H. Jones & Son WE NEVER SLEEP (40 Years’ Experience) ty ee WO Meee aK a eee) ANY A PRINCE RUPERT | , Rupert is ve ; 707 Second Ave. - Prince Rupert Northern and Central British Columbia’s Newspaper Agent J. F. Maguire 722 Second Ave. ee | ae “Ch r Dri Th eius TAXI TAXI bi AE al i) Phone 75 L T § 5 esolute Won Today’s Yacht Race PEOPLE ARE WORKING FEVERISHLY T0 HOLD BACK . FRASER VALLEY FLOODS Change Operation Edmonton Dunvegan American Defender Wins Set Pacific Taking Over; Engireer First America Cup Race amrock Cross2d Line First, but O her Yacht Won on Time Allowance; Excitement is Intease merican Needs Two More; _ MINISTER BACK Britisher Must Get One — FROM ISLANDS ats Finished Farlier than Ixpected; Fresh Breeze Hon. T. D. Pattullo Says Graham istand Should Have Road; already there Preparing to Make Repairs; Ocean Outlet for Peace River EDMONTON, July 21.—The Edmonton-Dunvegan Railway is to be taken over and operated by the Canadian Pacilic al once. 'An agreement has been completed whereby the track and road bed is to be improved immediately and engineers are alrady on ~ou in Sandy Hook on the Cour e in Sands oo Gone to Terrace. the ground. It is hoped that this step will mean allowing of a ae : : i. . Pacific coast outlet fer the Peace River district. j fopeah ' ' ' ' : , : ‘ \ ; oe = iat STROKEN INSTRUCTED ALASKA PLANE 3 aa | AS TO FLYING NEAR AME gre HAG REACHED 3 i News ta ' NEW YORK, ‘Jame 21.—Aviation GRAND RAPIDS 2 ; p and tt rules have been issued for the) : pave I ; BES ee COR nS America’s Cup races in progress j ile ye ; ‘ : ‘ - i ix ! tte - | were F i \ WOK, . ‘ eer re a Ons chibeniiitns a ‘oi nad for the first time since 1903,'Only One Left | Erie Yesterday ee . . . _—— when Orville Wright made the) Afteroon—Made 75 Miles INDY HOOK, July 21 Mias! Vhe We te Wins foolish people live |tirst fight in an airpl Per Hour. ; a ; plane. Avia- Vii Moh ] \ $ j ‘ ahead | Mailing 3th 2 Bi G M -D ke « LV | cdl Th = ia ids dehier shed cl tive ne gs ap. in atsqui yxKe tors are inte vs a GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. July. 24, ; " peace and plenty.in the cou ; d Acres ty toutenar Cramenen pTioting ¥ I h I h yrevent the blast of the propeller U found everybody well ‘ocba- reatens ousan Bree blowing Tomar either z the the only Alaska plane to leave Erie yesterday afternoon has ar- iy : The rules were drawn up for rived here. The time made on ' ditions and Hindus and Chinese, Men and Women, Digging, Filling, ip Tules Were drawn UG for). a3) pversiek STERDAY’S RACE had Drought his ship to a point Brooklyn 3, ¥4ene i 2 et recovered from the sudden). ..jeq pesides Dr, Reid and Mr./drawn up in 41800, caused some the refineries with a limit o ie Within 400 yard al the frozen Simorsean wore shiok Hanna, Mrs. Reid, Je Li Reidy son jcomment. jou small quantities. WAS CLOSE CONTEST — Y ete : , er aha aoe at a “ hice & 1 tne ~Hian comre tbiaihinnn ere minister, and R, A, Gordon, After a search through the fites — BIRTH he eaihalsad ir the oA The Cleveland 9. Boston 8 ine er, il against Stidnek fo of Ottawa, ‘ ie cot nee, bore eee coe At the General Hospital last ANDY HOOK, July @4 ve resultant well was Tike a tidal St. Louis 5.Philadelphia 4, the pointing of a gun at Constable Phe Visitors pocerene Ay nae Liou, “ f yy > aphe 7 ri my oat evening there was born to Mri ‘ay race vas a neck andi wave rhe ik not high enough Detroit 7, Washington 6, Ankrava hah Des adiourned far tertainment ts left a ee ipased a be . ne Ps Nas NS and Mrs, La: Casse,.& #0ms Lost, Dedueting her to threaten damare to the staunel Detroit 7, Washington , the further calling of withesses arenes me ae ret oe " ae er e ieee c le I ee ‘. 0 a Jack Crawford has returned to Minute handicap ou ae ship if was enough lo Cause con Pacific International League » rest after their long railroad) governor af aay eae - ae eae ‘ oe Of groater sail area, the siderable disturbanee, UU raced Yakima 2, Vancouver 0 L. KY Shane, purchasing agent trip, ‘e prominent figure in the revolu- lve rince per 1 1 ¢ | ve at ewe ve Oe a ) Spokane 4, at the dry dock, returned from a - - Stee tionary war, Whe Was later @ mer. Norman McLean having how gone 7m ea ee, ‘ FT ON Or: WP erent eerie a 6 Pee 0 trip south today Aavertion in the naily News chant in this city, was found. jlo the Albert, ed the ship like a cork, ictoria 6, Se ’ i