x ‘ o THE DAILY NEWS Page @ ’ , * ; —— ——- a —-— ——————=_=——= SS : : = aaa iis inet, ii GAMBLING SENSATION —§ jORIENTAL PLAY AT P ‘ Kobe IN FRENCH RACING) WESTHOLME TONIGHT ily News Classified S 24 HOURS | { at . wat Ot foun | PARIS, July 21.—Se notorious |Genatdine Farrar and Lou Telio- ( CENTS PER y - IN ADVANCE. No Advertisement Taken for Less than 50 , a ae have torf scandals become this gon in Love Story of l stm pet iabin sa esta lteiasereage tailing AL a COLONIAL AL AAT i mre Oo tee iceoncon, and the gambling fever Sahara Wastes. ee ane: meen is so creat, that the government —_—-- | WanTEeD LODGE MEETINGS yr ye : ae s pushing bills Mhrough the) The great star of both = the WANTED r ak LODGK 1051 LOYAL On y ; 9 Chamber of Deputies to clear up|movies and the legitimate stace,| we i Sa be aan Mable weer Mendér\s TAKE NUTIOR that Minin Ce ithe racing situation,. and curb/Geraidine Parrar, appears to a Sm ' ity or} evening GC the Deep Bea Fish puna, Va r BO wet crooked gambling. Although bet-|night at the Westholme Theatre) — a ase are tel cubie tf oo ; fing is illewal in France except byjin the gorgeous prodaction WANTED imine: Maat i . aissiesl ' at ¢ af (ear : = naiasatitaibiitieny “3 pari-mutuels, outlaw bookmaking)"“Flame of the wesert,” a picture! tative band p Lherde AUCTIONEER. iy 3 Wis tude the “eta er « general and about ten millionjof Uhe Far Kast and the Sahara Phot né&t tf . aa : mw from re bet throarh bookmak-/Desert.. With Miss Farrar also AUCTION OR PRIVATES BALES th \ Mt he bested at a ope every racing day, resulliny in/appears Leu Teliegen, makige the) FOR SALE ‘ ee ao eersen ewe - rite , : , ‘ a » loss to the treasury of France/film a doubly attractive, ° aie Ow ram — cel. re ° ef a million frahes daily, on the! The picture is, essentially, Ori- Por zi ALI a ate eee Ae tioneer, Second Ave ’ ' an wt Reducing ten per éent pari-mutuel com- ental in) character and Oriental) AN! the mac! aaa ea BOUIN Or | unition ait we Wilt wa Aeeneibiiond atta mission. Hinds Being atl the rage these) sett Imtet by iat ue SULBS, SEEDS & PLANTS. cen pom Use be SeteRtued of Clements, Gra Islay ‘ _« W ORMES Limiten Maurice de Rothschild, owner/days it ts expected it will) prove] s : "a ' of a bie racing stable, hak madejmost entertaining. Phe wooing oy yar ite Polips, Dalfedils, Nareissus and), : : : SALE i the charge in the chamber thatiof an American woman of superb 66x16 return 7 ore Peonies should be ordered now gave yA : the gt a ockeys, im the pay of eroeked | beauty by a powerful Arabians 100 pounds ot = Fall planting Crane x! 7 a | M M S col t wil nad a ‘ , t : a ‘ hea tephen bookmakers, having systemati-jchief in the wastes of the Sahara Plete with ee portation will arrive earty ‘ w hee : t ° thes Iwill continue eally pulled horses to throw rac- Desert is, indeed, picluresque and , 7 P . Oetober Send for Catalorue, |» mens - = ae ng against the favorites. In this |the play is one of pictorial mag renee Wireta ” now ready ALVA ti ANLDDIEN shiecthoms to | Tt petitior o sav. the public is being cheated |nificence as Well as intense emo halanced valve ACHES lhiporters 19 ‘Winch | “eitm “Gee Guanes : : * Nolary Public Cony no er ee - ad Rx10 Petrie | . ; Anveyvaacn wut of millions of franes. foths-jtional acting. rs ee : Ride., Vaneeuver, H, ¢ tf a me i Vietaria. | . as. child further charges that a big} qutitenen ; 8 Ampere direct mt we ’ notes in & At Mewapape F Q i § gee ee ee ee ' ; . > 9 whiett t wer w syndicate of crooked gamblers has! * ern Eeetric ret Ps ium INVESTMENTS ee Vue a ae x or vick ale 71 5x6 dut \\ ! ! Queen : , Chien . . { bo ught over a gronp of jockeys] S B . f OBB ree LADIES AND G&NTLEMEN — 1/50 Ss & oe ; or © wit CLOSING JULY 28 vho are manipulating the races port rie Ss } y mp. : atin 6 3 ; arti a : : : - ’ S pave —— pantry, a Ww ae to order. One jockey has con-(* mj 6x24 Califor i Wonderpho nd that aettiier of Water Wueehe ond with Ay 1 SER MESES. ’ fessed to throwing races which When will the time come for pl plis ‘ passed ods 1 = a S ; $35 ( —-——_ - —- 6 nnane - . : af ’ ’ + 1 » tte T i tted the ring many millions of|/more rigid rules being enforced Lan ' tur Be wt barat i ty t = “0 ee ee al ‘w This proper 00. 00° france. jin répard to the Janguage used at + as ep ae 2 tyvestuvent, we think ma @ onthe” @ a ” : ‘ Acrea e ai Terrace Qne goevernment bill provides the football games both by the i ‘ : om | b Areaented, 60 the Gul BY b} , rows =m : x , 5 : walk of th r g , long prison terms for interfer-| piaye rs and = spectators? On tg ee demonstration every da ane “ ' 11 * Rupert mY 2 ; Si asks m 6 rurmmet aforesaid . f » with races Another penal-| Monday evening it was more than ; eh oy 14-8 ce ! i mitivets TAYLOR MENTS MPANY LIMITED A 4 roomed HOUSE with pantry Get four Acre Lot or Ten tes anvone making books but the} disgusting for many sitting os : aor i r ! eat ‘ ad WV lérphorne a hy n . ‘ yet fe . ete, plastered s ad Acre Tract at Terrace fora | er will be dificult to enforce |ithe beneh to hear the vile tongue ra ‘ ; - Lid Mhied A e. next @ i ; ‘ 7 er conde ‘ - Lew summer home perore prices ; 8 all P rench clubs have see ret work going on Many ladies havi p ; ry woe ‘ ‘ fen Ca FORESI Nuk LEAS 4 ; war i i : . ; ; a rangements for handling bets ie belting } advance. Good lots adjoin-. j ne ! : justly laid complaints to members oe 2 ; : $ ’ Cc h ing the Tovwnsite it thesbn- ' Paris wineshop keepers, barbers, | o¢ the football leacue,. but it is a tw . . ' . ; ; : FORMS FOR SALE an " a mR: 1 50 0.00 as | able prices siiewsmen a! d hotel employees are jratter with the men themselves. | # - iz HXED I MING; oi ' Plenty eth ar oe ee goed ng strong publie opposition py, referees have been inst 2 t MOY ram 4 wea ‘ oA 4 te M. M. Stephens 3 it and | i s fito the government's restrictive |eq and en Monday evening Mr.|/ Fort SALI re ' ‘ ' ; Wi net ' ° : ¢ ’ : i iad * « eenene — 2 he Town Lots $75 to $200 pla Giambling fever has been Mecuiloch wae quick to check op k ansine 1 lnwts fas p nde tab onl : n ors ; hea! Estate Inserence Fuawc Mywe Write t high since the armistice, lany foul language from the tory rice is ‘ t! ' i ty eara t . : etced Kenney Bras. & Co. | y aan geerere shen be wis eee . a eee ale fe hee es 4 JOE FALLON ! than ot . i : : i. le le mand, but referees cannot be a h i ern All in t awn of #2 “ : ooo oe econ oe ee lover the field at the same time! & | 1 A f WW ; ' e new , o ; Real Estate and [nsurence 1 tlle as ite ‘ a = i ements lo ane nw . ey Sh P | T B C In-the police ‘ourt thi pis mn- and eapec ially not over the sid ] let i ind ettlers Aet now thew are rate 1 & XotK > s on Tmo . — oO ar or eee © TET ng Jas Fallon was fined #50 ortiines If men cannot go to sev t I Yn i free heok . i. a ; sixty days in default of payment,| norte without giving vent st i { pati ' ae ; ; “NORTON SHAMI PARLE WOOP C OS POCO SPS POOP DLT OOP TS 1 charge of obstructing people their feelings in swearing. meas-} i i tf “aa hea Canadian P 5 s e 2 te get a facta) mowengee to oe i om the sidewalk and using bat res wil) have to be taken to pre ee a y & ticae “ 4 LAN Al ; owes » ce om . Hand Your Baggage Cheeks to anguage in a public place.. The]... oeare : : FOR SALI F h.p. Mediy y Station, Va , , ; fie na ack to change the erg 7 serve peace during the matches ‘ i cans a auten t hale to amy whee reat ? ; negistrate gave hi ma very seri- a. * Nity Sterling Mngine, Bosch ; —_— ment, elvetrica on er JCE BRG )W : Ss rept inding and explained | To single out players fror al Ignition, 4 cyl. 4 to, in per \ t the Dea News VAN ves ‘ DieTMICT 2 ments, face 5 trode efit this offense was his first or}team sueh as the Trail fielded in| feet conditi $1,500.00 M Ke & : > noite. tte {fs r oeapeon = and i therwise he might have gfiven|Monday evening's football game M. Slephens uf ; an E —_ ppetite Government Building Passenger Service ui six months according to thelis rather a difficult matter, but! Se i (ia t Nad j i is . 210 4th at, Phone 49 | Stand, Empress Hotel, law. An example had to be made jeertainiy Vie Menzie and “Wart | aa , i . ’ mene ; ; [ a few of the men standing|Anderson ‘played splendid foot-| roliing hoa i : ies Pe ‘ " m6u% x Y T hea ! oe ‘ (Bae * 1 ‘ Phones 264, Black 334 i loafing on the corners of the)ball. On the half-line Warry was "ee + : 44 ? ‘ ‘ : tiene «© hore, thence - # |busine ss section of the city. Itiplaying in fine formf. and easily jue 2s i eS es cal meee => & Secret, aed taptsining 448 © : on ® . : . ’ £ ’ . Quick Deliveries tfifight impress a few of them that |) guarded the left wing of the rail-|PoR SALI ‘ine 2 army P44 voll aon “ie 4iT HD {j;such conduct could not continue.|roaders’ forward line. At right DD. . Generafar set, neatly new TURGER GALE K S578. ay ’ By Mark Semahy, Agent Ssin on i Catia $$ + $44 _— nee jback Vie put up a stalwart de- Wonderphone Ltd opposite Sealed tenders will be yg ved by ti ee toe oo none | Among those arriving in the/fence and it was no fault of bis} a . Hi pg | Binitict Paresior not Mier then noon « a ye A. ( "ER \ AY ; gity yesterday were Miss L. Smith | ig ‘the ball aka towards the} ois te . fi ee oe » ear Betie |*" u uf =e y SHITiON M ; ; & B 7 Wie ak : of Vietoria and Mrs. R. Moran of Trail goal. Neither was he afraid }POR SALI . £408 int : alsa avr LOMININ TRA artin us 2 Tpicagrs ‘iano $iGreen Island. ito mix things and generally got ly used Beaver W ern ee oem ee 2 : io 187 Second renue . — tf 4 ' ' 4 , j ' * ‘ ' 3 Mowe « omodat Studio 137 Second Avenue $| ithe leather away in plenty of phon i sf are of the Cite : vote , . Ady First cla acoomocalma PHONE Blue 421 or 444 $| j}time, | Montrea : "} ' oe , - i—s for Visitors to Port d woes wae” | | . . * | ae oe “ > Mel ; ce 1 . ee oe The regular intermediate bass |! i yy ' “ , c en ef TIMBER SALE X 2500. } Essingtor a) Crosby urd ball league game scheduled for ° ' : » | : ‘ Plants, Flowers Roses ints. qvenrne between ~ the Redi por SALI rT . ; ‘s Aus ve for t peecccceccoocereeesese ste eTeeteen Sox and the Beavers has» been maine | tf ate : Cabbase, Cauliflower und the Bea ts~ been! * Ur Gometi of, reat’ staan see at Somes ake i Many Varieties CANCELLATION OF RESERVE. ipostponed until tomorrow night.! neaens Pom anak - k and } * : ' wt , * ad = ‘ 4 : After last night's strenuous tus mtaties ' - \OTICE 18 HEREBY: GIVEN that the niniecpianiiiag D Phone CITY MARKET : rve existing over Lot 25%, Range 4,/sle for the Beavers the oflicials aNd sae bi dil ke are of the Cine mt _ “— /" ‘ a , st Distrie s canecelle ‘ry I re ‘ ’ ' . ! riet fente ‘ ; a ' t "0 n NADEN, lof the Teague thought it wel! f ae ad ao a ee e itupe pt 3 ' STEENS LONGWILL : Deputy Minster of Lands. jpive the players a little time to et 4 f aos BA es ' ‘ Phone 555 827 ind Avenue ; nce Be, recover | -gersam, Heal Msate, Mnsurant ma M Sheet Metal Works ” Ei on 2 ictoria . Gu recover, ; 3 + v3rd Jute 0 600 | Notary Pubic ” 1 C. V. EVITT Bc eect teen ec eesinseesentn ye FL ii ; : sl aay ae : pary am Fureces : ° . ' an v . Many fans attende ast ever | why * notioe that ' mn ; P Auctioneer cate por “4 : ane oe , ‘am FOR RENT the said Act . A “ Sanitary and oli Auditor and Accountant 4+y) coe or a he a ; ' ee ie 1| meeeremeiinecnpaet »