o! For the Salt Lakes Bathing Caps. “Water Wings Ear Stopples Our stock of these has just arrived. Come in and inspect them. ORMES [IMITED The Pioneer Druggists Phones 82 and 200 P.O. Box 1680 THE REXALL STORE JOIN THE SWIMMING CLUB! io == MENof TODAY give more attention to the details of their toilettes for they realize that a neat, prosperous appeur- ance is a passport to success. re )) REGINA LEADER EDITOR WITH RED CROSS NOW nounced his retirement = from journalism te aceept the appoint ment td the position of Red Gross commissioner of Saskatchewon Mr. Kerr was a member of the staff of the Free Press ween, at lthe invitation of Hon Wal Scott, he went to Regina in Keb lruary, 1902, to take over the man- agement of the Leader, then a weekly. During the first Saskatchewan provincial election of 1905 india stirring affair it was——the Leader ibranched out as a daily, and tl jhas been such ever since, at one time, prior to the war, publishing jboth morning and evening edi tions.. Mr. Kerr has been prom- finent inemany movements for the j ipublic good as a citizen of le- igina, and resident of Saskatele ;wan. POLISH PEASANTS "REVIVE TRADITIONS | The Right Jewelry quietly designed is expressive of good taste and adds distinction. Have you the useful articles every man needs, a good watch, cuff links of approved style, studs, scarf pins, a seal ring and other conveniences? R. W. Cameron The Jeweler 3rd Ave. Interested in) CUT GLASS « TIMBER SALE X 2434. ! We mean the real thing Sealed tenders will be received by the The kind with the brilliancy | sinister of Lands not later than noon on rithe Sih day of August, 192 Me for the pur of diamonds and the weight of | Me ot aay ol Nees ceecced rou. feet of Sy Ceda I he Sato oft on an area adjo ining T.5 Sedgwick Bay, We think it a mistake to put | Lyell Island, Queen Char vtte Islands Dis- | ret your) money into any other Two (2 yeare will be allowed for re-| t weval of timbe sul Further particulars of Ute Ghief Forester, | Victoria, B.C., or District Forester, Prince iupert, B. ¢ We knew you wouldn't want to, so we did not put the other | TIMBER SALE X 2384 kind in stock, } ealed tenders will be received by the Little odd pieces from $3. 50| Minis ter of Lands not later than noon vo | jthe 2nd day of September, 1920, for the | lo $6.00, Brilliant bowls 87.50 purchase of Licence X 2384, to’ cut Nervous. complaints. Bigney disease tc «$18.00, We'd like your]580,000 feet of Spruce, Cedar and Hem-|!raubles, | Piles. | etc. present. in adjoining T. L. jlock on an area 1711p, | Queen Charlotte Islands |; Cumshewa Inlet, etme” Two (2) years will be peyer of timber, Further particulars of the Chief Forester, | Victoria, B.C., or District Forester, Prince | Rupert, B.C opinion on it. John Bulger Jeweler allowed for re- ! | For Sale Desirable Furnished House 3 rooms and bath in Sec- Strawberries are arriving tion 6, for quick sale. $2,350 cash if Each train sees’ heavier Shipments Plan and blue print of this house on exhibition in acting as whole- our window. McCaffery, Gibbons | sale agents for twelve of the largest shippers in this dis- Y tradition of jsents the igreatest herbalists | sufferer from disease |Health eons Whose j distribution of Wonder j CERTIFICATE OF WARSAW, lant scoythemen are 1794 July 24 21. The peas reviying the j When they fought the Russians. Yesterday they marched through the city on Ithe way to fight Bolsheviki. They were arrayed = in Inational costumes, | } | ’ j | con GAVE HERBS TO RELIEVE SUFFERING’ No person should despise the lowly bert t is the Creator's git to tr the relief talks, s an ix med inal roperties for the a fsuch as:are found th ther work Creation kvery reader is familiar with the use f herbs tn the early days of British furmbia Every home was stocked with simple herbs and their use in cas« [ ickivess saved the day teanhy 4 tine The most striking tnstance f the va f herb remedies ts given in Une case Wonder Heajth HKestorer This prepara tion, while sold tm all drug stores, dill widely from ordinary remedies i is a true Nature remedy in that if contains tet a trace of Bleahol or drugs It depends wlely for its work upon the herb juices of which it 48 composed the treatment of the biood ene ' etisting in the various orgcan ar lifework of one of the world's and is @ treatment can overlook of Wonder Thousand All over the world the name Restorer is known state that it has given them relief in of Asthma, Kheumatism, Stomach tr acute form and the sufferer tried V: ' Health Restorer after all other forme of treatment had failed No person can question or doubt. th honesty of t testimotials are rer rded in ‘The Road to Health,” a booklet which an be obtained from your local druggtat Get a copy ang read ut through If God has blessed you with good he alth, pass it ou to a friend who may be sufferif Arrangements have been made for tne Health Ky storer in 1 ai Kupert by the Prinee it z co } Call and get a copy of Un n jenquire concerning this unequalled prepara | ton wees has made a new ree 1 it ihe successful treatment of human discas¢ MINERAL AUT. (Form F.) IMPROVEMENTS NOTICE | | “Kitsol No. 1," “SK IESOI No Yo. 1,” “Sunset No. 2 “Maud Mel tee } ad “Sportsman” Mineral Claims, situate in the Neas Hiver Mining Division of Cas \star District; | Where located About 24 miles from head of Aliw@ Art, on Kitzault River TAKE NOTICE that Lewis W Patmore Free Miner's Licence No. 21018 ©. a gen or William Martin, of Seattle, Wash ne S.A., Free Miner's Certificate N 3415 0, intends, sixty days from the date jhereof, to apply to the Mining HKeeorder for a Certificaw of linprovements, for the purpose of ob@ining a Crown Grant of each of the above claims | And further tke notice that action, un | ler Section 85, must be commenced before ithe issuance of such Certificate of Im provements, jton, hnsite subdivisions under sgrecinent trict. Our prices and qual- | Dated this 7 day of April, AD. 1920 Lewis W PATMORE ig ity are right. | ren & Doyle, Ltd 7 oy €, t , Wire, write or phone us Agents if your orders, 3rd Ave. Phone 11 1 Rupert Table Supply C uper avie UppIy 0. NOTICE PHONES 211, 212. - | NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN that all versons holding Crown Lands or Lots in DENTISTRY Don’t neglect your Teeth One decayed or missing tooth lowers your efficiency ee DR. BAYNE Office Hours--Morning, 9 to 12; Afternoon, 1.30 to 5.20; Satur- dy, 9 to 12 only. Evenings, a = wereatts. * OSs OUR COAL IS IN THE LEAD ory \ ‘ When it comes to quality, Tuesday, Wednesday and Fri- ald you will always find @day, from 7 to 9. | here the right kind for every DENTAL NUKSE IN ATTENDANCE $| PHONE 109 FOR APPOINTMENT@S need ~ ~ evict | ‘Lady Mine? will accept freight for VANCOUVER and Intermediate Points For sailing particulars, apply CAPTAIN SMITH, Government Wharf, Purpose, No matter coal for What you cooking, heating, power—we have COA’. THAT IS RELIABLE Consumers Coal Co,, Ltd, J. Lorne MacLaren, Manager Room 11, Smith Block Phone 7 Power Schooner eer lly held wader Timber fo ale from whom the on ch lands or Townsite unpaid is overdue are required to emake payment, within six months from the date of this Notice, cither of the full amount dua, together, with interest thereon, if any be due, of 4 substantial proportion of such amount, whieh must at least cover the full interest due to date, together with evidence that all taxes, whether Municipal or Provineial, have been paid, falling whieh the agreements for sale will be cancelled ae provided by Section 70 of the “Land Act,” Chapter 129, Hevisel Statutes of 1911, 6. BR. NADEN, Deputy Minister of Lands Reperimest of i Victria, B pril bane purchase CANCELLATION OF RESERVE NOTICE 18 HENEBY GIVEN that the} reserve existing over certain lauds former Licenses Nos, 16403 snl 16404, Valicy, 18 can | celled, Kitéumkalum G. KR. NADEN Depuly Minister Of Lands iL ands Depariment, Victoria, B.C, } ist April, 1920, 60d) REGINA, July 24.-—-Wm. Frank-/ lin Kerr, editor of the Regina Leader for 19 years, has = an- picturesque ! THE DADLY N ar Use Royal Crown Soap and Save the Coupons CITIZENS SAY WHISKEY SOLD OPENLY IN HULL ;. Nearly One Hundred Blind Pigs in Operation—Conditions Alarm Officials. OTTAWA, J i The liquor traftiic in thfe eit | co the cranting of bes . by the Quebes il Goveri ment al the 1 f the H City Gouneil, ts yth but satisfact y t lizens al large, it beinkg ned that illicit sale of st yu onducted a