e) aren A All kinds and sizes mack (40 Years’ oS nee) Agent E Oe sonne & bon NN T 5 § j. F. Maguire 722 Second Ave. op, XI. NO. 171 Rupert Promised Terminal Facilities Che Daily Netws PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia’s Newspaper ——_ z : eee So PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. PHIDAY, JULY 23, 1920 —S—s TAXI TAXI Phone 75 WE NEVER SLEEP Prince Rupert Auto M. H. LARGE ’ 77 Second Ave. - Prince Kupert PRICE FIVE OENTS RIVALS HAVE NOW TWO VICTORIES EACH IN INTERNATIONAL YACHT SERIES esolute Beats Shamrock Once More in Race Today as Quickest One of Series hard Yachts were Backward and Forward; Resolute Leads at First, but Shamrock “1 Picked Up at Last ee 3 ny HOOK, J i At 4.14 the Meso i ! “a | i lo i . 4 eight qi ‘ j af 7 | ! \ Fa : \S a i i i i ‘ i : i Sa le ; Resolute Over First. Resolute off First vi) OOK, J 23 rhe { war across the i hut won by four minutes, nd oft Shia { ! t s with the tart hemp anima at. ome ium allowance, “~Titewer were ells Ghastly Tale of Murdering Wife illiam G. Robbins kiils wife in Stanley Park on Monday and confessed te Vancouver Police last Night OLDEST VANDERBILT vi! i 8! Fare Sort Hasta CITY OF ST. PAUL Tock Over Four Hours to Fly from Winonay now to Fargo, Nerth Dakota PALL, July After a flight of twer hors from Win- Minnemota, ; §\SKATCHEWAN ALSO GETS TIMELY RAIN Seved from Droughts, Crops will Be Large This Year. ij acroplanes a IS DEAD IN PARIS °* vsahdr of Dochaso of Morteorougn POLICE SELMP LARGE Succumbs to Heart QUANTITY OF LIQUOR SASKA Rain POON, July 23 on Wed- Trouble. i g over a wide area AIK J esday and Thursday has saved siete ae ON Tameet IN SOUTH morte st aie Pecdon tien | ath f the b a hoo fering om drought. The fall Mis “ ind ‘ i ' y * e Police :. considered providential and “ at . seu tlt assures the hopes of a bumper i fa = ic ! ‘ : a Waldolwueat ere p in this province. : ‘apo t seize barrels rd od f whis- \ \. home cooking sale, the YOUNG PEOPLE WERE . ge neler tet rere ieatttncienlet a , ENTERTAINED WHILE HERE Last Evening’s Dinner was An Enthusiastic Gathering retary to A. H. Mitchell ||Hon. J. D. Reid, Minister of Rai'ways, President D, B. Angus, setratary to Mr. Hanna, find Vice-President A. L. Mitchell" thé roest€ of a are Guests of Honor Last eve g J. &. Re Dr. Heid ster of ra ys gale, see and .A, lharty cal y ng people dur- iing wi Hh tin they Ww st - im mul the city and ha Last 1 fits ner given by the Board of Trade in the Central the trip a i } HH J. LD. Reid, minister of railways, D. B. » I ( wdian National Railways, and A. L. M ! vice sident, was an enthusiasts a fitting of these success an t marked the first visit é y of Prince Rupert. The tables which | bore th i f plenty and hospitality I sit ! . t} — wit! ! i set by Peter Black and his Staff \ ‘ h ever before. There was variety with have gone BIG LEAGUE BASEBALL ||! smvresson that atleast @ good dinner ean be gotten up a Westholme ser acent canneries away PLANES REACH OR ailway Heads to Start New Development Realize inadequacy and state that needs here are to be filled at earliest possible date Station, Roundhouse and Plans Machine Shops Assured Feeling is that Dr. Reid and Mr. Hanna have Interests of Prince Rupert and Grand Trunk Pacific at heart and will do the work One of the most interesting and satisfactory meetings which taken place in this city for many years was that in the cily Trade have hall vesterday afternoou when the Board of and the City together with many other citizens met the Hon. Lir. Keid, minister of railways and canals, and D. B. Hanna, president of the Natioiral Railway System. Mayor MeClymont presided and called upon President 8S. E, Parker of the, Board of Trade te reud Council ito the visitors a memorandum of some of the pressing necessities of this part of the Dominion, which memerandum is given ver- batim on another page. The Hon. T. D. Pattullo, who was pres- lent, gave an outline te the visitors of the land settlement policy jof the Provincial Governm ut, which is BO idly filling up the romaat hich Js 20 1p g Rupert. citizens regarding the (Railway Company assumed when interior valleys with population. VESSEL. TURNS jHe also spoke’ pertinently off jmany points of interest to Prince ' . iti . © : > de- velopment of the port, the re- sponsibilities which the G. T. P. TRAGIC LOSS they put their road through, and which responsibilities were now assu by the Dominion Gov- ernment In the matter of the Forty Mexicans Drowned When icine tieet and the Schooner Capsizes off Mazat- urs Mp, lan—Cargo Shifted. mosquito Pattullo said that the Provineial Government was ready with a site, provided that the Do- minion Government would do the necessary wharfage construction Joeris 4), speaking of the unfulfilled SAN DIEGO, Forty Mexicans when the Mexican schooner Calif., July 23. were drowned \LOOLVER, J W j Pacific International. { " und |! he p facilities, including Conde turned turtle off Mazatlan, promises of the railway company \ ee fg ay » wai ars, were here Prince Rupert Mexico, according to werd just the minister asked the visitors iH S byt us s t wind vag Should handle 80 per cent of the brought heré Phe first new * now that they had had an oppoer- 7 | s t r halibut busihess of the Pacific }the tragedy was with the dis- tunity of seeing the city at first 7 we vast Mr. Nickerson also stated <« rv of the bodies that had been hie a i a aac I 1 3, 8 ut i ‘ ‘ Z sted ainly { hand, to give a frank statement National League. ' ers of Scottish s that there was a great future in washed ashor of the intentions of the govern- Pittst . & : oo D Reid and Mr. sti for this place in the hetfring lhe ca ise of the foundering, ment so that the people of the , , oe {. Philadelphia 2. : s 1 th ini. 2nd cod fisheries. Being in the it is understood, was the shifting city may know where they stand, ‘ x : ‘ \ ar hint : tre of the province and being of cargo for the ‘Vessel Was Minister Speaks ‘\ ial . s apl ius ail. » ‘ s two days nearer the Orient, Prince | heavily loaded dattull ‘ Boston St. Louis 4. : ; ; After Mr. Pattullo had address- Visited Corps ; Successful Visit. Rupert should . have a. better rE RETIREE maeting Dr Rela’ wae Call. orpse. American League. \\ ‘} us repast-had ahanae fos \ pees neeting Dr. Reid wa all 4 ¥ teu bedy and Philadelphia 3, Detroit 4 7 h Pr ‘id it 8 chance for Dusinese then. 7EnPor- ed upon and in a lneid and clear } 7) ‘ h i Was : , StI : KE. Pp ae ft Bo rd of rr le ver, at the extreme seule manner dealt with the requests I New ¥ {4, Cleveland 3 ae cae i . : eet ak eee of the committees he had been ve “ \ ‘ ’ irs t rrocect 1izS re : | i . ee . } j . 0 2, Boston ft, i a? a 34 the Bred Mek. . Ue ORNS Siperees hearing during the day. The i eam had w e bedy | placed thereo and ed i : =. received a great ovation and nintster launched out on the wht fi t hay tne ) King W ny oe owed th thanked the gathering for the possibilities of the Grand Trunk pre I x ! tain satonal Antien demonstration, He said that the Pacific and the Canadian National ind “O Canada.” In a brief speech |pusiness at Prince Rupert would |Alameda in eultions Saskatche- ; ; +} mn Coal Harbor i had marked the locat h i , By tania, ie, expiainad that. ww ‘ Lowe vas asain extended to/he as great as. these visitors wan Suffers $100,000 to the present, ihe Grand Trunk ; i . : . le ‘ y suspende moa tree I is | the visitors a Mayor McCly-/would make it. Its possibilities Damage. Pacific had not been under thé rected the police where tI el ia tated t was calles speak rhe) were unlimited, and it had the : eee, sicontrol of the government and i Body Located. ‘) told eran on yeopraphical advantages of a good RI GINA, July 23 ; w a ts that it ned been operrted as a "} eath was found faded on the body which was so badly R ASE Gays W hat had been m com- harbor and the railway grade was |¢yClone struck pietnes a, a tov 7 priva mpany. Altheoreh ff ere tl that | t A 9) lished in conte e with the'sccond to none. Now the trade|to the south of the provimee Of; | the hands of the receiver ! ahs x phere hray RS : inisters. It was generally agreed routes of the world were in the Saskatchewan, late yesterday it still remained in that position, ! dvin Pi), id 4 t they cise ‘ j ' i nt Kanal iy’ . os m » to e of 8 100 s ee ae oe , ne conta Two Hundred Thousand Dollars’ ee m the mostjmelting pot Prince Rupert should /Semac’ the extent of siuihah However,” the minister went uity,- Oa Wedneaday he wrote letters to. relatives bidding Worth of Liquor Confiscated sacar veongy tinany meet-| take its place, the place that all) “a> doge URIBE. a ~~ = on, “the Board of Arbitration has “ul bye but he failed to « ' ' le and instead placed ° a or of $800 s that th ty had already had/ihg pioneers were confident it the school house, onilapine ote new been appointed and I am tak- tii her bosom, d batt tl I i cle rted : } will allway heads would take. Mr. Stork referredj|matchwood — and all 420. pore ing action to place it under the i " ; | r trottle “o Th und depa ad, enemmsee ¢ ‘ . % _ . ae Ps = * . p i VANUOUVER, July 2 Four QO, H. Nels next speaker, /(y the plentitude of coal néar this|ltnes went down. Three persons operation of the Canadian , Na- i) ul oS rt we were | ; e 7 1 Wife's Family Known. ; : . ¢ whiskey (referred briefly to (he agricultural | port and pointed to the fact that/Were badly injul d. tional System. With that end in transpires that Robb abana te inmate of tha Naw West.) teen + nenee ee ; possibilities of ¢ central coun-|eoal would soon take its old place r RESCUES view we have already made pro- lue i ayvoo uo “as een Con ip . . , P . P'er asylum some time ago but w little known around this Z Pe 1 S800 7 1 ted. in try itiguous to Prince Rupert, as the universal fuel. With so SHAMROCK vision for more equipment in or- rhe murdered woman was the daughter of Frank M, Yorke, an m a ge It of dhe find ' ing that tra rlation must’ many natural advantages as TEN PEOPLE IN STORM dor that we may fienysed.with tie Many year rai } j i ! | { - aa a { il : not wail | ss but that prince Rupert had, he was con- requirements of the road, i evedaore i era ne id gravel 1 ehat orris Pl i sel snow ocd . noun a bot Viet a ~ | f ‘ nerchan . rri ‘1 in ; . " o re a , transi tation W d have to come fident that these men would see NEW YORK. July 23 rhe Promises Station. 1 eee itterly of \ ouver, Her father is a Jew, guilty of setiing ANG Reepins oy ta business would follow./to it that it got the development SI ; mrock yestet lay rescued a “Il was indeed very much sur- ‘ quot 0 sale i iis ssidene A ns Shamrock esterday 5 t i her-in-law of the late J ce Theodore Davie, pioneer of the |auer for sa iw ‘i “ ‘he city should v reach oul and) jusified, fishing party in a broken boat prised on my arrival here to find Vince and a brother of Mather Yorke of San Francisco \ Plant, It ts understood, Wi! AP= ake all the ide that belongs to Hon, ‘Ty D. Pattullo, minister * Veterans vs. All-Stars * the new management the eons * 3:30 Tomorrow. * struction of a station, roundhouse * Admission 500. * and machine shop and the work > ’ BENEFIT FOOTBALL GAME @ will be proceeded with as svon Continued on Page 2 see eeeeeeeeeenae ee cea a> ane Ws Ore see a ee es J ’ s hj ' 4 g ’