source of wonderful delight for those who do their buying with thrift and economy, It is impossible for us to mention in detail all our bargains, but we can truth fully say that under present conditions, this sale will be the best ever offered ‘o the public of Prince Rupert. Down go the Prices. See Our Cireulars! Visit Our Store. | Jabour Brothers, Ltd. CORNER THIRD AND SEVENTH