THE DAILY NEWS SS Friday, July 24, 1920, r EDSON C0 AL C0. r Local News fats | mi} a Pineapple For One ron We have secured the agency for the best Coal In Jiffy-Jell desserts the {; vors are abundant. | found in the interior and can upply any quantity. Our prices include delivery half a pineapple is cru the flavor for one pint is done in Hawaii f: Loose Coal - - - $12.50 Screened, sacked - $13.50 Lump, sacked- - - $14.00 ripe to ship All Jiffy-Jell fruit fla Per Ton Delivered r. Joseph T. arrived ee pee tT aes n the interior by the train last from condensed fruit Prices on car load lots on application to ig age | Sport Br: i she i with Tomato Sauce come in liquid fort Bevgeta = yet Py jreatles eduction in prices al [ise eee ey PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. Mie ae a, FEW cents’ worth of Davies Pork and. angot considerable inl Beans provide as much nutriment as the. Called many foods three times as costly. If you’ve never tried DAVIES, you’ve a new delight in Pork and Beans awaiting you. These perfectly cooked, hand - sorted white beans, with the tasty piece of pork and our delicious tomato sauce are a treat you will enioy often, once you've tried the first tin. IE) == ~ DAVIES orkand Beans Ask for aerne * Sausage. tr) Buy a cake at the Wut Satur ert for six south on flavor, no sacci night delicious fruit de Mt comes in ten dite oice Fred Ritchie went Prinee Rupert last Mandy | eiteenhenitrite neni ss Green 548 Phone 58 rry festival and cone resbyterian Church h at 8:30, Strawhe Car and Gas Boat Owners The Canadian ! Gas Saving Device j.:2 sss “oe neham last). Was among those|iub Vancouver by last has cut down local car owners gasoline | d. Gil arrived bill lower than one gallon per 8 hour day Why can’t you save $3.50 to Anyox and will remau ow night in town, ieneral Blacklock ; E Ground Difficulties Order several tins today from your dealer. Also ask him about the other delicious— $5.00 a week also? Akerberg, Thos nson n & 65) 40b STEWART LA 101 Pemberton Bloch Oe : ee rey Ge SeFOODS “% ee oa Made in Canada Davie “A Different Dish for Every Day” ND Co. Ltd. Fifth Street Corned Beef Corned Beef Hash Ox Tongue Potted Meats Lunch Ton Roast Bee Beefsteak and Onions Devilled Meats VICTORIA STEWART LOTS FOR SALE ON ALL PARTS OF THE STEWART TOWNSITE ots Wanted LOCAL AGENTS Listings of Business I HELGERSON, LTD -MISS GLEESON 20 per cent. Discount on all Summer Goods \ Dress« ( \ OL ELLE LE OLLEOLELEOLEOOOOOCEEOD CG CT LOOLOO OL OLOLO LOO O LE OOM MEE NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS NEW MARINE WAYS hone 453 Shawatlans Passage : for t t feet VO) KING ILA MI . \NL MACHIN SHOPS Seal Cove Marine Ways, Lid. ‘ ger Pho ne nae aa Phos 1s Midis 18 3 — — ith Our modern equipment and sanitary methods, we produce a wholesome Nutritious Bread dur Goods are all made from High-class Material TRY THEM The La Casse Bakery Vl? Grd Ave, Auto Delivery Phone 190 ORNS € on sing rT the merchan $a connestic & with a sound uk 14 Aovalu Our « " u ae h ‘to a x gu tae 1g experienca, are in ® Of} any financial 4, "60 unt elo. VAG < point Tee rit sin keep- eg a wa 1A w healt y condition. An ime | 1001s the aute matic © rece'pt by else : ough the buyment of scoounts sources exceed §174,000,000 4 ION BANK OF CANADA ince ay ais : nT Rupert Branch A. T. Broderick, Manager 2 OCMC RIG AAPA RARE SR 8 | Grass Hockey. FISH ARRIVALS on the Prince Rupert spending the city and at wecblhen an t evening after ist few weeks in the p the river in con with Chinese cannery interests ° ior, Ugiow of the department of at the University of rit ved from Stew student geo They will by tomorrow's eologry fh Columbia at int with a party of { ist evening wd to Where Pacitl train they will make fur excursions el Wa d 50 wil leaving for the i on the Grand Trunk boat last evening was J, Rochon who # taken @ very protpinent part’#* ball league here As the Ked Sox he wor f players on all the teams and last evening a # laren nutobelr gathered at the him a safe Journey . . mest those Tu SUBSCRIBERS has i the bas pitcher for the friendship boys they payment for tae yeu vane rh colleeiime ¢ livery when ‘ lo wish where made of House Fut when Swink tf pee * Just arrived several cars Of @ House Furnishings—all in Tite * male pric eee ee eR RRO Re vy Salk full Vite hu in bishings arry i vhich should al ways be preserve eaeeaeeeenaneeeeenre ’ . . . + ‘ * - . * - .* oe ' , \ and seventeen other varieties of package foods—all prepared in our com- » = CANCELLS provements, LAND ACT ling Dis Arm 4 at Alice f improvements. M : Mi g Division jd TION OF RESERVE. ce of intention to Apply to Lease Land. an Nonrict It River i Patmore Dated 12 pletely equipped kitchens under Government inspection ‘THE WILLIAM DAVIES COMPANY, Lizited Toronto : Montreal e NOTICE TO FISHERMEN BIG SUPPLY OF FRESH BAIT and Ice At BUTEDALE CANNERY WESTERN PACKERS, LIMITED Butedaie, B.C. ‘THE VANDERHOOF HOTEL VANDERHOOF, B.C. The Hotel That Is A Home. - Cemtrally located. Convenient to devot. Good service European Plan. Garage and Livery in connection, UNDER NeW MANAGEMENT JAS. F. McCORMACK - - - Manager Office Phone 130 Wharf Phone 423 LePine & Wright, Ltd. ORE & CO, BUILDING) (Peck, Mo Lumber, Insurance and General Brokers Georgetown Saw Mill Co. Wharf PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. - LAND AUT, OF INTENTION Te APPLY Tu Lt .Y peen. t : . The ‘Smmeeton 4 al ieourding ‘ situate vieinity < aisiat ms ' ¢, Allen Faleoner and ow ne me , “ $ : rm : at hice Arm :