Monda¥ Yufy 19, 1920 SO ere oe xg OF ——— — SE , , : — . —_—_—_—_—_—_—_—_—__— — : . NN TOOK PICTURES ~ FAVORITE STAR sym (pone BORNEO WILDS HERE TONIGHT tithe Frederick Buriingham Hobnobbed Little Marguerite Clark Plays the! With Oyaks of Borneo—Nar- Part of Bachelor Giri in rative of Experiences j “Widows by Proxy.” i } Ce Ritennenbetite then + eup of bread) tod ; ; ma daring expedition More thar rdinars nlerest + cup » tl wild f Duteh new iis iround Marguerite Clark's i es ida : } heedertck Berlingham, director of latest Paramoownt Arieraft (1 ol pepper and sall’ ptlliig Paramount-Burlingham Ad-! tare Widow by Proxy to te eaeed aisht brush the -venturt Pietures, and formert¥ «hown at the Weethoine Theatre! ep alt bake half asene inted with the Lasky Film /tonteht and tomorrow, becadee it} rprisimety ' ration, renehed Vietoria tow\ia the daintw «tars firet prod oo 8 EY RAT 6S ORE ETS s RPE RE Eade & Bee ft et ieee) Be : aboard the liner Fuahimiition « ee becoming acclimat heavy a* Mafu from the Far Kast, says the the new California atmosphere as you cleria Times whieh «he is working, Miss ¢ the moving picture expedition | former Photoplay« have beer miveted ty Mr Burlingham > made in New York, and it is only} 5 sg: Milk C penetrated five hundred miles to recently that she left the metrop acific 0. the upper reaches of the Banitololis and joined the colony of mo Limited ee Kiver and into the Jungle country tion pieture stare at Low Angeles 332 Orate Gt. Vancouver, of Bornvo Hic mingled with the A jaree ariount f that ele} FACTORY &T LADNER, @. ©. head huniet f Borneo and for brated Caiifort ty nshine is re Hittin dwell and slept with the| ected in “Widow by Prox native Tywake In fie wanderings'it i« one of the brightest light fhe hed the novel disetinetion of tomedies in which Mixa Clark has fraternizing with the famousivet appeared The little favorite 9 Wild Men of Borneo has the part of a pretty “bachlor TORK ha ; April of this year, Mr.igirl, who poses as her recent ry Buriin am, aceompanied by a widewed chum ir rder to wit ' SELE’ Dut ide and two native inter- her the inheritance whieh the real pret after equipping his ex- widow is too proud to claim. Two T O VY E pedilaon at Soufabaya set out to delightful love stories are wover ewph the interior fastnesses. into the plot, whith is crowded Ihe firet part of the jourriey was with pleashnt surprises and a y steamer up the HBanit “tartling climax It was adapted yurneys commenced mek- ' ind after varied experi.. fr the Broadway stage success ing stoves in 1848. Still ih. ones @ party reathed Moerat-jby the same nadine and was he same line. of business rested by Waller Edwards. Nige 1920, Hufdreds in use in Met Head Munters Barrie eading man Prinee Rupert. t was here that Mr. Bu cinder eet ee “= LOCAL MEN STOPPED Breed Stork’s prison at the “mont advance VANCOUVER TRAIN oT Albert Ravidses and L. K. Shane! Hardware they tind baba thé bripcigal. pabt ‘ e SECOND AVENUE pant pears from (he ex. ore ene NAV Y UT Phone Black 114 ined @ feast, and when | Davidacd, tortor CIGARE i j ES PRINCE RUPERT piradaoe some am tement entral Labor: Council, pisses sxe" wastes set ot erp doin a. Yano O. BU. reafter developed all the feal~lodesi a aemene saat The exclusive use of the 7 ai . enl x \ rnive Vietlorm ® the car whieh they AMiliats ! Unita and Dates of he ead hunte oe ON-| were i statlied just as the highest quality pure MEETINGS victed on the ere a ! i er ! s-Canada was coming Buildin Trades Unit, Piret sugeested Ue beheading cer aroun e curve le men were ] E ¢ ar 1 Mondays, 5 p.m. ' and ' eo a goal Virginia Tpbacco has made ny 1 were re erale Horeed™ to jamp from the ear iety TOPO pe ee ris at Mc e by the D " save thete lives and the mpenre : ; a PLAYER'S the favorite fomen's Auxiliary, Firkt re WEE SOFTER, GnOUs : Clery. Tae and Thint Wednesdays, Social Infested with Crocodiles the collision, damaging it beyond] ’ fc wherever iti Soon tnd ene ee Povichiies the Bani River|. l At aN aos smoke the British epair, da Business Meetings t i" neham expedition ca Usieserieatiiitidinscenthadbedinieiitaddaitnaien . ! Fishermen, Every Thureday. — ‘ file nptiee i the Natty News iva hi Flag flies . Metal Trades, First and Third on oe : 5 Fridays. ads " ys if they could never get used t Fishpackera, First Saturday ‘ n | amera, at ’ perfectly Mu“ ! —— ~~ ' i" “9 Evil Spirits | TOM LEE CO i ¢ ha is " : he natives still believe n ' *® ' nena aie ° 8 ' and at meht plate food 840 Kecond Avenue, Weeat. al ' ys (bat | see i pal tside the huts to keep] of their super VEGETABLES 7 Wholessie-end Mete!! " a day are oe ec in Borneo Mr. Burting-| : ; . iy! nGdihan k 10,000 feet of film and General Coptractora and slit me " of the : , Labor Bxohgnge. a . c and. chattered Valuable pietures neice fastnesses om is } : para ve hat + ine : j , f Borneo prornaTe i RoR! . - omasantiy The crocodiles tha hh ati ife « nee b ; X PATe Prinea Rupert, B. 0. nfeat the Ranito River are fero- 9 . h lad the! ] ' UAT OF BRITISH) N THE St heat COURT OF BRITISH ne 547, "P"0. Box 728 ous, and the natives frequent in hat ie teen : Bc NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS try, bul fe preposes again to . Se . : rT 4s 7; out - [nN THE i He ADMENISTAA- IN THE MATTRR OF THE ADMINISTRA pice oe mt ac eee a ae NEW MARINE WAYS appetites, will return to the Far East this} “ THI j THE ESTATE ‘ N THE MATTER oF THE ESTATE OF aun vere : ~| Fat) ss si meet tei i JOWMN WA i DSON, DECEAS gD JANES §. ADAMS, Deceased ' Al ui eratewe the Dutch oor Fall The movie expl r is now iaiters _ ees Phone 453 Shawatlans Passage t oft 0 nel ac 54 r n hia o Ne o t in ore , I T oT t in rder © . ° der al strongly ad\ . this way lo New York | tpn ek ~ Wage | , saieiiene a 8 . a wand > on -~ Equipped for building and reparring all classes of boats up te 100 feet Burlingham against pepetrating Flimed Vesuvius 'S a” ‘ a nid ' . A.D. 1990, 1. was anpotnted in length, ws a ysl _ »the unknown wid wher Mr. Dutlingham is the camera | rvs : . vo8 7 ‘ - estate of Japiee S. Adams WOODWORKING, BLACKSMITHING AND MACHINE SHOPS. ' alelbwoust sciiittes mat ’ ’ me part . eased are sil yar ties mvine claims & &. Parker, Manager . : ‘ lurked on every side rat erator whe descended 1,200 feet) having : k } p 5 d estate re /agat he said Rstate are he cae, Tas" ired Best e quipped i plant an C entral British Columbia. : » sam pr rry furtiish Same verted i oniv from the wild animals, but lo the mouth of the woleano! : before. ibe . - the hye ; m1 Ms, : rife "i I re 6 y ‘ efore th 2 day of August, A.D al yn the wild tribs y is just before the. Creat) ait to’ the estate are required to pay [tate are requited to pay the amount of ea ove a - a interior, War, the pictures of which creal be r 0 : ¢ the febteGgness to me eir ae Biws rihwith A. Swanson, President a. Thompson, Gen. Manager Mr. Burlingham, however, wasjed’a great sensation in HKurope en J ve MULEIN, By Patmore & Fulton her Soli¢ttors, Phone Red 391 Phone Green 153 E a » be be . v y obstacles md the t ad Ste mela! 4 apis trator nee Rupert, B. ¢ not to be balked by any obsta wi the nited States, July, 1920 DATED this sa sos of fate. 1090 ee and after restocking his expedi jtion he set out to carry on his ex. jplor itions mils the unknown eountry., Animal Life ° s The dense jungle was infested | Inning Words with wild animal life Wild ¢ know one of the words lhoars panthers, tigers and! ining lester OF ithe. aE lanakes were in abundance At) >ntes t's “ inight the jungle resounded with] is THS ve know one way to getidees for the animal noises and the shrieks | \F KE WELL nas that $3060 p re. It's the lof wild fowl, Some of the native He GALABO SHOULD DIE KIN | SEE a ylo way. ys eiledésaenm. | WHOS NA KIM | HANE ete Day ibirds -have the most gorgeous IM ALONE re * fone tee tee plumage that it is possible to; bere me ANCDDER 3 A FEW Y inspire @ — though ee tne $4 ee LAWYER MINTS? PS oe werty. rch- w Da es ere very en | - Heit fe ot ceareh ar : 5 i Mr. jong-leet convenient (On for weeks Burlingham tor dd use. We ib aoa ae linixed on the best of terms with! (oes to chew you. ithe Dyaks, The houses of the} natives are peculiarly construct | f led, being built of bamboo and] PATTINSON LING [perched about fifleen feet in the} air on bamboo stilts. W hole | aco familie® of Dyaks, together with! their chickens and other | | | THIRD AVENUE, stock, roost together in these ele ivated shadeks. Mr, Borlingham ate with the natives and slept in} their huts, He was never exposed mz attack, The Dyaks displayed a asi) [great interest in the knives and forks used by the exploring party